NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Light

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NCERT Exemplar Solutions For Class 8

Science (Physics)
Chapter 16- Light

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Parts of the eye which controls the light entering is called
a) Iris
b) Cornea
c) Lens
d) Retina
Ans: The part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering the eye is iris.
It controls the aperture of the eye regulating the amount of light that can enter.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

2. We can see a non-luminous object when light:

(a) Emitted by the object falls on the eye.
(b) Is reflected from the object towards our eye.
(c) Completely passes through the object.
(d) Gets completely absorbed by the object.
Ans: The objects which have their own light are called as luminous objects and
are easily visible to us. The objects which do not emit their own light are called
non-luminous objects and we can see them when the light is reflected from the
object towards our eye. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

3. Light is falling on surface S1 , S 2 , S 3 as shown in Fig. 16.1.

Class VIII Science 1

Surfaces on which the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
(a) S1 only

(c) S1 and S 2 only

(b) S 2 and S 3

(d) all the three surfaces

Ans: Laws of reflection are applicable on any surface. Hence, (d) option is the
correct answer.

4. A tiny mirror M is fixed on a piece of cardboard placed on a table. The

cardboard is illuminated by light from a blub. The position of eye with
respect to position of bulb is shown in Fig. 16.2 as A, B, C and D. In which
position mirror will be visible?

Class VIII Science 2

Ans: According to the laws of reflection, angle of incidence is equal to the angle
of reflection. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

5. A small hole P is made in a piece of cardboard. The hole is illuminated by

a torch as shown in Fig. 16.3. The pencil of light coming out of the hole falls
on a mirror. At which point should the eye be placed so that the hole can be
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Class VIII Science 3

Ans: The eye should be placed at position A as the angle of incidence is equal to
the angle of reflection.

6. Two mirrors A and B are placed at right angles to each other as shown in
Fig. 16.4. A ray of light incident on mirror A at an angle of 25 falls on mirror
B after reflection. The angle of reflection for the ray reflected from mirror
B would be
a) 25

b) 50

c) 65

d) 115

Class VIII Science 4

Ans: Both the mirrors are inclined to each other at 90 . This means that the normal
of both the mirrors will also be perpendicular to each other. We know that the
angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Hence, angle made by
reflected ray with normal is 25 .
Hence, x + 25 = 90

x = 65

Option c is the correct answer.

7. Which of the following statements is correct regarding rods and cones in

the human eye?
(a) Cones are sensitive to dim light.
(b) Cones are sensitive to bright light.
(c) Rods are sensitive to bright light.
(d) Rods can sense colour.
Ans: Rod cells cannot sense colour because they are sensitive to dim lights. Cone
cells are sensitive to bright light and hence can detect colour.

8. In the figure of the human eye (Fig. 16.5), the cornea is represented by the

Class VIII Science 5

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
Ans: A represents the iris of the eye. B represents the eye lens and C represents
the cornea. Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Very Short Answer Questions

9. Name the part of the eye which gives colour to the eyes.
Ans: Iris gives the colour to eyes.

10. Boojho while waving his hand very fast in front of his eyes observes that
his fingers appear blurred. What could be the reason for it?
Ans: The image of any object we see remains on retina of our eye for one-
sixteenth second. This is called the persistence of vision. When Boojho waves his
hand very fast, it appears as if his fingers are moving and hence his fingers appear
blur to him.

11. How many times is a ray of light reflected by two plane mirrors placed
parallel and facing each other?

Class VIII Science 6

Ans: A ray of light can be reflected infinite number of times by two plane mirrors
placed parallel to each other.

12. The angle between incident ray and reflected ray is 60 . What is the value
of angle of incidence?
Ans: The angle made between the reflected ray and incident ray includes the
angle of incidence and angle of reflection. So, we have, i + r = 60 .
Also, we know that angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection.
So, we have, i=r .
Therefore, i + i = 60

i= = 30

13. The distance between the object and its image formed by a plane mirror
appears to be 24 cm. What is the distance between the mirror and the object?
Ans: The distance between object and image includes the distance between image
and mirror and distance between object and mirror. In case of plane mirror, the
distance between plane mirror and object is equal to the distance between plane
mirror and image. Let the distance from image to mirror be x.
Then, distance from object to mirror is also x.
So, x + x = 24cm
x = 12cm

Hence, distance between the mirror and the object is 12cm .


14. What happens to light when it gets dispersed? Give an example.
Ans: Light splits into the constituent colours when it gets dispersed. Formation
of rainbow is an example of dispersion of white light.

Class VIII Science 7

15. Draw Fig. 16.6 showing the position of the plane mirror. Also label the
angle of incidence and angle of reflection on it.

Ans: Ray A is incident ray and ray B is reflected ray. Hence, angle x is the
incident angle and angle y is the reflected angle.

16. Look at Fig. 16.7. Can the image of the child in it be obtained on a screen?

Class VIII Science 8

Ans: Images formed in a plane mirror is virtual. Virtual images cannot be
obtained on a screen. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain the image of child on
a screen.

17. Eyes of the nocturnal birds have large cornea and a large pupil. How
does this structure help them?
Ans: Eyes of the nocturnal birds have large cornea and large pupil as this structure
helps them to collect colours on a wider range and enables them to see even in
dark surroundings.

18. What kind of lens is there in our eyes? Where does it form the image of
an object?
Ans: The lens of our eyes from the image on the retina. Convex lens is there in
our eyes.

19. Which part of the eye gets affected if someone is suffering from cataract?
How is it treated?
Ans: The lens of the human eye gets clouded when a person suffers from cataract.
Cataract can be treated by replacing the clouded and blurry lens with a new clear
artificial lens.

Long Answer Questions

20. Boojho planned an activity to observe an object A through pipes as shown
in Fig. 16.8, so that he could see objects which he could not directly see.
(a) How many mirrors should he use to see the objects?
(b) Indicate the positions of the mirrors in the figure.
(c) What must be the angle with respect to the incident light at which he
should place the mirrors?
(d) Indicate the direction of rays in the figure.
(e) If any of the mirrors is removed, will he be able to see the objects?

Class VIII Science 9

Ans: a) Three plane mirrors should be used by Boojho to see the objects.
b) The positions of the mirrors as shown in the figure.

c) 45

d) The direction of rays are as shown in the figure.

e) No, Boojho won’t be able to see the object if any of the mirrors is removed.

Class VIII Science 10

21. There is a mistake in each of the following ray diagrams given as Fig.
16.9 a, b, and c. Make the necessary correction(s).

Ans: The angles are labelled wrongly in diagram (a). The angle of reflection is
labelled as angle of incidence and vice versa. In diagram (b), the law of reflection
is not followed as angle of reflection and angle of incidence are not equal in
measure. The normal drawn is not perpendicular to the surface in diagram (c).
The corrected ray diagram is as shown below.

Class VIII Science 11

22. Explain the process which enables us to perceive motion in a cartoon film.
Ans: The image that we see through our eyes remains there on the retina for one-
sixteenth of a second. This is called persistence of image. Hence, if the series of
static images is shown to us at a pace greater than our persistence of image, they
appear to be in motion. The cartoon films are made to move at twenty four frames
per second which enables us to perceive motion in a cartoon film.

23. How is the phenomenon of reflection used in making a kaleidoscope?

What are the applications of a kaleidoscope?
Ans: The mirrors inclined to each other in Kaleidoscope form a number of images
through reflection. It is used to get ideas by designers and artists to create new

24. Fig. 16.10 shows the word REST written in two ways in front of a mirror.
Show how the word would appear in the mirror.


Class VIII Science 12

25. Write down the names of parts of the eye in the blank spaces shown in
Fig. 16.10.

The part of eye labelled with (1) is Ciliary muscle.
The part of eye labelled with (2) is Iris.
The part of eye labelled with (3) is Lens.
The part of eye labelled with (4) is Cornea.

Class VIII Science 13

The part of eye labelled with (5) is Retina.
The part of eye labelled with (6) is Optic nerve.

Class VIII Science 14

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