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7H fe ‘es = A_Lygal tilatinthip tual ~~ cinveling Cem economic Gear a 2 ae hasapy mubtple Gouses, Marija Hal Mile) a [mn cork we, Oh niche Speuses, a). Folygny i— Whi @ wlan rabid 3 | emilee ves. Maarg one. man married Welk lwo Ob mKE owen, vadoganyy += —Maniage ‘elvan Pepe OT Sane Sal cab zoe : ke Med Fanitg © ———"Feily by Rehnity "= me O Caxjugl / Mudlea -Pimily :- | © [ileicdschal hi -~A Souk as (Nuclech family 39 farily nit | = organization lominak “by Men Compzosed ce oh luo (ahonh ond | Ss { Tis Chuilebron« + © -Mataiaseal Fimily + “A Social : organization clominatel ty bonen rev TT Tree Scanned with CamScanner # ; Se page: 16 _. page: 17 5 Ton Sm of mim: a. In Copptalt tuo fps of Cals * ; : exist ? —_ —a ‘\ ye ee a Ament Feminine: Pn dlucbive oh foaicl + % Radical Femininm ee Ee wr (Procluclie Because ae So awe monetay in har lypon 1 de Liberal Féminismi- e this fz ancl Services fon Ha He kebtyal 0h Sorietist Feminitm ye COS — ___ cea with dnpabtialitis ole women e * Repsocuctue oh Uinpacl? p Bn daa Soucy. Zt (Foeuses On Coremi Tt 3 anpaid, asheh ss andl Political igh of woman, ascvwed with priate ot porsenal | +s. Cofital © alse Vide vee Spire. Thy perpen, claneste womens economical te. Women | nectly off Cussent woskess ancl. ____ Can tho bea ee ee Case fet tein eons ance Should be allaned te think teh | funity rindi, ail te, Finis Saut: Booey dnateridual Spout” | “Produchon of Present _flutia hate Boddy, tte cele ft te a: Mat Fomtnitm: a __ - Capitalal Syste fected on mustgatiyg 3 Reclical Piminim? een hey ie Wshichn Lr 8 a manment that “belies _ —_wemen ara. _offfiesect — te Sexism ts So cleaply tortecl in “he. Society Yelm of Copittlin nck porioate tad tae only Cire 19 to oinimake hee pe Concept of Gencler. Completely. Kk hase ei Atte henal “ff amity_ System ______ + Boge SE eof ied with CamScanner Scanni page: 14 4. Fininitm / Fominis Pospectne : ” Hin 4 Mechy a well as oetibeeal Cablural 0% economic. © rievement aimeol ab establishing 1 women. sp: Fominion 15 ere 0 sheohy, Whi Ws 8 a Caltbio of —__mirninth aa iaolgcs tues “lablthel aucl ahferded fe. —__pettheal Scualecerenne fright ft _wenen Tes theaty, ds 22: File Comat fhm dic Lats™ hase ——fenint_ Meaty women ism 1s aq fi Lee for hee Greek _ismos Prive, ck wortelview. equal — Aaghts ancl Agel Piclection lla Glig Bee Tn nko 0 bb, _ Page: 15 ee Wis thon Comecl wy Charler, Fewien in? e Me Wenned ib “as Faminirhe : fo Wo, re Shee wanes Of Peminivan: IX Freused! On “badly, Gerdes, Sexuality aed halal Fags cs _ * Fist Wave of Feminism: i Hon fron Late (reo to | (900 ts Aonusica. In this movement. * YWonen Claims fae Voking riffs. hy I Cath -lo Watenal tmobd Soffige wa (Bo wih te jPasng eee amendment ean } + Seeind Wave off Féminipos | HOS flon (ba, to (Iq. din U8" ancl Soead oves weston Counties of woirz. FO focused 4 Om te Sues of Cyl icin Tae To twlomera (aloud), fotmedl sir (864; Ghia. Panini potheal action. * Wad trlawes of Feminism: Lf from (0%, — Hill easly antl Contattecl tell V4 lave sin Balt. LE Scanned with CamScanner | Tee = oF peeved Ts consid dd Laws Seittace | . i page: 12 | _ | page: 13 r @ Srbelic nlesacrionist Perspective * ry Sobeve | absachos “ nanayg Jo tonomedl ~Geosye Herbes. Meael (183-(2%1) ae orgy monet 13 Tn emidond ood of Sree oe es te ep gettigg f “Drdesaction tp He nes Caned His ql “ popheg (+ - a he. eck mauve pS “Hom ect Fis Staclnd in 1939. lop POT Z mi his seen ancl Ceeaked Specifically bis i, ogg : 3 ut dae Shape of ” Syrbele | i 48 mice Ceel Aeoby hak focuses on He balabionshiph amegy melvicteats as membey of a Souety, we (earn fo tnclsstancl Aseugh ou Trilesactton ae Grribels, cide sinclualng he. pepe. mike Senta of tis hey ow Cngeye hat : “sumed: | mike Up word. oe Hg abe Sn abifeert findings m te heory | 7 dt Synbilic interackan. ee - ___f & Synblte rlo,aclicn Coeadiyy hy by 9. Spnbeie Drbetaction Grier meauigpell faseardr : nant | 3 Stee Interaction Jerecalecodl otter (means _fmagine thet i Geng -fo_be happeerree! in _ Sthalion oh ayy fethoing, . _ Page: 10 oe : | page: 11 j =e. Conflich — heceiss "Sel" aodh a de wietaessect Socral and economic > ra vet in Gucope tle fo industsial atena of dmequality -betuscen Capi 5 wir nti, Peasants angaratedl sto and "“Wwotkey 2 - celies fy tavorte__ in __industies. yaree Capitalists alse Control Copal and 2 Tey Used ~fo wos Four howhs = foatical S48 ton. - “] : lasy and : oO ————}i § if a sled the fel = >. Capitalism: Economic Syston sin altuth 9B ne “ :. 4 Of Pedluction and os prtasshics.. - csp Kal Max Said ta? Key to human tislocy 78__claxs _ Conkle. ena = cory % fat Social otdes 18 a of Oy cleminater and fruer , cavher__ Ly Cansensiel and Confocmitty. _* ons” tle means af fraction and || a_i exploit hase. are net in_carkol | =p. According fo Conflicd (weskigg clas) _ ae - wvcall, and -fows oa at by. any means possible, chiefly by B>ie Sage ~Behoren doogpotic | Seppltig “de foe ond frotien.” | Z 9% fowoletariad Bouigecisie is he. a _._ Capylalis! clos (owness) and proketniat. ee pte wrecking Clars (workers) a — — aoe a witli flan A Secitly Au smctonalal ss 2 fags vo took _ al bole Shack pase few part of. Seely abe feb egies to make te vole) ancl Function (hat cach fiat _ aoe Mow st Centritues to Sag) »~ Emile Durkheim molle Feuch Scolegst explain how “Society —— __ heos AO change. r a i Ove, time . He. } - bebteved teat Society is aq Complex “oO. “Conflict Anspectne. + spe Conllet. easy looks at Society as = —CRSB=-1U9), He afftlied Hester, Speweay — =?*- page: 09 Hs perypectie yas dintoduced. by GQetsnan’ philesaphes ancl Sociaogst ‘Kar Masx ( (28 - 1293) se a Scanned with CamScanner Competition os Limited bebouscs. Kak Marks ghee Scucty as @ - mac yp of stndadal vin dilont Social classes alc mast Compete for, Social, Adbosial, foletical hesoutces —__ Such as food and housige,,. empleyeras education and Keesuse Lime, Sonal § Cike Govesnmter rial educatin) ana vege foflect bcs Competition in Veets. Athetond “rea jualevees and telp mairtain he. tmequal Soual Yleuctebe , Some. mnatiedialy and ganizations ae. able ~fo obtain and Kegp mae. hesources Shan o¥hess, andl “ese “unmness” Use thet, ,Joue ancl __ influence -/o om 11 Socal inshateeseers. page: 06 : “lls battrecl fo ta Pessxpective’ as tke Tnbesse _____sbiggsaphy (he inedvidteat ) CSoual Factets that influence Me™ __inecbictuab), me A a chine cial, Secolyy Secs Sone ting happens, ablemph _ Spesalxtntions Yaat Can _ te _appled ~o a broad, gioup om __ tel ata gal oe ody he Hapeen, bese om te Knowles _ -o_exjolain abht to_muatee will Seceived. =p THe Sociological pexspective_ is of Cocky at familiar. wold. “so HM alleus_ ws ~/o- __Seual Ge. Brn ction a f- Jain ew. ViSien_of wt emplastg that ad. Soil buck jeumd. anhleence ows, _athidudes, | y behavicwy and Gfe changes. 2 / ) ‘page: 07 Sociolesical 9 Femetontlim /Fantclionalit Frspectie + Ct ape This techy was duhodliced and Hivlesy = By buiksh Sociologist Moshe Spence. (liso - 1403) a = fetuewn Sociedy - t 1 dest, fete and ao He Compared a __Lkiuag axganisom ith _ Socily ab tiung genie 15 Compised of aHifout orf lille tage heat, lange, Ger, Keadtrop ahd ale __ _ dsc ongavs Be. qorking —lagatics it So Kap a lung ogganisys Ale ~impotlind nck oven _1f ont, opgann SHefh _ a \ = tanckoiny _feoperty ets. He | __abygatisn, will ~ die oh, wl Safle eakness eo | =p. Tz the Same quiy, aciely 4 aha. Cony tect Lifiont Par he. 7 ah fami, Komnic llies, Heal, Keliween , ede rede of cre ius beckevs Stet Faeclening pepely, , wile Soc Can te affeckd: {__ Pe _ Even Scanned with CamScanner page: 04 “Max lebeh. = ea a Stecly Sf. aS ac&on. a. Saal Fee Something alalecl bt ___ A cociet,,_ Pe bon mens Process. of ding Something . a -Defnitin mem ae Aln__atton 7s Social When an _actes, behaves wn Such manne, Mat tis action 15 intended lo ses. bwhen an ome _ with _oftex person in he. _ ptesence of Secial Srtuation js Called Gocial actin, — oO Wa chive aening a a@ iS Censidexecl as a Secial action but = | Evang :- _ Secieal achn because chives actin ‘hay a Bee og einflucnce on ctloy person while te. eee tlta_S reading abook has no jnfltence on —_ohlors. Sot isto a Social actin (t Cnsidoad only Action, : q | loctiaprced perycectues: actin occas betwen a __pesson Iuading a_beck is nat_a * eee @ Health page:05 8 Miililay 2 famtly & Education © Cronimic © Poon G Law 10 Fimnchonalick /Lemetonalsm —» Kerbes Spence, b@ Conflict ~» karl Masy ‘|G Snbelie seleraclionise ~ Hobe Mead “YO Feninison / Foménigd — - 4 Scanned with CamScanner GG: What is Sociological esspective 7 Offs 0 canes a view of world. _ Ls pte hei ‘ology he. jal Posypecdve 13 an ch of i pace ty iote tonan, __ placing C4 within at vor Social. Context . Sot Tle Souolegicad poryrelive “opos 4 wndlw inte Unfamiliar qwotlds and | | offess a Fiesh Coole. at Familiar. tuorld. _ ale ___ aehening | = - - ra ened EE... “page: 02 page: 03 Lapa 4 Lape of, Scale ‘= Kae of Sociology :- -- San a Leponce_of_ estoy a ae keoee™ means the Subject |. Beets r sre. Zt Science has tty bun of van By UC ae Ee “7 a see t_ felt _da_Saciet z ie Fela of vayiiny ih becomes Sele. = Social frablem 2 ee Voy dificull lo Sasly a ‘him yom dine te Dire dience Systematically, mo Man 15 Sociol Primal (fish. —— malls oh aha of Sletly, s>:- Tn We Society fe ts acting tals. cade pace aac — + ao ati ne Social inyplelies — — oe —— enh fessios _taltohgtiey a ——— aul check bis acho. ee TE lest Shciell Stet ia ae on en and heachoy of — a mantis Saciey, ae Ht More fer opentiel hat —__— — a Scanned with CamScanner page: 01 _, srteweo™ Sociale = a By lini pile “Dehinilion s Je in hy Mudy off ” ay in ji ei ia eee i 2 Me wosd Socials Ls faa yum tc words Socius and wp hen Mis a Laty quosel. a Society _ and he otes wercl ag 6 isa Geek Vahith is tthe 6 Kner ledge- soe We fSL name ft Sciology was Pypical ____ Setence. * ash =>-- Tn, (BE Me Sent” “ques einyened by Augisl Comte. O78 1359). oer Hepes. Come, IS Ae French, Faller — | Be of Socistopy, . / %- Lbn-e- ‘oon was He. Mustere _ fathes of Toro tel- Imbanigal , QAQW. Secioley) — dn MH Cont Indiidual muhés Sheet 4 | ii Py 4 : - . | = = 7 - J ry Scanned with CamScanner

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