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‘Can a Proof Compel Us? Cesare Cozz0 191 Introduction CaRto CELLUCCI AND DONALD Gites "The book i based on the papees presented a the conference “Mathe- tical Ressoning, Heuristics andthe Development of Matheatis’ which took lace a the Univesity of Ramee Sapien, Villa Mairi ob 1011 September 2004, The aanouncement ofthe conference sid "The conference is intended to eave oth enara questions in the pis phy of mathematic and pei queationsconering the mature of mathe tna ening, the ole of heurities in mathematical reasoning, and he ‘onth of mathematical knowlege” "The seals a the conornce were David Corll, Care Cow, Brian Davies, Michael Dunit, Donald Giles, Elly Grocol, Laisa Kase, Mary Lang, Gani Olver, Dag Prowita and Yehuda Rae. Profesor Davies al, entitled ‘A Defence of Mathentie! Plas had aleeady ‘ee shade for publestion in Phlvophia Mathematics, here wil p- pear, Pressing engagements prevented Profesor Sir Michael Durnnete and Prlesor Dag Previts fom contributing to the present volume. Pepe ty the other eight speniere are published bere, Income cste with sige ‘ane change. Two ofthese paper (tbat by Giles and Olver diseased same views of ne ofthe elitrs (Calo Calla) which have ofr been ex ‘pounded in detail onlin ln, The other itor (Donald Cie) eherlore ‘ert Corto Celue o Include a paper summariing his views. The ‘nornes andthe pieation f thi ware were anced bya Coin 2002 {Grant of Mr, the Klan Minty of University and Research, ai the ede ‘ors would ike, on bebaf fal the participants, to expres tek than for this suppers, "The order ofthe papers in his volume Is diflrent fom tho order in hich they ce given 9 ce coufrence sine an attempt has been made to renerange then along timate lies. ‘The ft two papers by Grose, snd Kross are mainly eonernel withthe eal of pre-twentth entry rttenate (Gallo, Desargucs, Cardano, Kenan Gali). Ra's paper {alan histo! yo it tsi with eonseratin of Pythagees theo ean nih Ens, it aye ato edge ce gap ete er tinemates ml se Seats city. ‘The net wo pers by Cott tt Giles ake wl it ho tweed ety and a ee Te emt (205) bk Tan » Ploy of Hel Mathai, Coe fr ts neget plilarptiers of mnt owe oe altaton to the Sn-omatonl then of tht lst neve yes, ad inhi paper Ii ys his ow in yay higher lia ca fry Hie. ills nso opts Coll prea, bt his example of Term ais spe deen. Hi paper Fess om te deve Beyer wtworks which tn pen th 180s, nt res to male he Tite witch were inva intit awe. ‘The net two papers de tu tna the ale of Hh aoa mt for mathematics (riveree the aomatie metod,whe Clue extiines do es a ltemative- the alti meso. Tho pars wo favo oe exo! bistovel in ciation — prone ist we ince eontepo> ary devrlogment wt history. However Us Last tr papers hve ano Incline por, Leng xine anew vesion ofthe Quine: Pa tun ospenality argent for the stones of memati obits, ile Com tae py he ton of how eat rots compel ws to ace Ue conchae He bop lacussing Witgetn’sat Ds ‘ews this question, bt goes on to my ss to pence se views Fis Ts inlersting to noe that Caso Isat more sorely ‘tind tan ther Witten oe Duet since bedetses Plato's pine ie lve boy fom the Meno, an ka css Lalas’ views ent, Weil wet sunset pees "Thin wil enables ow fw cn delet nny geal thes in the volun, ult seuss wat Hse theses til w abowt te sate of pnp of Stetina easing ofthe ety Best eo. ‘Tet ws bein therefore with Grosol' paper. Tis a enmmon ean view that the tetany matnatilan shoul be cia and at Tignons, bit Grosola args tn Hoe conten ta amiga iy tery cotacive pat the development of wtbenates. Hex paper fo ‘Thos matny oan nti of Gal's trentsnent of vo fl i the Tho "Nev Seer, ashe writs (p10) Calif om using a es foe mode of pertain tom ‘res hi rgunats proportions, geomet Ages, umber, and patural language. He alo employs aaystematie signe Ay to cary his segment farther. =. Thee 6 only one set of thagrama, bute sel mast Bernd in two way Reading the Inver 0 it allows both for the appletion of Euclidean rule, and fr the perenenee ofthe athe pater jst totd. Reading the eral infitesinal allows for the anak dis of accelerated motion. The acompanying text in nats! Janguage gues and exploits this double meaning. Gs relate histo the views af Carma, by saying (0-14: “The veductonat progsam stot in Rado Carmap's The Lia Structure. ofthe World can oalycovelade that Gail's text shoal be vewlten. ‘She argues that this sort of problem has led the bers of Carmap and Hepa to adopt « more wale approach and the study of models. She Hera, Iomeverpropone to go further and consider pragmaties as wall as semantics sine (p20 -ocaing on the pragmatie dimension of mathemati! angunge ‘lowe os tose he plop tterest of wu mbiguy In tates ‘Grosholshowsin onsulon tht the use of abit in mathemati sot thing of the pat by giving» striking example fom twentieth century tathematie Ambiguity involved in GOdel' incompleteness Uorems, since (o-28): 1 Gide proof, numbers sus stand feonelly for hemseves fn onder to allow the applleation of umber theoretic results, fan ybolicaly fo wl formed formals (whieh they represent aly by comeetin) Kaas pape is concerned with compariton between the dewoment of goomety and algebra. Howevee he begat by considering the ets Gf Kans pilwogy of matumates given by Russland Camap, and the rece defence of Kast aginst thew ress by intkka and Frien, tm have shown that both rtm mae woof formal loge, s that before Frege thir arguments were ot apllcable, Krase as to this debate by sipping thatthe dacovry of ow-Eacideangrnitsy caged he ‘anes of matheitien tenes hy intron the notion of model. This ws what enabled Gao ake the dtinctionbaewoen pe ad pli omecry fy yous Uefre Prog. Tie exampl shows, ao Knee ages, the noah apogee of esse uction nf the emnitie dengan of mathe, He polls oot tha (. 32) "a eontemporty mannan the semantic ret fa tates Uy x dese in he fr srk foe they” Howser thi tae teal wit the emai ‘fmathenatieal tres tho pre-Caaoeen ea lene se tory bad thong of I Use Maral oe, ative eprsetations played a tant role i Ue sesatin of meat, at Keasn ppm to del ‘it the sing me lee fn Witenes ctor toy of mening In the Tartatee— patil the i of pel frm, leis worth emsking that Kraehe! remteton ofthe sean tic dwelopnyen a attics ent be earn et sg to logy of mh of eotenpray sly peep. The mo apy thi ‘oettodolgycinmctritally trust everyting nto Progen lic Canarian nt tar, herby preventing eves ons inwstigding CCotoxinn seat dng. Kraan ms os ik witha of Gosia, Both of them stow that Yo del with maiewates one ne ‘eher eon of menting than hove prvi by Trl state. Kr now proce t tae sone Knees between the dowlop- nent of gromtey no algben. His raat tha wc mags sate the sme pital orn, Ths the pete fra of Desa ony i call the project fn, and Kase argues tat i sane frm ist feu in Cardo’ algebra. To rl the ebie eatin Can itso Ace eft (1) = Ye 99. Koa cent p38): ‘Tho substitution (1) i gre! novation, been atone ‘a epecatation forthe unkown, ants te fora (2 Ff ne ren a nlogons to i's cami [ore 35 — ie} ae representation of representation. Ie represents te ‘cone ting, nel the eno, tin. Fit rep te ako ing the eter (wih ent be sess alo ho jog in Die’ ong) a then Qe 9 wt an ‘nalgyto the pita ofthe jin dang), ste, there inthe sign = whic represents he station brewed ta xpress, ta Dicer ding the eo ofthe plier (bcum ing the cet of proectin in Desargos) wat the point, which founded the smenes ofthe ug and it image inthe reese tau, Therefore the sigh = fm analogy ofthe porn of ew in algebra, «The third aspect, which undetinsthe analogy ‘between Carano snd Desngues fs the dscusson ofthe eae Fredy, which aly ed tothe introduction of te omnes Iumbers Complex numbers ae, out view, Cen objects, jst ts were theif emote plats of projective rome. “Thin shows the remariale deal he analogy which Kase develops be fee geometry an gels in his csm nd he gos on to give a silat eta’ analy ofa analogy betwen Klas Edanger program and G Ii’ theory which, he ange, share what he call the ngratie for Kase doo nay however, age Wat there © perfect corsespondeaee be tween the semontie development of geonry and of sige and, in the toning peso his pper dace some ofthe dfecnces between the to Tv das wit the gronth of mathematics wing botanical analogy (pp 05}: Mathematis grows like tee, though (a) he dyoumiintorae- tion of internal ontogenetic factors read internal theoretical evelopment, (6) susriments supplied by Uh ealonment — rea, demands an eatalaing stinultion coming fom the rr tous sence () being planted height sol read tae He ustetes this by eres of intercoeced cose histories from the his tory of mathematics, begining with the Pythagorean theorem where Ea: i's surely dedociveargumeat is contrasted With pictonal demons tions based folding to be found in Indian and Chinese mathemtic, Mo then soutinues withthe Pythagorean saation ia Cartesian geommtry, in alas in Gav's diferent geometry, in Remann’snon- Eolidean romety, and in tensor analysis Un this way Ray hows how the theory of fentora wes developed to the poi where ould be used by Eins and {Grou the General Theory’ of Relatives av’ paper ha fake ut ina the Sweets entry and Corl rings sup tothe pases. He wees (p. 72 In recent cides, with the proliferation of mathematic, the ‘ue thats come tothe fore bas ben how best o organise ‘lie of bachse of vagueness ing omegecangris to analyse poe In this paper, Inoue toca ure that age when we use satura sences to explonemprcal phenomena. {Leng ix concerd wit a nw form of the Quine Putnam indspensabily ‘Of course Leng, beng hi-reai, dow ot cet ine of agument. List of Contributors IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Canto Ceutucer hare be develops an Doxau

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