Unveiling Insights: Leveraging Product Data Analysis For Business Success

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Unveiling Insights: Leveraging Product Data

Analysis for Business Success
Florence Osita-Obasi
(Data Product Specialist at Vateeca World Ltd.)

Abstract:- In today's fast-paced and highly competitive II. ANALYZING THE DATA
business landscape, companies are constantly seeking
effective strategies to gain a competitive edge. One potent  In Data Analytics and Data Sciences, There are four
tool that has emerged in recent years is product data main Types of Data Analytics. Descriptive, Diagnostic,
analysis. This article aims to provide a comprehensive Predictive, and Prescriptive which will Be Explained
overview of the significance and benefits of product data Below.
analysis in the realm of business decision-making.

The advent of e-commerce platforms and the  Descriptive Analysis which identifies what has already
digitalization of customer interactions have led to an happened i.e., it gives the exact detail of what happened
explosion of valuable product data. However, with vast in an organization, community, business, etc.
volumes of information at hand, it becomes crucial for  Diagnostic Analysis which focuses on understanding why
businesses to harness the power of data analysis something happened. i.e., it examines and explains what
techniques to derive actionable insights. By combining led to the situation or instance that occurred.
various statistical and analytical methodologies, product  Predictive Analysis which identifies future trends based
data analysis offers unparalleled opportunities to on historical data i.e., after analyzing the data it predicts
understand customer behaviour, optimize pricing the future of the product/service based on past
strategies, uncover market trends, and enhance overall performance.
performance.  Prescriptive Data. This simply allows you to recommend
a solution for the future of the product/service.
This article delves into the key aspects of product
data analysis, starting with data collection and pre-  Is Product Analysis the same thing as Data Analysis?
processing techniques, followed by a discussion on Product Analysis focuses on product performance and
exploratory data analysis and visualization tools. The user behaviour and focuses on providing manufacturers with
importance of utilizing advanced statistical modelling the deliverables or information necessary to understand and
techniques, such as regression analysis and machine perfect the product/service for the user. The product/service
learning algorithms, is also emphasized. Furthermore, the is the responsibility.
role of predictive analytics in forecasting demand and
optimizing inventory management is explored.  Data Analysis focuses on analysing the data to inform
business decisions and for updating about the upgrades in
Moreover, this article sheds light on the significance the business process.
of leveraging product data analysis to enhance customer
experience and drive customer loyalty. The different types  Why do Designers or Product Managers use Product
of data analytics methods, the difference between data Analysis?
and product analysis, and different strategies for In the creation of a new design, it is useful to analyse
analysing product data are discussed in detail. existing products to see how successful they have been and
identify any areas in which they could be improved for the
Keywords:- Product Data Analysis, Business Decision- user.
Making, Data-Driven Approach, Statistical Modeling,
Predictive Analytics, Customer Experience.  What is Product Research?
Product research is the work that is done in advance to
I. INTRODUCTION get valuable information before a new product goes to market.
The goal is to get the user insights before the product is
Product data analysis strategies can vary depending on created which saves you time and money on a flawed idea.
the specific goals and context of the analysis. The information
obtained from the product analysis tells us how users use the
product, is the product a necessity, how they think they are
using it, or how we think they are using the product or service.
This article will examine some common strategies and
approaches for product data analysis:

IJISRT24JAN1383 www.ijisrt.com 1655

Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Steps in Product Data Analysis. assist in resource allocation, production planning, and
inventory management.
 Gather product reviews from customers within the target  Iterate and refine: Continuously analyze and assess the
market. results of your data analysis efforts. Incorporate feedback,
 Gather competitive product analysis. iterate on your strategies, and refine your models or
 Cost approaches based on new data or changing business
 How the product will work for the user needs.
 Key features of the product.  Remember that these strategies are general guidelines,
 Customer experience. and the specific approach will depend on the nature of the
 Trend Analysis. product, industry, diversity, inclusion, and available data.
 The journey Analysis
PRODUCT DATA.  Core Product. The core product satisfies the most basic
need of the customer e.g., a customer who purchases a
 Define objectives: Start by clearly defining your healthy snack bar may be seeking health, convenience,
objectives for the analysis. What specific questions to taste, or simply hunger relief.
address or problems are you trying to solve? This will help  The Tangible Product. Once the core product has been
you determine what data to collect and analyze. identified the tangible product becomes important.
 Identify relevant data: Determine what data sources and Tangible means “perceptible by touch”, so the tangible
types of data are relevant to your analysis. This may aspects of a product are those that can be touched and
include customer data, sales data, website analytics, user held. These are the product elements that the customer
feedback, market research data, etc. Ensure that you have will use to evaluate and make choices such as the product
access to the necessary data, and it is of sufficient quality. features, quality level, brand name, styling, and
 Data cleaning and preparation: Clean and preprocess the
data to ensure its accuracy and reliability. This may  The Augmented Product. The augmented product
involve removing outliers, handling missing values, includes the tangible product and all the services that
normalizing, or transforming variables, and merging or support it. In a world with strong competitors and few
organizing datasets. unique products, the augmented product is gaining ground
 Perform exploratory data analysis: Explore the data to since it creates additional opportunities to differentiate the
gain insights and identify patterns or trends. This can product/service from competitive offerings. E.g., when
involve visualizations, summary statistics, and the tangible product is a service, there is an augmented
correlations to uncover relationships and understand the product that includes support services. Western hotels
offer hotel nights with a specific set of features the
data better.
augmented product would be dry cleaning services,
 Utilize statistical techniques: Apply statistical techniques
concierge services, and shuttle services, among others.
such as hypothesis testing, regression analysis, clustering,
 Promised Product. Every product has an implied promise,
or predictive modeling to extract meaningful insights
which is a characteristic that is attached to the product
from the data. These techniques can help you make data-
over time. The promised product is the long-term result
driven decisions and predictions about product
that the customer hopes to achieve by selecting the
performance, customer behavior, or market trends.
 Use data visualization: Visualize the analyzed data using
graphs, charts, or dashboards to communicate insights  Like the core product, the promised product is highly
effectively. Visualization can help stakeholders personal. Can the core product and the promised product
understand complex information and make informed be the same thing? Yes, they can, but often the core
decisions. product is more focused on the immediate need and the
promised product has a longer-term element.
 Perform customer segmentation: Segment your customer
base using demographic, behavioral, or psychographic  Effective product management requires a combination of
strategic thinking, strong communication skills, user-
variables to understand their preferences, needs, and
centricity, and a deep understanding of the market and
purchasing patterns. This can inform product strategy,
industry. It involves balancing short-term business
targeting, and personalized marketing initiatives.
objectives with long-term product vision and
 Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs): Establish and
continuously iterating and adapting based on customer
track relevant KPIs related to product performance, such
feedback and market dynamics.
as sales, revenue, customer acquisition, retention, or
conversion rates. Regularly monitor these metrics to  In conclusion, the insights obtained from product data
analysis have become indispensable for modern
evaluate product success and identify areas for
improvement. businesses. This article emphasizes the need for
organizations to embrace a data-driven decision-making
 Apply predictive analytics: Use historical data and
approach and highlights the transformative impact that
predictive modeling techniques to forecast future product
product data analysis can have on overall business
performance, demand, or customer behavior. This can
success. By harnessing the power of data, companies can
uncover valuable opportunities, identify potential risks,

IJISRT24JAN1383 www.ijisrt.com 1656

Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and make well-informed strategic decisions that propel
them ahead of their competition.


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