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ORACLE acadery Academy Java Foundations —- Course Objectives Overview “This course of study engages students with ttle programming experience. Students are introdtioad to object-oriented concepis, terminology, and syntax, and the steps required to create basic Java programs using hands-on, engaging actives. Students vill eam the concepts of Java programming, design object-oriented applications vith Java and create Java programs using hands-on, engaging adivilies. This course prepares students for he Oracle Java Cerliled Foundations Exam (120-81 1) Available Curriculum Languages: + Arabic, Simplified Chinese, English, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Duration + Recommended total course time: $0 hours? + Professional education credit hours for educators who complete Oracle Academy training: 30 “Course ime maludes insinvcton, sok sludyhomewor,practoes, projcie and assessment Target Audiences Educators + Technical, vocational, and 2-and 4-year college and universiy faculty members who teach computer programming, Information communications technology (ICT), ora related subject a a foundational level + Sesondaryand voeallonal schoolteachers wlio teach computer programraning, Students ‘Students who wish leam Java programming and bulld thelr Objed-Crientec Programming experience using Java. + This course is. sullable foundational cass for computer science majors, and when taught in sequence with Java Prograrnrning ray be used to prepare sludents for ine AP Computer Science & exarn. Prerequisites Suggested + Oravle Academy Workshop - Gelling Started with Java Using Alloe = Gracle Academy Workshop - Creating Java Programs with Greentoot > Oracle Academy Course -vlava Fundamentals Suggested Next Courses + Oravle Academy Course -Java Programming Cop ©2022, Cae ae sas Ca, oan NSDL aeregsred Yaka Dae te ies Che rames aye eras er espe oes Lesson-by-Lesson Topics and Objectives Section 1 — Introduction + 1-4 About the Course ‘2 Identify course goals and objectives © Undorstandthe course environment © Desoribe the course leaming strategy + 1-24 Briel History © Sow examples of now people interact with Java in thelr cllly ives Summarize the history of ava Understand Java technology product groups + 1.8 Setting up dave © Understand the dferenee between the JDK and JRE Understand the dlference between java and .dass files © Describe the purpose of an integrated development environment (IDE) © Addan existing java file Into a Java project Section 2 — Java Software Development ‘+ 2:4 The Software Development Process 5 Understand the Spiral Model of development f= Rlecognize tasks and sublasks of the Spiral Model (© Recognize what happens when steps are ignored © Identily software features © Understand how features are gradually implemented + 2-2.What is my Program Doing? © Understand how Jat Is read tine by tine © Set and use breakpoints © End statomonis with semicolons (:) © Organize code using willespace and other conventions © Greale comments, + 2 Introduction to Objeet-Orionted Programming Concent © Diferantiate between procedural and object-oriented programming © Understanda dass as a blueprint for an object © Understanda dass Is used lo ereate instances of an object © Model objects.asa combination of * Properties (data fields) * Behaviors (methods) Section 8 ~ Java Data Types + 3-1 Whatisa Varabie? > Understand the benolits of variables, © Identiy four rain types of variables = (boolean, inl, double, Sting) © Declare ancl assign values to variables © Name variables aecording 10 conventions = 3-2Numeric Data © Diferentiate integer data types (byte, short, int, long) © Diferentiate faating point data types (loat, double} © Manipulate and do math with numeric data 9 Use parentheses and order of operations + 9-3 Textual Data 9 Use the char data type Use Strings Concatenate Strings Understand escape sequences Understand! print statements better Cop ©2022, Case are is aes Ca, a an WYSDL eee taka fae itr i ies Che rames aye aero er espe oes 34 35 Converting Between Data Types © Take advantage of automatic promotion And when to be cautious wi promotions © Cast variables to ollier data types: + And when to be cautious wth casting © Parse Strings as numeric values Keyboard input © Understand user input Create a JOptionPane to collect user input Use a Scanner fo calect input from the console Use a Scanner fo calles Input fram a tle Understand howa Scanner handles tokens and delimiters Section 4 — Java Methods and Library Classes: 44 49 i 000g s000g 00000 & What isa Method? 5 Structure code vatnin a class © Instanliato an objec. © Understand the benefits of methods © Use the dot operator.) to access an object's fields and methods © Supply arguments to method © Relum values trom a method “The import Deciaration and Packages © Aces a dass by using its fully qualiied name © Describe the fundion of tne Import statement (© Use the import statement to access a cass in a package © Understand the purpose of an asterisk in an impart staternent © Identily packages that are automatically imported The String Class, Locate the String class in the Java API documentation Understand the methods of the String cass ‘Compare two Siring objects lexicographically Find the location of a substring in a String object Extract a substring froma String objec Random Class Describe the purpose and uses of random numbers in Java programing, Identity methods of the Random class that obtain random numbers Obtain random numbers in a range of numbers Undersland the purpose of te random number seed Math Class Understand the methods of the Math class Use metnods of the Math dass to perform mathematical calculations Use felis of the Math Class: ‘Section 5 — Decision Statements Bt 52 5s Boolean Expressions and else Constructs © Declare, initialize, and use boolean variables © Compare boolean expressions using relational operators, © Greate an if staternent © Create ifelse constructs © Compare Stings Understanding Conditional Execution ‘© Deseribe condtional execution © Desaribe logical operators © Understand *short arcuit” evaluation of logical operators: © Build chained if constmucts switch Statement © Croatoa switch control structure © Compare ifelse constructs wih switch control structures © Understand the purpose of te break keyword Cop ©2022, Case are is aes Ca, a an WYSDL eee taka fae itr i ies Che rames aye aero er espe oes Section 6 — Loop Constructs = 6-1for Loops © Understand the components of the standard for loop © Understand how to create and usea for oop © Understand variable soope © Understand debugging techniques © Explain how infinite loops occur in Jae + 6-2while and do-uhile Loops ‘© Use a wfile Loop in a Java program (pre-test) © Use a do-whlle loop in a Java program (post-test) © Understand when one loop type may be more benetidal than another + 6 Using break and continue Statements © Use a break statement to exit loop > Use a continue statement to skip part of loop © Explain the need for loop comments, Section 7 ~ Creating Classes + 71 Creatinga Class © Croatoa Java testinain cass © Greate Java dassin your IDE © Use conditional in methods © Translate specications or a description into fis and behaviors + 7-2instantiating Objects > Understand the memory consequences of instantiating objects © Understand abjed references © Understand ihe dlference between stack and heap memory © Understand how Strings are specal objects +» 78.Constructors Understand default values © Crash te program wth a null reference © Understand the default constructor © Writea constuctor that accents arguments © Iniaiize folds wit a constructor © Use objed reference + 7-4 Overtoacing Menods © Understand the effects of mute constructors in a class, © Define overloading of a method © Explain the metnod signature © Understand when overloading Is and isnt possible + 7-S0bjed Interaction and Encapsulation © Understancl object interaction in greater detail © Use the private modiier to define lass variables © Understand the purpose of getter methods © Understand! the purpose of setter metnods © 7Sslatic Variables and Methods © Describe a static varlable and demonstrate its use within a program © Desaribe a static methad and demonstrate its use within a program © Understand how to use the final keyword with static variables Section 8 ~ Arrays and Exceptions + 8-4 One-dimensional Arrays © Credle and intialize one-

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