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Reference Toolkit

12. Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities – Example

Responsibilities and Authorities Roles

Management System Owner Managing Director

Ownership & Maintenance of Asset Register IT Manager

IS Risk Assessment IS Manager

• Undertake Risk Assessment
• Maintenance of Risk Treatment Plan

MS Internal Audit Process IS Manager (Lead Auditor)

• Planning of Audit Schedule Internal Auditors
• Undertaking audits and monitoring progress

Business Continuity
• Undertaking BIA and Risk Assessment BC Manager
• Maintaining BC Plans
BC Manager
• Scheduling Exercising of Plans
• Undertaking Exercises
• Reviewing post Exercise Reports
• Maintaining BC Wallet Card Template
BC Manager
Business Continuity Incident Management Members of the incident
management team

Information Security Incident Management

IS Manager
• Reporting Incidents
• Monitoring & Closing Incidents

ISMF /Management Review

• MS Measurement and Metrics IS Manager
• Objectives Managing Director
• Scheduling meetings and taking minutes
• Chairing meeting

As per ISMS Master Documentation

Maintaining MS Documentation
• Creating/Updating
IS Manager
• Loading to SharePoint
• Approving Documentation ISMF

ISM02201ENGX v1.0(AD03) Jan 2022 ©The British Standards Institution 2022 1 of 2

Reference Toolkit

Responsibilities and Authorities Roles

Awareness IS Manager
• Prepare material HR Manager
• Deliver / Monitor

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