Class IX No Men Are Foreign

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James Kirkup
I. Answer the following Questions:
1. Explain the line: ‘ Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes’
Ans: the line means that though the outward appearance of people varies because of
their attires, there is an inherent similarity between all human beings. All people live
and breathe in a similar fashion. Militaries in the world may have different uniforms
but they comprise of human being who essentially are the same anywhere in the
Uniform refers to the various dresses that people of various countries wear. It can be the
uniform worn by the military of different countries.
2. Explain : ‘…in which we all shall lie’
Ans: The poet says that at the end of our respective lives, we all shall lie burried in the
same earth. He means to draw our attention to the common fact that awaits us regardless
of our nationality.
3. Which are the poetic devices used in the poem?
Ans: 1. Alliteration : body breaths, which we shall lie etc.
2. Metaphor : war’s long winter starved. Their hands are ours etc
3. Repetition : remember, no men, no countries etc.

II. Reference to Context:

1. ‘They , too , aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own.’

a) Who do ‘they’ refer to in the first line?

Ans: ‘They’ refer to the people of the other countries who consider as strangers.
b) What are they aware of?
Ans: They are aware of the benefits of the sun, air and water. Like us, they also draw
sustenance from these elements of nature.
c) Which poetic device has been used in this stanza?
Ans: The poetic device used in ‘war’s long winter starved’ and ‘their hands are ours’
are examples of ‘Metaphor.’
Here the starvation caused by the harsh winter season has been
compared indirectly to the destructive period of war time. The winter of war has been
called ‘long’ because unlike the natural phenomenon of winter season, it is a self-
inflicted trouble that not only robs the warmth of peace but also seems unending.
In the line ‘their hands are ours, the poet compares the basic nature of human beings.
It means that they too work hard with their hands to earn livelihood like us.
III. Long Answer Questions:
1. What is the central idea of the poem?
Ans: The central idea of the poem is that all human beings are similar and equal.
Hence, we should love one another and live in peace and harmony. Universal
brotherhood and harmonious co-existence will not only unite us but will also save our
mother earth from getting polluted and damaged. We should frustrate the evil designs.
We should understand and try to recognise that the same soul runs through all the
people. Let us work for the unity and prosperity of all lands and all people.
Let us not pollute and defile the earth which is ours. Hatred and narrow ideas pollute
the minds of the people. Conflicts and wars bring destruction and violence. We should
remember that raising our arms against anyone means fighting against ourselves. The
poet reminds us to remember, recognise and strengthen the common bond that unites
mankind and humanity. James Kirkup gives a definite message of hope to mankind
though this poem.

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