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CV January 2024

Full Academic and Work History

Prof. Dr. Terri Kim (김 태리; 金泰利)

1. Personal Details

Surname: KIM Forename: Terri

Professor of Comparative Higher Education (Full Professor until Sept 2020; Honorary Professor from Oct. 2020)
Founding Leader of Higher Education Research Group (2014-2020)
Cass School of Education and Communities
University of East London (UEL), London, U.K.

Honorary Senior Research Fellow (since September 2017)

IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, EPS / International Centre for Intercultural Studies (ICIS)
University College London (UCL)
20 Bedford Way, London WC1H OAL, U.K.

Visiting Professor (since May 2022)

Yonsei University, Institute for Educational Research, Seoul, Korea

Email:; ;;

Mobile: +44 (0)7815 722196
Google Scholar:

Education and Qualifications

• PFHEA (Principal Fellow of Higher Education Academy) (July 2014: Recognition Ref: PR070044)

• Post-Doc (2000-01) in International Relations [Visiting Scholar in the Department of International Relations]
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Supervisor: Prof. Christopher Hill (Cambridge now)
Postdoctoral research: ‘Globalisation of higher education and cultural diplomacy’

• PhD (1998) in Comparative Higher Education [ORS scholarship Award]

UCL Institute of Education, University of London
PhD thesis title: ‘Forming the Academic Profession in East Asia: a Comparative Analysis’.
Supervisors: the late Professor Robert Cowen (Professor of Comparative Education; former President of CESE) & the
late Professor Jagdish Gundara (UNESCO Chair Professor in Intercultural Studies).
* PhD viva voce, pass with no correction required (Dec. 1998) External Examiner: Prof. Keith Watson

KIM, T. CV January 2024

** My PhD thesis (80,000 words) was published as a book: Kim, T. (2001; 2018) Forming the Academic Profession in
East Asia: a Comparative Analysis, Routledge (originally published in 2001 as The Routledge East Asia History,
Politics, Sociology, Culture book series ERIC - ED457803 - Forming the Academic Profession in East Asia: A
Comparative Analysis. East Asia: History, Politics, Sociology, Culture. A Routledge Series., 2001; and re-issued in
2018 as a part of The Routledge Library Editions: Higher Education programme):

• MA (1992) in Comparative Education [Distinction on Dissertation]

UCL Institute of Education, University of London. Supervisor: Professor Robert Cowen.
* As part of my degree, I submitted a 25,000-word dissertation on a comparative analysis of English and Korean
higher education and elite formation in Korea and England. Dissertation title: ‘Korean Higher Education: an
interpretation and a comparison’.

• BA (1991) in Education [summa cum laude, graduated with the highest GPA (3.83/4.0)]
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (Liberal Arts/ non- ITT course in Educational Studies - subsidiary subjects:
Philosophy, History, Sociology, Psychology)
* I earned my Teaching Certificate (secondary education) in Education (Ethics & Philosophy 윤리 철학 교육) and Social
Educator certificate (YMCA) in Seoul, Korea - conferred upon my graduation from Yonsei University in February

Membership in Learned Societies

• Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy): Principal Fellow of Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)
(since July 2014: Recognition Ref: PR070044)
• SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education): member since 2009 and Higher Education Policy Network
Co-Convenor (2016-2020); Founding Editorial Board member of the SRHE journal: Policy Reviews in Higher
Education (since 2016)
• CHER (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers): member since 2005; member of the 29th CHER Conference
Planning Committee (2015-16)
• CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe): member since 2000; Vice President (2022-24); Executive
Committee Member (2012-16): Chair of Conference Working Group 2: ‘Flows, Mobilities and Migrations’ (2016);
Chair of Conference Working Group 1: ‘Governing Knowledge and the Politics of Education’ (2014)
• CIES (Comparative International Education Society): member since 2012
• ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research): member since 2015
• EERA (European Educational Research Association): member since 2009; member of Network 22 Higher Education
• BERA (British Educational Research Association); Founding member of History SIG since 2015

• LFHE (Leadership Foundation for Higher Education)
** I completed the LFHE HEFCE-funded Pilot Programme on Diversifying Academic Leadership in Higher
Education in 2016 and the Aurora Leadership Development Programme for Women sponsored by UEL in 2018.
• WCCES (World Council of Comparative Education Society) International Convenor of the ‘Higher Education’
Thematic Group (2006-7)
• IAIE (International Association for Intercultural Education)
• BSA (British Sociological Association)
• AERA (American Educational Research Association): member of the Internationalisation of Higher Education Task
Force Committee - by invitation, 2013)

Present Positions and Previous Employments

• May 2022 – present Visiting Professor, Yonsei University, Institute for Educational Research, Seoul, Korea
• Oct. 2020 – present Honorary Professor of Comparative Higher Education, University of East London (UEL)
KIM, T. CV January 2024

• Oct. 2020- June 2022 Academic Visitor (Senior Member), St. Antony’s College, Oxford
University of Oxford (
• Sept. 2017 - present Honorary Senior Research Fellow, ICIS (International Centre for Intercultural Studies),
UCL Institute of Education, University College London
• Aug. 2019 - Sept. 2020 Full Professor of Comparative Higher Education (full-time, permanent contract)
Cass School of Education and Communities, University of East London (UEL)
Founding Leader of Higher Education Research Group (HERG:
Member of the Cultural Intelligence Mental Wealth Framework Team
Member of Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB); Centre for
Narrative Research (CNR) in Social Sciences; International Centre for Public Pedagogy
(ICPuP) in Education
• April 2013 – July 2019 Reader in Comparative Higher Education (full-time, permanent contract)
College of Professional Services, University of East London (UEL)
Founding Leader of Higher Education Research Group (HERG:
Chair of College Research Ethics Board
Member of Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) and Centre
for Narrative Research (CNR) in Social Sciences; International Centre for Public Pedagogy
(ICPuP) in Education
• Aug 2007 - April 2013 Lecturer in Comparative Higher Education, Brunel University (permanent contract)
• Sept 2002 - July 2007 Research Lecturer (Critical Professional Education), Brunel University (5-year contract)
• May 2001 - Aug 2002 Brain Korea 21 (BK21) Contract Professor, Seoul National University (4-year contract)
• Oct 2000 - May 2001 Visiting Scholar in International Relations, LSE, London
• Sept 1999 - July 2000 Part-time Lecturer, Associate Research Fellow, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
• Jan 1999 - June 1999 OECD/CERI Consultant in London & Paris
• Jan 1993 - June 1993 Researcher/International Liaison Officer, KEDI (Korean Educational Development
Institute), International Cooperation Division, Seoul, Korea

Prestige Positions

• Vice President, Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE)

(since 2022)
• QS Global Advisory Committee member (2022-23)
• Academic Visitor, St Antony’s College, Oxford (2020-22)
• Vice-President and Member of the Board of Trustees, Yonsei University Female Alumni Association Representing
College of Sciences in Education, Seoul, Korea (2021-22)
• ICE International Affiliate, Universiti Brunei Darussalam ICE (International & Comparative Education), Brunei
(conferred from October 2019 onwards:
• Honorary Senior Research Fellow, UCL International Centre for Intercultural Studies (ICIS), UCL Institute of
Education, University College London, U.K. (conferred from September 2017 onwards)
• Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Monash University, Faculty of Arts, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, in
Melbourne, Australia (in March 2013).
• Visiting Fellow, CAPRI (Centre for Academic Practice and Research in Internationalisation), Leeds Metropolitan
University (2010-12)
• Associate, CHES (Centre for Higher Education Studies), Institute of Education, University of London, UCL (2009 -19)
• Associate, CHEER (Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research), University of Sussex (July 2018 – present:
• Associate, CHERI (Centre for Higher Education Research and Information), The Open University (from Oct 2006 until
the closure of CHERI, July 2011)
• Visiting Scholar, Collège de France, I.E.C., Paris, France (September - December 2006)
• Visiting Scholar in International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), (Oct. 2000- May
• OECD/CERI Consultant (1999)

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Professional Appointments

• Vice President, Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE)
(since 2022)
• QS Global Advisory Committee member (2022-23)
• Editorial Board member of Comparative Education journal (Taylor & Francis journal, since May 2012- present); Guest Editor
of the Special Issues of Comparative Education 52(1) in 2016; 56(1) in 2020.
• Editorial Board member of Intercultural Education journal (Taylor & Francis journal) (since 2011 - present); Guest Editor
of the Special Issue of Intercultural Education journal 20(5) in 2009.
• Founding Editorial Board member of Policy Reviews in Higher Education (since July
2015, launched in 2016)
• Editorial Board member of ACCESS: critical explorations of equity in higher education (previously International
Studies in Widening Participation (ISWP)
( (since 2017 - present)
• International Editorial Board member of Journal of Higher Education Policy & Leadership Studies (since Jan. 2020 – present)
• Editorial Board member of International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (published by IGI
Global (since 2015 -
• International Advisory Board Member for Research in Comparative and International Education (Oxford
Symposium journal; Sage) (since March 2011)
• Editorial Board member of The International Journal Social Inquiry into Well-Being (SIIW) (Elsevier Journal: ) (since 2015 - present)
• International Advisory Board Member for The Spanish Journal of Comparative Education [Revista Española de
Educación Comparada-R.E.E.C.] (since 2008 – present)

• Editorial Board member of the British Journal of Educational Studies (BJES) (Taylor & Francis journal, since Jan.
2016 - 2021);
co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue of BJES 69(5): Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education (published
in Oct. 2021)
• Co-Convenor of the SRHE Policy Network (2016 - 2020)
• Book Reviews Editor of Comparative Education journal (2016-19).
• Executive Committee member of the CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) (2012-16)
• CHER (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) Conference Committee member (2015-16): the 29th CHER
conference: ‘The University as a Critical Institution?’ held in the University of Cambridge, Queens College, 5-7
September 2016; I conceptualized the conference theme Strand 3: Growth, equality, movement and instability in
higher education systems
• CESE Executive Committee member (2012-16): The 26th CESE conference ‘Equity in and through Education:
changing contexts, consequences and contestations’ held in the University of Glasgow, 31 May-3 June 2016; I was
the Chair of Working Group 2: Flows, Mobilities and Migrations; The 25th CESE conference: Governing Educational
Spaces, Multiple Perspectives, held in Freiburg, Germany, 10-13 June 2014. I was the Chair of Working Group 1:
Governing Knowledge and the Politics of Education.
• Advisory Board member of The Sage Encyclopaedia of Higher Education (Five Volumes – published in 2020).
• Book Reviews Editor of Comparative Education (Taylor & Francis journal, since May 2015 -May 2019)
• Editorial Board member of Gender and Education international journal (Taylor and Francis journal) (2006-2013)
• Executive Board member of International Studies in Sociology of Education journal (Routledge journal) (2010-
• International Editorial Advisory Board Member for International Journal of Education for Diversities (IJE4D)
(University of Helsinki journal (2012-2015)
• Member of Scientific Committee of ICAMM 3 (International Conference on Academic Mobility and Migration 3
(Nov. 2011- July 2012)
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• International Advisory Board member of the DAAD-PROFIN funded research project: iCOMMPOSER (inclusive
Communities of Practice of Study, Education and Research), FH Köln and the University of Hildesheim (Jan. 2011-
Dec. 2012)
• International Convenor of Higher Education Thematic Group for the WCCES Congress held in Sarajevo, September
2007; Appointed by the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) (2006-2007).
In that capacity, I wrote the HE Thematic Group blurb and call for papers and organised all sessions relevant to
Higher Education for the World Congress in 2007.

* Given my role as editorial board member of the four major journals (Comparative Education, Policy Reviews in
Higher Education, British Journal of Educational Studies, and Intercultural Education), I routinely review articles for
** In addition, I have been invited to review:
(i) two ESRC research proposals for Large Grants competition as well as
(ii) Articles for the following journals: Higher Education (Springer), Higher Education Quarterly (Wiley),
Minerva (Springer), Comparative Education Review (Chicago), Globalisation, Societies and Education (Taylor
& Francis), History of Education (Taylor & Francis), Gender and Education(Taylor & Francis), Women's
Studies International Forum (Elsevier), Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (Routledge),
Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Routledge), Asia Pacific Education Review (Springer, Seoul National
University, Korea), Education Inquiry (Umeå University, Sweden), International Journal for Academic
Development (Routledge); Educational Research (NFER: National Foundation for Educational Research and
Routledge), and
(iii) book proposals for Routledge, Springer, Cambridge University Press, and the UCL Institute of Education

Areas of Academic Interest

• Transnational academic mobility/migration: relations of territory, mobility, knowledge and identity
capital, ethnonational diaspora, ethnic nationalism; ethnic internationalism, nation vs state,
statelessness, pariah
• Intellectual history, social history of universities, internationalisation, international relations, cultural
diplomacy, interculturality, academic identities, subjectivity, epistemic (in)justice, coloniality, equality/
equity/diversity/inclusion (EDI) policy and practice, majority-minority power relations, intellectuals,
political ideology and political correctness (PC), intercultural studies
• Elite & Elite formation, Meritocracy in international comparative perspective
• Public/Private boundaries in higher education, University governance and management, Philanthropy,
State-University relations, Academic Profession, Academic Leadership/Followership, public contributions
of Private Universities; World-Class Private University, Agency of Family, Religion and Corporations in
tertiary/higher education
• Impact of technological innovations, digitalisation, datafication, the digital market state, digital literacy,
public discourse, public pedagogy
• Comparative historical sociology, comparative education, tertiary/higher education, policy sociology,
international relations, political philosophy, phenomenology, biographical narrative research, life history,
(auto-)ethnography, archival research, comparative research methods and methodologies

2. Research & Publications

2.1 Research Consultancies

OECD/CERI (January-July 1999), IOR Global Services (July 2005), ASEAN University Network (AUN) project (2001),
Korean Government Knowledge Partnership project (2002), Korean National Commission for UNESCO project on
Museum Education and Intercultural Understanding (1999), Sasakawa Peace Foundation project (1998)

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2.2 Research Grants and Contracts: Total £122,800


Dec. 2016 Advance HE Research: LFHE Co-Principal Investigator, in collaboration £60,000

– March (LFHE) Longitudinal Study: with the ECU and Prof. Jan Fook
2019 The impact of the (Independent Researcher, co-PI) and Prof.
Diversifying Udy Archibong (Bradford University).
programme on BME events/programmes/diversifying-
academics and academic-leadership-in-he/dl-longitudinal-
institutions: a two study.cfm ;
year follow up study
learned-so-far/ ;
education ;
Oct. 2018- BAICE (British BAICE Thematic Co-convenor, jointly with Professor Paul £3,000
Feb. 2020 Association for Forum Grant: Morris and Mrs. Annette Bamberger, UCL
International & ‘Diaspora and Institute of Education (in May 2019:
Comparative Internationalisation
Education) in Higher Education’ diaspora-and-internationalisation-in-
higher-education/ and in February 2020:
Oct. 2011- SRHE (Society Research: SRHE PI: Terri Kim; Co-I: Professor Rachel £10,000
Dec. 2012 for Research Research Award: Brooks.
into Higher ‘Internationalisation,
Education) mobile academics
and knowledge
creation in
universities: a

Oct. 2011- EC (European Teaching: EU LLLP Contractor/Coordinator: University of £33,000

Sept. 2014 Commission) Erasmus Intensive Udine, Italy. My role is a UK Partner
Programme (IP): together with other partners from Finland,
Learning in a global Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Germany,
society: Poland, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Cyprus
perspectives (2012-

May-Aug. UEL (University Seed Money Grant Principal and sole investigator: Terri Kim £3,000
2014 of East at UEL: Total research fund. A pilot research
London) International project title: Enhancing professionalisation
Research and internationalisation in university
Collaborations Fund teaching: a comparison of academic staff
(IRCF) development programmes in selected Ivy
League Colleges (Princeton, Harvard and

KIM, T. CV January 2024

Nov. 2003 Brunel Seed Money Grant Principal and sole investigator: Terri Kim. £13,800
– Oct. University at Brunel: BRIEF Research project title: Boundaries of
2004. London Award Internationalisation Inside Academe, and
Intercultural Cosmopolitan Identities.

Cf. Joint ESRC Research Grant proposal (2019) - bid unsuccessful

• Title of the proposed project: ‘Migrant Academics in the Global Knowledge Economy: Mobility, Micro-politics,
Affect and Epistemic Inclusion (MAGMAE)’: £775,636.37 (ESRC contribution: £657,101.70)
• PI (Prof. Louise Morley, Director of CHEER, University of Sussex); Co-Is: Prof. Terri Kim, Prof. Hiroshi Ota, Dr.
Daniel Leyton
Joint UKRI/JSPS Grant proposal (2021) - bid unsuccessful
• Title of the proposed project: ‘Crisis Communication in Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic:
Inclusive and Equitable Practices with Resilience from a Comparative Analysis of Universities in Japan and the
• Joint bid led by the University of Essex (UK) and Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan)

2.3 Experience of Research Student Supervision

Doctoral Supervision: 13 in total.

• 4 completions – Sandra Naylor on professionalism (EdD, Brunel, 2008); Dawn Farhan on adult education (MPhil,
Brunel, 2012); Rebecca Crutchley on Retrospective Narratives of the Brokering Roles assumed by Child Migratns
following Resettlement (DProf, UEL, 2022); Evelyn Min Ji Kim on Happiness as a Floating Signifier: Happiness
education and ‘happy human capital’ in the OECD and South Korea (PhD, UCL IOE, 2023)
• 6 supervision (4 PhD and 2 EdD students) at Brunel (until my departure, April 2013) - including 2 completion.
• 5 supervision (2 PhD and 3 EdD students) at UEL (until my departure, Sept. 2020) – including 1 completion: PhD
Felicia Ofosu (UTCs progression onto HE), Vikki Manning (Education Equality: An Exploration of the
Factors/Barriers Contributing to Students’ Access to HE), Nigel Godfrey (Ethnographic Case Study Making Sense of
the National Citizen Service); Carolyn Silverfeld (To what extent has transformative learning and identity
transformation been sustained by living and learning in another country?); Rebecca Crutchley: ‘Retrospective
Narratives of the Brokering Roles assumed by Child Migrants following Resettlement’ (Thesis submitted in January
2022 for a EdD viva voce in March 2022 and EdD awarded in July 2022).
• 2 PhD supervision at UCL Institute of Education – including 1 completion: joint supervision with Professor Paul
Morris (main supervisor): Evelyn Kim: ‘Happiness as a Floating Signifier: Happiness education and ‘happy human
capital’ in the OECD and South Korea’ (Thesis submitted in April 2023 for a PhD viva voce (15 June 2023); PhD
awarded in August 2023). * Besides Evelyn Kim (2019- 2023), Choah Park: ‘The International Baccalaureate in
South Korea: Politics (political economy) and policy borrowing through public-private partnerships’ (2020-21).
• 10 doctoral students reviewed in the Annual Monitoring Review Panel in the UEL Cass School.

** 16 doctoral examinations (including 9 PhD viva voce exams at major research universities (such as the
University of Oxford, UCL IOE, Bristol x3, Birmingham x2, Bath x2) and 3 overseas PhDs – PhD viva at the British
University in Dubai (BUiD), UAE and PhD thesis exam for the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and the
University of Hong Kong (online). For details, see 4.4.1

MA (Education) supervision:
• 30 dissertations successful completion at Brunel

BA (Education) supervision:
• 11 dissertations successful completion at UEL

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2.4 Publications

I have a significant record of relevant high-quality publications internationally in the field of comparative
higher education: total 67 publications - including one book; 5 edited collections (as journal special issues),
53 articles (26 journal articles; 23 book chapters; 3 commissioned research reports; 1 working paper);
4 commentary pieces and 4 book reviews. Some of my publications have been translated into French,
Japanese, Spanish, and Lithuanian so far. 9 of my articles have been published in Korean.
I have been informed that six of my articles have been on the reading list of 7 postgraduate courses at
major universities internationally: UCL IOE (both MA and Doctoral programmes); University of Aarhus,
Copenhagen, Denmark (ERASMUS Mundus European MA programme; University of Athens, Greece (MA
programme); OISE, University of Toronto, Canada (Doctoral programme); and the University of Minnesota,
USA (Doctoral programme).
My book (Routledge, 2001) and my article (in Australian Journal of Education 49(1), 2005) have been re-
issued as a part of the Routledge Library Editions Programme in 2018 and as a chapter in The Sage
Sociology of Education Vol. III: Equalities and Identities in 2017 respectively.
My OECD project article (in Higher Education 2030 with Akiyoshi Yonezawa) has been translated into
French, Spanish and Japanese.
My article, Kim, T. (2008) Changing University Governance and Management in the UK and Elsewhere
under Market Conditions, has been translated into Lithuanian and cited in the MAUT and MUNASA
combined brief to the Committee on Education, BILL 38: Government Over-Reach in the Name of Enhanced
University Governance (LE PROJET DE LOI 38) in Québec, Canada.
My publications (citations (2001), h-index (19), i10-index (24) - as recorded in Google Scholar
( as of 10 January 2024 - have led to
many invitations and networks and made impacts, as illustrated in section 3: Knowledge Transfer,
Enterprise and Innovation.
In the fields of comparative historical sociology, I have strong interdisciplinary research interest in the
relations of territory, mobility, knowledge, identity and network; issues of internationalisation, equity and
diversity policy and practice in HE; university governance, the academic profession and leadership in HE.
My longstanding research has been on transnational academic mobility/migration, knowledge creation and
identity capital.
I am currently working on two book projects: a monograph, Intellectual Strangers in the Open Society Then
and Now: a Comparative Analysis, and an edited volume, Public Contributions of Elite Private Higher
Education Institutions in Korea and Other Countries: Public-Private Boundaries and Future Prospects (Oxford
Studies in Comparative Education: Book Series, Routledge, forthcoming 2024).

2.5 Books
1. Kim, T. (2001; 2018) Forming the Academic Profession in East Asia: a Comparative Analysis, Routledge (354 pages,
originally published as The Routledge East Asia History, Politics, Sociology, Culture book series in 2001; re-issued in
2018 as a part of The Routledge Library Editions: Higher Education) ISBN: 9781138315945; eBook: 9780429455957
** Full-text (Foreword, Preface, Chapter One: Introduction) available at:
parative_Analysis ).

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Edited Collections (as Special Issues)

2. Bamberger, A., Kim, T., Morris, P. and Rizvi, F. (2021) Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education, British
Journal of Educational Studies (BJES) Vol. 69, No. 5., October 2021.

3. Kim, T. (ed). (2020) Biographies of Comparative Education: Knowledge and Identity on the Move. Special Issue of
Comparative Education Vol. 56, No. 1.

4. Kim, T. (ed). (2019) Religions and Comparative Education. Special Issue / Monographic Section of The Spanish
Journal of Comparative Education [Revista Española de Educación Comparada-R.E.E.C.].

5. Kim, T. (ed). (2016) Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher Education: some excitements and
errors, Special Issue of Comparative Education Vol. 52, No. 1.
** This Special Issue project led to a special invitational conference hosted by Kyushu University, Centre for Asia-
Pacific Future Studies (CAFS) in Japan, 23 March 2015.

6. Kim, T. & Otten, M. (eds). (2009) Interculturality and Higher Education, Special Issue of Intercultural Education,
Vol. 20, No. 5. Routledge Journal: ISSN 1467-5986:
** This Special Issue was one outcome of the WCCES (World Congress of Comparative Education Societies) ‘Living
Together: Education and Intercultural Dialogue’ Higher Education Thematic Group that I convened in Sarajevo in
September 2007.

2.6 Articles in Refereed International Journals

7. Kim, T. (in press, 2023) ‘Knowledge and Identity on the Move: the three elements affecting comparative
education’, In Scuola Democratica Special Issue, edited by Donatella Palomba.

8. Cowen, R. and Kim, T. (2023) ‘Comparative Education and Intercultural Education: Relations and Revisions’ In
Comparative Education 59(3) Special Issue: Comparative Education: Some Futures?, edited by Robert Cowen.

9. Kim, T. (2023) ‘How has Comparative Education research contributed to the internationalization of education
research and its academic societies under globalization?’ In Comparative Education Bulletin of the Japan
Comparative Education Society No. 66 [比較教育学研究第 66 号〔2023 年〕: Special Issue, pp. 124-140.

10. Cho, Y., You, J., Choi, Y., Ha, J., Kim, Y.H., Kim, J., Kang, S.H., Lee, S., Lee, R. and Kim, T. (2023) ‘Career chance
events of highly educated women with doctoral degrees in South Korea’, European Journal of Training and
Development, Vol. 47 No. 9, pp. 921-945. (published online first on 6
October 2022).

11. Kim, T. and Bamberger, A. (2021) ‘Diaspora, Ethnic Internationalism, and Higher Education: the Korean and Jewish
cases of internationalisation as a stateless nation in the early 20th century’, British Journal of Educational Studies
69 (5), Special Issue Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education, pp. 513-535
** This article led to an invitation to give a public lecture on ‘Mobility, Diaspora and International Higher
Education: The Korean case reconsidered’ at the Oxford Korea Forum, held at Wolfson College, Oxford, 12
November 2021:

12. Bamberger, A., Kim, T., Morris, P. and Rizvi, F. (2021) Diaspora, Internationalisation and Higher Education (Editorial
Introduction), British Journal of Educational Studies (BJES) 69(5), pp. 501-511.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

13. Kim, T. (2020) ‘Diasporic Comparative Education: an Initial Tribute to Anxiety and Hope’ In Comparative Education
56(1) Special Issue: Biographies of Comparative Education: Knowledge and Identity on the Move, pp. 111-126,
edited by Terri Kim

14. Kim, T. and Ng, W. (2019) Ticking the ‘Other’ Box: Positional identities of East Asian academics in UK universities,
internationalisation and diversification, Policy Reviews in Higher Education 3(1), pp. 94-119.
** This article has received much attention and interest even before publication. I was invited to give a lecture
based on my research paper at Columbia University in New York in April 2018
( as well as invited to give two conference symposium
talks at the BAICE Conference Symposium in September 2018 and the SRHE Conference Symposium in December
2018; and invitation to write a commentary article for University World News:

15. Kim, T. (2017) Academic mobility, transnational identity capital, and stratification under conditions of academic
capitalism, Higher Education (Springer journal), 73(6), pp. 981 – 997: Special Issue: The New Political Economy
of Higher Education between distributional conflicts and discursive stratification, edited by Tobias Schulze-
Cleven, Tilman Reitz, Jens Maesse and Johannes Angermuller.
** This article was based on my invited plenary talk at the International Conference on the Structural
Transformation of Higher Education - interdisciplinary conference inviting political and social scientists, held at the
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Germany in March 2015: http://www.soziologie.uni-

16. Kim, T. (2016) Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher Education: an introduction, Comparative
Education, Special Issue: Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher Education: Some Excitements
and Errors, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 1-7; .
* This article (my Special Issue introduction) is one of the most viewed articles in this journal since its publication
(3119 downloads) – according to the publisher’s report to the editorial board.
** My Special Issue has generated the highest Impact Factor Citations by Issue, 2011-15 of Comparative Education
journal – according to the publisher’s Report 12/10/2018.)

17. Kim, T. (2014) The intellect, mobility and epistemic positioning in doing comparisons and comparative education,
Comparative Education 50th Anniversary Special Issue Vol. 50 No.1, pp. 58-72 (Taylor & Francis journal: ISSN
** This article was presented at the CESE Conference 50th Anniversary of Comparative Education Journal
Symposium sponsored by Taylor & Francis (CESE XXVI Conference in Freiburg, 10-13 June 2014: http://www.cese- It has also led to an invitation to give a plenary talk at the ZIS Conference in Mainz on academic
mobility, 26-28 June 2014 (

18. Kim, T. (2010) Transnational Academic Mobility, Knowledge and Identity Capital In Discourse: Studies in the
Cultural Politics of Education. Special Issue on International Academic Mobility. Edited by Johannah Fahey and Jane
Kenway. Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 577-592, October 2010 (Routledge journal: ISSN 0159-6306, ).
** This article has been cited in the ICAMM (International Conference on Academic Mobility and Migration) 3 Call
for Papers, and I have been invited to give a keynote at the ICAMM 3 in Kuala Lumpur, July 2012,

19. Kim, T. (2009) Transnational Academic Mobility, Internationalisation and Interculturality in Higher Education In
Intercultural Education Special Issue on Interculturality and Higher Education. Edited by Terri Kim & Matthias
Otten. Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 395-405 (Routledge Journal: ISSN 1467-5986). ).
** This article has been added to the Reading List of the Institute of Education International Doctoral Programme,
University of London.

20. Kim, T. (2009) ‘Shifting patterns of transnational academic mobility: A comparative and historical approach’,
Comparative Education 45(3), pp. 387-403 Special Issue on Mobilities and educational metamorphoses: patterns,

KIM, T. CV January 2024

puzzles, and possibilities, edited by Robert Cowen and Eleftherios. Klerides
** This article has been added to the Reading List of the OISE Comparative Education programme led by Professor
Ruth Hayhoe in the University of Toronto, Canada. It is also a core reading in the MA in Comparative Education
course led by Professor Dimitris Mattheou in the University of Athens, Greece.

21. Goodman, R., Hatakenaka, S., Kim, T. (2009) The Changing Status of Vocational Higher Education in Contemporary
Japan and South Korea In UNESCO-UNEVOC Discussion Paper Series No. 4, pp. 1-28 (ISSN 1817-0374 0374,

22. Kim, T. (2008) Higher Education Reforms in South Korea: public-private problems in internationalising and
incorporating universities In Policy Futures in Education 6(5), pp. 558-568 Special Issue on University Restructuring
Experiences in East Asia: myth and reality, edited by Kaho Mok & David Chan (Oxford Symposium Journal: ISSN
1478-2103, .

23. Kim, T. (2008) Changing University Governance and Management in the UK and Elsewhere under Market
Conditions: Issues of Quality Assurance and Accountability In Intellectual Economics Scientific Research Journal,
Vol. 2, No. 4 [INTELEKTINË EKONOMIKA Mokslo darbø þurnalas, Nr. 2(4)] Mykolas Romeris University-OECD/IMHE
Conference Proceedings on ‘Higher Education under Market Conditions’ held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 17-18 April 2008
pp. 33-42 (ISSN: 1822-8011; Published in both English and Lithuanian:
** This article has been quoted in the Quebec McGill Association of University Teachers (MAUT) and MUNASA
combined brief to the Committee on Education, BILL 38: Government Over-Reach in the Name of Enhanced
Mémoire conjoint de l’Association des Professeur(e)s et Bibliothécaires de McGill (APBM) et de l’Association du
Personnel Non Enseignant de l’Université McGill (APNEUM) présenté à la Commission de la culture et de
l’éducation, ).

24. Kim, T. (2007) Old Borrowings and New Models of the University in East Asia In Globalization, Societies &
Education, Special Issue: Changing Nature of the State and Governance in Education Vol. 5, No. 1, March (Carfax
Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group), pp. 39-52. (ISSN 1476-7724, DOI:
** This article was added to the reading list of the undergraduate programme led by Professor Akiyoshi Yonezawa
at Tohoku University in Japan, where I was also invited to give seminar lectures on the themes in 2007.

25. Kim, T. (2007) ‘University Reforms in South Korea: the public-private problem’ In The Journal of Comparative Asian
Development, Special Issue: The Quest for “World Class University”: University Responses in East Asia, Vol. 6, No. 1,
Spring, Contemporary China Research Project, City University of Hong Kong, pp. 87-106 (ISSN 1533-9114).

26. Kim, T. (2005) Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Korea: Reality, Rhetoric, and Disparity in Academic
Culture and Identities In The Australian Journal of Education, Special Issue: International Education. Edited by
Simon Marginson, Cynthia Joseph and Rui Yang. Vol. 49, No. 1, April, Published by the ACER (Australian Council for
Educational Research), pp. 89-103 (ISSN 0004-9441,
** This article has been adopted for reading and discussion in the University of Minnesota Doctoral Programme.
This journal is included in the SSCI, and ERA ranking A* (0004-9441).

27. Kim, T. (2004) Global citizenship education in an intercultural society: the case of Britain In Education for
International Understanding, The Journal of Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding
(APCEIU) under the auspices of UNESCO, Seoul: APCEIU/UNESCO, No. 13, November, 2004, pp. 140-151 (Published
in Korean).
28. Kim, T. (2000) Towards a Korean Comparative Education: a Critical Report In The Korean Journal of Comparative
Education, Vol.10, No. 2, December, pp. 215-244 (published in Korean).

29. Kim, T. (1999) ‘Neo-liberal Globalisation and the English Higher Education Reform: a Comparative Interpretation’
In University Education: The Korean Journal of University Education, published by The Korean Council of University
Education (KCUE), No.102, Nov/Dec. Issue: 46-50 (published in Korean).

KIM, T. CV January 2024

30. Kim, T. (1999) ‘British Malaya: Divide and Rule Principles in Colonisation and Modernisation’ In Tradition and
Modernity [Jontong kwa Hyundae], No. 9, Winter Issue: 98-115 (published in Korean).

31. Kim, T. (1994) ‘English Elitism and the Trend of Higher Education Reforms in the 1990s’ In The Korean Journal of
Comparative Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, May: 99-124 (published in Korean).

32. Kim, T. (1993) ‘The Tradition of British Educational Culture and a Survey of Summerhill Education’ In Education for
Self-Regulation: The Journal of the Korean Society of Education for Neill Studies, No. 2, June: 34-42 (published in

2.7 Book Chapters (Peer-reviewed)

33. Kim, T. and Bash, L. (in press, 2024) 'Interculturality between majority and minority in the European context of
ethnic nationalism: then and now', In Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspectives, edited by Petia
Genkova (to be published by Springer Nature).

34. Kim, T. (2023) ‘Korean ethnic nationalism and modern education: Christianity and political ideologies in shaping
one nation and two States’, Chapter 6, pp. 124-148 In Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building. Contributions of
Comparative Education to the Understanding of Nations and Nationalism, edited by Daniel Tröhler (as Oxford
Studies in Comparative Education series), Routledge.

35. Kim, T. (2022) ‘Transnational academic collaboration: a critical analysis of the global and national contexts and
constraints of co-authorship' in The International Encyclopaedia of Education Vol. One: Globalization and shifting
geopolitics of education (4th edition) edited by Fazal Rizvi and Jason Beech, Elsevier, pp. 308-

36. Kim, T. (2021) ‘The positional identities of East Asian mobile academics in UK Higher Education: a comparative
analysis of internationalisation and equality and diversity’ Chapter 3, pp. 47-70. In Klerides, E. & Carney, S.
(Eds.). Identities and education: Comparative perspectives in times of crisis. London: Bloomsbury (Identities and
Education: Comparative Perspectives in Times of Crisis: Stephen Carney: Bloomsbury Academic)

37. Kim, T. (2020) ‘Afterword’ In Phillips, D. (Ed). British Scholars of Comparative Education, Examining the Work and
Influence of Notable 19th and 20th Century Comparativists, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Series, pp.
156-160, London: Routledge:

38. Kim, T. (2017) 'Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Korea: Reality, Rhetoric, and Disparity in
Academic Culture and Identities' In The Sage Sociology of Education Volume Three: Equalities and Identities, The
Sage Sociology of Education Four Volumes edited by Jenny Ozga (University of Oxford)
us/nam/sociology-of-education/book247906#contents (Reprint from The Australian Journal of Education 49 (1).

39. Kim, T. (2013) Comments on Stephanie Bird: ‘Public Trust and Institutions of Higher Learning: Implications for
Professional Responsibility’ Chapter 3. In Engwall, Lars and Scott, Peter (eds). Trust in Higher Education
Institutions: Ethical and Quality Standards in Research and Teaching, London: Portland Press, pp. 34-39 (ISBN

40. Kim, T. (2013) Academic Mobility and Comparative Knowledge Creation: a biographic narrative approach In AA.VV.
Conversaciones con un maestro (Liber Amicorum). Estudio interdisciplinar de discípulos y colegas en homenaje al
profesor DR. D. José Luis García Garrido, Catedrático Emérito de Universidad. Madrid, Ediciones Académicas-
UNED, pp. 339-352. ISBN-13; 978-84-92477-93-7 (published in both Spanish and English).

41. Kim, T. (2013) The (un)changing relationship between the State and Higher Education in South Korea: some
surprising continuities amid transition In Goodman, R., Kariya, T. and Taylor, J. (eds). The Changing Relationship
between the State and Higher Education in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and the UK, Oxford Studies in

KIM, T. CV January 2024

Comparative Education Series, Symposium Books, pp. 235-260. ISBN 978-1-873927-76-2 (http://www.symposium-
** This article has been included in the reading list of the UCL Institute of Education MA course in Higher
Education: Comparative and International Perspective (MA HECIP) since 2016.

42. Kim, T. (2011) Globalization and Higher Education in South Korea – towards ethnocentric internationalization or
global commercialization of higher education? In King, R., Marginson, S. and Naidoo, R. (eds). Handbook of
Globalization and Higher Education, pp. 286-305, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (USA & UK; ISBN: 978 1 84844 585

43. Kim, T. (2009) Confucianism, Modernities and Knowledge: China, South Korea, and Japan (Chapter 55) In Cowen,
R. and Kazamias, A. (eds). The International Handbook of Comparative Education, Dordrecht, Netherlands:
Springer, pp. 857-872 (ISBN: 978-1-4020-6402-9).
** This article has been listed as core reading for the European MA programme Comparative and Transnational
Education module in DPU, University of Aarhus,Copenhagen and I am giving a lecture on the subject at DPU
annually as a part of ERASMUS Mundus (2009-2013).
44. Yonezawa, A. and Kim, T. (2008) The Future of Higher Education in a Context of a Shrinking Student Population:
Policy Challenges for Japan and Korea (Chapter 7) In Higher Education to 2030. Vol. 1: Demography//
L'enseignement supérieur en 2030. Vol. 1: Démographie, edited by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Paris: OECD, pp. 199-
216 (ISBN: 978-9-2640-4065-6).
** The volume was published in both English and French; also translated from English into Japanese and Spanish).

45. Kim, T. (2008) The Academic Profession in East Asian Higher Education (Chapter 7) In RIIHE (Edited by Yonezawa)
Frontier of Private Higher Education Research in East Asia, Tokyo: Research Institute for Independent Higher
Education (RIIHE), pp. 139-161 (ISBN4-902981-11-4).

46. Kim, T. (2007) Transnational Academic Mobility in a Global Knowledge Economy: comparative and historical motifs
(Chapter 18) In Epstein, D., Boden, R., Deem, R., Rizvi, F., and Wright, S. (eds) The World Yearbook of Education
2008, Geographies of Knowledge and Geometries of Power: Framing the Future of Higher Education, London:
Routledge, pp. 319-337 (ISBN: 978-0-4159-6378-7).
** This article led to the CARA invitation for me to give a plenary talk on transnational academic mobility in a
global knowledge economy at the 75th Anniversary CARA Conference held at the British Academy on 5 th December

47. Kim, T. (2006) Building a business: a comparative note on the changing identities of the British University In
Sprogøe, J. and Winther-Jensen, T. (eds). Identity, Education, and Citizenship: Multiple Interrelations, The CESE
Conference Proceedings, Peter Lang, pp. 197-224. (ISSN: 0934-0858; ISBN: 3-631-553-7-2; US-ISBN: 0-8204-9917-
** This article was reviewed and selected as the best paper presented by a female at the CESE Conference held in
Copenhagen in 2004 and awarded the CESE Women’s Network Prize at the CESE Conference held in Granada in

48. Kim, T. (2004) Neo-liberalism, WTO and New Approaches to University Governance: From Reform to
Transformation In Organizational Reforms and University Governance: Autonomy and Accountability, COE
Publication Series 11, Edited and Published by RIHE, Hiroshima University, Japan, pp. 95-116 (ISBN 4-038774-87-9).

49. Kim, T. (2004) Neo-liberal Market Economic Principles: Issues of Trust or Distrust in Education In Lee, On-Jook (ed).
Restoring and Building TRUST in the Age of Globalization [JiguchonSidae-eyu Sawhoe-juck Jabon], Seoul: Jipmoon-
dang (in association with Seoul National University), pp. 378-390 (Published in Korean).

50. Kim, T. (2002) Globalization, Universities and Knowledge as Control: new possibilities for new forms of
colonialism? In Schuller, T., Istance, D. and Schuetze, H. (eds). International Perspectives on Lifelong Learning:
From Recurrent Education to the Knowledge Society, Buckingham: Open University Press, pp. 141-153 (ISBN:
03352103). ** My article in this volume was especially well reviewed in the international journal, Compare (The
official journal of the British Association for International and Comparative Education) in 2002.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

51. Kim, I. W and Kim, T. (2002) Globalization and Dirigisme: Teacher Education in South Korea (with Kim, In Whoe) In
Thomas, E. (ed). The World Yearbook of Education 2002: Teacher Education: Dilemmas and Prospects, London:
Kogan Page, pp. 33-44 (ISBN: 0749435747).

52. Kim, T. (2001) The Arts and Cultural Policy in the U.K.: a Comparative Understanding of Museum Education in a
Time of Change In Cultural Openness and Education, Seoul: Moon-um Sa (in association with Korean Society for
the Philosophy of Education), pp. 347-366 (Published in Korean).

53. Kim, T. (2000) South Korea In Cowen, R., Coulby, D. & Jones, C. (eds). The World Yearbook of Education 2000:
Education in Times of Transition, London: Kogan Page, pp. 181-191 (ISBN: 0749425040).

54. Kim, T. (1999) Educational Space of the Museum and International Understanding: The British Experience In The
Korean National Commission for UNESCO (ed). The Museum and International Understanding, Seoul: A-rum
Publishing Co., pp. 47-70 (Published in Korean).

55. Kim, T. (1996) The Evaluation of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Korea In Cowen, R. (ed). The
World Yearbook of Education 1996: The Evaluation of Higher Education Systems, London: Kogan Page, pp. 113-125

56. Kim, T. (1995) ''The State and Control of Teacher Education: the case of Korea ' In Gardner, R. (ed). Contemporary
Crises in Teacher Education, Conference Proceedings by the British Association of Teachers and Researchers in
Overseas Education (BATROE), London: Institute of Education, University of London, pp. 143-151.

2.8 Other outputs:

57. Kim, T. (2023) ‘Restructuring Universities, EDI and Conformity’, Emerald Publishing opinion and blog, 3 May 2023:
view-comparative-distance. Miscellaneous commentary piece.

58. Kim, T. and Bamberger, A. (2021) CGHE Working Paper #73 ‘Diaspora, Ethnic Internationalism and Higher
Education Internationalization: The Korean and Jewish Cases as Stateless Nations in the early 20 th Century’,
published in September 2021
the-early-20th-century/. CGHE Working Paper.

59. Fook, J., Archibong, U., Kim, T. and Aldercotte, A. (2019) ‘Cracking the concrete ceiling: Tracking the impact of the
Diversifying Leadership programme’, AdvanceHE, 16 May 2019
views/exploring-leadership-development-black-and-minority-ethnic-staff-higher-education. Commissioned
research report.

60. Kim, T. (2019) ‘East Asian academics in UK embrace idea of being foreign’ University World News, 20 April 2019 Commentary article.

61. Lomer, S. and Kim, T. (2018) ‘Why the UK must up its game when it comes to recruiting international student’, The
Conversation, 5 June 2018:
recruiting-international-students-97385. Commentary article.

62. Kim, T. and Brooks, R. (2013) ‘Internationalisation, Mobile Academics, and Knowledge Creation in Universities: a
Comparative Analysis’: SRHE Research Award 2011/12
Final Report.

63. Kim, T. (2011) ‘EUROPE: Higher education amid financial meltdown’, University World News, 11 December 2011: Commentary article.

64. Kim, T. and Locke, W. (2010) Transnational academic mobility and the academic profession In CHERI, Higher
Education and Society: A Research Report, March 2010, Centre for Higher Education Research and Information
(CHERI), The Open University, pp.25-34:

KIM, T. CV January 2024
_Transnational_academic_mobility.pdf. CHERI Research report

2.9 Book Reviews

65. Kim, T. (2020). Affect Theory and Comparative Education Discourse. Essays on Fear and Loathing in Response to
Global Educational Policy and Practice, Comparative Education, Vol. 56, No. 3, November 2020

66. Kim, T. (2014) Internationalisation of Higher Education and Global Mobility, Book Review In Comparative
Education, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Taylor & Francis Journal: ISSN 0305-0068

67. Kim, T. (2011) Socrates in the boardroom; why research universities should be led by top scholars', Book Review In
Comparative Education, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 284-86

68. Kim, T. (2000) Ballet across borders: career and culture in the world of dances, Book Review In Intercultural
Education, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 109-111 (Taylor & Francis Journal: ISSN 1467-5986).

2.10 Work in progress - under preparation; under review

69. Book project (monograph): Kim, T. Intellectual Strangers in the Open Society then and now: a Comparative
Analysis (under preparation) (OUP or UCL Press, tbc)

70. Edited Volume: Kim, T. and Choi, E. (Eds) (forthcoming, 2024). Public Contributions of Elite Private Higher
Education Institutions (PHEIs): Public-Private Boundaries and Future Prospects (Oxford Studies in Comparative
Education book series, Routledge) (under preparation), in which I am writing four chapters.

71. Kim, T. (forthcoming, 2024) ‘Global uncertainties and great visionaries for promissory futures: non-state actors in
global governance discourses and public pedagogy’ for the Special Issue: Global Governance and the Promissory
Futures of Education (guest edited by Maren Elfert and Christian Ydesen) in Comparative Education 60(3). (Under

72. Kim, T. ‘Mobile Public Intellectuals, Universities and Politics in the Varieties of Academic Capitalism’ (under
preparation - to be submitted to a journal for publication).

2.11 Conferences that I organised/convened as a member of Executive Organising


• Vice President and a member of the Executive Organising Committee of the CESE Conference 2024 "Changing
regimes of control in education: comparative perspectives across time and space" and the Chair of the CESE
Conference Working Group II: ‘The Professional between Autonomy and Control’: https://2024.cese-
• Co-convenor of the SRHE Policy Network event: ‘Diversity and Leadership in Higher Education: Intersectional
Approaches’, 17 June 2019: .
** Dissemination event for the two-year longitudinal studies: 'Tracking the impact of the Diversifying Leadership
programme', which I co-led (
• Co-convenor of the BAICE Thematic Forum: Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education, UCL, 26
Bedford Way, 10 May 2019.
internationalisation-in-higher-education-friday-10th-may/ (* The second forum held at UEL Stratford, 27 February
2020 (
KIM, T. CV January 2024

The selected papers presented at the two events were published as Special Issue of British Journal of Educational
Studies (BJES) 69(5):
• The 29th CHER (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) Conference Committee member, CHER Conference
on ‘The University as a Critical Institution?’ held in Queens held in Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, 5-7
September 2016.
• Chair of the CESE Conference Working Group II: Flows, Mobilities and Migrations, and the CESE (Comparative
Education Society in Europe) Executive Committee member of the XXVII CESE Conference: Equity in and through
Education: changing contexts, consequences and contestations, held in Glasgow, 30 May-3 June 2016 (scheduled).
• Convenor & Chair of the SRHE Policy Network event on Academic Mobility and Brexit, 16 October 2017 - as Co-
Convenor of the SRHE Policy Network; Member of the SRHE Conference Organising Committee 2016.
• Organiser of the UEL Cass School Research Day Conference & convenor of the Roundtable panel event on ‘TEF and
REF: What are the Effects on Teachers, Researchers, Students and Higher Education?’, 6 July 2016.
• Chair of the CESE Conference Working Group 1: ‘Governing Knowledge and the Politics of Education’, and the
Executive Committee member of The XXVI CESE Conference: Governing Educational Spaces, Multiple Perspectives,
held in Freiburg, Germany, 10-13 June 2014.

2.12 Conferences Papers presented in the Last 9 Years (peer-reviewed selection, indicative)

• The SES (Society for Educational Studies) Colloquium: ‘Public intellectuals and education in a changing society’, 23-
24 Sept. 2021.
Paper presentation: ‘Mobile Public Intellectuals, Universities and Politics in the Varieties of Academic Capitalism:
Space & Time, Affect & Effect’, Oriel College, Oxford, 24 Sept. 2021.
• The CIES (Comparative and International Education Society) Conference formal panel session: Using Biographies in
Teaching Comparative Education chaired by Erwin Epstein. My presentation: ‘A contemporary historiography of
comparative education in the making: a biographical narrative approach’ Thu, 29 April 2021, 6:15 to 7:45am PDT
(2:15 to 3:45pm BST), Zoom Room, 110 – A
• The SRHE Policy Network event: ‘Diversity and Leadership in Higher Education: Intersectional Approaches’, 17
June 2019.
• The SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Conference, CHEER Symposium: The Hidden Narratives of
Internationalisation convened by Prof. Louise Morley. Paper presentation: ‘Can Excellence and Inclusion Cohabit?
The Case of East Asian Academics in UK Universities’, held in the Celtic Manor, Newport, 6 December 2018.
• The BAICE (British Association for International and Comparative Education) Conference Panel Symposium:
‘Querying the Mobility Imperative: Critical Approaches to Academic Mobilities Research’, held at the University of
York, York, England, 12 September 2018: (
• The CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) Conference: ‘Identities and Education: Comparative
Perspectives in an Age of Crisis’, held in the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 29-31 May 2018
• The SRHE Conference ( Symposium: Unraveling academic mobility: fresh
frameworks of thought, 6-8 December 2017.
• The 30th CHER Conference ( Paper selected for presentation: ‘Mobile Academic
Intellectuals and Politics: Space & Time, Affect & Effect’ in the Panel: Reimagining academic work: Centering
temporality, spatiality and affect in HE research, held in Jyväskylä University, 28-30 August 2017.
• The SRHE Conference ( Symposium Paper presentation: ‘Purity and
danger in university governance: a comparative analysis of autonomy and control in higher education, held in Celtic
Manor House, Newport, South Wales, 7-9 December 2016.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

• The 29th CHER Conference ( Paper selected for presentation: ‘Academic Mobility,
Knowledge and the Critical Role of the University in the Variety Development of Academic Capitalism: A
Comparative Historical Perspective' to be held at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, 5-7 September 2016.
• The SRHE Conference ( held at Celtic Manor, New Port, December 2015:
Paper selected for presentation: ‘Global Academic Capitalism, Transnational Knowledge Capital, and Academic
• The Inaugural Conference on Cultural Political Economy (CPE) held at the University of Lancaster, 1-2 September
2015: Paper selected for presentation: ‘Global Academic Capitalism, International Mobile Academics, and
Transnational Identity Capital’.
• The 27th CHER Annual Conference CERIS/CNR in Rome; Paper selected for presentation: ‘From strategy to delivery:
implementing internationalisation in teaching and learning. A comparison of academic staff development
programmes in England and the USA co-authored with John Taylor, 8-10 September 2014

3. Knowledge Exchange, Impact and Innovation

3.1 Contribution to Knowledge Exchange, Impact and Innovation

• My publications (citations (2001), h-index (19), i10-index (24) as recorded in Google Scholar
( as of 10 January 2024) – have led to many
invitations and networks and made impacts.
• @UEL_news announced that I have been named by Stanford University as being an academic among the world’s
top 2% most-cited researchers in my field:
• Six of my articles - Interculturality in HE (Kim 2009); State-University relations (Kim 2013); Confucianism (Kim
2009); Academic Mobility (Kim 2009a; 2009b); Internationalisation of HE (Kim 2005) have been included in the
reading lists of 7 postgraduate courses in major universities internationally: UCL Institute of Education, University
College London, UK; DPU, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Athens, Greece; OISE,
University of Toronto, Canada; and the University of Minnesota, USA.
• My commentary article published at University World News, ‘East Asian academics in UK embrace idea of being
foreign’ brought me an invitation
from Universities UK to give a presentation on ‘East Asian Academics and Leadership in UK Universities: a
comparative perspective of minority-majority relations in internationalisation and EDI’ at the UUK meeting via
Teams on 15 March 2021.
• Invited to write commentary pieces in University World News (2011; 2019), The Conversation (2018), Emerald
Publishing blog (2023)
and-conformity-a-view-comparative-distance; interview articles published in Times Higher Education (2011; 2016;
2020; 2021; 2021; 2022; 2022; 2023: e.g., Korean universities count bullying in admissions | Times Higher
Education (THE); Welcome foreigners to avoid demographic cliff edge, Korea told | Times Higher Education (THE);; Asterisk,
Denmark (2004); Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland (2012); Monitori, Magazine of the Ministry of the Interior of
Finland (2012).
• Translation: (i) My OECD project article (in Higher Education 2030) Yonezawa, A. and Kim, T. (2008) has been
translated into French, Spanish and Japanese for publication.
(ii) My article, Kim, T. (2008) Changing University Governance and Management in the UK and Elsewhere under
Market Conditions, has been translated into Lithuanian and published in INTELEKTINË EKONOMIKA Mokslo darbø
þurnalas, Nr. 2(4), which was the proceddings of the Mykolas Romeris University-OECD/IMHE Conference on
‘Higher Education under Market Conditions’ held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 17-18 April 2008.
• My article, “Changing University Governance and Management in the U.K. and elsewhere under Market
Conditions: Issues of Quality Assurance and Accountability” (2008) 2(4) Intellectual Economics 33 was quoted in the
McGill Association of University Teachers (MAUT) and MUNASA combined brief to the Committee on Education,
BILL 38: Government Over-Reach in the Name of Enhanced University Governance (LE PROJET DE LOI 38 :
KIM, T. CV January 2024

Professeur(e)s et Bibliothécaires de McGill (APBM) et de l’Association du Personnel Non Enseignant de l’Université
McGill (APNEUM) présenté à la Commission de la culture et de l’éducation) in Québec, Canada.
• Besides major academic conference presentations in my field of studies (e.g. CESE, CHER, ECER, SRHE, CIES, IMHE),
I have received 81 various national and international invitations to give 37 keynotes/plenary talks as well as
conference symposium presentations in the UK, USA, Australia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia,
Korea, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Austria, the Netherlands, the USA, Finland,
and also international organisations such as ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation), EMN (European Migration
Network), UNESCO-UNEVOC, and OECD.

• Many of my invited talks, interviews and writings have addressed the future policy directions and needs of the
Governments: e.g.
(i) Chair of the Public Policy Exchange events:
• ‘Considering the Future of Higher Education in post-Brexit Britain: Assessing Challenges and
Opportunities’, 8 November 2017
PPE1?ss=em&tg=1a (** in which Professor Alastair Buchan (Head of Brexit Strategy, Oxford) and Baroness
Garden of Frognal (Co-Chair of APPG on Universities) were among the key speakers).
• ‘Overcoming Challenges for International Student Recruitment: Retaining the UK’s Position as a Leading
Destination’, 18 April 2018:
→ Subsequently, after the Public Policy Exchange event, I jointly wrote (with Dr. Sylvie Lomer of Manchester
Univ) this Conversation article: ‘Why the UK must up its game when it comes to recruiting international
students’ in 2018:
(ii) Public Lecture at the Oxford Korea Forum held at Wolfson College, Oxford, 12 November 2021: ‘Mobility,
Diaspora and International Higher Education: the Korean Case reconsidered’:
(iii) Plenary panel speaker - presentation at the ‘University Futures: a Public Discussion’ event, which was jointly
organised by the Academy of Social Sciences Campaign for Social Sciences, UEL, and Times Higher Education
in London on 11 October 2011
(iv) Plenary speaker - presentation on ‘Financial challenges to postgraduate higher education – or is the
challenge just financial?: Comparative approaches and reflection’ in the plenary conclusion session at the UK
Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) Winter Conference: ‘Postgraduate Higher Education – The
Forgotten Sector?’ ( on 10 February 2012.
(v) AERA /NAFSA joint Internationalisation Task Force Committee (USA) Roundtable Discussant:
Internationalisation of Higher Education in San Francisco, May 2013.
(vi) The QS AIM (Academic International Mobility) article ‘Has academic mobility reached its peak? The short
answer is, 'no'' has quoted me throughout (, based on
the telephone interview made on 23 January 2012.

• Invited to participate in various national and supranational governmental and public policy meetings
and projects, through which I have actively engaged with and influence staff at senior levels:
(i) The Korean Government's ‘Knowledge Partnership’ project with KDI (Korea Development Institute), OECD
and World Bank, Nov. 2002;
(ii) OECD Higher Education 2030 Project (2007-08);
(iii) Plenary talk at the 75th Anniversary Conference of CARA (Council for Assisting Refugee Academics): ‘In
Defence of Learning’ at The British Academy, London, Dec. 2008;
(iv) Plenary talk at the International Higher Education Forum, sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Education:
MEXT, Tokyo, Japan Oct. 2009.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

• Media and Press activities:

• BBC World Service Radio Interview talk, London, UK, 20-03-1998
• EBS TV Sunday Invitation Lecture, Seoul, Korea, 29-07-2001
• Newspaper column published in Hankook Ilbo [Korea Daily Newspaper], 11-3-2002
• Interview Article 'Ranglisten, reformerne og resultaterne' in Asterisk, Copenhagen published in Danish,
• Korea’s BBS FM Radio Overseas News Rapporteur (UK/Europe), 2005-2006.
• Swiss interview Article ‘Kreationismus auf Koreanisch: Die Handong University hat sich bestens etabliert – mit
Gottes Hilfe’ published in Swiss daily newspaper, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland (9 January 2012:
• Finnish interview Article ‘Terri Kim: Maahanmuuttopolitiikka ja tiedemaailma välillä ristiriidassa’ published in
Monitori - magazine of the Ministry of the Interior of Finland
(** The article was based on my keynote speech and the interview held after the European Migration Network
seminar: 'Immigration of International Students' held in Helsinki on 19 October 2012:
• My commentary articles published:
in the University World News, 11 December 2011: EUROPE: Higher education amid financial meltdown
(; and 20 April 2019: East Asian academics in UK embrace idea of being foreign
in The Conversation, 5 June 2018: Why the UK must up its game when it comes to recruiting international
students (;
in Emerald Publishing blog, 3 May 2023: Restructuring universities, EDI and conformity: a view from
comparative distance | Emerald Publishing (
• I was interviewed by THE reporters and quoted in Times Higher Education articles:
- ‘Tap support to push for reform’ by Simon Baker, 6 October 2011:
- ‘Asia University Rankings 2016: results announced Singapore leads the way in Times Higher Education's 2016
ranking of the premier universities in Asia, by Ellie Bothwell, 20 June 2016:
- ‘South Korea sets 25 per cent target for female professors’, 13 August 2020:
- ‘South Korea launches Covid crackdown before entrance exam’, 28 November 2020:
- ‘Korea doubles budget for language training overseas’, 1 April 2021:
- ‘Welcome foreigners to avoid demographic cliff edge, Korea told’, 6 December 2021:
- ‘Ministerial revolving door leaves Korean universities in lurch’, 16 August 2022:
- Korea’s semiconductor talent boost ‘too little, too late’, 31 August 2022:
- Korean universities to consider bullying records in admissions. But academics express scepticism, saying
policy does not tackle ‘root’ of problem behaviour, 3 May 2023
Korean universities count bullying in admissions | Times Higher Education (THE)

** Overall, the wide range of international academic invitations and media activities has permitted me to contribute to
the transfer of my research-based knowledge to the wider public, diverse international academic communities (AERA,
Academia Europaea, international organisations (OECD, IMHE, UNESCO) and national governments (Korea, Japan,
Finland) and other policy making stakeholders (European Migration Network, NAFSA).

KIM, T. CV January 2024

3.2 Fellowship, Prize and Scholarship Awards

• Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) in recognition of attainment against the UK
Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education (Recognition Reference:
PR070044), July 2014. (** The award of Principal Fellow recognises exceptional educational leadership and impact
in the higher education sector. As of 2015, there were fewer than 200 Principal Fellows in the UK).
• UEL Vice-Chancellor and President Excellence Awards in Teaching and Learning received on 9 May 2019 as a
member of the Racial Equality Team in recognition of a significant impact within undergraduate and postgraduate
taught subjects in the academic year 2018-19.
• Yonsei University 100 Future Women Leaders Prize, selected by Yonsei University Alumni Association – a
decennial award, February 2018.
• SRHE Research Award (2011-2012): £10,000 received for my research on Internationalisation, mobile academics
and knowledge creation.
• CESE 'Women's Network Prize for Excellence in presenting the best comparative research paper' (by a female)
‘Building a business: a comparative note on the changing identities of the British University’ awarded at the XXII
CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) Conference held in Granada, June 2006.
• ORS (Overseas Research Scholarship) Award: selected by the CVCP (Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of
the Universities of the United Kingdom) for my PhD research on Forming the Academic Profession in East Asia: a
comparative analysis, 1995-97. (** I was the sole recipient of the ORS at the Institute of Education in 1995; the
competition rate then was 87:1.)

3.3 Plenary/Keynote Lectures; Special Lectures (all by invitation)

1) Invited to give a seminar talk, ‘‘Interculturality between Majority and Minority in the European Contexts of Ethnic
Nationalism: the Jewish and East Asian cases and the Implications for East Asia', Wed, 3 May 2023, 15:15-16:45 at
the Centre for Research in Education in Asia (CREA), University of Bath, 8W 1.33. Interculturality between majority
and minority in the European contexts of ethnic nationalism ( Recording of my seminar talk:
2) Invited to give a plenary panel talk, ‘Sustainable Futures for Global Partnerships?’ at the UK-SEA PEER (UK-
Southeast Asia Partnerships and Exchanges Baseline Research) Conference, 10 October 2022:
3) Invited to give a plenary symposium talk, ‘How has Comparative Education research contributed to the
internationalisation of education research and its academic societies under globalization?’ in the 58th Japan
Comparative Education Society (JCES) Annual Conference Open Symposium (Online), 25 June 2022
4) Invited to give a public Lecture, ‘Mobility, Diaspora and International Higher Education: the Korean Case
reconsidered’ at Oxford Korea Forum held at Wolfson College, Oxford, 12 November 2021:
5) Invited to give a lecture ‘A Comparative Understanding of Minority-Majority Power Relations in Doing Diasporic
Comparative Education: a View from the UK’ at Yonsei University YIER (Yonsei Institute of Educational Research),
Seoul, Korea 26 November 2021, via Zoom:
6) Invited to give a seminar talk, ‘The Covid-19 pandemic and the rise of the digital market state: its implications for
education and learning at the CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) Virtual Seminar event: Covid-19
and Distance Education: Its impact on education and learning, 22 October 2021:
7) Invited to give a presentation: ‘Diaspora, Ethnic Internationalism and Higher Education Internationalisation:
the Korean and Jewish cases as stateless nations in the early 20th century’ at the CGHE global webinar panel:
Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education chaired by Prof. Simon Marginson, on 29 June 2021,
8) Invited to give a plenary speech (online) “The role of transnational identity capital in knowledge creation” at the
International Conference: Why Internationalization? Old and new rationales in diverse higher education systems,

KIM, T. CV January 2024

organised by University of Bonn Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) (in cooperation with its international
partner universities (incl. PUCRS, Brasilia; Emory, US; St. Andrews, UK; Waseda University; Japan), Bonn, Germany,
5-6 October 2020
9) Invited to give a Lecture ‘‘Ticking the Other Box’: positional identities of East Asian academics in the UK’ and a
Fulbright Panel talk at Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, 26-27 April 2018:;
10) Invited to give a panel talk at the Jagdish Gundara Memorial Symposium, UCL Lecture Theatre, London, 9 Feb.
11) Invited to give a seminar presentation at the CGHE (Centre for Global Higher Education) chaired by Prof. Simon
Marginson, UCL Institute of Education, London, 18 January 2018 (
12) Plenary talk: ‘Studies of Elites and Education from a comparative perspective: new connections with comparative
(higher) education’ at the UCL Institute of Education Sociology Group Symposium: Studies of Elites and
Education. Fresh Directions and Connections, 9 November 2017, 10:00-18:00:
13) Plenary talk at the University of Sussex CHEER (Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research) Seminar:
Disrupting Internationalisation Discourses: Discussing Equity and Inclusion to be held on Wednesday 19 July 2017,
09:30 – 16.00:;
14) Plenary talk on the state and prospects of academic mobilities research as well as my current research on
academic mobilities and the varieties of academic capitalism at the University of Warwick AMIN (Academic
Mobilities and Immobilities Network) on 9th November 2016 - sponsored by the Warwick Institute of Advanced
15) Plenary talk at the 8th Annual Koret Workshop on ‘Globalization, Culture, and Innovation in Korea’, Stanford
University Walter H. Shorenstein APARC (Asia Pacific Research Centre), held at Bechtel Conference Center, Encina
Hall, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA 22 April 2016
16) Plenary talk at the Young Academia Europaea Symposium on ‘Pathways to Excellence: Experiences of
Illuminating Women in Science’ held in Uppsala University, Sweden, 22 May 2015:; Full brochure: ). * The whole symposium was recorded by Swedish TV
Company UR Samtiden ( to be broadcast on Kunskapskanalen.
17) Plenary talk at the International Conference on the Structural Transformation of Higher Education -
interdisciplinary conference inviting political and social scientists, held at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena,
Germany on 16-17 March 2015: http://www.soziologie.uni-; Conference Programme
18) Plenary talk at the International Conference on ‘Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher
Education’, organized for my Special Issue of Comparative Education 52(1) and hosted by Kyushu University
Center for Asia-Pacific Future Studies (CAFS:, Japan, 23 March 2015.
19) Plenary talk at the ZIS Conference in JGU Mainz on Academic Mobility, Plenary speech held at Zentrum für
Interkulturelle Studien / ZIS / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, 26-28 June 2014
20) Keynote lecture The title of my lecture was ‘Confucianism, Education and Development in East Asia: a
comparative understanding of Korea’ at the National Chi Nan University (NCNU, 國立暨南國際大學 國際文教與
比較教育學系) sponsored by One Asia Foundation, Taiwan, 3 March 2014.
21) Plenary talk at the 4th International Conference of SKIE (Society for Knowledge-based Innovation and Education):
Knowledge, Innovation and Education, Plenary speech, held at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 30-31
March 2013

KIM, T. CV January 2024

22) Keynote lecture at the 6th Annual LASC Lecture (Public Lecture): ‘Transnational academic mobility and knowledge
creation: a critical reflection on interculturality and decoloniality’ delivered as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar of
the Faculty of Arts at Monash University, in Melbourne, Australia, 13 March 2013.
23) Keynote at the 2012 EMN (European Migration Network National Seminar in
Finland (FI EMN NCP) on Immigration of International Students to the EU (Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, in
Helsinki, Finland, 19 October 2012:
24) Plenary talk at the UKCGE Winter Conference 2012: ‘Postgraduate Higher Education – The Forgotten Sector?’,
Grand Connaught Rooms, London, 10 February 2012 (
25) Plenary talk at the AUPC (The American University meets the Pacific Century) Conference, University of Illinois,
Champaign, Illionis, USA, 9-10 March 2012 (
26) Plenary talk at the JEP (Journal fuer Entwicklungspolitik) Authors’ Conference - Journal of Development Studies
Special Issue: special issue editors of Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Berlin,
Germany, 16-17 March 2012.
27) Keynote ‘Internationalisation, mobile academics and knowledge creation in universities: a comparative analysis’ at
the ICAMM 3 (International Conference on Academic Mobility and Migration), Universiti Putra Malaysia Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia, 4-5 July 2012 ( ).
28) Keynote at the Learning Global Conference, held in the University of Northampton, Northampton, U.K., 11 May
2011 ( ).
29) Plenary talk at the International Sociology of Education Conference, held in the Royal Foundation of St. Katharine,
London, Docklands, 7 November 2009; 5 November 2011.
30) Plenary talk at the International Higher Education Forum sponsored by the MEXT and Japan Foundation, and held
at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, 29-30 October 2009.
31) Plenary talk at the 75th Anniversary Conference of CARA (Council for Assisting Refugee Academics) on ‘In Defence
of Learning: the past and the present’ held at The British Academy, 5 December 2008.
32) Keynote at the EUROCLIO/EUROPAEUM Conference on ‘Connecting Europe through History’, as delegate to the
IAIE President) held in the Hague, Netherlands, 22 April 2008.
33) Plenary talk at the International Conference on 'Higher Education in Market Conditions: Theory and Practice',
sponsored by the European Council and OECD/IMHE, and held at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania
on 17-18 April 2008:
34) Plenary talk at the SRHE & CEAS International Seminar on Higher Education Reform in East Asia and the UK:
Management and Leadership in Changing Contexts, held at the University of Bristol, 4 June 2010.
35) Keynote at the ESRC Seminar on ‘Critical perspectives on the Internationalisation of UK Higher Education
Institutions: Mapping the Conceptual Territory’ held at the Univ. of Birmingham, 16 Dec. 2008.
36) Plenary talk at the ESRC Seminar on 'Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Global Higher Education
in the 21st Century' organised by Cardiff School of Social Sciences, held in Greygnog on 5-7 February 2007. The
paper was refereed and published in The World Yearbook of Education 2008 (Routledge, London, 2008).
37) Plenary talk at the Ford Foundation sponsored Conference on Policy and Performance of Private Higher
Education, organised by Peking University Graduate School of Education, and held in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province,
China, 3-4 June 2006.

3.4 Language Competence

English – fluent;
Korean – native language;
French – intermediate;
German – basic;
Classic Chinese characters; Japanese Kanji (漢字) – reading knowledge.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

4. Learning and Teaching

4.1 Undergraduate and post graduate teaching (2017-2020)

Course Title Level of Teaching Student Contact Hours

ET7750 Level 7
Education Policy 12 Students (2019-2020)
in Practice (MA
in Education
ED6015: Level 6 Total 11 dissertations:
Dissertation 6 students (2019-20);
5 students (2018-19);
15 meetings per term; i.e.
30 meetings per year
ED 4006: Level 4 60 students (2018-19); 82
Philosophy of students (2017-18)
Education 3 hours (1.5 lecture; 1.5
seminar) + 2 office hours
per week

ED7907: Comparative Research Methodology Over 30 students

Doctoral Research Ethics (combining Social
research training Sciences, Education and
Social Work)
Doctoral 6 students
supervision PhD (i) Felicia Ofosu (I was the DoR at UEL, Supervisions – three times
until my departure (Sept. 2020); (ii) Evelyn per term or more
Min Ji Kim (joint supervisor at UCL IOE
since Oct. 2019 – Aug. 2023) NB: Between 2020 - 2021,
(iii) Choah Park (joint supervisor at UCL I supervised 3 doctoral
IOE from 2019-2021). students (2 PhD students
at UCL IOE; 1 EdD student
EdD (i) Rebecca Crutchley, DProf: I was at UEL).
the Director of Research at UEL until my
departure (Sept 2020). (ii) Nigel Godfrey NB: Rebecca Crutchley
(joint supervisor); (iii) Vikki Manning, EdD completed her thesis
preparing for registration. (professional doctorate)
successfully; passed her
viva voce exam in March
2022; and was awarded a
DProf in July 2022.
Cf. At UCL IOE, I have
supervised a PhD student
(Evelyn Min Ji Kim) (2019-
2023) who had a
successful PhD viva voce
on 15 June 2023.
01/10/2014 - 30/09/2020 12 doctoral students - AMR panel in the UEL Cass School
01/10/2018 - 30/09/2020 24 undergraduate students for Academic Advice (24x2=48 meetings per year)

KIM, T. CV January 2024

4. Post Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching

Completion of Doctoral Supervision (2004-2013): 4 completions

Sandra Naylor (EdD, 2008); Dawn Farhan(MPhil, 2012) at Brunel
Rebecca Crutchley (DProf, 2022) at UEL
Evelyn Min Ji Kim (PhD, 2023) at UCL IOE

Doctoral Supervision: total 14 students: 6 doctoral students at UEL (until my departure, Sept. 2020);
6 doctoral students at Brunel (until my departure, April 2013);
2 students at UCL IOE (2019-2021/2023).

01/01/2014 – 30/09/2016 MALT (MA in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education) course; PGCHE for
the academic staff members; ETM409: Policy Context and Research in Higher
Education & ET7408: Policy Context of the Changing Learning Landscape in
Higher Education
At Brunel
01/10/2008 – 07/04/2013 MA Core modules Leader ED 55007 (Literature & Policy Analysis); ED 55005
(Research Methods in Education); Doctoral Research Training Programme,
FP5001, MA dissertation supervision; tutorials
01/10/2006 – 30/09/2008 MA Core module Leader: ED 5543 (Professional Education; Sociology of
Professionalism, MA dissertation supervision; tutorials
01/10/2010 – 07/04/2012 BA Core module Leader: ED 1702 Education and Society (Sociology of
Education) with Professor Rachel Brooks

At Seoul National University

15/04/2001 – 15/08/2002 Executive Manager of Centre for International Cooperation (CIC) within the
Brain Korea 21 iAPED (Institute for Asia-Pacific Educational Development),
Seoul National University
Executive Committee member of the SNU International Conference on Asia-
Pacific Educational Research (APER), 2001-02.
Convenor of a postgraduate (MA & PhD) Research Seminar, occasional lectures
on Asia-Pacific Studies in the Department of Education
MA dissertation supervision; tutorials
At Yonsei University
01/03/2000 – 31/07/2000 Philosophy of Education (liberal arts, open to students from all disciplines);
Leadership (MA in Education, Graduate School of Education)

4.3 Teaching Innovation and Development

In the academic year 2019-2020, I co-led a new MA module: Education Policy in Practice (ET7750) with Dr.
Fran Zanatta, in which I taught comparative international contexts of policy making: theory and practice, and
decolonising education policy, personal values, professional identities and academic positionings in policy
and practice.
In teaching PGCHE modules: ETM409 (Policy Context and Research in Higher Education) & ET7408 (Policy
Context of the Changing Learning Landscape in Higher Education), I introduced policy contexts of higher
education at local, national and international levels and facilitated comparative perspectives and debate,
which was much appreciated by the UEL colleagues doing the PGCHE course then to achieve a descriptor of
the UK Professional Standards Framework.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

I introduced Confucianism and comparative approaches to the ED4006 (Philosophy of Education) module in
the session on ‘Truth, Knowledge, and Epistemology’ - as an ancient civilizational philosophy comparable to
the ancient Greek philosophy and facilitated comparative thinking and debate in the subsequent seminar
session. Previously only Islamic philosophy and a brief introduction to the Afro-centric philosophy had been
included to counterbalance Western philosophy. Students in my philosophy seminar group actively engaged
in flipped learning and gave excellent group presentations based on their research and readings, to facilitate

4.4 Other Teaching Activities

4.4.1 Doctoral Examinations:

** Total 16 viva voce examinations so far in the field of Higher Education and Comparative Education
Themes: University Governance & Management, Leadership & Followership; Employability; Equality and
Diversity; Internationalisation; Comparative Historical Education; (Higher) Education Policy analysis; Peace
Education; Intercultural Education; European HE Policy; Academic Mobility; Identity Capital; Global
Citizenship Education; Postdoctoral Researchers’ identity construction and career prospects; North and
South Korea; China; Europe; Sweden; Israel; UAE; South Africa.

12 viva exams in the past 9 years (2014-23):

PhD viva voce for the University of Hong Kong (online, 2 February 2023)
PhD viva voce for the UCL Institute of Education (17 Feb. 2022)
DBA viva voce for the University of Bath (30 July 2020)
PhD thesis examination for the University of Cape Town, South Africa (6 May 2020)
PhD viva in the British University in Dubai (BUiD), UAE (11 September 2019)
DBA viva in the University of Bath (25 September 2017)
PhD viva in the University of Bristol (16 June 2017)
PhD viva in the University of Roehampton, 17 March 2016)
DPhil viva in the University of Oxford (10 April 2015)
PhD viva in the University of Birmingham (14 Oct. 2014)
PhD viva in the University of Bristol (25 Sept. 2014)
Cf. MRes dissertation viva voce in the University of Hertfordshire (5 February 2016)
+ 4 PhD viva voce exams. between 2007-2012 in the Universities of Bristol, Birmingham, Brunel, Anglia Ruskin

5. Administrative/ Academic Management

5.1 Role and Activities

08/04/2013- 30/09/2020 Founding Leader of the Higher Education Research Group (HERG:; Organiser/Convenor of HERG Seminar Series
01/05/2015-30/10/2019 Chair of the Cass School Research Ethics Committee (SREC);
Member of the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) representing
the Cass School
15/11/2017- 30/10/2019 Chair of the College Research Ethics Board (CREB)
01/01/2017 –30/09/2017 REF Impact Champion, Cass School of Education and Communities
01/09/2013- Sept 2020 Member of the School Research Degrees Sub Committee (SRDSC)
01/10/2014-30/09/2016 Member of the School Board (Cass School of Education and Communities)

KIM, T. CV January 2024

01/10/2014 –30/09/2020 Member of the International Centre for Public Pedagogy (ICPuP) in the Cass
School of Education and Communities
March 2017 – Sept 2020 Member of the Race Equality Charter Self Assessment Team (REC SAT)
UEL has been recognised with the Race Equality Charter (REC) Bronze Award
in May 2019:
October 2019 - Sept 2020 Member of Cultural Intelligence group within the UEL Vision 2028 Framework
October 2017 - Sept 2020 Member of the Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging
(CMRB); Centre for Narrative Research (CNR) in Social Sciences
Member of the Centre on Human Rights in Conflict (CHRC) in the School of
Law & Business, College of Professional Services

At the UCL IoE

01/10/2017 – present Honorary Senior Research Fellow, EPS & International Centre for
Intercultural Studies (ICIS): International Centre for Intercultural Studies |
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society - UCL – University College London, co-
convening the ICIS events and seminar series (with Dr. Leslie Bash until
2020); PhD supervision (with Prof. Paul Morris) in EPS, IOE UCL’s Faculty of
Education and Society.

5.2 Previous Academic Administrative Leadership Activities

5.2.1 At Brunel
01/10/2008 – 07/04/2013 ERASMUS Programme Coordinator for the School of Sport and Education
01/10/2007 – 07/04/2013 International Officer for Education (responsible for international marketing
and recruitment)
01/01/2012-31/08/2012 Advisor to the Brunel PR project related to the London 2012 Olympics and
recruitment in Korea in collaboration with Brunel International and Corporate

5.2.2 Teaching Collaborations in Europe

2023 ERASMUS Mundus Winter School GLOBED in conjunction with CESE EC (tbc)
2009- 2013 ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP)
‘Education and Democratic Citizenship - Dealing with
the Challenges of Multicultural Society’ (10 ECTS); in collaboration with
colleagues in 10 European universities: Belgium (KU Leuven), Cyprus
(Cyprus), Denmark (Aarhus), Finland (Oulu), Germany (Freiburg), Greece
(Athens), Italy (Udine), Poland (Warsaw), Spain (UNED), Sweden (Uppsala).
2008-2013 ERASMUS Mundus European LLL MA CTE (Comparative and Transnational
Education) Module Guest Lecturer in the DPU, University of Aarhus,
Copenhagen, Denmark

6. General
6.1 CPD: Leadership Training
• LFHE Diversifying Academic Leadership pilot programme – funded by HEFCE, Autumn/Winter 2015-16.
• Advance HE Research Team Leadership programme, 27-28 September 2018
• Advance HE Aurora Programme (for Women Leadership) Autumn 2018
• Aspire Leadership Programme pilot programme run by Minerva and the British Council (by
invitation), September - November 2019.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

7. Nomination of Referees

7.1 Professor Roger Goodman, DPhil FAcSS CBE

Warden, St Antony’s College, Oxford
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies, University of Oxford
Former President of Academy of Social Sciences
Inaugural Head of the new School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies and Former Head of Social Sciences Division
University of Oxford
St Antony’s College, 62 Woodstock Rd, Oxford OX2 6JF, U.K.
Tel: +44-(0)1865-284717; Mob: 07894-838396
* I have known Professor Goodman since 2003. I wrote a chapter on Korea in the volume edited by Goodman, et
al. (2013) The Changing Relationship between the State and Higher Education in France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Korea and the UK. Earlier I had also worked with him to write a joint paper ‘The Changing Status of Vocational
Higher Education in Contemporary Japan and South Korea' published in the UNESCO-UNEVOC Discussion Paper
Series (2009). Professor Goodman is contributing a chapter to my book project: Public contributions of private
higher education institutions: A comparative understanding and future prospects (forthcoming 2024). Between
2020-22, I was an Academic Visitor at St Antony’s College, Oxford sponsored by Professor Goodman. I greatly
appreciate and learn so much from his transformational leadership and scholarship at St Antony’s College, Oxford.

7.2 Professor Paul Morris DPhil

Professor of Comparative Education
Former President of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (i.e. The Education University of Hong Kong)
President of British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE)
Vice President of Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE)
Editor of Comparative Education ; Former Editor of Compare
UCL Institute of Education, University College London
Department of Education Practice and Society (EPS)
20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL, U.K.
Email:; Tel: +44(0)20 7612 6757
** I first met Professor Morris at the WCCES in Prague in 1992 and have known his work in the field of comparative
education since then. I have given guest lectures in Professor Morris’ MA module, ‘Higher Education: Comparative
and International Perspective (HECIP) in 2017 and 2018 as well as MA in Comparative Education at the UCL IOE in
2012. I have also been working with Professor Morris on the Editorial Board of Comparative Education, of which he
is the Editor. I co-convened the BAICE Thematic Forum: ‘Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education’
with Professor Morris and Dr. Bamberger (May 2019 - February 2020, BAICE Thematic Forum Grant: £3000). We
co-edited a Special Issue of BJES 69(5) (published in October 2021) as one outcome of the Forum.
Over the last four years, I have successfully co-supervised with Prof. Morris Evelyn Min Ji Kim’s PhD thesis,
'Happiness as a Floating Signifier: Happiness education and ‘happy human capital’ in the OECD and South Korea'.
at UCL IOE (2019-23). I enjoy working with Professor Morris and learn so much from his transformational
leadership and scholarship in the fields of comparative education, policy sociology, transfer, global governance and
East Asian area studies.

7.3 Professor Sir Peter Scott FAcSS MAE

Professor of Higher Education Studies
UCL Institute of Education
Commissioner for Fair Access, Scottish Government
Chair, Behavioural Sciences Section, Academia Europaea
Trustee / Advisory Board Member, Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) (2008 - present)
KIM, T. CV January 2024

Former Vice-Chancellor (President) of Kingston University

Former University Council Chair of the University of Gloucester (
Former Board Member of the HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England)
Former Editor of The Times Higher Education

The UCL Institute of Education, University College London

20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H OAL, U.K.
Email:; Mobile: +44 (0)7802712269

** I have known Professor Sir Peter Scott’s work and publications since I was a doctoral student in the 1990s, and I
first met him in person in 2011 after he came to the Institute of Education as Professor of Higher Educational
Studies and the Director of CHES (Centre for Higher Education Studies), of which I am an Associate since 2009.
I was also invited to give a talk at the Academia Europaea /Wenner-Gren Foundation Symposium in Stockholm in
2011, which was chaired by Sir Peter, and subsequently I contributed a chapter to the book edited by him and
Engwall (2013) Trust in Higher Education Institutions: Ethical and Quality Standards in Research and Teaching.
He is the External Advisor to my Higher Education Research Group (HERG) at UEL and has given seminar talks in the
HERG seminar series convened and chaired by me: (i) ‘All change! Slow Change or No Change? The future of English
higher education’, 24 April 2014; (ii) ‘Mode 2: Twenty Years On’, Feb. 2015; and (iii) ‘Fair Access and Widening
Participation’, 7 March 2018):
He also gave a panel talk at the UEL Cass Annual Conference Roundtable Panel Discussion on ‘TEF and REF: What are
the Effects on Teachers, Researchers, Students and Higher Education?’, which I convened on 6 July 2016. The
Roundtable discussion event was reported in the Times Higher Education: He
was going to give a public lecture at UEL in April 2020 (
public-lecture), which had to be cancelled due to the pandemic lockdown. Prof. Scott is contributing a chapter ‘Public
and Private Higher Education in the United Kingdom’ to my book, Public Contributions of Elite Private Higher Education
Institutions in Korea and Other Countries: Public-Private Boundaries and Future Prospects (Oxford Studies in
Comparative Education book series, Routledge, forthcoming in 2024).
I greatly admire and respect Prof. Scott for his exceptional expertise and leadership in tertiary and higher education, his
critical insights as a public intellectual, and his kindness and enduring commitment to promoting fair access and
inclusivity in higher education.

7.4 Professor Simon Marginson PhD FAcSS

Professor of Higher Education
Department of Education and Linacre College
University of Oxford
Director ESRC/OFSRE Centre for Global Higher Education
Joint Editor-in-Chief, Higher Education
Mobile: +44 (0) 7876323949 ; Web:
** I contributed an article (Kim, 2005) to the Special Issue of Australian Journal of Education 49(1) edited by
Professor Marginson et. al., and a book chapter (Kim, 2011) to the Handbook of Globalization and Higher
Education edited by Professor Marginson et. al. I first met Prof. Marginson at the ESRC invitational seminar in
2007: 'Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Global Higher Education in the 21st Century', where we
were both invited as plenary speakers; and also met at the International Higher Education Forum (iHEF): ‘Public
Role of Higher Education under Changing Global Environment: Multipolar Initiatives through Linkages and
Dialogues’ in 2009, which was organised by the MEXT, Japan Foundation and Australian Embassy, held at Waseda
University, where we were both invited as plenary speakers. In 2013, Professor Marginson, Professor Ellen
Hazelkorn and I were invited as the three non-US invited speakers to the AERA /NAFSA joint Internationalisation
Task Force Committee (USA) Roundtable Discussion: ‘Internationalisation of Higher Education’ (San Francisco, May

KIM, T. CV January 2024

2013). In 2015-16, we worked as members of the CHER Conference Organising Committee for the CHER
conference held in Queens College, Cambridge.
In 2018 I was invited to give a seminar talk at the CGHE chaired by Prof. Simon Marginson, UCL Institute of
and-time-affect-and-effect/. In 2021, I was invited to give a CGHE global webinar panel talk chaired by Prof.
education/ and the CGHE Working Paper 73 has been published:
I greatly admire and respect Prof. Marginson’s distinguished scholarship and leadership in the global realm of
higher education and his critical comparative insights and analyses.

7.5 Professor Robert Cowen† PhD

Former Doktorvater (doctoral supervisor)
Professor Emeritus of Comparative Education, UCL Institute of Education
Former Chair of the Editorial Board of Comparative Education
Former Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Former President of CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe)
The UCL Institute of Education, University College London
20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H OAL, U.K.
Email: ; Tel: +44 (0)20 76126602
* Professor Cowen is my former doctoral supervisor, and former Chair of the Editorial Board of Comparative
Education, of which I am a member since 2012 and a Book Reviews Editor (2016-19).
Professor Cowen was Vice President and President of CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe (2000-
2008), of which I also served as a member of the executive committee later (2012-2016). I have contributed an
article to the Special Issue of Comparative Education 45(3) Mobilities and educational metamorphoses: patterns,
puzzles, and possibilities, 2009 edited by Professor Cowen et. al; book chapters to Cowen et. al. (2000) The World
Yearbook of Education 1996, World Yearbook of Education 2000, and Cowen et. al. (20009) International
Handbook of Comparative Education.
In 2020, Professor Cowen contributed an article (Postscriptum) to the Special Issue of Comparative Education
56(1) Biographies of Comparative Education: Knowledge and Identity on the Move edited by me. In 2023,
Professor Cowen and I wrote our first joint article, ‘Comparative Education and Intercultural Education: Relations
and Revisions’ for the Special Issue of Comparative Education 59(3) The Future of Comparative Education edited
by Professor Cowen: The article was published posthumously
in July 2023, after Professor Cowen’s unexpected untimely death.
I have learned so much from Professor Cowen, both academically and professionally, whose famous doctoral
seminars combined English courtesy with intellectual confrontation in a Socratic dialogue - offering an exciting
sense of being at the edge of knowledge. I have had a vision of academic excellence during my academic
apprenticeship under his doctoral supervision (1993-98).

7.6 Professor John Allegrante, PhD LHD (Hon.)

Charles Irwin Lambert Professor of Health Behavior and Education
Fulbright Campus Representative and Program Advisor
Former Deputy Provost of the College and Associate Vice President for International Affairs
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
Joint appointments in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman
School of Public Health, Columbia University
Address: 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027
Email :; Tel : +1 (212) 678‐3960 Mobile: +1(201)739-6072

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* I have known Professor Allegrante since 2014 when he was Associate Vice President for International Affairs at TC
Columbia University. In 2015 Prof. Allegrante was invited to UEL to give a public seminar lecture that I organised, and I
was invited to give a Fulbright Panel session talk convened by Prof. Allegrante and also a seminar talk in the HE &
Postsecondary Education seminar in the Department of Organisation and Leadership & Teachers College Fulbright
Program at Columbia University in New York in 2018. His major interdisciplinary international project: ‘The Anxiety
Culture Project’ is dealing with interdisciplinary global challenges addressing complex questions and relevant to my
ongoing research project: ‘Intellectual Strangers in the Open Society: Then and Now’.

Given the interdisciplinary dimensions of our research and mutual interest in global challenges such as migration and
anxiety culture, I have been invited to participate in the project through my research on the neoliberal discourses and
practices of "excellence" and "inclusion" in the HE sector and ‘migrant academics’. We have been discussing possible
interdisciplinary collaboration. I greatly admire and respect Prof Allegrante’s interdisciplinary scholarship and
international collaboration and leadership.

7.7 UEL (Recent Employer)

Professor Verity Brown BSc(Hons), MBA PhD FHEA FRSE

(* As Pro Vice-Chancellor (Impact and Innovation), Professor Brown reviewed my application for promotion to a
Professorship at UEL in the academic year 2018-19. I enjoyed working with Professor Brown on the EDI Committee and
actively participated in various staff workshops led by Professor Brown at UEL and learned so much from her
transformational leadership.)
Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience at University of East London and University of St Andrews
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Impact and Innovation) (2019-22)
University of East London
University Way, London E16 2RD
Email:;; Mobile : 07872 424675

Professor Siraj Sait

(*As the Director of Research in my College (CPS which entails Education, Social Sciences, Business and Law), Professor
Sait reviewed my PDR at UEL (2018-19) and we worked on the College Research Ethics Board, of which I was the Chair
and he is an ex officio member.)

Professor of Law and Development, Director of Research, Department of Law and Criminology
Director of Research for the College of Professional Services (CPS)
Director at Noon Centre for Equality and Diversity
Director of Centre for Islamic Finance Law and Communities
University of East London
United Nations Consultant on land and housing, human rights, and gender equality, refugee research and conflict
resolution, public finance
Email:; Mobile: 07948 500790

Professor Nira Yuval-Davis, PhD FAcSS

(* I am a member of the CMRB at UEL, of which she is the Honorary Director. Professor Yuval-Davis gave a plenary
panel talk at the Jagdish Gundara Memorial symposium: ‘Global Challenges to Social Justice and the Future of
Intercultural Education’ at UCL, which I co-convened on 9 February 2018.)

Professor Emeritus & Honorary Director of Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB),
University of East London (UEL)
President of the Research Committee 05 on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations of the ISA (International
Sociological Association)
Founder Member of Women Against Fundamentalism
KIM, T. CV January 2024

The 2014 REF Sociology sub-panels.

Winer of the 2018 International Sociological Association (ISA) Distinguished Award for Excellence in Research and
Cass School of Education and Communities, University of East London
Email:; Mobile: 07903 584041

7.8 Additional referees in the UK, Australia, Europe, USA and East Asia
Professor Brad Blitz PhD
Head of the Department of Education, Practice and Society (EPS), UCL Institute of Education
Professor of International Politics and Policy, UCL Institute of Education
Visiting Professor at the Institute of Global Affairs at the London School of Economics (LSE)
Senior Fellow of the Global Migration Centre, Graduate Institute, Geneva
UCL Institute of Education, University College London
20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, United Kingdom
Mobile: 07754881260; Skype: brad.blitz; Twitter: @ProfessorBlitz
Professor Blitz is the Head of Department where I belong as Honorary Senior Research Fellow at UCL Institute of
Education. He has given a keynote lecture at the BAICE Thematic Forum: Diaspora and Internationalisation in HE that I
co-convened with Prof. Morris and Dr. Bamberger at the Senate House, University of London on 27 February 2020. We
have common areas of research interests in mobility/migration studies.

Professor Elaine Unterhalter, PhD FBA

Professor of Education and International Development
UCL Institute of Education, University College London
Co-Director of the Centre for Education and International Development (CEID)
* I know Professor Unterhalter since I was a doctoral student at the Institute of Education. We have been working as
members of the Editorial Board of Comparative Education and Prof. Unterhalter also contributed to the Special Issue of
Comparative Education 56(1): Biographies of Comparative Education: Knowledge and Identities on the Move edited by
me and published in February 2020.

Professor Fazal Rizvi, PhD FASSA
Professor in Global Studies in Education, University of Melbourne, Victoria
Emeritus Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Social Sciences
Former Editor of the journal, Discourse: Studies in Cultural Politics of Education
Past President of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
Email:; Tel: 0061 400 726 806
* I have known Professor Rizvi since 2005 when I was invited as a discussant at the ‘Globalising the Research
Imagination’ Mini-conference with Arjun Appadurai in Prato, Italy where Prof. Rizvi was one of the invited speakers in
October 2005. I also contributed to The World Yearbook of Education 2008: Geographies of Knowledge and Geometries
of Power: Framing the Future of Higher Education edited by Professors Debbie Epstein, Rebecca Boden, Rosemary
Deem, Fazal Rizvi, Susan Wright (London: Routledge). I co-edited a Special Issue with Prof. Rizvi et. al. as an outcome of
the BAICE Thematic Forum: ‘Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education’, held at UCL in May 2019 and
February 2020, which I co-convened with Prof. Paul Morris and Annette Bamberger, in which Prof. Rizvi was invited as a
keynote speaker and a panel discussant. We co-edited a Special Issue in the British Journal of Educational Studies (BJES)
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69(5) published in October 2021. I have been invited to write a chapter ‘Transnational academic collaboration: a critical
analysis of the global and national contexts and constraints of co-authorship' in The International Encyclopaedia of
Education Vol. One: Globalization and shifting geopolitics of education (4th edition) edited by Fazal Rizvi and Jason
Beech, published by Elsevier in Oct. 2022.

Professor Johannes Angermuller, PhD
Professor of Discourse, Languages & Applied Linguistics
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies
School of Languages and Applied Linguistics, The Open University, U.K.
Member of CEMS/EHESS in Paris, France
Email: ;
* I have known Professor Angermuller for eight years since the ZIS Conference in JGU University of Mainz on Academic
Mobility held in 2014, where we were both invited to give plenary talks. I was invited to give a talk at the international
conference in Jena, organised by Professor Angermuller and his colleagues and also contributed to the Special Issue that
they edited and published in Higher Education 73(6) in 2017.

Professor Donatella Palomba, PhD

Emerita Professor of General Education (Pedagogia Generale)
Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia / Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie della formazione
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Member of the Executive Committee and former President of SICESE – Italian Society of Comparative Education
Former President of CESE -Comparative Education Society in Europe
Coordinator of the Comparative education studies group of SIPED (Società Italiana di Pedagogia)
Tel : +39 334 374 1201; +39 06 72595172
* I have known Professor Palomba for 22 years through CESE - since the CESE Conference held in the University of
Bologna: the emergence of the “knowledge society”: from clerici vagantes to Internet, which she organized as the
President of CESE in 2000. She is also the Chair of the CESE Women’s Network. My recent CESE seminar talk on ‘the
Covid-19 pandemic and the rise of the digital market state: its implications for education and learning’ (22 Oct. 2021)
was highly appreciated and praised by Professor Palomba. I am writing a paper ‘Knowledge and Identity on the Move:
an old theme for a new comparative education’ to be published in the Special Issue of Scuola Democratica - Learning
for Democracy (Italian journal: edited by Professor Palomba. I greatly
admire and respect Prof Palomba’s insightful scholarship and wisdom and leadership in the field of comparative
education in Europe.


Professor Gi-Wook Shin, PhD

Tong Yang, Korea Foundation and Korea Stanford Alumni Chair of Korean Studies
Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Stanford University
Director of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center
Senior Fellow of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Shorenstein APARC
Stanford University Encina Hall E301, 616 Serra Street, Stanford, CA 94305-6055, USA
Email:; Tel: +1 (650) 723-2408; Fax: +1(650) 723-6530
Website: ;
KIM, T. CV January 2024

* I have known Professor Gi-Wook Shin since 2000, first introduced by my father, Professor In Whoe Kim at Yonsei
University. Prof Shin's work is inspirational and important to my research, especially on ethnic nationalism, democracy,
and talent strategies in Korea and East Asia as comparative political sociology. In April 2016, I was invited to give a talk
at the Koret workshop chaired by Prof Shin at the APARC, Stanford University and also participated in his new research
project planning meeting. We have been discussing possible collaboration - with my research on Transnational
Academic Mobility and his research on Brain Linkage, especially since the publication of my Special Issue:
Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher Education, Comparative Education 54(1) and the conference in Kyushu in 2014, which was hosted by Professor
Shin. I greatly admire and respect Prof Shin’s international scholarship and leadership in the fields of global sociology
and East Asian area studies with critical comparative insights into Korea.


Professor Akiyoshi Yonezawa, PhD

Professor and Vice-Director, International Strategy Office
Tohoku University
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan
Tel : +81-22-217-5919 (Office) +81-80-3398-1255 (Mobile)
* I have known Professor Yonezawa since 2001 through various international academic events in the fields of higher
education and comparative education. We wrote a joint article for the OECD 2030 project in 2008. He has contributed
an excellent article to the Special Issue: Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher Education, edited by
me and published in Comparative Education 56(1) in 2016. Over the last 20 years, Professor Yonezawa has invited me to
give plenary talks in international conferences in Japan and also to give lectures at Tohoku University. Most recently, he
invited me to give a plenary talk to the JCES Open Symposium (online) in 2022.


Full List of National and International Invitations

1. Invited to give the 6th Annual LASC Lecture (Public Lecture) delivered as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar of the
Faculty of Arts at Monash University, Melbourne, 13 March 2013

Australia/Italy (Monash University in Prato):

2. Invited to the ‘Globalising the Research Imagination’ Mini-conference with Arjun Appadurai in Prato, Italy
organised by Professor Jane Kenway and Dr. Jo Fahey of Monash University, Australia on 24-26 October 2005.
I was a respondent to Dr. Rui Yang’s conference paper and interviewed for the book project: Globalising the
Research Imagination.
United States:
3. Invited to Columbia University, Teachers College in New York, 26-27 April 2018 to give a Lecture and a Fulbright Panel talk:
4. Invited to give a plenary presentation on ‘Academic Mobility, Varieties of Academic Capitalism, and
Globalization and Internationalization: the case of Korea’ at Stanford University - the 8th Annual Koret
Workshop on Globalization, Culture, and Innovation in Korea, Stanford University Walter H. Shorenstein
APARC, 22 April 2016 (

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5. Invited to participate in the invitation-only Internationalisation of Higher Education Task Force Committee
meetings organised by the AERA/NASFA, held in San Francisco, 26-27 April 2013.
6. Invited as a Plenary Speaker to the AUPC (The American University meets the Pacific Century) Conference,
University of Illinois, Champaign, USA, 9-10 March 2012 (
7. Invited to give a plenary symposium talk, ‘How has Comparative Education research contributed to the
internationalisation of education research and its academic societies under globalization?’ in the 58th Japan
Comparative Education Society (JCES) Annual Conference Open Symposium (Online), 25 June 2022:
8. Invited as a plenary speaker to give an introductory talk and a full paper presentation on Transntaional
academic mobility, international distribution of knowledge and power in East Asian Higher Education at the
International Conference on Internationalisation and Development in East Asian Higher Education, specially
organized for my Special Issue of Comparative Education 52(1), held at Kyushu University, Centre for Asia-
Pacific Future Studies (CAFS), 23 March 2015.
9. Invited as a plenary speaker to give a paper on ‘Global Mobility of Academics: implication for global well-
being’ at the International Higher Education Forum (iHEF) on the ‘Public Role of Higher Education under
Changing Global Environment: Multipolar Initiatives through Linkages and Dialogues’. Organised by the MEXT,
Japan Foundation and Australian Embassy, held at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, 29-30 October 2009.
10. Invited as a sole seminar speaker to Japan at the University of Tokyo and University of Tohoku to give one
lecture on ‘old borrowings and new models of the university, and two seminar presentations on ‘transnational
academic mobility’ on 18-19 December 2007.
11. Invited as a plenary speaker to present my paper on ‘The Academic Profession in Korean Private Higher
Education: a comparative review of the internationalisation of private higher education in East Asia’ at the
International Workshop: Frontier of Private Higher Education Research in East Asia, organised by RIIHE in
collaboration with PROPHE, held in Tokyo, 14-15 Dec 2006.
12. Invited as a plenary speaker to present my paper on 'Neo-liberalism, WTO and new approaches to university
governance: from reform to transformation' at the RIHE, Hiroshima University Invitational Seminar:
Organizational Reforms and University Governance: Autonomy and Accountability, 17-18 December 2003.
13. Invited to present a plenary presentation on 'Globalisation and National Responses: the case of Korea' Paper
presented at the NIER (National Institute for Educational Policy Research) at the Workshop: The Emergence
of Global Market of Higher Education and the Roles of State Governments, Tokyo, 15 December 2003.
14. Invited to present a plenary paper presentation on 'Global Higher Education Market and the notions of
'coloniality' at the University of Tokyo Workshop: Comparative Sociology on Cohesion and Conflict between
Industry-Labour Policies and Education Policies in the Process of Modernization, Tokyo, 14 December 2003.
China & Hong Kong:
15. Invited to the Hong Kong Institute of Education to give a seminar talk on ‘The Intellect, Mobility and Epistemic
Positioning in Doing Comparisons and Comparative Education’ at the HKIEd Department of International
Education and Lifelong Learning ‘Visiting Scholar Seminar’, 26 Feb. 2014; and also to give a plenary
presentation at the HKERA (Hong Kong Educational Research Association) International Conference
Symposium, 27 Feb. 2014, held at the HKIEd. My presentation was on ‘Academic Mobility and Knowledge
Economy beyond Boundaries’, 26-27 February 2014.
16. Invited as a plenary speaker to give a presentation on ‘Private Higher Education in South Korea’ at the Ford
Foundation sponsored Conference on Policy and Performance of Private Higher Education, organised by
Peking University Graduate School of Education, sponsored by the Ford Foundation and held in Xi’an City,
Shaanxi Province, China, 3-4 June 2006.
17. Invited to give a paper on 'Globalization and Higher Education Reforms in East Asia' at the Panel Meeting of
Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference on Globalization: New
Horizons for Educational Change, held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 20-21 December 2002.

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18. Invited to be the Keynote Speaker at the 2012 EMN (European Migration Network) National Seminar in
Finland (FI EMN NCP on the ‘Immigration of International Students to the EU,
Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki on 19 October 2012.
19. Invited to give a plenary presentation, “The role of transnational identity capital in knowledge creation”
at the International Conference: Why Internationalization? Old and new rationales in diverse higher education
systems, organised by University of Bonn Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW), 5-6 October 2020; online
20. Invited to give a plenary presentation on Academic Mobility, International Distribution of Knowledge and
Power in Higher Education at the International Conference on the Structural Transformation of Higher
Education – interdisciplinary conference inviting political and social scientists, held at the Friedrich-Schiller-
Universität in Jena, Germany on 16-17 March 2015 (http://www.soziologie.uni-
21. Invited to give a plenary presentation on Academic Mobility and Comparative Knowledge Creation: a
biographic narrative approach at the ZIS Conference in JGU Mainz on Academic Mobility, held at Zentrum für
Interkulturelle Studien / ZIS / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 26-28 June 2014 (http://www.zis.uni-
22. Invited to give a talk at the 50th Anniversary Comparative Education Journal Symposium sponsored by Taylor &
Francis at the XXVI CESE Conference held in Freiburg, 10-13 June 2014 (http://www.cese-
23. Invited to give a plenary presentation at the JEP (Journal fuer Entwicklungspolitik) Authors’ Conference –
Journal of Development Studies Special Issue: Trading knowledge in a global information society: The Southern
dimension of TRIPS and GATS, organised by the special issue editors of Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-
Institut für Politikwissenschaft, held in Berlin, 16-17 March 2012.
24. Invited to give a plenary presentation and participate in the first meeting of the International Advisory Board
of Icommposer (inclusive Communities of Practice of Study, Education and Research) funded by DAAD, held at
Institute for Intercultural Education and Development, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, 9-10
September, 2011.
25. Invited to give a plenary presentation at the International Expert Workshop on International and Intercultural
Higher Education Research held at the Institut für Interkulturelle Bildung und Entwicklung, Cologne
University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany 24-26 September 2010.
26. Invited to give a plenary presentation on ‘The Changing Status of Vocational Higher Education in
Contemporary Japan and South Korea’ (joint-research paper, co-authored with Roger Goodman and Sachi
Hatakenaka) at the UNESCO-UNEVOC Conference: ‘Vocational Content in Mass Higher Education? Responses
to the Challenges of the Labour Market and the Work Place’ Bonn, Germany, 8-10 September 2005.
Sweden (Academia Europaea):
27. Invited to give a plenary talk on ‘Gendered Disciplines in Universities: a Comparative Analysis’ at the Young
Academia Europaea Symposium on Pathways to Excellence: Experiences of Illuminating Women in Science
held at Uppsala University, Sweden, 22 May 2015
( * The whole symposium was recorded by
Swedish TV Company UR Samtiden ( to be broadcast on Kunskapskanalen.
28. Invited to participate in the Academia Europaea Wenner-Gren Foundations International Symposium on The
role of trust in higher education: ethical and quality standards in research and teaching, held in Stockholm, 26-
28 May 2011. My role is a discussant of Dr. Stephanie Bird (of MIT)’s paper on Professional Responsibility and
Institutions of Higher Learning in the Session on Media and HEI Trust chaired by Professor Sir Peter Scott.
29. Invited to participate in the 2007 Hercules Conference: ‘The University in the Market’ organised by Academia
Europaea – The Academy of Europe and the Wenner-Gren Foundations, held in Stockholm, 1-3 November
2007. (I had a valuable exchange of ideas with Professors Lars Engwall (of Business Studies, Uppsala
University), Ulrich Teichler (of INCHER-Kassel), Sir Brian Heap (of St Edmund’s College, University of
Cambridge), and Richard Whiteley (of the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester) at the

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30. Invited to give a paper presentation on Higher Education Reforms in Korea at the 3 rd International RESUP
Conference, organized by Sciences PO and CNRS, held in Sciences Po, Paris, sponsored by the Ministry of
Education in France, 27-29 January 2011.
31. Invited to participate in the OECD-France International Conference on Higher Education 2030: What futures
for quality access in the era of globalisation? as Chair in the session 4A 8th Dec. 14.00-15.30, and as a
contributor to the OECD project/publication: Higher Education 2030 Higher Education 2030. Vol. 1:
Demography/ L'enseignement supérieur en 2030. Vol. 1 : Démographie), held at Conservatoire National des
Arts et Métiers, 292 rue Saint-Martin, in Paris, 2007.
32. Invited to present a paper on ‘International Academic Recruitment policy and practice - changing contexts of
the International academic labour market in Europe and East Asia’ (refereed and selected for invitation) at the
RESUP First International Conference on ‘Universities and their Markets’ held in Sciences Po, Paris, France on
1-3 February 2007. (** The RESUP is a network of research centres which was created in October 2001 with
the support from the French Ministry of Research. It aims at federating and enhancing research on higher
education in sociology, education science, political science and economics.)
33. Invited as a plenary speaker at the International Conference on ‘Higher Education in Market Conditions:
Theory and Practice’, sponsored by the European Council and OECD/IMHE, and held at Mykolas Romeris
University in Vilnius, Lithuania on 17-18 April 2008. (My talk was on ‘University governance and management
in the UK and elsewhere: issues of quality assurance and accountability’
34. Invited to give a keynote speech: ‘Internationalisation, mobile academics and knowledge creation in
universities: a comparative analysis’ at the ICAMM 3 (International Conference on Academic Mobility and
Migration), held at Universiti Putra Malaysia Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, 4-5 July 2012:
The Netherlands:
35. Invited as the Chair and Discussant of the ICAS 11 panel: 'Student and Skilled Mobilities Across Asia and
Beyond II' ( held at the University of Leiden, 19 July 2029; invited to be a
panel speaker at the EWV panel: ‘Higher Education in Asia: Embracing and Encountering an Imaginary West’ at
the University of Leiden, 18 July 2019.
36. Invited (as the IAIE President Delegate) to give a Keynote lecture on ‘Historical Legacies of Difference,
Civilisational Knowledge, and Intercultural and Citizenship Education' at the EUROPAEUM-EUROCLIO/EU-
Programme final conference: ‘Connecting Europe through History: Tracking the essential human rights
moments and documents in history. Human rights in Europe? Tolerance, Democracy, Citizenship, Critical
thinking and Multi-perspectivity as European Values' in the Hague, on 22-26 April 2008:
37. Invited to give a lecture: ‘A Comparative Understanding of Minority-Majority Power Relations in Higher
Education: A View from the UK’ (via Zoom) at Yonsei University, Institute for Educational Research (YIER), 26
November 2021 via Zoom:
38. Invited to give a plenary talk at The 4th International Conference of SKIE (Society for Knowledge-based
Innovation and Education): Knowledge, Innovation and Education, Plenary speech, held at Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea, 30-31 March 2013
39. Invited as a plenary seminar speaker at Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Seoul, 23 August 2012, 3-5 pm..
40. Invited to give a plenary talk at Korea University, the Higher Education Policy Research Institute
(HEPRI)/BK21 Colloquium, Seoul, 3 January 2012.
41. Invited to participate in the Global Human Resources Forum 2008: ‘Creative Talents for Global Collaboration:
Global Talents, Global Prosperity’, Stream A: ‘Future-Oriented Innovation of University Education’, held in

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Seoul, Korea, 4-6 November 2008 (sponsored by The Korea Economic Daily, Ministry of Education and Human
Resources Development, KRIVET, in partnership with the World Bank, OECD, UNESCO, ASTD, WFUNA,
McKinsey & Company, Deloitte Consulting, etc. (
42. Invited to the International Conference in commemoration of the 27th Anniversary of the UN International
Day of Peace on "Future Civilization, Future University: A New Horizon for Knowledge and Praxis", organised by
the Global Academy for Future Civilizations held at Hotel Shilla in Seoul, Korea on 6-7 November 2008.
* I was a plenary discussant on the paper, ‘New Entrepreneurship and Civic Education’ presented by Dr.
Manuel Escudero of the United Nations Global Compact Office in the Plenary Session II: ‘New Paradigm for
Knowledge and Higher Education’).
** The Conference was planned as preparatory to the World Civic Forum, which is being prepared as a joint
initiative of Kyung Hee University and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs to serve
as a venue for global conversation on the shared goals of sustainable development, social justice and climate
43. Invited to give a lecture on ‘Academic Mobility, Knowledge and Transnational Identity Capital: Rethinking
Interculturality in Higher Education’ in the ERASMUS Intensive Programme on ‘Education for Democratic
Citizenship – dealing with the Challenges of Multicultural Society’ held at KU Leuven on 26 Aug. 2010.
44. Invited to give a paper presentation on ‘University Governance and Management Models: A Way Forward
Through Collegiality and Complexity’ (with Prof. Lewis Elton) at the UCSIA Conference: ‘Rethinking the
university after Bologna: New concepts and practices beyond tradition and the market’, Antwerp, Belgium on
12-13 December 2008. (

Spain (Casa Asia & Asia Europe Forum (ASEF):

45. Invited to participate in the Asia Europe Meeting of Educational Experts, and gave a plenary presentation as a
rapporteur of the working group: 'Multiculturality and Local Identities' held in Barcelona, Spain, organized by
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Casa Asia (Asia House, Spain), and Associacio de Mestres Rosa Sensat,
13-14 November 2002.
46. Invited to give a lecture at the National Chi Nan University (NCNU, 國立暨南國際大學 國際文教與比較教育學系)
sponsored by One Asia Foundation. The title of my lecture was ‘Confucianism, Education and Development in
East Asia: a comparative understanding of Korea’, 3 March 2014.
47. Invited to the ERASMUS Mundus European MA Programme at DPU, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, to
give lectures on (i) East Asian Educational Traditions; (ii) Confucianism, Modernity and Knowledge in China,
Korea and Japan; and (iii) a Colloquium talk on ‘Higher Education Reforms and Debates in Korea: Towards
ethnocentric internationalism, creating a new academic institutionalism?’, 16-17 February 2011.
48. Invited to give two lectures on (i) Confucianism, Modernities and Knowledge: China, Korea and Japan; (ii)
Transnational academic mobility, knowledge and identity capital in the ERASMUS Mundus European MA
Programme at DPU, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen on 14-15 April 2010.
49. Invited to give two lectures on (i) ‘East Asian knowledge traditions: Confucianism in China, Korea and Japan’;
(ii) ‘Transnational academic mobility in a global knowledge economy’, in the ERASMUS Mundus European MA
Programme at DPU, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen on 18 and 20 February 2009.
50. Invited to give a presentation on ‘Governing Knowledge and the Politic of Education’ at the SICESE and
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Roundtable Discussion: Governing Educational Spaces – Multiple
perspectives, held at the University of Rome, “Tor Vergata”, 19 April 2013.
51. HETL/Emerald Publishing Webinar on Comparative Education, 20 April 2023:

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52. Invited to give a talk ‘the importance of supporting faculty in their career development over time’ at the ECPR
European Consortium for Political Research) Academic Time Conference: ‘Power and Academic Time’, via
Zoom, 23 November 2020:
53. Invited to give a seminar talk, ‘The Covid-19 pandemic and the rise of the digital market state: its implications
for education and learning at the CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) Virtual Seminar: Covid-19
and Distance Education: Its impact on education and learning, 22 October 2021: 17:00 (CET): https://cese-
54. Invited to give a seminar talk, ‘Interculturality between Majority and Minority in the European Contexts of
Ethnic Nationalism: the Jewish and East Asian cases and the Implications for East Asia', Wed, 3 May, 15:15-
16:45 at the Centre for Research in Education in Asia (CREA), University of Bath, 8W 1.33. Interculturality
between majority and minority in the European contexts of ethnic nationalism ( Recording of my
seminar talk:

55. Invited to give a plenary panel talk, ‘Sustainable Futures for Global Partnerships? At the UK-SEA PEER
Conference, 10 October 2022:

56. Invited to give a public Lecture, ‘Mobility, Diaspora and International Higher Education: the Korean Case
reconsidered’ at Oxford Korea Forum held at Wolfson College, Oxford, 12 November 2021:
57. Invited to give a CGHE global webinar: panel talk ‘Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education’, 29
June 2021, 2-3 pm. (BST):
58. Invited to give a presentation on ‘East Asian Academics and Leadership in UK Universities: a comparative
perspective of minority-majority relations in internationalisation and EDI’ at the Universities UK (UUK) online
meeting via Teams on 15 March 2021 at 10 am. (GMT).
59. Invited to give a plenary speech “Changing the Perspective within Leadership” at the Leadership Conference
organised by Pioneer Educational Trust consists of three schools in Sough & Windsor (https://get-information- (postponed).
60. Invited to chair the Public Policy Exchange event: ‘Considering the Future of Higher Education in post-Brexit
Britain: Assessing Challenges and Opportunities’, 8 November 2017 (** in which Professor Alastair
Buchan (Head of Brexit Strategy, Oxford) and Baroness Garden of Frognal (Co-Chair of APPG on Universities)
were among the key speakers).
61. Invited to chair the Public Policy Exchange event: ‘Overcoming Challenges for International Student
Recruitment: Retaining the UK’s Position as a Leading Destination’, 18 April 2018: (** Subsequently, after the Public
Policy Exchange event, I jointly wrote (with Dr. Sylvie Lomer of Manchester Univ) this Conversation article:
‘Why the UK must up its game when it comes to recruiting international students’:
62. Invited to give a panel talk at the Jagdish Gundara Memorial Symposium, UCL Lecture Theatre, 9 Feb. 2018.
63. Invited to give a seminar presentation at the CGHE (Centre for Global Higher Education) chaired by Prof. Simon
Marginson, UCL Institute of Education, 18 January 2018 (
64. Invited to give a presentation at the special invitational symposium: Studies of elites and education: Fresh
directions and connections, UCL Institute of Education, 9 November 2017.
65. Invited to give a presentation at the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER) Seminar:
Disrupting Internationalisation Discourses: Discussing Equity and Inclusion, University of Sussex, to be held on
Wednesday 19th July 2017 from 09:3016.00 (
66. Plenary talk on the state and prospects of academic mobilities research as well as my current research on
academic mobilities and the varieties of academic capitalism at the University of Warwick AMIN (Academic

KIM, T. CV January 2024

Mobilities and Immobilities Network) on 9th November 2016 - sponsored by the Warwick Institute of
Advanced Studies:
67. Invited to give a presentation on Global Academic Capitalism, Transnational Knowledge Capital and
Stratification at the University of Bristol, CIRE, 24 November 2015:
68. Invited to give a presentation on Immigration policies, academic citizenship, and the boundaries of inclusion
and exclusion inside academe at the SRHE Policy Network event on Global Higher Education, Students and
Immigration Policy: Implications for the HE Sector, held at the London Met, 16 April 2013.
69. Invited to give a seminar presentation on 'A biographic narrative approach to mobile academics crossing
boundaries - rethinking the relationship between creative knowledge and positional knowledge' at the UEL
CNR (Centre for Narrative Research) on 4th December 2012:
70. Invited as a plenary speaker to give a presentation on ‘Financial challenges to postgraduate higher education:
or is it just financial? Comparative approaches and reflection’ at the UKCGE (UK Council for Graduate
Education) Winter Conference: ‘Postgraduate Higher Education – The Forgotten Sector?’ held in London, 10
February 2012 (
71. Invited to the SRHE International Research and Researchers Network Seminar to give a presentation on
‘Higher education – who owns and who owes accountability in Korea? A comparative critique on public-private
binary ambivalence in higher education, held in the SRHE Seminar Suite, 73 Collier Street, London, 26 April
2012 (
72. Invited as a Panel Discussant to give a talk at the event on ‘University Futures: A Public Discussion’ organized
by the group of ‘Support the Campaign for Social Science promoted by the Academy of Social Sciences, UEL,
and THE (Times Higher Education), convened by Professor Corinne Squire, held at Friends’ House, Euston,
London, 11 October 2011, 1.30-5 pm. (
73. Invited as a Keynote to give a talk on ‘"Interface between Widening Participation and Internationalisation in
UK Higher Education: a Clash or Concord between two cultures?" at the Learning Global International
Conference, held at the University of Northampton, 11 May 2011
74. Invited as a discussant to give a discussion paper presentation in the Royal Geographical Society Higher
Education Research Group Session on 'Universities and student (im)mobilities in a globalising context' at the
RGS-IBG International Conference held in London on 1-3 September 2010.
75. Invited as a plenary speaker to give a paper presentation at the SRHE & CEAS Seminar on 'Higher Education
Reform in East Asia and the UK: management and leadership in changing contexts held at the University of
Bristol, 4 June 2010.
76. Invited as a plenary speaker to give a paper presentation at the International Sociology of Education
Conference: A Celebration of the Sociology of Education: the contribution of Len Barton held at The Royal
Foundation of St Katharine, London, 6-8 November 2009. Organised by Professor Suzy Harris, Editor of
International Studies in Sociology of Education journal.
77. Invited to The 10th UKFIET Conference: Politics, Policies and Progress, Symposium on ‘Transitions and
Transformations: Critical Perspectives on the Internationalisation of UK Higher Education Institutions’, held at
New College, University of Oxford, 15-17 September 2009. Gave a paper presentation on Internationalisation
and Interculturality in UK Higher Education.
78. Invited as a Keynote speaker to give a paper on 'The patterns of international academic mobility and the limits
of interculturality in UK Higher Education institutions' at the ESRC seminar series on 'Rethinking the Needs of
International Students: Critical perspectives on the Internationalisation of UK Higher Education Institutions:
Mapping the Conceptual Territory' held at the University of Birmingham, on 16 December 2008.
79. Invited as a plenary speaker to present a paper on ‘Transnational academic mobility in a global knowledge
economy: the way forward towards a global knowledge-based democracy’ at the 75th Anniversary Conference
of CARA (Council for Assisting Refugee Academics): ‘In Defence of Learning: the past and the present’ held at

KIM, T. CV January 2024

The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London on 4-5 December 2008
80. Invited as a plenary speaker to present a paper on ‘Transnational academic mobility and identities in a global
knowledge economy’ at the ESRC seminar series: 'Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Global
Higher Education in the 21st Century' organised by Cardiff School of Social Sciences, held in Greygnog on 5-7
February 2007. The paper was refereed and published in The World Yearbook of Education 2008 (Routledge,
London, 2008).
81. Invited to present a paper on ‘Vocationalism/Vocational Higher Education in Japan and Korea – Comparison
and Implications for the Skills Agenda’ at the SRHE Higher Education Policy Network Seminar, held at London
Metropolitan University on 26 April 2007, 4.00-6.30 pm.

Examples of Conference/Seminar Paper Presentations (peer-reviewed selection &

• The SES (Society for Educational Studies) Colloquium: ‘Public intellectuals and education in a changing society’, 23-
24 Sept. 2021.
Paper presentation: ‘Mobile Public Intellectuals, Universities and Politics in the Varieties of Academic Capitalism:
Space & Time, Affect & Effect’, Oriel College, Oxford, 24 Sept. 2021.
• The CIES (Comparative and International Education Society) virtual Conference formal panel session: ‘Using
Biographies in Teaching Comparative Education’ chaired by Erwin Epstein. My presentation: ‘A contemporary
historiography of comparative education in the making: a biographical narrative approach’ Thursday, 29 April 2021,
6:15 to 7:45am PDT (2:15 to 3:45pm BST), Zoom Room, 110 – A.
• The SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Conference, CHEER Symposium: The Hidden Narratives of
Internationalisation convened by Prof. Louise Morley. Paper presentation: ‘Can Excellence and Inclusion Cohabit?
The Case of East Asian Academics in UK Universities’, held in the Celtic Manor, Newport, 6 December 2018.
• The BAICE (British Association for International and Comparative Education) Conference Panel Symposium:
‘Querying the Mobility Imperative: Critical Approaches to Academic Mobilities Research’, held at the University of
York, York, England, 12 September 2018: (
• The CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) Conference: ‘Identities and Education: Comparative
Perspectives in an Age of Crisis’, held in the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 29-31 May 2018
• The SRHE Conference ( Symposium: Unraveling academic mobility: fresh
frameworks of thought, Paper selected for presentation: ‘Ticking the ‘Other’ Box: Positional identities of East Asian
academics in UK universities, internationalisation and diversification’, 6-8 December 2017.
• The 30th CHER Conference ( Paper selected for presentation: ‘Mobile Academic
Intellectuals and Politics: Space & Time, Affect & Effect’ in the Panel: Reimagining academic work: Centering
temporality, spatiality and affect in HE research, held in Jyväskylä University, 28-30 August 2017.
• The SRHE Conference ( Symposium Paper selected for presentation:
‘Purity and danger in university governance: a comparative analysis of autonomy and control in higher education,
held in Celtic Manor House, Newport, South Wales, 7-9 December 2016.
• The 29th CHER Conference ( Paper selected for presentation: ‘Academic Mobility,
Knowledge and the Critical Role of the University in the Variety Development of Academic Capitalism: A
Comparative Historical Perspective' to be held at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, 5-7 September 2016.
• The SRHE Conference ( held at Celtic Manor, New Port, December 2015:
Paper selected for presentation: ‘Global Academic Capitalism, Transnational Knowledge Capital, and Academic
• The Inaugural Conference on Cultural Political Economy (CPE) held at the University of Lancaster, 1-2 September
2015: Paper selected for presentation: ‘Global Academic Capitalism, International Mobile Academics, and
Transnational Identity Capital’.
KIM, T. CV January 2024

• The 27th CHER Annual Conference CERIS/CNR in Rome; Paper selected for presentation: ‘From strategy to delivery:
implementing internationalisation in teaching and learning. A comparison of academic staff development
programmes in England and the USA co-authored with John Taylor, 8-10 September 2014
• Dissemination of my SRHE-funded research outcomes at (i) The CIES Conference, Montreal (April 2011); (ii) The
ECER Conference Symposium in the Free University Berlin, Germany (September 2011); (iii) The SRHE Conference,
Newport, Wales (Dec. 2011); (iv) the BAICE Conference, held in the University of Cambridge (September 2012).
• The OECD IMHE General Conference: Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly
Doing More with Less, held in Paris, 13-15 Sept. 2010; Paper selected for presentation: ’The Individual’s
Perspective and Trends in HE Mobility’ (joint paper with Professor Rebecca Hughes of the University of
Nottingham) in the panel session on Individual and Institution Mobility: understanding the interfaces between
organizations and people in cross border provision.
• The SRHE Annual Conference, 8-10 Dec. 2009; Paper selected for presentation: "Transnational academic mobility
and the academic profession in the UK" (co-authored with William Locke; ref. 0080).
• The ECER 2009 Section on Policy Studies and Politics of Education; invited to give a paper at the Symposium on
‘The shifting geographies of trans-national academic mobility: challenging conventional policy paradigms’
organised by Prof. Jane Kenway of Monash University and chaired by Prof. Jenny Ozga of University of Edinburgh,
held in the University of Vienna, Austria, 28-30 September 2009.
• Invited to the 10th UKFIET Conference: Politics, Policies and Progress, Symposium on ‘Transitions and
Transformations: Critical Perspectives on the Internationalisation of UK Higher Education Institutions’, held at New
College, University of Oxford, 15-17 September 2009. Paper presentation on ‘Internationalisation and
Interculturality in UK Higher Education.’
• CHERI-HESG seminar presentation on ‘Shifting patterns of transnational academic mobility: A comparative and
historical approach’, CHERI, The Open University, 2 April 2009.
• CESE Conference paper presentation: ‘Transnational Academic Mobility and Embodied Spatial Identity in the
changing topographies of policy space and cultural boundaries’, at the XXIII CESE Conference on Changing
Landscapes, Topographies and Scenarios: Educational Policies, Schooling Systems and Higher Education’, University
of Athens, Greece, 7-10 July 2008.
• ‘International Academic Identity in the English University: A study of the intercultural reflexive identity formation of
mobile academics‘ at the BERA Conference Symposium: Researching Academic Life and Identity, British
Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2004, UMIST, Manchester, 14-18 September 2004.
• ‘Corporate management, academic knowledge and identity in English universities: a comparative note on
international academics’ at the XXIst CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) Conference: Multiple
Identities, Education and Citizenship: The World in Europe; Europe in the World, held at DPU, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 27June -1 July 2004. (**The conference paper has been recommended and selected and published as a
chapter in the forthcoming conference book.)
• ‘Internationalisation of the Academic Profession: Intercultural Academic Identities in England’ at the HESG (Higher
Education Study Group Meeting), CHERI (Centre for Higher Education Research & Innovation), The Open University,
2 June 2004.
• ‘Crossing Boundaries of Inclusion and Exclusion: A Comparative Note on Academic Identity’ paper presented at the
Women’s Studies Network (UK) Association 16th Annual Conference on Crossing Boundaries, held at Birkbeck
College, University of London, 4-5 July 2003.
• ‘New Modalities of Learning, Educational Agencies & Hybrid Identities’: paper presented at the 20th CESE
Conference: Towards the End of Education Systems? Europe in a World Perspective held at the Institute of
Education, University of London, 15-19 July 2002; Conference Working Group 3: Social Cohesion, Social, Capital,
and Social Control: the Changing Role of Educational Systems, 17 July 2002. (* The conference paper has been
recommended to be published as a chapter in the forthcoming conference book.)
• ‘Mistaken Search for Creativity: Education Reform in South Korea’: paper presented at the OECD Pacific Circle
Consortium (PCC) 26th Annual Conference 2002 organized by KEDI in Seoul, Korea; Conference panel on
Education Reforms in Asia chaired by Prof. Kaho Mok, 2 May 2002.
• ‘Globalisation, Universities and Knowledge as Control’: paper presented at the LSE International Relations
Departmental Seminar, 25 January 2001.

KIM, T. CV January 2024

Professional Administration Experience - Organising Conferences as a convenor

• The BAICE Thematic Forum: Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education, at UCL and UEL, 10 May 2019
and 27 February 2020.
• The SRHE Policy Network event: Diversity and Leadership in HE: intersectional approaches, 17 June 2019.
• The UCL Symposium: Global Challenges to Social Justice and the Future of Intercultural Education in honour of the
memory of Professor Jagdish Gundara (1938–2016), at UCL, 9 February 2018.
• The 29th CHER (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers) Conference Committee member, CHER Conference
on ‘The University as a Critical Institution?’ held in Queens held in Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, 5-7
September 2016.
• Chair of the CESE Conference Working Group II: Flows, Mobilities and Migrations; and the CESE (Comparative
Education Society in Europe) Executive Committee of the XXVII CESE Conference: Equity in and through
Education: changing contexts, consequences and contestations, held in Glasgow, 30 May-3 June 2016 (scheduled).
• Chair of the CESE Conference Working Group 1: Governing Knowledge and the Politics of Education, and the
Executive Committee of The XXVI CESE Conference: Governing Educational Spaces, Multiple Perspectives, held in
Freiburg, Germany, 10-13 June 2014.
• Convenor & Chair of the SRHE Policy Network event on Academic Mobility and Brexit, 16 October 2017 - as Co-
Convenor of the SRHE Policy Network (2016-2020); member of the SRHE Conference Organising Committee
• Organiser of the UEL Cass School Research Day Conference & Roundtable event on ‘TEF and REF: What are the
Effects on Teachers, Researchers, Students and Higher Education?’ (held on 6 July 2016).
• International convenor of the Higher Education Thematic Group, WCCES (World Congress of Comparative
Education Societies) ‘Living Together: Education and Intercultural Dialogue’ in Sarajevo, September 2007.
• Coordinator of the 2nd iAPED International Conference on ‘Understanding Educational Issues in the Asia-Pacific
Region: Universals, Uniqueness and Cooperation’ held at Seoul National University, 25-26 October 2001.
• Coordinator of the Post-WCCE International Seminar on ‘Cultural Borrowing, Educational Transfer or Osmotic
Globalization?: Moving Education between Countries’ sponsored by the Ministry of Education, KNCU and hosted
by Institute of Korean Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 7-8 July 2001.
• Member of the WCCES Conference Organising Committee for European liaison; coordinated the 11th World
Congress of Comparative Education (WCCE) held at the Korea National University of Education in Chung-ju, Korea,
2-6 July 2001.
• Conference Secretary of the ERASMUS Conference Meetings on Comparative Education in London, 2-3 Dec. 1994.


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