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ENGLISH January 3, 2020

I. IDENTIFYING ERRORS: Choose the underlined word or phrases labeled a, b, c, or d which are
NOT acceptable in formal written English. Choose e if there is no error.
1. Most of people have a computer at home these days.
a. Most of people b. have c. a d. these e. No Error
2. The teachers should be friendly to their students whenever needed.
a. The teachers b. should be c. their d. needed e. No Error
3. This is an university of wizards and witches casting powerful spells.
a. This b. an university c. casting d. spells e. No Error
4. I need an advice from you about buying a car this weekend.
a. need b. an advice c. from you d. buying e. No Error
5. We always go fishing in the evening with Uncle Tom and his family.
a. Go fishing b. in the evening c. with d. and e. No Error
6. The factory has all the latest equipments needed for construction purposes.
a. Factory b. all c. latest equipments d. needed e. No Error
7. Don’t go out in the night . It’s not very safe.
a. Don’t b. in the night c. . d. It’s e. No Error
8. I live at New York with my grandmother since my parents died from car accident.
a. at b. with c. since d. from e. No Error
9. The concert had already started when we arrived in the venue.
a. concert b. had already started c. when d. arrived in e. No Error
10. There are less libraries today compared to ten years ago.
a. There are b. less libraries c. compared d. ago e. No Error
II. ANALOGY: Choose the letter that corresponds to the pair of words that is related in the same
way as the given pair of words.
a. jockey : horse c. mason : stone e. potter : paint
b. contractor : building d. cowboy : boot
a. finicky : thoughtful c. envious : desiring e. ridiculous : silly
b. cautious : emotional d. shy : familiar
a. mood : feeling c. dream : fantasy e. highlight:indication
b. weeping : madness d. plan : negation
a. fallacy : dismay c. satire : anger e. horror : fear
b. genre : mystery d. mimicry : tears
a. loyalty : duplicity c. intensity : color e. generosity : elation
b. devotion : reverence d. eminence : anonymity
a. taste : style c. smell : stench e. speech : oration
b. touch : massage d. sight : panorama
a. radius : bone c. tissue : organ e. scalpel : incision
b. brain : nerve d. blood : vein
a. confusion : penance c. decorum : decoration e.outrage:consideration
b. infinity : meaning d. elation : jubilance
a. aviator : licensed c. procrastinator : conscientious e. moderator :vicious
b. inventor : imaginative d. overseer : wealthy
a. chain : letter c. telephone : call e. hymn : concerto
b. bell : church d. jingle : commercial

III. READING COMPREHENSION: Read each selection then answer the questions each. Choose the
letter that corresponds to the correct answer based on the given selection/s.
A. Many cities have distributed standardized recycling containers to all households with directions that
read: “We would prefer that you use this new container as your primary recycling container as this will
expedite pick-up of recyclables. Additional recycling containers may be purchased from the City.”
1. According to the directions, each household
a. may only use one recycling container.
b. must use the new recycling container.
c. should use the new recycling container.
d. must buy a new recycling container.
2. According to the directions, which of the following is true about the new containers?
a. The new containers are far better than other containers in every way.
b. The new containers will help increase the efficiency of the recycling program.
c. The new containers hold more than the old containers did.
d. The new containers are less expensive than the old containers.
B. Ratatouille is a dish that has grown in popularity over the last few years. It features eggplant, zucchini,
tomatoes, peppers, and garlic; chopped, mixed, sautéed, and finally, cooked slowly over low heat. As the
vegetables cook slowly, they make their own broth, which may be extended with a little tomato paste.
The name ratatouille comes from the French word touiller, meaning to stir or mix together.
3. Which of the following is the correct order of steps for making ratatouille?
a. chop vegetables, add tomato paste, stir or mix together
b. mix the vegetables together, sauté them, and add tomato paste
c. cook the vegetables slowly, mix them together, add tomato paste
d. add tomato paste to extend the broth and cook slowly over low heat
4. Ratatouille can best be described as a
a. French pastry.
b. sauce to put over vegetables.
c. pasta dish extended with tomato paste.
d. vegetable stew.
C. The competitive civil-service system is designed to give candidates fair and equal treatment and to
ensure that federal applicants are hired based on objective criteria. Hiring has to be based solely on a
candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities (which you’ll sometimes see abbreviated as ksa), and not on
external factors such as race, religion, sex, and so on. Whereas employers in the private sector can hire
employees for subjective reasons, federal employers must be able to justify their decision with objective
evidence that the candidate is qualified.
5. The paragraph best supports the statement that
a. hiring in the private sector is inherently unfair.
b. ksa is not as important as test scores to federal employers.
c. federal hiring practices are simpler than those employed by the private sector.
d. the civil service strives to hire on the basis of a candidate’s abilities.
6. The federal government’s practice of hiring on the basis of ksa frequently results in the hiring of
a. based on race, religion, sex, and so forth.
b. who are unqualified for the job.
c. who are qualified for the job.
d. on the basis of subjective judgment.
D. Use of electronic mail (e-mail) has been widespread for more than a decade. E-mail simplifies the flow
of ideas, connects people from distant offices, eliminates the need for meetings, and often boosts
productivity. However, e-mail should be carefully managed to avoid unclear and inappropriate
communication. E-mail messages should be concise and limited to one topic. When complex issues need
to be addressed, phone calls are still best.
7. The main idea of the paragraph is that e-mail
a. is not always the easiest way to connect people from distant offices.
b. has changed considerably since it first began a decade ago.
c. causes people to be unproductive when it is used incorrectly.
d. is effective for certain kinds of messages but only if managed wisely.
8. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?
a. Appropriate Use of E-Mail
b. E-Mail’s Popularity
c. E-Mail: The Ideal Form of Communication
d. Why Phone Calls Are Better Than E-Mail
E. In criminal cases, the availability of readable fingerprints is often critical in establishing evidence of a
major crime. It is necessary, therefore, to follow proper procedures when taking fingerprints. In major
cases, prints should be obtained from all persons who may have touched areas associated with a crime
scene, for elimination purposes.
9. The main idea of the paragraph is that
a. because fingerprints are so important in many cases, it is important to follow the correct course
in taking them.
b. all fingerprints found at a crime scene should be taken and thoroughly investigated.
c. if the incorrect procedure is followed in gathering fingerprints, the ones taken may be useless.
d. the first step in investigating fingerprints is to eliminate those of non-suspects.
10. The paragraph best supports the statement that
a. no crimes can be solved without readable fingerprints.
b. all persons who have touched an area in a crime scene are suspects.
c. all fingerprints found at a crime scene are used in court as evidence.
d. all persons who have touched a crime scene area should be fingerprinted.

1. a. Most of people-- Most people (To talk generally, use most people/students etc.)
2. a. The teachers --- Teachers (Use no article when generalizing with plurals)
3. b. an university --- a university
4. b. an advice --- some advice
5. e. No Error
6. c. latest equipments --- latest equipment
7. b. in the night --- at night (in the morning/afternoon/evening)
8. a. at --- in (live in + city/country while live at + specific address)
9. d. arrived in --- arrived at (arrive at + specific place while arrive in + city or country)
10. b. less libraries --- fewer libraries (less + uncountable noun while fewer + countable noun)

1. b. A cobbler makes and repairs shoes; a contractor builds and repairs buildings.
2. e. To be phobic is to be extremely fearful; to be ridiculous is to be extremely silly.
3. c. Obsession is a greater degree of interest; fantasy is a greater degree of dream.
4. e. Slapstick results in laughter; horror results in fear
5. b. Verve and enthusiasm are synonyms; devotion and reverence are synonyms
6. c. A cacophony is an unpleasant sound; a stench is an unpleasant smell.
7. a. The deltoid is a muscle; the radius is a bone
8. d. Umbrage and offense are synonyms; elation and jubilance are synonyms.
9. b. Being erudite is a trait of a professor; being imaginative is a trait of an inventor
10. d. A dirge is a song used at a funeral; a jingle is a song used in a commercial.


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. D

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