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Module Code & Module Title

CC4057NI Introduction to Information Systems

Assessment Weightage & Type

40% Individual Coursework

Year and Semester

2019-20 Autumn

Student Name: Nishan Bade

Group: L1C15
London Met ID: 19031223
College ID: NP01CP4A190317
Assignment Due Date: 17th January
Assignment Submission Date: 17th January

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a marks of zero will be awarded.
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction to website:................................................................................................ 4
Introduction to HTML: .................................................................................................. 5
Objectives: ...................................................................................................................... 5
Discussion and Analysis:................................................................................................. 5
Wireframe:....................................................................................................................... 6
Home page ................................................................................................................. 6
CV:............................................................................................................................... 8
Blog: .......................................................................................................................... 10
Research: .................................................................................................................. 12
Contact: ..................................................................................................................... 14
Testing: ......................................................................................................................... 16
Test 1......................................................................................................................... 16
Test 2:........................................................................................................................ 17
Test 3:........................................................................................................................ 18
Test 4:........................................................................................................................ 20
Test 5:........................................................................................................................ 21
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................... 22
Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 23
Table of Figure
Figure 1:figure of website ................................................................................................ 4
Figure 2:Wireframe home page....................................................................................... 6
Figure 3:Actual home page ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 4:Wireframe CV.................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5;Acutal CV .......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6:Wireframe Blog ............................................................................................... 10
Figure 7:Actual Blog...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8:Wireframe research......................................................................................... 12
Figure 9:Actual research ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 10:Wireframe contact ......................................................................................... 14
Figure 11:Actual Contact............................................................................................... 15
Figure 12:Test 1 ............................................................................................................ 16
Figure 13:Test 2 ............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 14:Test 3 ............................................................................................................ 18
Figure 15:Test 3 ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure 16:Test 4 ............................................................................................................ 20
Figure 17:Test 5 ............................................................................................................ 21
Introduction to website:
A site, or Web webpage, isn't a similar thing as a Web page. In spite of the fact that the
two terms are frequently utilized reciprocally, they ought not be. So, what's the
distinction? To lay it out plainly, a Web website is an assortment of Web pages. For
instance, is a Web webpage, yet there are a huge number of Web pages
that make up the website. Knowing the contrast between these two terms can spare you
a ton of shame. (Tech Terms, 2020)

Figure 1:figure of website

(yahoo, 2020)

A site is an assortment of Web pages, A website page can contain any kind of data, and
can incorporate content, shading, illustrations, liveliness and sound that is facilitated on
server generally open by means of the Internet, mobile phone or a LAN. It is an
assortment of World Wide Web (WWW) documents. The information contained in the
sites is sorted out and made available to the online open with the assistance of
programming dialects, for example, HTML, PHP and so on. (Answers, 2020)
Introduction to HTML:
HTML represents Hyper Text Markup Language; however, you definitely realize that
and that won’t help. I'll keep it basic:

It is a Language used to compose site pages, whatever you see on any site, it has been
written in HTML. It is utilized to make a fundamental structure of any site, as Ashwin
Sharan said it goes about as the skeleton for any site page. The pictures you see, the
passages, headings, sections, whatever, it is altogether written in HTML. Learning
HTML is the initial move towards web planning.

After HTML comes CSS which out which HTML looks terrible, thus CSS are the
garments of that skeleton you made utilizing HTML. It is answerable for the plan and
hues and shape. (quora, 2020)

• To create a website.
• To be well in programming and coding.
• To use HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
• To develop and edit the webpages.

Discussion and Analysis:

The coursework was tied in with building up a site about our self with appropriate
portfolio and about the innovation in day by day life. I did all my task by the assistance
of superb content wherein I did all my coding of HTML5, CSS and Java Script. Initially I
took many references of making a site and its planning procedure. Subsequent to
discovering my way towards building up a site, I made a landing page of my site which
was a serious typical from the outset. I have very little thought how it should look so I
again took reference and looked through the home pages at web and got thought of
making a well-planned landing page.

After culmination of landing page which incorporates route bar and slideshow of pictures
with certain messages, I kept on building up my portfolio/CV. It turned out to be a lot
simpler than making a landing page. I remembered a few pictures for it and portrayed a
passage about myself. At radiant content, it included three section, .html,.CSS and .JS.
In html part I did all my basic structure of website page like content, pictures and route
bars and so forth in CSS part I did all my planning part like styling of catch, content,
styling of bars and so on and in JavaScript part I did some movement part.

I arranged numerous site pages for this site. It required some investment to finish my
venture. The contact page was most fascinating page for me since I needed to set up a
structure for pieces of information with numerous useful spaces. Research part was
somewhat intense in light of the fact that we needed to contrast our website pages and
others site page and show the similitudes and dissimilarities. My site was not very good
and furthermore not terrible it was alright for me. I had numerous troubles dealt with
during this errand and I found a workable pace thing. After culmination of site I was
pleased with myself for doing this venture of making such a site.

Wireframe is the process of making a dummy page of its original webpages.

Home page

Figure 2:Wireframe home page

Figure 3:Actual home page

Figure 4:Wireframe CV
Figure 5;Acutal CV

Figure 6:Wireframe Blog

Figure 7:Actual Blog

Figure 8:Wireframe research

Figure 9:Actual research

Figure 10:Wireframe contact

Figure 11:Actual Contact
Test 1
Test No 1
Test Description To test if the navigation bar hovers or not
Expected Result Whether the navigation bar hovers or not
Obtained Result Navigation bar hovered
Test Result pass

Figure 12:Test 1
Test No 23
Test Description To check whether the date and time is
working or not.
Expected Result Date and time are changing
Obtained Result Date and time are changing
Test Result Pass

Figure 13:Test 2
3: 3
Test Description To test the navigation is working or not
Expected Result Go to next page
Obtained Result Go to next page
Test Result pass

Figure 14:Test 3
Figure 15:Test 3
4: 4
Test Description When the form is not filled properly it
notifies to fill it.
Expected Result Should gave alert message
Obtained Result Should gave alert message
Test Result pass

Figure 16:Test 4
Test No
4: 54
Test Description When all the fields are filled and summited
it will give Thankyou message.
Expected Result Should gave Thankyou message.
Obtained Result Should gave Thankyou message.
Test Result pass

Figure 17:Test 5
Right now, made a site which incorporate my data and minimal about the innovation.
The task was an excess of competitive for me since it was my first experience of making
a site. It required a great deal or exertion and time for the culmination. It likewise
requires bundle of inquiries about and work. Right off the bat, I needed to realize
numerous information in regards to the HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, so I began
overhauling my notes. After that I start the coding part which took me heaps of days to
finish even one page. Numerous mistakes were seen and redressed all the while. In the
wake of completing my landing page which contained HTML5, CSS and just as
JavaScript part, it was some way or another a help for me. I had increasingly certain for
additional works.

This course was not just for the mean of accommodation before the cutoff time however
it was more to picking up the information on sites and current innovation in our day by
day life. It helped in making various capacities and educated various things which can
be particularly valuable in our future. As a result of this site venture I was notable to the
HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. It was the most ideal approach to pick up information on
each one of those points. During this work I additionally needed to visit to my sibling for
some more data which I was inadequate with regards to like connecting the pages and
pictures from various organizers.

I have done numerous investigates through web. I have taken numerous references
from numerous sites. I have look through the HTML labels, CSS styles and Java Script
capacities for proper use in my site. Some examination site of labels was which shown me numerous HTML and CSS labels. So, by taking
assistance and doing heaps of research in my undertaking work, I at last prevailing to
build up a site.
Answers. (2020) answer [Online]. Available
from: GS
S4LAVA vmn webcompa 1_0 go lvs webcompa 1_0 go ch_WCYID104
20_200111 yrff yrff&sr=0&q=what%20is%20website&wrp=30&nxt=Keywords%3Dw
hat%2520is%2520website%26xargs%3D12KPj [Accessed 1 January 2020].
quora. (2020) [Online]. Available from: GS
S4LAVA vmn webcompa 1_0 go lvs webcompa 1_0 go ch_WCYID104
20_200111 yrff yrff&sr=0&q=what%20is%20html&wrp=30&nxt=Keywords%3Dwhat
%2520is%2520html%26xargs%3D12KPjg1pZSr [Accessed 1 January 2020].
Tech Terms. (2020) [Online]. Available from: GS
S4LAVA vmn webcompa 1_0 go lvs webcompa 1_0 go ch_WCYID1
0420_200111 yrff__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 [Accessed 1 January
yahoo. (2020) [Online]. Available from: GS S4LAV
A vmn webcompa 1_0 go lvs webcompa 1_0 go ch_WCYID10420_200
111 yrff__yrff&pid=5ac784309091147a162b4431&sr=0 [Accessed 1 January 2020].

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