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What is Constipation

Constipation happens because your colon (large intestine) absorbs too much water from your poop.
This dries out your poop, making it hard in consistency and difficult to push out of your body.

causes of constipation

• Not eating enough fiber-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals(oats, corn flakes, etc)
• Not drinking enough water
• Changes in your regular routine, such as going to bed at different times.
• Frequently consuming meaty foods and large amounts starchy food like potatoes, pasta,
white bread, and milk or cheese.
• Resisting the urge to poop or use the toilet.

Constipation symptoms

• pooping fewer than three times a week.

• dry, hard and/or lumpy stool.
• Difficulty or pain to pass stool.
• stomach-ache or cramps.
• feelings of bloatedness and nausea
• Incomplete emptying of your bowels-Unfinished pooping with a every visit to the toilet.

recommendations for immediate constipation relief

• Drink plenty of water daily especially during hot seasons, mildly chilled. Not very cold
• Avoid caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol, juice and high-sweetened beverages.
• Avoid processed meats, fried foods, white bread, pasta and potatoes. It’s OK to eat lean
meats like Chicken and low-fat dairy products.
• Ensure to add fruits or vegetables and other high-fiber foods to your daily diet
• Eat cereal, vegetables and other high-fiber fruits like oranges, pineapples, mangos, avocados
and papaya(pawpaw). Eat less of high-fat foods, like meat (pork, beef), eggs and cheese.
• Avoid holding the urge to use the bathroom.
constipation medicine

• Take very mild over-the-counter stool softener or laxative drugs

• Lubiprostone (Amitiza®).
• Prucalopride (Prudac®, Motegrity®).
• Plecanatide (Trulance®).
• Lactulose (Cephulac®, Kristalose®).
• Linaclotide (Linzess®).

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