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2020-02-15 1942

1942 - How does R3trans work?

Version 6 Type SAP Note
Language Inglês Master Language Alemão
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info Category Consulting
Release Status Released for Customer Released On 08.01.2001
Component BC-CTS-TLS ( Transport Tools )

Please find the original document at 1942


For administration tasks such as the execution of transports, upgrades, client

copies and so on, the corresponding tools are offered in SAP. Therefore, the
direct usage of R3trans is only supported in the case of exceptions, for
example, if workarounds for concrete problems are described in Notes such as
In the case of such exceptions, the most popular options of direct R3trans usage
are described in this note.

Other Terms

Reason and Prerequisites


Comprehensive written documentation exists for R3trans in the online

documentation, path:
Basis components -> System Administration -> Transport Control -> Using the
R3trans Program
We therefore only list a short overview of the most important R3trans functions
and their handling.

I. Export:

1. Using Transaction SE01/STAR (transport and correction system), create a

transport order in which you enter objects you want to transport. This also
works if the transport system has not yet been installed in your system.

a) Go to the operating system level and generate a control file that

will later serve as input for R3trans and which describes what R3trans
should do. It has the following contents:
file = '...' # name of the file into which the export should go
client = ... # client from which export should be made
use commandfile '...' # For the first generated transport order
You can specify any file name as the export file, even with an absolute
path. If you do not use this option, the export occurs according to
trans.dat in the current directory.
If you do not specify a client, the export takes place from client 0.
If you do not want to transport any entries from client-specific
tables, you do not need to use this option.

2. Now call up R3trans:

R3trans -w <log file> -u 1 <control file>

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2020-02-15 1942

The -u 1 option (-u = "always" mode) is necessary because the transport

order you generated in the system does not have the correct status (you
could not release it in the system).
It is important that your environment is set correctly, so that R3trans
exports from the correct data base.
For ORACLE: you must either set environment variable TWO_TASK (and orasrv
must run), or you must set environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID.
In addition, the data base must, of course, be running.
II. Import:
You can, of course, import your generated dataset into the same or a
different system.

1. Generate another control file for R3trans:

file = '...' # same file as with export
client = ... # target client, if required

2. Call up R3trans:
R3trans -w <Log file> <Control file>

The environment must be correct here, as well.

The data format is not dependent upon the release. R3trans can also be used for
data migration (export from the old system with the old R3trans and import into
the new system with the new R3trans).

III Copying clients:

You can set up any mandate from another client, either for all client- dependent
tables or for a portion thereof.

1. If you want to create a new client for specific tables, it is best if you
create a new transport order (see above).

2. Generate a control file:

source client = ...
target client = ...
use commandfile '...' # If you have one OR
# select * # for ALL client-dependent tables
# select * from xxx # for individual tables
# select * from yyy # for individual tables

3. Call R3trans:
R3trans -w <Log file> -u 1 <control file>

The environment must, of course, be correct here also.

The generated table entries can also be deleted again:

client = ...
use commandfile '...' # only one of these
# select * # three lines
# select * from xyz # (see above)

Dieses Dokument referenziert auf

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2020-02-15 1942
SAP-Hinweis/KBA Titel

20497 CC-INFO: Long texts with a client copy

180541 CC-INFO: Performance problem when copying text

1690510 OTR: Customer-specific texts deleted during upgrade

Dieses Dokument wird referenziert von

SAP-Hinweis/KBA Titel

2516666 Error in Phase REPACHK_EHPI: 4 inactive SAP objects

1690510 OTR: Customer-specific texts deleted during upgrade

180541 CC-INFO: Performance problem when copying text

20497 CC-INFO: Long texts with a client copy

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