Safety Audit and Preventive Measures in Moulding Industry

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Vol. xx, No.

x (202x) x-x, doi:

Proceedings on Engineering



Mr. Gokulram M1
Mr. Duraithilagar S2
Dr. Arunkumar S3
Safety Audit, Occupational Hygiene, Today manufacturing industry is greatly different from that of the past. There
Occupational Health, Moulding have been many astonishing improvements and developments, not only in the
Industry, 5 S. buildings that are being built today and the instruments that are being
employed, but also in the approaches and methodologies that are now
accessible for this research. A safety audit system is a valuable tool for
detecting and evaluating the current state of an industry's safety and health
management systems. It is conducted out by certified safety and health
specialists or auditors. Safety management is commonly regarded as a
critical contributor to occupational health and safety outcomes. A key
instrument for management to accomplish its objectives is performance
measurement. The literature has begun to pay more and more attention to
safety measurement. The route towards effective safety and preventative
measurement leading to improved industry safety is, however, still poorly
understood. In addition to guarding against catastrophic sickness and injury,
a safe and healthy workplace also prevents property and equipment loss.
Also, it lowers medical expenses associated with illnesses and injuries
brought on by dangerous behaviors and unhygienic working conditions. In
addition to lowering absenteeism and raising employee morale over time, safe
and healthy work practices also boost productivity and the quality of goods
and services produced. The audit team prepares a safety audit report that
highlights the strengths and shortcomings of the industry's occupational
safety and health system, as well as recommendations for improvement.
© 202x Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION The objectives, guidelines, and protocols for planning,

executing, and documenting audits of an organization's
Safety audits are essential for ensuring Occupational health and safety systems are outlined in
compliance with safety regulations and the procedural the Occupational Health and Safety Audit Risk
rules of a safety management system. In order to assess Management Tool, IS 14489. A safety audit is necessary
workplace health and safety, they collect information on to identify the positive and negative aspects of policies,
activities and pinpoint potential dangers. Organizational attitudes, training, process design, plant architecture,
executives utilize audits to improve safety procedures. operating procedures, personal protection requirements,

Corresponding author: Mr. Gokulram M

Email: 1
1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

accident reports and emergency plans. Securing strong A safety audit management system may assist in
safety management systems, determining the advantages creating a safer working environment by analyzing
and disadvantages of policies, attitudes, training, actions and outcomes to ensure they are in accordance
process design, plant architecture, operating procedures, with planned arrangements and organizational rules.
personal protection requirements, accident reports, and This article focuses on developing a safety audit for use
emergency plans all depend on conducting a safety on construction sites. A detailed investigation was
audit. undertaken on 19 primary audit aspects and several sub-
In the industrial process of molding, a stiff elements, with a focus on variables impacting
framework called a matrix or mold is used to shape a workplace health and safety. According to the report, a
liquid or malleable raw material. A hollowed-out block safety audit is the most effective technique for
filled with a malleable or liquid substance such as addressing these concerns since it takes into account
ceramics, glass, metal, or plastic is called a mold. actual working circumstances and provides suggesting
Within the mold, the liquid takes on its shape and solutions based on these results [4]. Safety audits are
hardens or sets. Similar to castings, molds are frequently critical for determining compliance with occupational
used in bi-valve molding, a process in which two molds safety and health programs and meeting legislative
are utilized for each half of the product. Injection requirements. The planning process is based on the
molding is a manufacturing technique used to create professional opinion of the lead auditors and may be
different components and automobile body panels. It optimized using a linear programming model. The study
entails pouring molten material into a mold and letting it discovered that assigning auditors to low-cost activities
harden after cooling to make the necessary pieces. In was beneficial. The research, however, assumes that
the process of creating a hollow object, a heated mold auditors have identical features, which may not be the
filled with a material is rotated along two axes case. Audits should produce reliable findings, and future
constantly to prevent distortion throughout the heating research should analyze interobserver reliability to
and cooling stages. investigate changes in outcomes when one auditor
An essential instrument for assessing the conducts numerous evaluations at various times [5].
occupational safety and health management of a sector A number of variables, including labor
is the safety audit system. It entails trained experts intensity and raw material availability, have contributed
completing a report detailing advantages and to the demise of the tanning industry in developed
disadvantages as well as suggestions for development. nations, which makes leather from animal hides and
The safety audit method used by Indian Engineering skins. In emerging economies, it does, however, help to
Industries is the main topic of this essay. The report save costs and waste. OSH (Occupational Safety and
should contain pertinent information from field trips or Health) rules are inadequate since they are not well-
records in a clear, succinct, and comprehensive manner. organized, experienced, or structured. Improving
It needs to be suitable for the plant or site under audit. working conditions and increasing risk awareness are
The review sought to find and synthesize research essential for safeguarding employees and employment.
information on the measurement features of OHS UNIDO emphasizes workplace safety and health while
management audit methodologies. It employed standard promoting leather as a safe and sustainable material. A
narrative review methodologies as well as bibliographic methodical way to assess a company's safety
databases in business, medical, and OHS. Only management system and ascertain the efficacy of safety
seventeen applicable techniques were discovered in the procedures is through safety auditing. With disparities
literature on measurement features of OHS management in safety between urban and rural areas, safety auditing
audit methodologies. Five audit techniques had content is still in its infancy in Estonia. Despite the fact that
validity proven, three had inter-rater reliability officially Estonian businesses do not have formal safety rules and
evaluated, and one had construct validity demonstrated their employees are not taught to utilize chemical safety
[1,2]. cards, economically developed businesses can increase
Occupational health and safety concerns persist worker safety. It is important to increase worker
notwithstanding the notable increase in construction awareness by means of guidelines and fact sheets [6,7].
operations in recent times. Losses in terms of money The projected resins production plant in Gujarat of
and lives have been caused by poor safety management, Parikshit Laminate Pvt.Ltd. is accompanied with an on-
particularly in developing nations. The safety policies site emergency plan. The factory will manufacture
and practices on building sites are examined in this phenol formaldehyde and melamine formaldehyde
research, along with the different kinds of accidents and while working with hazardous chemicals. Fire hydrants,
the preventative measures used. The labor laws should fire extinguishers, scrubber systems, personal protective
be more widely known, as well as frequent monitoring, equipment, first aid boxes, eyewashers, and ventilation
training, and the appropriate use of safety equipment. In systems are all available at the factory. Due to the
order to reduce accidents in the construction business, plant's activities and existing dangers, the management
the study finds that companies need to emphasize safety of M/s Shri Sai Nath Decor L.L.P. has designed an
and make investments in safety equipment [3]. emergency response system [8].
Construction site safety is critical since significant In order to reduce workplace accidents, this
injuries can stymie progress and even result in fatalities. review attempts to evaluate how successful different

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

safety approaches are. In a specific environment or repellents are also advised. Regular inspections and a
context, it assesses which factors have a greater impact distinct safety department are also required [14].
on preventing accidents by contrasting the results of In an effort to enhance and standardize work
safety measures with no intervention, routine activities, health and safety reporting by companies and
or alternative actions. Government policy databanks, organizations, Safe Work Australia is working with
online search engines, and electronic bibliographic Macquarie University's IGAP Research Centre. A
searches were used to find the research. Studies on collection of standardized indicators for yearly reports
workplace accidents, assessments of safety measures, and instructions for creating lead and lag indicators are
and use of injuries as an end measure are all included in the goals of the project, which is co-funded by CPA
the review [9]. Analysis is being done on the efficacy of Australia and the Safety Institute of Australia. A draft
large hazard operators' audits of process safety set of indicators will be created for the project, tested
management systems. Respondents to an online poll using a mixed method approach, and the research
said that 75% of them carry out specific process safety findings will be examined in order to propose policy
audits, while the remaining respondents include process choices for the consistent use of standardized work
safety components in their overall safety audits. Part- health and safety indicators [15]. This handbook offers
time auditors are the most typical audit team member, recommendations for doing workplace safety audits and
and the majority of organizations conduct safety audits inspections, gathered from dependable sources. It gives
using internal standards. A significant hazard's managers and staff members a place to start when
operator's organizational capability in the creation and establishing safe work practices. No warranty or claim
enhancement of its auditing program is reflected in the on the truth or adequacy of the material is offered, and
internal auditors' training provided internally [10]. the American Chemical Society does not set minimum
Preventing risks and risky behaviors that result in legal criteria or particular rules. Users should review
accidents is the main subject of this guidebook, with an local, state, and federal regulations as well as legal
emphasis on "prevent rather than cure." Minimum advice before starting any safety audit or inspection
safety standards are outlined in it, and updates will be program, since the handbook does not ensure that all
made as necessary. In particular, builders, developers, checklists, recommendations, and preventive measures
and contractors can use the handbook to design safety are included. The largest engineering and manufacturing
plans and safety manuals for their construction company in India, BHEL, is focused on producing
companies. The Kerala government's labor locomotives and power transformers. Modern power
commissioner can be contacted by organizations for transformer, instrument transformer, diesel shunting
more information. There is a growing need for a locomotive, and AC/DC locomotive processing and
methodical strategy to regulate the dangers correlated testing facilities are housed in its factory. Transformer
with the manufacture, storage, and use of hazardous and locomotive are the two production units owned by
chemicals. In order to give authorities, works the firm. By examining work locations, spotting
managements, emergency services, and government possible risks, and suggesting power control methods
inspectors’ direction on averting significant industrial using job safety analysis worksheets, job safety analysis
catastrophes, the ILO's Governing Body made the approaches aid in the prevention of accidents and the
decision to develop a code of practice [11,12]. creation of a safe work environment [16,17].
Safety audits are essential in businesses that 2. OBJECTIVE
handle hazardous chemicals since mishaps may damage  The primary goals of safety audit systems are
human resources and have a detrimental effect on to detect and record any departures from
competitiveness and output. Because the fireworks planned and specified operating and
industry relies heavily on labor, it is especially maintenance protocols and standards.
vulnerable to risks. A firework factory near Sivakasi  To determine whether operational practices or
was the subject of a safety audit study, which resulted in plant circumstances might result in an accident
suggestions for improving safety through technical and that causes serious property or human losses.
management system improvements. Management To guarantee compliance with design intent
intends to put these suggestions into practice in order to and standards between the plant and its
guarantee a safe working environment, increase operating and maintenance protocols.
productivity, and eliminate accidents [13]. The  To assess operational protocols in order to
institution has upgraded its safety protocols by make any required changes.
removing objects from beneath staircases, maintaining  Look for machinery or procedures used in the
terraces, and adding cable trays for electrical cabling. moulding industries and assess how well safety
There is still room for improvement, though, in areas checks are doing.
like lowering the fire load, using Japanese 5-S  Seeking out significant risk circumstances and
housekeeping techniques, and fixing electrical issues. making recommendations for actions to raise
Additionally, explosion-proof freezers, firefighting the plant's overall safety record.
equipment, and earthing all require routine maintenance.
Hand tools, safety while working at heights, and bird
A safety audit's preparation required reading a
variety of literatures to determine the audit's goals,

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

understand the applicability of the safety audit  Handling and Storage of Materials.
management system to the moulding industries, become  Personal Protective Equipment
familiar with the audit's components, and include the  Housekeeping
most pertinent ones.  Noise and Illumination.
3.1 Scope of the Audit:  Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
The scope of the safety audit as defined under  Fire Protection and control System
clause 4.1.1 of IS 14489:1998 has been confined to  Emergency Preparedness.
various elements of Occupational Safety and Health
audit. The elements are broadly grouped into:
 Management System of Safety Audit 4. OBSERVATION OF THE SAFETY AUDIT
 Technical Elements of Safety Audit 4.1 The Audit Process of Industry
An assessment of the management's Examining an organization's health and safety
commitment to promoting safety and health systems in records and procedures to make sure they adhere to the
the plant was conducted through a management system client consultant's specifications is part of the audit
audit. It offers space for reviewing and assessing safety process. The efficacy of the organization's health and
policies and procedures, as well as their evaluation, staffsafety protocols is evaluated by an assessment of the
engagement, training, and employee incentive. It also site or sites and related structures. To discuss
includes a hazards communication system, information occupational health and safety elements, interviews will
distribution, and a hazard awareness program. be conducted with management, personnel, safety
3.2 The Management Elements of the Safety Audit engineers, and officers involved in addressing safety at
Include the Following: the construction sites. The audit seeks to guarantee that
 Occupational Safety and Health Policy the organization's safety management system takes into
account all areas of occupational health and safety and
 Safety Organizational Set-up and Safety Budget
that it is being executed efficiently. A follow-up report
Safety Committees
will list the good and bad points, make some
 Incident Investigation, Reporting and Analysis.
observations and suggestions, and present an action
 Identification and Assessment of Hazards
 Chemical Safety 4.2 Study Area
 Ergonomics The study was carried out in an combined
 Safety Education and Training Work moulding sector. The plant's management rigorously
Environment Monitoring adheres to conducting safety audits in order to meet
 Safety Communication, Motivation and with legal requirements and to give employees a safe
Promotional Activities environment. In order to comply with legal
 First Aid and Occupational Health Centre requirements, the plant's management arranges for
In addition to the Management System Audit, safety auditors to do an external safety audit. The audit's
other technical areas of the plant's operations, such as scope includes examining each of the plant's
the handling and storage of hazardous materials, process departments as well as preparing and submitting a report
and operational safety reviews, housekeeping, to management for additional action. The lead audit, in
emergency readiness, and fire prevention and control consultation with management, has determined the total
systems, were also examined. audit time to be 44 hours. An issue with linear
3.3 The Technical Elements of Safety Audit Include programming was created to determine the number of
the Following audit departments and hours required for each
 Safe Operating Procedures (SOP) department. The details of these departments and hours
 Safety Work Permit Systems are presented in table 1, ensuring a comprehensive and
accurate audit.
TABLE 1. Number of Audit Departments
No. of hours
S. No Department Activity No.
in audit

1 Identification and Assessment of Hazards Activity 1 4

2 mechanical apparatus Activity 2 6
3 Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Activity 3 4
4 Safety, health and OHC Activity 4 5
5 Handling and Storage of Materials. Activity 5 7
6 Material Safety Data Sheet Activity 6 5

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

7 Emergency Preparedness Activity 7 4

8 Supply and distribution Activity 8 3
9 Audit report preparation Activity 9 6
4.3 Policy on Health and Safety anything from common problems like handling objects
The moulding industry has a lot of health and by hand, tripping and falling, and cuts, to exposure to
safety problems, which are frequently exacerbated by chemicals and fumes etc. Below is a collection of the
the fact that many small businesses in the sector lack most recent guidelines for the moulding sector.
basic health and safety awareness. These include 4.4 Safety Organisation Setup

Fig. 1 Flow Diagram for Establishing an organization

4.5 Education and Training  The majority of the instruction and training
Workers must be properly educated and trained focuses on safety measures.
in order to inform them of the variables that assure  The kind of training that includes providing
safety in the molding industry. The ensuing workers with first aid.
observations were noted:  The system contributes to raising worker welfare
 The kind of instruction and training provided to consciousness.
employees is excellent.  A certified foreman instructs on all aspects of
 Management is in charge of providing safety- safety
related instruction. 4.6 PPE for Maintenance Workers
 All days are dedicated to periodic monitoring. Employees that wear specialized clothes or
equipment to protect themselves against infectious

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

agents are said to be wearing personal protective  It would be necessary to wear full-body
equipment, or PPE. Maintenance personnel that deal coveralls in situations where there is significant
with mold should have the following PPE: mold exposure.
 Depending on whether dry or wet labor is  Every respirator needs an NIOSH certification.
being done, gloves are needed. The choosing of N95 disposable respirators are advised by the
glove for wet labor must take the liquid into Niehs standards for maintenance personnel;
consideration. nevertheless, there have been concerns raised
 Workers should have the option of wearing over the respirators' perceived lack of
vented goggles or safety glasses for eye protection and tendency to clog in humid
protection. environments, making breathing challenging.

Fig. 2 Personal Protective Equipment, For Industrial Safety

4.7 Safety Inspection  Hazards are addressed by documented procedures,

Safety inspections may provide highly helpful method statements, and risk assessments.
information on the state of health and safety, including  Criticality is used to categorize action items that
not only dangerous working conditions and working come from HSE inspections.
circumstances but also the indirect causes of those  Project Safety Statistics will be available and
issues. updated every week.
 SSH attends safety meetings, and meeting minutes
are recorded.
 MSDS sheets are available for all hazardous 4.8 Job Safety Analysis
materials. An extra hazard check is carried out by a safety
 Contractors record toolbox discussions. team. They might assess the mishap during this
 Risk evaluations, including environmental examination in order to figure out how to stop it from
considerations, are recognized and recorded. happening again. A safety expert may assess the

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

location, for instance, if a team member stumbled over  Issue of all the materials is carried in the single
an extension cord, and decide how to mitigate the trolley which is attached with the contractor
danger. To alert team members to the tripping hazard in owned Tractor to be addressed on safety front
the area, they can recommend relocating the cord or and the driver also to be trained for material l
installing a sign. There are a number of rules in this handling.
field.  All the materials storing racks to be provided
 Four units using screw conveyors for chemical with the toe-guard to avoid the material fall.
mixing need additional LPG leak detection  Storage of paint containers in the interior remote
sensors and periodic efficiency checks, along area to be avoided.
with maintaining records.  In the above area, the firefighting materials, spill
 The process involves mixing hot hard chips with kit, fire-sand buckets provision to be added
water, reusing it, and checking the water balance further to cater the needs.
to identify daily usage and quality of  Empty / full cylinders storages & handling is
recirculation water. good to be revisited and the procedures to be
 The organization is facing a serious issue as rewritten, the same to be displayed for the
contractors are procuring oxygen cylinders awareness of others.
themselves for evaluation.  Standard benches and the tools to be used to
 Greece's oil storage is in an open condition avoid any ergonomic issues in the longer run.
without a lid, and sometimes rainwater mixing  All the fire extinguishers positioned in open
occurs. condition for easy approach to handle during the
 The display board indicates that only two lines emergency. The periodical audit to be carried in
are currently in operation, with the remaining this areas, w/o fail.
lines being under shutdown.  To avoid the foreign particles entry, the Greece /
 The plant will have a roof with turbo vents to oil / petroleum product storage is to be kept in
control fumes and dust, and a dedicated dust closed condition.
extractor will be commissioned for a safe work 4.10 Waste Treatment and Disposal
environment. A waste audit is a systematic, organized
 During the audit, local executives discussed the procedure used to measure the amount and types of
storage of Greece and petroleum products on the waste created by a company. Audit data will aid in
same floor for safety measures. identifying existing waste procedures and how they
4.9 Material Handling might be improved. The regular cleaning process will
During production, distribution, consumption, aid in enhancing the operational state for each building
and disposal, materials and products must be moved, and installation. It must be cleared according to a set
protected, stored, and controlled. This process is known protocol and at a set interval. All material waste that is
as material handling. Equipment, inventories, and raw on a building's floor must be removed right away and
supplies must all be coordinated. Finding the ergonomic disposed of in the trash can. The circumstances listed
hazards connected to manual material handling jobs below were observed:
may help save costs and injuries in the workplace,  The normal cleaning technique for each building
which emphasizes the importance of employee health and installation includes brooming the floors after
and safety. Effective material handling systems improve working hours on a daily basis.
efficiency and safety.  To maintain the workplace clean, garbage is
 When this industry was good maintainability. removed on a regular basis.
 5S maintainability is to be improved to the next  Waste plastics are utilized as waste containers.
level, also to be maintained in the further period  Ensure that no harm is done to the environment
also. Few fire extinguishers are to be rearranged throughout this procedure.
according to the materials stored in their area.  Ensure that plastic garbage is not burned openly.
 By the seeing this entire area, the material  Raising awareness among all stakeholders about
receiving area is maintained in poor way of their obligations.
systems and practices to be revisited.

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

Fig. 3 Waste Management of Industries

4.11 Electrical Safety Guarding  The public addressing system to be commissioned
A cover or other permanent barrier must be for any communication during emergency in
placed over live electrical components operating at 50 production & Granular preparation area.
volts or higher to prevent workers and their tools from  Public addressing system and the telephone –
inadvertently coming into touch with them and landline facility to be provided and the mobile
increasing the danger of unintended shock. phone usage to be avoided on safety front.
Additionally, equipment can be confined in a room,  Few of the fire extinguishers position is blocked
behind a barrier, or at a height. Electrical safety with unwanted materials which is to be revisited
guarding is essential in all enterprises where notes are and altered immediately for easy approach.
kept on electrical resource regions.  Emergency contact facility to be displayed.
 Unused & damaged equipment can be removed for
getting more space to walk around.
 In the finished product cleaning area, water @ 4kg
pressure is used through normal hose and the
operator is working w/o any PPE to be revisited.
4.13 Housekeeping
The upkeep of buildings and equipment may be
the most significant aspect of excellent housekeeping.
Maintenance entails keeping structures, equipment, and
machinery in safe, efficient operating condition and in
excellent repair. It entails maintaining hygienic
conditions as well as painting and washing walls on a
regular basis. Broken windows, damaged doors, faulty
plumbing, and broken floor surfaces can make a
Fig. 4 Waste Management of Industries workplace appear neglected; these circumstances can
Electrical safety is crucial in industrial lead to accidents and disrupt work procedures. It is
electronics and automation, as integrating sophisticated critical to replace or repair broken or damaged things as
technologies can lead to significant benefits but also soon as possible. A solid maintenance program covers
poses potential personnel risks. Inadequate safety the inspection, maintenance, upkeep, and repair of tools,
measures can result in severe injuries or fatalities. equipment, machinery, and processes. The industry
Implementing robust practices can protect workers from follows a set of housekeeping guidelines there was
electrical shocks, burns, and other hazards. given below:
 Electromagnetic component disturbances  The greenery and the lawn maintenance around
 Stored/residual energy areas area is so fine in finished product stamping,
4.12 Emergency Preparedness storage & checking area.
A workplace emergency is described as a  Hard and waste greenery bushes are noticed to cut
situation that endangers employees, customers, or the and removed to avoid reptile habitants.
general public, disrupts or suspends activities, or causes  Housekeeping/ the periodical cleaning activity to
physical or environmental damage. Many types of crises be carried out in the frequent interval’s w/o fail in
may be predicted during the planning process, allowing many areas especially pump house.
employers and employees to prepare for other  Drinking water facility and rest room facility to be
unexpected events. improved for both the genders.

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

4.14 Material Safety Data Sheets  Drinking water facility and rest room
A material safety data sheet (MSDS) or facility to be improved for both the
product safety data sheet (PSDS) is a document that genders.
gives information on occupational safety and health  Lot of used waste are seen in many areas
when working with various chemicals and products. to be avoided by providing additional
SDSs are a common way to organize information about dustbins. In few places prominent water
chemicals, compounds, and chemical mixtures. SDS leak is noticed & on findings, immediate
information may contain instructions for safe use, correction carried out.
potential dangers associated with a particular drug or  High noise area to be identified and
product, and spill-handling measures. The previous barricade the area to avoid the employees’
MSDS forms may vary depending on national entry
legislation from source to source within a country; 5. Introducing safety awards and incentive
however, the present SDS format is generally packages can inspire staff.
standardized. 6. The training on using electrical protection
should cover the following:
 Earth pit maintained to be improved in few
 Labelling is missed in the many of the
panel board operations and the usage. Lot
of unused waste dresses are seen in this
zone to be avoided.
 Very few of the electric panel’s boards to
be provided the lock and key
arrangements. Backside of the panel
boards, few loose wire connections also
noticed to be taken care of in power house.
 Electrical cable trenches are maintained
well and unused electrical equipment to be
removed to avoid any confusion.
Fig. 5 Flow Diagram for Material Safety Data Sheets  Cooling tower water leak is prominent and
5. RECOMMENDATIONS the green cooler – fungus (algae)
This chapter includes general and particular formation is seen in many areas, the
recommendations for improving the industry's safety maintenance activity is missing since long
levels. The recommendations are entirely based on the time, to be addressed.
findings made in the previous chapter. 7. Proper waste containers and a routine
1. Periodic training on safety precaution adoption procedure for removal should be part of the
should be provided to employees. operating instructions.
2. The organization's safety and health policy 8. Material safety data sheets in the below
have to be created, maintained, and posted in following areas is very essential
the factory or office.  In production area, the Labeling and
3. When there is a frequent inspection, the worker displays are missing.
will grasp the value of inspection and create  In production area, Sensors-
better shop floor interactions. maintainability/ colour coding is not ok.
4. Housekeeping in the below following areas is  In production area, Sensors-
very essential. maintainability/ colour coding is not ok.
 Cleanliness of the production area to be  Nearby this area, the pipe lines colour
appreciated and well maintained. Poor coding to be maintained, this is missing.
drinking water facility to be improved in  In quality Control there is a Lot of bushes
Production work area. and the dried leafs are periodically
 Barricade is missing in many of the area removed to avoid any fire hazard, near by
(empty/ full) where the big open the ambience.
containers are placed, to be addressed  Proper dustbin facility is not maintained in
immediately quality control.
 Hard and waste greenery bushes are 6. CONCLUSION
noticed to cut and removed to avoid reptile We have noted and sharply recommended
habitants. ways to improve safety in nearly every area of the
 The damaged floor tiles to be replaced for moulding business, including technical and managerial
easy movement in finished product processes. Then proud to say all the production
stamping, storage& checking area. workmen working with their long experience and

1st author et al., Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. xx, No. x (202x) x-x, doi:

practices but following minimum safety standards and  Supervisor level of working- position is to be
also resulted in w/o any accident conditions – but maintained for implementing the utmost safety
organization have role to maintain working dress code, measures in the high hazard area.
usage of PPES and adopting safety standards related to  Trained first- aiders & the trained fire fighters to
work safety, employee’s health and maintaining safe be maintained in all the three shifts to face the
work environment. emergency and their photographs also can
 The overall layout is good for working and easy displayed for others awareness.
movement of man & vehicles.  5S maintainability is not up to the level, to be
improved at least in the further period also.


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Mr. Gokulram M Mr. Duraithilagar S Dr. Arunkumar S

PG Scholar, Department of Associate professor, Department of Associate professor, Department of
Industrial Safety and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Vinayaka Mechanical Engineering, Vinayaka
Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar
Variyar Engineering College, Vinayaka Engineering College, Vinayaka Engineering College, Vinayaka
Mission’s Research Foundation Mission’s Research Foundation Mission’s Research Foundation
(Deemed to be University), Salem, (Deemed to be University), Salem, (Deemed to be University), Salem,
Tamilnadu – 636 308, India. Tamilnadu – 636 308, India. Tamilnadu – 636 308, India.


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