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Empowerment and Legacy: Inspiring Our Future

In the history of our nation, there have been countless revelations.

A legacy of courage, hope, and determination.

Spreading peace, love, and motivation.

Young women strive for a whole new civilization.

Climbing the highest mountain, with grace and passion.

Through darkness and trials that may appear,

We are here to make it disappear.

Like flowers, we bloom with unity,

making individuals sing in harmony.

In the history of time,

the memory from the past cannot be forgotten,

for everything that's in our mind

are pictures of yesterday that we cannot look back on time.

A bright future ahead of us

brings success to women and children.

Creating happiness like leaves that had never fallen.

Like the wind that passes by,

We come and go,

And we're like birds that fly,

We survive and soar high

Reminiscing our ancestor's great struggle,

guides us in overcoming obstacles.

The path of glory and freedom,

Will lead us to great success.

Celebrating our legacy,

Is not just to show loyalty.

It's a privilege that brings us power and unity,

Which can’t destroy dignity.

In unity, we discovered a dove,

White, pure and tender,

A fierce force that will bind us together.

Let’s dance with the waves,

Go with the flow,

Run for success and be stressed less.

Empowering women and young women,

A strong practice where everything is a mission,

Where voices are heard and promises are kept and has clear intentions.

Women, a feminine word,

Yet so strong and bold.

Through hardships, we stand alone, for a better world.

Let this poetry of empowerment and legacy

take charge of what is called our future memory.

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