Depth-Bounded Belief Functions

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JID:IJA AID:8507 /FLA [m3G; v1.285; Prn:22/05/2020; 10:18] P.

1 (1-15)
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ••• (••••) •••–•••

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Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4
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12 Depth-bounded belief functions 12
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14 Paolo Baldi, Hykel Hosni 14
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Department of Philosophy, University of Milan, Italy
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
19 19
20 Article history: This paper introduces and investigates Depth-bounded Belief functions, a logic-based 20
21 Received 30 September 2019 representation of quantified uncertainty. Depth-bounded Belief functions are based on the 21
22 Received in revised form 12 March 2020 framework of Depth-bounded Logics [4], which provide a hierarchy of approximations 22
Accepted 13 May 2020
23 to classical logic. Similarly, Depth-bounded Belief functions give rise to a hierarchy of 23
Available online xxxx
24 increasingly tighter lower and upper bounds over classical measures of uncertainty. This 24
25 Keywords: has the rather welcome consequence to the effect that “higher logical abilities” lead to 25
26 Belief functions sharper uncertainty quantification. In particular, our main results identify the conditions 26
Uncertain reasoning under which Dempster-Shafer Belief functions and probability functions can be represented 27
Depth-bounded logics as a limit of a suitable sequence of Depth-bounded Belief functions.
28 28
Probability © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the
29 29
CC BY-NC-ND license (
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 1. Introduction and motivation 34
35 35
36 The link between the rules of rational reasoning and the probabilistic representation of uncertainty is a strong and old 36
37 one. Since Jacob Bernoulli’s 1713 Ars Conjectandi, a number of arguments have been put forward to the effect that departing 37
38 from a probabilistic assessment of uncertainty leads to irrational patterns of behaviour, as fixed by the well known results 38
39 of de Finetti and Savage [7,25] ([16] and [22] provide recent introductory reviews). 39
40 Over the past few decades, however, a number of concerns have been raised against the adequacy of probability as a 40
41 norm of rational reasoning and decision-making. Following the lead of [9], whom in turn found himself on the footsteps 41
42 of [15] and [14], many decision theorists took issue with the normative adequacy of probability. As a result, considerable 42
43 formal and conceptual effort has gone into extending the scope of the probabilistic representation of uncertainty, as briefly 43
44 recalled in Section 1.1 below. 44
45 One key commonality among those “non probabilistic” approaches is the conviction that probability fails on represen- 45
46 tational grounds. On those grounds, they insist that the rational representation of uncertainty need not necessitate that 46
47 all uncertainty be quantified probabilistically. But this was precisely a key concern tackled by the “Mathematical theory of 47
48 evidence” put forward by Glenn Shafer and which has become known as the Dempster-Shafer theory of Belief Functions 48
49 (see [8] for a retrospective on the development of the theory and a comprehensive bibliography). Shafer’s original aim in 49
50 [27] was to provide a general theory of evidence and uncertain reasoning: in his interpretation, given a belief function Bel, 50
51 the value Bel(θ) stands for the degree of support that a piece of evidence provides for the event or proposition θ , according 51
52 to the judgment of a certain agent. Since then, various interpretations of Belief functions have been advanced, especially 52
53 concerning their relation with probability. Of particular relevance for our present purposes is Shafer’s own later work [28], 53
54 in which he suggests to take degrees of belief to be degrees of support to answers for a given question, for which no 54
55 probability distribution is known, but that nevertheless can be computed by resorting to answers to a related question, 55
56 56
57 57
58 E-mail addresses: (P. Baldi), (H. Hosni). 58
59 59
60 60
0888-613X/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
61 ( 61
JID:IJA AID:8507 /FLA [m3G; v1.285; Prn:22/05/2020; 10:18] P.2 (1-15)
2 P. Baldi, H. Hosni / International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ••• (••••) •••–•••

1 which imply the original ones, and for which at the same time a probability distribution is actually known. This approach 1
2 is exemplified by assessing the degree of support for a certain proposition in terms of reliability of witnesses (which can be 2
3 probabilistically evaluated) asserting that proposition. An instance of such view of belief functions, relevant for us later, is 3
4 also the so-called probability of provability interpretation, as presented e.g. in [23] and [19]. 4
5 Inspired by the setting of [19], the investigation reported in this paper tackles the representational shortcomings in the 5
6 probabilistic uncertain reasoning from a logical point of view. We observe that these issues can be traced back to analogous 6
7 shortcomings of classical logic, which provides a decidedly poor representation of the key notion of “information”, cognate 7
8 concept of “evidence”. Armed with this simple but very important observation, we take a step back and rethink the logic in 8
9 the first place. Hence, developing ideas first discussed in [5], we will cast the question of quantifying rational degrees of 9
10 belief in the framework of Depth-bounded Boolean Logics, recalled in Section 2 below. 10
11 This approach leads to a definition of Depth-bounded Belief functions, which are introduced in Section 3. On this basis, 11
12 in Section 4 we provide a novel representation of classical Belief functions, which we see as the limit of sequences of 12
13 Depth-bounded Belief functions. We will then investigate, in Section 5 and 6 interesting subclasses of Depth-bounded belief 13
14 functions, which arise by some principled restriction of the set of formulas where rational degrees of belief are quantified. 14
15 In particular, one such subclass lead also to a representation theorem for classical Probability functions, which are obtained 15
16 as the limit of sequences of (suitably constrained) Depth-bounded Belief functions. 16
17 Before delving into the details of our proposal, however, it will be useful to motivate its relevance against the wider 17
18 landscape of rational reasoning and decision-making under uncertainty. 18
19 19
20 1.1. Uncertainty, ignorance and information 20
21 21
22 Uncertainty has to do, of course, with not knowing, and in particular not knowing the outcome(s) of an event of interest, 22
23 or the value of a random variable. Ignorance has more subtle features, and is often thought of as our inability to quantify our 23
24 own uncertainty. In [15], Knight gave this impalpable distinction an operational meaning in actuarial terms. He suggested 24
25 that the presence of ignorance is detected by the absence of a complete insurance market for the goods at hand. On 25
26 the contrary, a complete insurance market provides an operational definition of probabilistically quantifiable uncertainty. 26
27 Contemporary followers of Knight insist that the inevitability of ignorance implies that not all uncertainty is probabilistically 27
28 quantifiable and seek to introduce more general norms of rational belief and decision under “Knightian uncertainty” or 28
29 “ambiguity” (see e.g. [12]). A telling illustration of this argument from information is due to David Schmeidler [26]: 29
30 30
31 The probability attached to an uncertain event does not reflect the heuristic amount of information that led to the 31
32 assignment of that probability. For example, when the information on the occurrence of two events is symmetric they 32
33 are assigned equal probabilities. If the events are complementary the probabilities will be 1/2 independent of whether 33
34 the symmetric information is meager or abundant. 34
35 35
36 Gilboa [12] interprets Schmeidler’s observation as expressing a form of “cognitive unease”, namely a feeling that the 36
37 theory of subjective probability which springs naturally from Bayesian epistemology is silent on one fundamental aspect of 37
38 rationality, namely how the available information, or the lack thereof, guides the process of uncertainty quantification. But 38
39 why is it so? Suppose that some matter is to be decided by the toss of a coin. According to Schmeidler’s line of argument, 39
40 I should prefer tossing my own, rather than some one else’s coin, on the basis, say of the fact that I have never observed 40
41 signs of “unfairness” in my coin, whilst I just don’t know anything about the stranger’s coin. This qualitative information 41
42 should be reflected in how uncertainty is to be rationally evaluated. 42
43 Similar considerations had been put forward in the foundations of statistics and later penetrated the broad field of 43
44 uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. As anticipated above, an early amendment of probability theory aimed at capturing the 44
45 asymmetry between uncertainty and ignorance is the theory of Belief Functions. Key to representing this asymmetry is the 45
46 relaxation of the additivity axiom of probability. This in turn may lead to situations in which the probabilistic excluded middle 46
47 does not hold. That is to say an agent could rationally assign belief less than 1 to the classical tautology φ ∨ ¬φ . Indeed, 47
48 as we now illustrate, the problem with normalising on the tautologies of classical logic can be taken as a starting point for 48
49 more general considerations. 49
50 50
51 1.2. Probability and classical logic 51
52 52
53 It is well-known that every probability function arises from distributing the unit mass across the 2n atoms of the Boolean 53
54 (Lindenbaum) Algebra generated by the propositional variables { p 1 , . . . pn } of a language L, and conversely, that a probability 54
55 function on formulas over L is completely determined by the values it takes on such atoms (see, e.g. [19] for a presentation 55
56 in the spirit of our work). Such a representation makes explicit the twofold role played by classical logic and its extensions 56
57 in the theory of probability. 57
58 First, it provides a language in which events – the bearers of probability – can be expressed, combined and evaluated. 58
59 The precise details depend on the framework. See [10] for a characterisation of probability on classical logic, and [11] for the 59
60 general case of Dempster-Shafer belief functions on the many-valued extension of classical logic. In contrast, the measure- 60
61 theoretic presentations of probability identifies events with subsets of the field generated by a given sample space . A 61
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1 popular interpretation for  is that of the elementary outcomes of some experiment, a view endorsed by A.N. Kolmogorov, 1
2 who insisted on the generality of his axiomatisation. More precisely, let M = (, F , P ) be a measure space where,  = 2
3 {ω1 , ω2 . . .} is the set of elementary outcomes, F = 2 is the field of sets (σ −algebra) over . We call events the elements 3
4 of F , and P : F → [0, 1] a probability measure if it is normalised, monotone and σ -additive, i.e. 4
5 5
6 (K1) P () = 1 6
7 (K2) A ⊆ B ⇒ P ( A ) ≤ P ( B )  
8 (K3) If { E }i is a countable family of pairwise disjoint events in F then P ( i E i ) = i P ( E i ) 8
9 9
10 The Stone representation theorem for Boolean algebras and the representation of probability functions recalled above 10
11 guarantee that the measure-theoretic axiomatisation of probability is equivalent to the logical one yielded by classical logic, 11
12 which is obtained by letting a function from the formulas F mL of a language L to the real unit interval be a probability 12
13 function if 13
14 14
15 (PL1) |= θ ⇒ P (θ) = 1 15
16 (PL2) |= ¬(θ ∧ φ) ⇒ P (θ ∨ φ) = P (θ) + P (φ). 16
17 17
18 Less straightforward but equally compelling is the case yielded by the many-valued extension of classical logic, see [17]. 18
19 Obvious as the logical “translation” of the Kolmogorov axioms may be, it highlights a second and crucial role for logic in 19
20 the theory of probability, which is best appreciated by focussing on the consequence relation |=. 20
21 In its measure-theoretic version, the normalisation axiom (K1) is quite uncontroversial. Less so, if framed in terms of 21
22 classical tautologies, as in PL1. Indeed the arguments against the probabilistic representation of rational belief recalled 22
23 above, emerge now formally. For |= interprets symmetrically “knowledge” and “ignorance” as captured by the fact that 23
24 |= θ ∨ ¬θ is a tautology. Indeed similarly bothersome consequences follow directly from P L1 and P L2, namely 24
25 25
26 1. P (¬θ) = 1 − P (θ) 26
27 2. θ |= φ ⇒ P (θ) ≤ P (φ) 27
28 28
29 Those examples suffice to make a key point: Many of the features of probability with which the critics recalled above take 29
30 issue clearly have their logical roots in the semantics of classical logic. 30
31 The logical framing of probability allows us to refine this analysis. For is the semantics of classical logic that provides 31
32 the uncertainty resolution device for the evaluation of probability. This is best illustrated by the piecemeal identification 32
33 of “events” with the “sentences” of the logic. On the one hand, an event, understood classically, either happens or not. A 33
34 34
sentence expressing an event, on the other hand is evaluated in the binary set as follows
35  35
36 1 if the event obtained 36
37 v (θ) = 37
0 otherwise.
38 38
39 Hence, the probability of an event P (θ) ∈ [0, 1] measures the agent’s degree of belief that the event did or will obtain. 39
40 Finding this out is, in most applications, relatively obvious. However, as pointed out in [10], a general theory of what it 40
41 means for “states of the world” to “resolve uncertainty” is far from trivial. 41
42 A methodologically more adequate way of evaluating events arises by taking an information-based view on uncertainty 42
43 resolution. The key difference with the previous, classical case, lies in the fact that this leads naturally to a partial evaluation 43
44 44
of events, that is
45 ⎧ 45
46 ⎪
⎨1 if I am informed that θ 46
47 v (θ) = 0 if I am informed that ¬θ 47
48 ⎪
⎩ 48
∗ if I am not informed about θ. 49
50 Quite obviously standard probability logic does not apply here, because the classical resolution of uncertainty has no way 50
51 of expressing the ∗ condition. To model this we turn to the theory of Depth-bounded Boolean Logics [4,3]. 51
52 52
53 2. An informational view of propositional logic: depth bounded logics 53
54 54
55 Depth-bounded Boolean logics are based on the idea that classical propositional connectives should be given an informa- 55
56 tional meaning. This is achieved by replacing the notions of “truth” and “falsity” by “informational truth” and “informational 56
57 falsity”, namely holding the information that a sentence ϕ is true, respectively false. Here, by saying that an agent a holds the 57
58 information that ϕ is true or false it is meant that this information is available to a in the sense that a is ready to act upon 58
59 it. 59
60 Both proof-theoretic and model-theoretic presentations of Depth-bounded Boolean logics are available, and indeed ow- 60
61 ing to completeness results, they are provably equivalent. Whilst our main results below are cast proof-theoretically, it is 61
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1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Fig. 1. Informational tables for the classical operators.
6 6
7 7
8 8
Table 1
9 Introduction rules. 9
10 10
ϕ ψ ¬ϕ ¬ψ
11 ϕ ∧ψ (∧I ) ¬(ϕ ∧ψ) (¬ ∧ I 1) ¬(ϕ ∧ψ) (¬ ∧ I 2) 11
¬ϕ ¬ψ ϕ ψ
¬(ϕ ∨ψ) (¬ ∨ I ) ϕ ∨ψ (∨I 1) ϕ ∨ψ (∨I 2)
12 12
13 ϕ ¬ψ ¬ϕ ψ 13
¬(ϕ →ψ) (¬ → I ) ϕ →ψ (→ I 1) ϕ →ψ (→ I 2)
14 14
ϕ ¬ϕ ϕ
15  (I ) ¬¬ϕ (¬¬I ) 15
16 16
17 17
18 certainly helpful to the unfamiliar reader if we start by presenting Depth-bounded Boolean logics semantically. Indeed, as 18
19 anticipated, they arise naturally by shifting the interpretation of boolean tables from “truth” to “informational truth”. This 19
20 apparently innocent shift makes undesirable the classical principle of Bivalence: it may well be that for a given ϕ , we nei- 20
21 ther hold the information that ϕ is true, nor do we hold the information that ϕ is false. So, the informational semantics 21
22 which we are now ready to recall, has a built-in feature that marks the asymmetry between “knowledge” and “ignorance”. 22
23 23
24 2.1. Semantics 24
25 25
26 26
For the rest of the paper we fix a language L, over a finite set V ar = { p 1 , . . . , pn } of propositional variables. We let F mL
27 27
be the formulas built from the propositional variables by the usual classical connectives ∧, ∨, ¬, → and the constant for
28 28
falsum . For each p i ∈ V ar we denote by ± p i any of the literals p i and ¬ p i . Finally, for each set of formulas we denote
29 29
by S f ( ) the subformulas of the formulas in . We use the values 1 and 0 to represent, respectively, informational truth
30 30
and falsity. When a sentence takes neither of these two defined values, we say that it is informationally indeterminate. It is
31 31
technically convenient to treat informational indeterminacy as a third value that we denote by “∗”.1 The three values are
32 32
partially ordered by the relation such that v w (“v is less defined than, or equal to, w”) if, and only if, v = ∗ or v = w
33 33
for v , w ∈ {0, 1, ∗}.
34 34
Note that the old familiar boolean tables for ∧, ∨ and ¬ are still intuitively sound under this informational reinterpreta-
35 35
tion of 1 and 0. However, they are no longer exhaustive: they do not tell us what happens when one or all of the immediate
36 36
constituents of a complex sentence take the value ∗. A remarkable consequence of this approach is that the semantics of
37 37
∨ and ∧ becomes, as first noticed by Quine [24], non-deterministic. In some cases an agent a may accept a disjunction 38
ϕ ∨ ψ as true while abstaining on both components ϕ and ψ . This is often the case when, trying to log in to a website, we 39
are prompted with the error message “either your username (ϕ ) or password (ψ ) are wrong”. Possessing this disjunctive
40 40
piece of information does not give us any definite information about either disjunct, and therefore its seems only rational 41
to refrain to act as if either was true or false. Similarly, a may reject a conjunction ϕ ∧ ψ as false while abstaining on 42
both components. Suppose a holds the information that Alice and Bob are not siblings ¬(ϕ ∧ ψ). With this information a 43
is clearly not in a position to either assent or dissent to sentences like “Is John Alice’s father?” and “Is John Bob’s father?”. 44
However a should certainly dissent to “John is Alice’s father and Bob’s father”. Continuing with informal examples of this 45
sort, one can also see that depending on the information actually possessed by the agent, when ϕ and ψ are both assigned 46
the value ∗, the disjunction ϕ ∨ ψ may take the value 1 or ∗, and the conjunction ϕ ∧ ψ may take the value 0 or ∗. This 47
motivates the informational tables introduced in Fig. 1. 48
As a consequence of this informational interpretation, the classical boolean tables for the ∨, ∧ and ¬ should be replaced 49
by the “informational tables” in Fig. 1, where the value of a complex sentence, in some cases, is not uniquely determined by 50
51 the value of its immediate components. A non-deterministic table for the informational meaning of the Boolean conditional 51
52 can be obtained in the obvious way, by considering ϕ → ψ as having the same meaning as ¬ϕ ∨ ψ [see3, p. 82]. 52
53 53
54 2.2. Derivation 54
55 55
56 The inferences which are allowed by taking the closure of the informational tables just described can be characterised 56
57 equivalently in terms of Introduction (Table 1) and Elimination rules (Table 2). 57
58 The rules in Tables 1 and 2 determine a notion of 0-depth consequence relation as follows. 58
59 59
60 60
61 1 61
This is the symbol for “undefined”, the bottom element of the information ordering, not to be confused with the “falsum” logical constant.
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1 Table 2 1
2 Elimination rules. 2
3 ϕ ∨ψ ¬ϕ ϕ ∨ψ ¬ψ ¬(ϕ ∨ψ) 3
4 ψ (∨E 1) ϕ (∨E 2) ¬ϕ (¬ ∨ E 1) 4
¬(ϕ ∨ψ) ϕ ∧ψ ϕ ∧ψ
5 ¬ψ (¬ ∨ E 2) ϕ (∧E 1) ψ (∧E 2) 5
¬(ϕ ∧ψ) ϕ ¬(ϕ ∧ψ) ψ ϕ →ψ ϕ
¬ψ (¬ ∧ E 1) ¬ϕ (¬ ∧ E 2) ψ (→ E 1) 6
7 ϕ →ψ ¬ψ ¬(ϕ →ψ) ¬(ϕ →ψ) 7
ϕ (→ E 2) ϕ (¬ → E 1) ¬ψ (¬ → E 2)
8 8
9 ϕ (¬¬E ) ϕ (E ) 9
10 10
11 11
Definition 1. For any set of formulas ∪ {α } ⊆ F mL , we let 0 α iff there is a sequence of formulas α1 , . . . , αn such that
12 12
αn = α and each formula αi is either in or obtained by application of the rules in Table 1 and Table 2 on the formulas α j 13
with j < i.
14 14
15 15
16 The key feature of the consequence relation 0 is that only information actually possessed by the agent is allowed 16
17 in a “0-depth deduction”. This makes a sharp distinction with classical deduction where unbounded use can be made of 17
18 virtual information, i.e. information not actually possessed by the agent at the time of carrying out the deduction. Virtual 18
19 information is used to fill out, in all possible completions, gaps in the agent’s information, as illustrated by Example 1 below. 19
20 While 0 allows for no use of virtual information, the central idea of Depth-bounded Boolean Logics consists in keeping 20
21 track of the amount k of virtual information which agents are allowed to use in their deductions. This naturally leads to the 21
22 recursive definition of the consequence relation k , for k > 0, as follows. 22
23 23
24 Definition 2. For each k > 0 and set of formulas ∪ {α } ⊆ F mL , we let k α iff there is a finite sequence of formulas 24
25 α1 , . . . , αn and a formula β ∈ S f ( ∪ {α }), such that αn = α , and for each αi , with i < n, we have α1 , . . . , αi−1 , β k−1 αi 25
26 and α1 , . . . , αi −1 , ¬β k−1 αi . 26
27 27
28 In other words, we suppose that β is a piece of “virtual information” which is not actually possessed by the agent at 28
29 level k − 1 but which can be seen to be sufficient to derive α through case-based reasoning.2 Note that the consequence 29
30 relation presented in Definition 2 is an instance of a strong depth bounded consequence relations, which is transitive, in 30
31 contrast to its weak counterpart, see [4] for an exhaustive discussion. Variants of both strong and weak depth bounded 31
32 consequence relations arise when allowing different kind of formulas to be used as virtual information (virtual spaces in the 32
33 terminology of [4]). 33
34 34
35 Example 1. Consider the excluded middle formula p ∨ ¬ p. Direct inspection of the rules in Tables 1 and 2 shows that the 35
36 formula is not 0-depth derivable, i.e. 0 p ∨ ¬ p. However, if we allow the use of virtual information p, we find out that 36
37 both p 0 p ∨ ¬ p and ¬ p 0 p ∨ ¬ p. From this follows that 1 p ∨ ¬ p. 37
38 38
39 39
Let us just recall a small set of properties of Depth-bounded Boolean Logics, which will play a role in what follows.
40 40
First, it is shown in [4] that the relations k are sound and complete with respect to the consequence relation defined
41 41
on the basis of the non-deterministic semantics illustrated in Section 2.1. As an immediate consequence we can observe
that Example 1 implies that it is not the case that φ ∨ ¬φ is a 0-depth tautology. This matches quite naturally the concerns 42
43 43
raised against the so-called probabilistic excluded middle. In the framework of Depth-bounded Boolean Logics, if an agent
44 44
has no information about φ , then they should not be forced to assign it the highest degree of belief, for it is not a tautology.
45 45
Second, the recursive definition of k ensures that the bounded use of virtual information is monotonic and eventually
46 46
becomes “unbounded”, thereby providing a hierarchy of consequence relations approximating the classical one.
47 47
48 48
Theorem 1. [4] The relations k approximate the classical consequence relation , that is, limk→∞ k = .
49 49
50 50
Finally, as we shall discuss in the concluding section of this paper, the hierarchy of depth-bounded logics has a very nice 51
computational feature: each consequence relation k is polynomial. 52
53 53
3. Belief functions and depth-bounded logic 54
55 55
In this section we will use the tools of Depth bounded logics and the informational perspective to rethink the very idea 56
of degrees of belief, making it sensitive to the distinction between the manipulation of actual and virtual information [5]. 57
58 58
59 2
The definition of k can be reformulated in terms of calculi that add to the rules in Table 1 and 2, a branching rule, to be applied only in limited form.
60 60
Such rule (see e.g. [6]) bear some similarity to the elimination rule for disjunction in natural deduction, where the virtual information plays the role of
61 formulas to be discharged. 61
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1 First, for each formula α ∈ F mL , we define the function v kα : F mL → {0, 1} such that v kα (ϕ ) = 1 iff α k ϕ and v kα (ϕ ) = 0 1
2 otherwise. 2
3 We add to these the function v k∗ (where ∗ is a symbol not occurring in F mL ), such that v k∗ (ϕ ) = 1 iff k ϕ . Note that, 3
4 since the 0-depth logic 0 does not have tautologies [4], v 0∗ (ϕ ) = 0 for each ϕ ∈ F mL . We will also have a valuation v k , 4
5 assigning v k (α ) = 1 iff  k α . In the following, we call all the functions v kα , for α ∈ F mL ∪ {∗} the k-depth information 5
6 states. 6
7 A couple of observations are in order. First, the evaluations v kα can be thought of as lower approximations of a set of 7
8 partial evaluations satisfying α , which send all the undetermined truth values to 0. An upper approximation, sending all 8
9 the undetermined truth values to 1 is just obtained by letting w kα (ϕ ) = 0 iff α k ¬ϕ and w kα (ϕ ) = 1 otherwise. Clearly, 9
10 w ka (ϕ ) = 1 − v kα (¬ϕ ). We can relate the pair ( v kα , w kα ) to the nondeterministic semantics (the indeterminate value should 10
11 correspond to v kα (ϕ ) = w kα (ϕ )). 11
12 Finally, note that the function associating to each formula α the corresponding v kα is not injective: two distinct formulas 12
13 α and β might determine the same function v kα and v kβ . We can thus think of such functions as determining a partition of 13
14 the set of formulas F mL . 14
15 The first step in our characterisation of Belief Function based on Depth-bounded Boolean Logics consists in defining a 15
16 basic assignment over the set of formulas F mL . In doing so, we assume that it is nonzero over a finite subset of it. In 16
17 addition to being mathematically convenient, this matches our general concern for maintaining the asymmetry between 17
18 knowledge and ignorance. For, contrary to what happens for probability, assigning a degree 0 to the evidence for a formula 18
19 α is not equivalent, in our setting, to assigning 1 to the negation ¬α . Assignment of degree 0, even to infinitely many 19
20 formulas, come in a sense at no cost. 20
21 21
22 22
Definition 3 (k-depth mass function). Let mk : F mL ∪ {∗} → [0, 1] be such that
23 23
24 Supp (mk ) = {α ∈ F mL ∪ {∗} | mk (α ) = 0} 24
25 25
26 is finite. Then mk is a k-depth mass function if 26
27  27
28 1. α ∈ Supp (mk ) mk (α ) = 1 28
29 2. α ∈/ Supp (mk ) if v kα = v k 29
30 30
31 The idea is that mk (α ) expresses the portion of belief that a k-depth bounded agent would assign exclusively to α , based 31
32 on its actual information. On the other hand, mk (∗) stands just for the portion of belief not assigned to any proposition. Let 32
33 us assume that there is a formula γ , such that α 0 γ for each α ∈ Supp (mk ). We then denote the support by Supp γ (mk ). 33
34 Mass functions mk whose supports have the latter form, express the more realistic situation where an agent is judging 34
35 the evidence, when already in possession of a background information, represented by γ . Henceforth, if no such formula 35
36 exist, with a slight abuse of notation, we will sometimes denote the support by Supp ∗ (mk ), so that we can uniformly use 36
37 the Supp γ notation, for γ in F mL ∪ {∗}. Adapting from the terminology in use for classical belief functions, we will call the 37
38 formulas in Supp γ (mk ) focal formulas. 38
39 We are now ready to introduce the notion of k-depth belief function. 39
40 40
Definition 4 (k-depth belief function). Let γ ∈ F mL ∪ {∗}, and let mk be a k-depth mass function with support Supp γ . We 41
42 42
define a corresponding k-depth belief function as follows:
43 43
44 B k (ϕ |γ ) := mk (α ) · v α (ϕ ) 44
45 45
α ∈ Supp γ (mk )
46 46
47 for any ϕ ∈ F mL . Correspondingly, a k-depth plausibility function is 47
48 48
49 Plk (ϕ |γ ) := mk (α ) · w kα (ϕ ) 49
50 α ∈ Supp γ (mk ) 50
51 51
where we take into account all the α compatible with ϕ i.e. those which do not prove ¬ϕ . 52
53 53
54 It is easy to see that 54
55 55
Plk (ϕ |γ ) = 1 − B k (¬ϕ |γ ). 56
57 Given a formula ϕ and a background information γ , the k-depth belief an agent possesses about ϕ can be framed in 57
58 terms of the interval [ B k (ϕ |γ ), Plk (ϕ |γ )]. 58
59 Note the strong link between the representation of uncertainty provided by the interval [ B k (ϕ |γ ), Plk (ϕ |γ )] and the 59
60 nondeterministic semantics of k-depth logics. On the one hand B k (ϕ |γ ) counts as evidence for ϕ only the (syntactic repre- 60
61 sentations of the) partial evaluations which suffice to obtain that ϕ is true, deterministically; Plk (ϕ |γ ), on the other hand, 61
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1 takes into account all the partial evaluations which do not suffice to obtain that ϕ is false, deterministically. Clearly, within 1
2 this range of evaluations lie also all the evaluations which might make ϕ true, but nondeterministically. 2

3 Henceforth, for ease of visualization, given a set A, we will find it helpful at times to denote simply by A the expres- 3
sion a∈ A a. With a little abuse of notation, let now:
5 5
6 k k k 6
mk ( v α ) := {mk (β) | β ∈ Supp γ (mk , v β = v α }
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
I kγ = { v kα | α ∈ Supp γ (mk )}.
11 11
12 12
We obtain that
13 13
14 k k k 14
B k (ϕ |γ ) = mk (α ) v α (ϕ ) = mk ( v α ) · v α (ϕ ). (1)
15 15
α ∈ Supp γ (mk ) v kα ∈ I kγ 16
17 17
18 Hence, we can equivalently think of k-depth mass functions as actually defined over I kγ , which is a finer frame of discernment 18
19 (see e.g. [27]) than F mL ∪ {∗}, since it identifies formulas having the same k-depth consequences. 19
20 Note also that, in passing from m0 to mk , the frame of discernment I kγ gets much coarser than I γ0 : functions which were 20
21 previously distinct turn out to be the same. As an example, consider that v 0∗ and v 0p ∨¬ p boil down to the same function, i.e. 21
22 v 1∗ = v 1p ∨¬ p . 22
23 A final comment on Definition 4, and its equivalent reformulation (1), is in order. To quantify their degree of belief in a 23
24 formula ϕ , an agent collects and “sums up” all the actual information or evidence which permits to infer ϕ . What our logical 24
25 25
analysis adds to this classical view is a way of distinguishing two features of this belief formation process which are usually
26 26
conflated in set-theoretic models of belief: on the one hand the representation of the evidence possessed by an agent, and
27 27
on the other hand their inferential ability. As to the first feature, our model borrows the concept of information states from
28 28
the theory of Depth-bounded Boolean logics. Information states are built starting from any formula of the language: for each
29 29
α , we consider the information state where the agent holds only that α and its logical consequences (up to a fixed k) are
30 30
true. This accounts for the second feature of belief formation: (limited) inferential ability. Definition 4 accounts transparently
31 31
for the role of both. Confront this with the usual “possible worlds” representation which is typical of set-theoretic models of
32 32
belief: each possible world corresponds to a classical evaluation, hence it requires that the truth value of each propositional
33 33
variables is settled and that agents are capable of full deductive closure.
34 34
Our first proposition collects the main properties of k-depth belief functions, and indeed justifies the terminology.
35 35
36 36
Proposition 1. Each B k is (a-b) normalized, (c) monotone and (d) totally monotone function, i.e. for each formulas ϕ , ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn , it 37
satisfies: 38
39 39
40 (a) γ k ϕ implies B k (ϕ |γ ) = 1 40
41 (b) γ k ¬ϕ implies B k (ϕ |γ ) = 0 41
42 (c) γ , ϕ k ψ implies  B k (ϕ |γ ) ≤ B k (ψ|γ ) 42
(d) B k ( i =1 ϕi |γ ) ≥ ∅= S (−1)| S |−1 B k ( i ∈ S ϕi |γ )
43 43
44 44
45 Proof. (a). By the definition of Supp γ (mk ), we have α 0 γ for each α ∈ Supp c (mk ). Hence since 0 ⊆ k , we obtain α k γ, 45
46 and by the transitivity of k , α k ϕ , i.e. v kα (ϕ ) = 1 for each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ). Finally, by the definition of B k , we obtain 46
47 47
B k (ϕ |γ ) = mk (α ) v kα (ϕ ) = mk (α ) = 1. 48
49 49
α ∈ Supp γ (mk ) α ∈ Supp γ (mk )
50 50
51 (b). From the definition of B k , we have B k (ϕ |γ ) = 0 if and only if there is at least a formula α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), such 51
52 that α k ϕ . On the other hand since α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), α 0 γ , hence α k ¬γ . The latter together with the assumption 52
53 53
γ k ¬ϕ , gives us by transitivty that α k ¬ϕ . Hence we obtain α k , that is, v kβ∧γ = v k . By Definition 3 this means that
54 54
mk (α ) = 0, which is in contradiction with α ∈ Supp γ (mk ).
55 55
(c) Given the definition of B k (ϕ |γ ), it suffices to show that, whenever α is such that v kα (ϕ ) = 1 then v kα (ψ) = 1. Assume 56
that v kα (ϕ ) = 1, i.e. α k ϕ . Since α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), we also have α k γ . On the other hand we get, by our hypothesis, 57
58 ϕ , γ k ψ , hence by the transitivity of k , we obtain α k ψ , i.e. v kα (ψ) = 1. 58
59 (d). We adapt a similar proof in Theorem 4.1 in [19]. Let us recall (see equation (1)) that mk can be seen as a probability 59
60 distribution over the set I kγ , and hence straightforwardly defines a probability measure (in usual, set-theoretical terms) over 60
61 the finite set P ( I kγ ). We thus obtain: 61
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1 1
Bk( ϕ i |γ ) = mk ( v kα ) v kα (ϕ1 ∨ · · · ∨ ϕn ) 2
3 i =1 v kα ∈ I kγ 3
4 4
k k
5 ≥ mk (α ) max( v α (ϕ1 ), . . . , v α (ϕn )) 5
6 v kα ∈ I kγ 6
7 k k 7
= mk ({ v α | for some i , v α (ϕi ) = 1}) 8
9 = (−1)| S |−1mk ({ v kα | v kα (ϕi ) = 1 for all i ∈ S }) 9
10 10
∅= S ⊆ {1,...,n}
11 11
12 = (−1)| S |−1 B k ( ϕi ). 12
13 ∅= S ⊆{1,...,n} i∈ S 13
14 14
15 The inequality in the second line follows from the obvious fact that, for all the v kα such that v kα (ϕ ) = 1, i.e. α k ϕi , we have 15
16 that v kα (ϕ1 ∨ . . . ϕn ) = 1, i.e. α k ϕ1 ∨ . . . ϕn , by the ∨I rule in Table 1. The third is a reformulation of the previous one, 16
17 using the additivity of mk as a probability measures over sets. 17
18 The fourth line follows from the application of the inclusion-exclusion principle for probability measures. Finally, the last 18
19 equality follows from the introduction and elimination rules for conjunction. The latter determine indeed that, given any 19
20 ∅ = S ⊆ {1, . . . , n}, we have α k ϕi for each i ∈ S iff α k i ∈ S ϕi .  20
21 21
22 Example 2. Assume that a 0-depth bounded agent judges that the actual information it possesses provides a strong support 22
23 only for the formula p ∨ q, and none for its disjuncts. We can represent such a situation, for instance by m0 ( p ∨ q) = 0.8, 23
24 m0 (∗) = 0.2 and for any other α ∈ F mL , m0 (α ) = 0. Note in particular that p ∨ q 0 q ∨ p and p ∨ q 0 (q ∧ p ) ∨ (q ∧ 24
25 ¬ p ) ∨ (¬q ∧ p ), hence one has B 0 ( p ∨ q) = 0.8 and B 0 (q ∨ p ) = B 0 ((q ∧ p ) ∨ (q ∧ ¬ p ) ∨ (¬q ∧ p )) = 0, although both 25
26 q ∨ p and (q ∧ p ) ∨ (q ∧ ¬ p ) ∨ (¬q ∧ p ) classically are logically equivalent to p ∨ q. Consider now a 1-depth agent, using 26
27 the same piece of evidence, i.e. m1 ( p ∨ q) = m0 ( p ∨ q) = 0.8 and m1 (∗) = m0 (∗) = 0.2. For such agent v 1p ∨q = v q1∨ p and 27
28 v 1p ∨q = v 1(q∧ p )∨(q∧¬ p )∨(¬q∧ p ) .
Hence even though it gave no direct support for the information state on the right of both 28
29 equalities, it will assign B 1 ( p ∨ q) = 0.8 = B 1 (q ∨ p ) and B 1 ( p ∨ q) = 0.8 = B 1 (q ∧ p ) ∨ (q ∧ ¬ p ) ∨ (¬q ∧ p ). 29
30 30
31 31
4. The hierarchy of depth-bounded belief functions
32 32
33 33
So far, in correspondence to each k-depth bounded logic, we have defined a notion of k-depth Belief function, based on a
34 34
very general definition of k-depth mass function. Whilst this responds to the natural question of grounding Belief functions
35 35
on Depth-bounded Boolean logics, it still leaves important representational desiderata unaddressed. To see this, note that
36 36
while each k-depth logical consequence (k > 0) is recursively defined in terms of logical consequences at lower depth,
37 37
no analogous restriction has yet been imposed on the mass functions, as we move across different depths. In particular,
38 38
given a formula α , our Definition 3 would in principle allow an agent to assign completely unrelated values to m0 (α ) and
39 39
mk (α ). Addressing this issue will provide a novel, to the best of our knowledge, presentation of Belief function in terms of
40 40
a hierarchy of approximations thereof.
41 41
Let us recall that mass functions in Dempster-Shafer theory [27] are meant to represent an agent’s judgment of evidence:
42 42
in this section, we take such evidence to be determined only at a “shallow” level, corresponding to the mass function m0 .
43 43
We cannot, however, just assume that each mk equals m0 , since we need to take into account the increased logical capacity
44 44
of the agent.
45 45
Indeed, m0 is required to assign value 0 only to the α such that v 0α = v 0 . It might be the case, however, that incon-
46 46
sistencies are recognized as such only at a certain depth k > 0. Each mk is obtained then from m0 by distributing among
47 47
noncontradictory formulas all the masses of the formulas which can been shown to be contradictory at depth k. This moti- 48
vates the following definition. 49
50 50
51 Definition 5. Let γ ∈ F mL ∪ {∗} and m0 : F mL ∪ {∗} → [0, 1] be a 0-depth mass function with support Supp γ (mk ). We say 51
52 that mk is an m0 -based k-depth mass function if it satisfies the following: 52
53 53
54 • For each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), such that v kα = v k 54
55 55
m0 (α )
56 mk (α ) =  . 56
57 1 − {m0 (β) | v kβ = v k } 57
58 58
59 Moreover, if for each k > 0, Supp γ (m0 ) = Supp γ (mk ), we say that the mk are constant m0 -based k-depth mass functions. 59
60 The k-depth m0 -based belief functions are then just obtained as in Definition 4, on the basis of m0 -based k-depth mass 60
61 functions. 61
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1 The m0 -based belief functions are just special cases of those in Definition 4, hence the results of the previous section 1
2 still apply. 2
3 We can think of m0 -based k-depth mass function as arising from a peculiar kind of belief revision, which is not due to 3
4 new information, but only to (higher-depth) logical reasoning. In particular, Definition 5 expresses an agent’s update of 4
5 5
degrees of belief, only upon the following new piece of information: some of the formulas to which she originally assigned
6 6
non-zero mass are, in fact, contradictory. Such information could also be encoded, for instance, as a simple mass-function
7 7
mk , such that
8 8
9 9
mk ( ¬α = 1
10 10
α ∈ F mL 11
v α =v 
k k
12 12
13 and mk (β) = 0 for any other formula. Then the mk in Definition 5 can also be obtained by just updating mk with such a 13
14 mk via the Dempster-Shafer [27] rule of combination.3 14
15 Note that, by Equation (1), we can also express mk , in terms of the apparently looser constraint: 15
16 16

{m0 (β) | v kβ = v kα } 17
18 mk ( v α ) =  (2) 18
1 − {m0 (β) | v kβ = v k } 19
20 20
resulting in the same class of k-depth m0 -based Belief functions.
21 21
Our next proposition shows that belief functions which are based on constant m0 -based k-depth mass functions, deter-
22 22
mine intervals [ B k (ϕ |γ ), Plk (ϕ |γ )] for each ϕ ∈ F mL , which get smaller as k increases. This has the welcome consequence
23 23
to the effect that higher logical abilities, as measured by k , lead to sharper uncertainty quantification.
24 24
25 25
Proposition 2. Let γ ∈ F ormL , m0 be a 0-depth mass function, mk be a constant m0 -based k-depth mass function with support 26
Supp γ (mk ), and B k and Plk the corresponding belief and plausibility functions. For each k ≥ 0, we have B k (ϕ |γ ) ≤ B k+1 (ϕ |γ ); 27
Plk (ϕ |γ ) ≥ Plk+1 (ϕ |γ ) 28
29 29
30 Proof. For each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), clearly α k ϕ implies α k+1 ϕ , hence v kα (ϕ ) ≤ v kα+1 (ϕ ) for each ϕ ∈ F mL . On the other 30
31 hand, by Definition 5, it follows that for each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ) = Supp γ (mk+1 ) such that v kα = v k , we have mk (α ) = mk+1 (α ). 31
32 Hence from Definition 4, we have B k (ϕ |γ ) ≤ B k+1 (ϕ |γ ). As an easy consequence of this fact, we get Plk (ϕ ) ≥ Plk+1 (ϕ ).  32
33 33
34 34
Let us consider now the connection between the k-depth belief functions defined above and the belief functions in the
35 35
classical setting. A customary presentation of belief functions is as set functions, see e.g. [27,13], satisfying the set-theoretic
36 36
counterpart of the (a-d) in Proposition 1.
37 37
In a logical setting [19], they can represented as functions over the boolean Lindenbaum algebra of classical logic (see
e.g. [19]). Recall that elements of such algebra are the equivalence classes of the form [α ]≡γ , determined by the relation 38
≡γ defined by α ≡γ β iff γ , α β and γ , β α . 39
40 40
Let us now introduce, for α ∈ F mL , a function v α , such that v α (ϕ ) = 1 if α ϕ and v α (ϕ ) = 0 otherwise. Note that
41 41
distinct formulas α and β may give rise to the same valuation: we have distinct v α s only for distinct classes of the Linden-
42 42
baum algebra Lindγ . Hence, in analogy to what we did for depth-bounded belief functions, we can equivalently formulate
43 43
classical belief function in terms of probability distribution over the set I γ = { v α | α ∈ F mL , α γ }. More precisely, given
44 44
any classical belief function B : F mL → [0, 1] we can find a mass function m (also called Moebius transform) m : I γ → [0, 1] 45
46 such that 46
47 47
48 m ( v α ) = 1, 48
49 vα ∈Iγ 49
50 50
m( v  ) = 0, and the belief function B is obtained by
51 51
52 52
B (ϕ |γ ) = v α (ϕ )m( v α ), 53
54 vα ∈Iγ 54
55 55
for any formula ϕ . This shows that belief functions are obtained as convex combinations of functions (which are not classical
56 56
evaluations) v α : F m → {0, 1}.
57 57
Against this background we can now state the main result of this section.
58 58
59 59
60 3 60
Following this idea, combining mk and mk by way of rules of combination different than Dempster-Shafer, would result in alternative, equally plausi-
61 ble, definitions of m0 -based k-depth mass functions. We reserve to future investigations a further exploration of this issue. 61
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1 Theorem 2. Let γ ∈ F mL ∪ {∗} and B : F mL → [0, 1] be a belief function. Then there is a sequence of depth bounded belief functions 1
2 B k such that, for each ϕ we have 2
3 3
4 B (ϕ |γ ) = lim B k (ϕ |γ ). 4
5 k→∞ 5
6 6
7 Proof. By the argument above we have 7
8 8
B (ϕ |γ ) = m( v α ) v α (ϕ ), 9
10 vα ∈Iγ 10
so it suffices to take any mass function m0 such that, for each v α ∈ I γ 11
12 12
13 m0 (β) | β ∈ F mL , v α = v β ) = m( v α ). 13
14 14

15 Clearly, since vα ∈Iγ m( v α ) = 1 we also get 15
16 16
17 m0 (α ) = 1. 17
18 18
α ∈ Supp γ (m0 )
19 19
20 Moreover, by the definition of m0 , since m( v 0 ) = 0, we get m0 (α ) = 0 for each v α = v  . Hence m0 is a 0-depth mass 20
21 function and, letting mk be the corresponding m0 -based k-depth mass function (see Definition 5 and the reformulation 21
22 thereafter in Equation (2)), we have 22
23   23
24 mk ( v kα ) = m0 (β) | v kβ = v kα . 24
25 25
26 By Theorem 1 we know that limk→∞ v kα (ϕ ) = v α (ϕ ), hence we get 26
27 27
28 lim mk ( v kα ) = lim {m0 (β) | v kβ = v kα } 28
29 k→∞ k→∞ 29
30 = {m0 (β) | v β = v α } 30
31 31
= m( v α ). 32
33 33
We finally obtain
34 34
35 lim B k (ϕ |γ ) = lim v kα (ϕ )mk ( v kα ) 35
36 k→∞ k→∞ 36
α ∈ Supp γ (mk )
37 37
38 = v α (ϕ ) · m( v α ) = B (ϕ |γ ).  38
39 vα ∈Iγ 39
40 40
41 41
To sum up, the conditions on the mass function pinned down by Definition 5 lead to the construction of a hierarchy of
42 42
belief functions which approximate Dempster-Shafer Belief functions. Each element in the hierarchy identified by Theorem 2
43 43
can thus be interpreted as an approximation of the Dempster-Shafer degree of belief of a realistic agent, i.e. one whose
44 44
logical abilities are bounded by k .
45 45
46 46
5. Restricting the focal formulas: atoms and subatoms
47 47
48 48
Let us now investigate some classes of k-depth belief functions arising from restrictions of the set of focal formulas.
49 49
Throughout this section, we fix V arL = { p 1 , . . . , pn } and assume, for simplicity, no background information, or, which is the
50 50
same, that the background information amounts to ∗.
51 51
We first consider the case of Supp (m0 ) ⊆ At L , where
52 52
At L = { ± p i | p i ∈ V arL }. 53
54 54
55 In the classical setting, this reduces belief functions to probabilities. Atoms correspond indeed to boolean evaluations: it is 55
56 easy to see that for each boolean evaluation v : F m → {0, 1} there is a unique atom α such that for all ϕ ∈ F m, we have 56
57 α ϕ iff v (ϕ ) = 1, i.e. v (ϕ ) = v α (ϕ ). 57
58 The restriction to atoms produces also a collapse of the hierarchy of the depth-bounded logics: atoms correspond indeed 58
59 to evaluations where (informational) truth and falsity is assigned to all propositional variables, and the tables in Fig. 1 59
60 coincide with the classical ones, when the indeterminate value ∗ is not assigned. As a proof-theoretical counterpart of this 60
61 fact, it is easy to check that, for any atom α ∈ At L , for each k ≥ 0, we have α k ϕ iff α ϕ for every ϕ ∈ F mL , i.e. v kα = v α . 61
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1 In light of such considerations, we obtain that for any 0-depth mass assignment m0 , with Supp ( m0 ) ⊆ At L , the corre- 1
2 sponding m0 -based k-depth belief function is such that B k (ϕ ) = B k+1 (ϕ ) for each k ≥ 0 and for each ϕ ∈ F mL . Each B k thus 2
3 satisfies, in addition to the properties of Lemma 1, also finite additivity, and therefore is just as a probability function. 3
4 A more interesting example arises, when letting 4
5 5
6 Subat L = { ± p i | I ⊆ {1, . . . , n}} ∪ {∗} 6
7 i∈I 7
8 8
we assume that Supp (m0 ) ⊆ Subat L . While atoms are in one-to-one correspondence with boolean evaluations, each sub-
9 9
atom α determine a corresponding three-valued non-deterministic evaluation, i.e. the one which assigns the value ∗ to each
10 10
propositional variable not occurring in α .
11 11
Given this correspondence, we can take m0 (α ) to represent the belief that an agent assigns exclusively to a single (three-
12 12
valued) evaluation, i.e. the one corresponding to the formula α . This amounts to the agent being in possess of information
13 13
about the truth or falsity of some propositional variables, but not necessarily all of them. This case is intermediate between
14 14
the general setting presented in Section 6, where the agent expresses belief over arbitrary formulas (which we can think
15 15
of as belief committed to sets of partial evaluations) and the case just discussed above, reducing to probability, where the
16 16
agent expresses belief over a classical evaluation, i.e. a belief concerning the truth or falsity of every propositional variable
17 17
in the language.
18 18
Let us observe a few interesting features of this family of k-depth belief functions.
19 19
First, unlike the previous case based on atoms, the k-depth belief functions B k will be in general distinct from each
20 20
21 21
Second, the B 0 belief functions turn out to be finitely additive, as we show in the following.
22 22
23 23
Proposition 3. Let m0 be a 0-depth mass function, such that Supp γ (m0 ) ⊆ Subat L . For each formulas ϕ , ψ ∈ F mL , we have 24
25 25
B 0 (ϕ ∨ ψ) = B 0 (ϕ ) + B 0 (ψ) − B 0 (ϕ ∧ ψ).
26 26
27 27
Proof. By definition 28
29 0 0 29
B 0 (ϕ ∨ ψ) = m0 (a) v α (ϕ ∨ ψ) = m0 (a) v α (ϕ ∨ ψ).
30 30
α ∈ Supp (m0 ) α ∈ Subat L 31
32 Note that 0 has the disjunction property, i.e. ϕ ∨ ψ is derivable iff either ϕ or ψ are derivable. This means that, if 32
33 α ∈ Subat L , then v 0α (ϕ ∨ ψ) = 1 iff v 0α (ϕ ) = 1 or v 0α (ψ) = 1. We obtain then 33
34 34
35 v 0α (ϕ ∨ ψ) = v 0α (ϕ )(1 − v 0α (ψ)) + v 0α (ψ) · (1 − v 0α (ϕ )) + v 0α (ϕ ) · v 0α (ψ). 35
36 36
Hence, using the latter, we get: 37
38 0 0 38
B 0 (ϕ ∨ ψ) = m0 ( v α ) v α (ϕ ∨ ψ)
39 39
α ∈ Subat L 40
0 0 0 0
41 = m0 (α )[ v α (ϕ ) + v α (ψ) − v α (ϕ ) · v α (ψ)] 41
42 42
α ∈ Subat L
43 43
44 = m0 (α ) v 0α (ϕ ) + m0 (α ) v 0α (ψ) 44
45 α ∈ Subat L α ∈ Subat L 45
46 0 46
− m0 (α ) v α (ϕ ∧ ψ)
48 α ∈ Subat L 48
49 = B 0 (ϕ ) + B 0 (ψ) − B 0 (ϕ ∧ ψ).  49
50 50
51 51
Remark 1. Note that the result for B 0 is also an immediate consequence of Theorem 5 in [20], since the evaluations v 0α
52 52
satisfy T2 and T3, in the terminology of [20].
53 53
54 54
Let us see now some other examples of m0 -based k-depth belief functions based on the support Subat L .
55 55
56 56
Example 3. Let V arL = { p , q} and m0 be a 0-depth mass function, which is uniformly distributed over the set 57
58 58
Supp (m0 ) = Subat L = {∗, p , ¬ p , q, ¬q, p ∧ q, p ∧ ¬q, ¬ p ∧ q, ¬ p ∧ ¬q}
59 59
60 i.e. we let m0 (a) = 1/9 for each formula α ∈ Supp (m0 ). It is easy to see that, if α is one of p , q, p ∧ q, p ∧ ¬q, ¬ p ∧ q then 60
61 α 0 p ∨ q. On the other hand, only if α is ¬ p ∧ ¬q then α 0 ¬( p ∨ q). Hence by the definition of B 0 , we have: 61
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1 B 0 ( p ∨ q) = 5/9 B 0 (¬( p ∨ q)) = 1/9 Pl0 ( p ∨ q) = 8/9. 1

2 2
3 Recall that, under a uniform probability distribution over atoms in the classical case, we would get P ( p ∨ q) = 3/4 ∈ 3
4 [5/9, 8/9]. 4
5 Note that α k p ∨ q and α k ¬( p ∨ q) holds exactly in the same cases as for 0 , hence we have 5
6 6
7 B k ( p ∨ q) = B 0 (( p ∨ q) = 5/9 B k (¬( p ∨ q)) = B 0 (¬( p ∨ q) = 1/9 7
Plk ( p ∨ q) = Pl0 ( p ∨ q) = 8/9, 8
9 9
10 for each k ≥ 1. 10
11 11
12 Example 4. Let us consider the formula p ∨ ¬ p, with a mass function m0 such that Supp (m0 ) = {∗, p , ¬ p }. We have: 12
13 13
14 p 0 p ∨ ¬p ¬p 0 p ∨ ¬p ∅ 0 p ∨ ¬ p 14
15 15
16 p 1 p ∨ ¬p ¬p 1 p ∨ ¬p ∅ 1 p ∨ ¬p 16
17 17
We obtain:
18 18
19 19
B 0 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) = m0 ( p ) + m0 (¬ p ) B 0 (¬( p ∨ ¬ p )) = m0 ( v  ) = 0
20 20
21 Pl0 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) = m0 ( p ) + m0 (¬ p ) + m0 (∗) = 1 21
22 22
On the other hand: 23
24 24
B 1 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) = m0 ( p ) + m0 (¬ p ) + m0 (∗) = 1 25
26 B 1 (¬( p ∨ ¬ p )) = 0 Pl1 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) = 1 26
27 27
28 We have thus B 0 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) = B 0 ( p ) + B 0 (¬ p ), while B 1 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) > B 1 ( p ) + B 1 (¬ p ) − B 1 (¬( p ∨ ¬ p ). 28
29 29
30 The last example helps to illustrate the reason why B 0 behaves as a finitely additive measure, while the B k with k > 0 30
31 are superadditive. As we have seen, B 1 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) includes the belief in m(∗), which is only “virtually” in favour of p ∨ ¬ p: 31
32 neither B 1 ( p ) nor B 1 (¬ p ) include such belief. The example also shows that k-depth belief functions are a proper subclass 32
33 of belief functions, due to the lack of normalization on classical tautologies: one can have indeed B 0 ( p ∨ ¬ p ) < 1 while 33
34 this cannot occur for classical belief functions. 34
35 35
36 6. Approximating classical probability 36
37 37
38 In this section we suggest yet another way to restrict the focal formulas of k-depth mass functions, resulting in sequences 38
39 of depth-bounded belief functions which approximate classical probability functions. 39
40 In Section 4 and 5, we assumed that the set of focal formulas Supp γ (mk ) for some γ ∈ F mL ∪ {∗} and k > 0 was the 40
41 same as Supp γ (m0 ), except for the possible removal (and redistribution of the mass) of formulas which turn out to be 41
42 inconsistent at depth k. We will now provide some more restrictive constraints on Supp γ (mk ). 42
43 The guiding idea is that Supp γ (m0 ) should only contain formulas which an agent is able to judge already at a shallow 43
44 level. As the depth increases, we assume that, besides higher inferential capacity, the agents have also higher “imaginative” 44
45 capacity, i.e. capacity for weighting the uncertainty of scenarios not immediately given to them (see [21] for a related 45
46 approach). 46
47 Let us now give our formal definition of the k-depth mass function, with focal formulas defined according to the ideas 47
48 sketched above. 48
49 49
Definition 6 (k-depth revising mass function). Let γ ∈ F mL ∪ {∗} and m0 be a 0-depth mass function with support Supp γ (m0 ). 50
51 51
We say that the functions mk for k > 0 are m0 -based k-depth revising mass functions iff
52 52
1. Supp γ (mk+1 ), for k ≥ 0, contains only formulas of the kind α ∧ p i and α ∧ ¬ p i , for each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), p i ∈ V arL , 53
provided that ± p i does not occur already as one of the conjuncts of α . 54
55 55
2. For each α ∈ Supp γ (mk )
56 56
mk+1 (α ∧ ± p i ) | α ∧ ± p i ∈ Supp γ (mk+1 = mk (α ). 57
58 58
59 3. For each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ), 59
60 60
61 mk+1 (α ∧ ± p i ) = 0 if α ∧ ± p i k +1 . 61
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1 Note that the second condition in the definition above amounts to redistributing, for each α ∈ Supp γ (mk ) the mass 1
2 mk (α ) among the formulas α ∧ ± p i ∈ Supp γ (mk+1 ). It is easy to check that 2
3 3
4 mk+1 (α ∧ ± p i ) = 1, 4
5 α ∧± p i ∈ Supp γ (mk+1 ) 5
6 6
7 hence the m0 -based k-depth revising mass functions are just a particular case of k-depth mass functions, which determine 7
8 corresponding belief functions B k (|γ ) by Definition 4. All the results in Section 3 will still hold. 8
9 9
10 Example 5. Consider a 0-depth mass function such that Supp (m0 ) = { p ∨ q, ∗} V arL = { p , q}. Let us determine the support 10
11 of the corresponding m0 -based k-depth revising mass functions mk and belief functions B k . We have 11
12 12
13 Supp (m1 ) = {( p ∨ q) ∧ p , ( p ∨ q) ∧ ¬ p , ( p ∨ q) ∧ q, ( p ∨ q) ∧ ¬q} ∪ { p , ¬ p , q, ¬q} 13
14 14
15 At depth 2, we get 15
16 16
17 Supp (m2 ) = { p ∧ q, p ∧ ¬q, ¬ p ∧ q, ¬ p ∧ ¬q, q ∧ p , q ∧ ¬ p , 17
q ∧ p , q ∧ ¬q} ∪ {( p ∨ q) ∧ p ∧ q, ( p ∨ q) ∧ ¬ p ∧ q, 18
19 19
20 ( p ∨ q) ∧ q ∧ p , ( p ∨ q) ∧ q ∧ ¬ p , ( p ∨ q) ∧ ¬q ∧ p }. 20
21 21
All the formulas in Supp (m2 ) are actually already 2-depth logically equivalent to atoms (with many repetitions of logically
22 22
equivalent formulas), hence B 2 is just a probability function.
23 23
24 24
Our last result shows that Definition 6 identifies the conditions that mass functions must satisfy in order for k-depth 25
Belief functions to approximate classical probability functions. 26
27 27
28 Theorem 3. Let P : F mL → [0, 1] be a classical probability function and γ ∈ F mL ∪ {∗}. Then there is a sequence of revising depth 28
29 bounded belief functions B k such that, for each ϕ , we have P (ϕ |γ ) = limk→∞ B k (ϕ |γ ). 29
30 30
31 Proof. First, we know that 31
32 32
33 P (ϕ |γ ) = m( v α ) v α (ϕ ) 33
34 vα ∈Iγ 34
35 35
36 where I γ ⊆ { v α | α ∈ At L } and m( v α ) = P (α |γ ). Let us take the mass function m0 such that Supp γ (m0 ) = {γ }, and m0 (γ ) = 36
37 1. Since our language is finite and | V arL | = n, we will obtain by the construction that, for any m0 -based n-depth revising 37
38 mass function, all the formulas in Supp γ (mn ) are n-depth logically equivalent to atoms. Let now mn be any such mass 38
39 function such that 39
40   40
41 mn (β)) | β ∈ Supp γ (mn , v nβ = v nα = m( v α ) 41
42 42
43 for each α ∈ At L . All the remaining mass functions mi for i < n are then uniquely determined, by Definition 6. Now, for all 43
44 B k (ϕ |γ ) with k ≥ n, we get B k (ϕ |γ ) = B n (ϕ |γ ), hence: 44
45 45
46 limk→∞ B k (ϕ |γ ) = B n (ϕ |γ ) = P (ϕ |γ ).  46
47 47
48 This result sheds new light on the relation between probability functions and belief functions. It has long been known 48
49 that probability functions are a special case of belief functions in which the unit mass is distributed on all the “singletons” 49
50 of a suitable sample space. Our non-classical logical setting uncovers a further dimension of comparison which depends on 50
51 the rather subtle interplay between the information possessed by an agent and their inferential abilities. 51
52 52
53 7. Future work 53
54 54
55 As recalled in Section 2 it is shown in [4] and [3] that the informational semantics of Depth-bounded Boolean Logics 55
56 forms the basis to define an infinite hierarchy of tractable deductive systems (with no syntactic restriction on the language 56
57 adopted) whose upper limit coincides with classical propositional logic. Hence this hierarchy can be seen as a tractable 57
58 approximation to classical logic. It is therefore natural to ask whether the hierarchy of Depth-bounded Belief functions 58
59 inherit this highly desirable feature. 59
60 Unfortunately, grounding belief functions on depth-bounded consequence relations is not outright sufficient to make the 60
61 representation of belief itself feasible. Indeed the opposite is true. Our description of how a bounded agent would quantify 61
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1 their belief is likely to be computationally harder than the description of the ideal case, based on classical logic. Our k- 1
2 depth mass functions require indeed to specify a much larger number of values than required by the classical case. Note 2
3 that this phenomenon occurs in a sense already where the underlying logic is classical. While we can arguably consider 3
4 belief functions to be less idealized models of uncertainty than probabilities, to the extent that they treat knowledge and 4
5 ignorance asymmetrically, defining the latter functions on a language with n propositional variables requires to specify 5
6 2n − 1 values, while for the former one needs 22 − 1 (see [19]). Already in the classical setting, computational complexity 6
7 is recognized as one of the soft spots of belief functions, since in particular combining belief functions is known to be #P - 7
8 complete [18]. Still unfeasible, though computationally better, is the problem of deciding whether there is a belief function 8
9 satisfying some constraints, given in the form of a system of linear polynomials. This is indeed shown to be NP-complete, 9
10 see [19]. 10
11 In practice various methods exist for reducing the computational complexity for application purposes, among them the 11
12 use of Monte Carlo methods: an overview of efficient algorithms can be found in [29]. In particular, some works [1,2] 12
13 show how a dramatic reduction of complexity bounds (from exponential to linear) results from imposing constraints on 13
14 the focal sets. This gives a good hint that the belief functions defined in Section 5 and 6 are a promising starting point 14
15 to obtain a more tractable treatment of uncertainty, since they add to the polynomial-time decidability of the underlying 15
16 consequence relation k , a stricter control over the set of focal formulas. But the full-fledged investigation on how to 16
17 exploit the hierarchy of approximations of Belief functions to get a computationally feasible quantification of uncertainty 17
18 must be postponed to future work. 18
19 Future work will also relate the hierarchy of Depth-bounded Belief functions to the general coherence-based approach 19
20 of [11], therefore providing tighter connections with the very idea of rational quantification of uncertainty. As a promising 20
21 starting point, note that each B k (α |γ ) in Definition 4 is a convex combination of evaluations. It follows from results in [20] 21
that B k (ϕ |γ ) does not permit a Dutch Book, i.e. there do not exist formulas ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn in F mL and odds s1 , . . . , sn ∈ R such 22
23 23
that for all v kα ∈ I kγ
24 24
25 n 25
26 si ( v kα (ϕi ) − B k (ϕi |γ )) < 0. 26
27 i =1 27
28 28
This clearly paves the way for a detailed analysis of the coherence conditions of each element in the hierarchy of Depth-
29 29
bounded Belief functions.
30 30
31 31
Declaration of competing interest
32 32
33 33
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have
34 34
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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