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A Research Paper

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2

Submitted by:

Kurt G. Dumepnas

Mc Lloyd D. Gondio

Camille D. Guliman

Justin T. Managdag

Alison Faye H. Tomas

James Bryan P. Ulila

Tirad View Academy

January 2024

Approval Sheet

This research entitled “Practices of Comfort Room Cleanliness in Tirad View

Academy: Basis for Crafting Improvement” prepared and submitted by Kurt G. Dumepnas,
McLloyd D. Gondio, Camille D. Guliman, Justin T. Managdag, Alison Faye H. Tomas,
James Bryan P. Ulila has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the subject- Practical Research 2.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of PASS on




___________________________ ______________________________

Member Member

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject- Practical

Research 2.



The researchers would like to thank the following individuals for their utmost support.
First they would like to thank their parents for providing the financial support in order for the
researchers to carry on. Indeed research can be quite expensive but due to their support it is now

Second, the researchers would like to thank the students of Tirad View Academy for their
cooperation throughout the research. Without them this research would have never worked out,
even if some of the students didn’t answer the questionnaires seriously.

Third, they would like to thank the teachers who have given their utmost support during
the research. They specially thank sir Robert Buseley Jr. in partnership with their research teacher
ma’am Sarah C. Prudente for guiding the researchers and giving them advice on how to do
certain things.

Last and most important the researchers thank God for giving the researchers the
strength, knowledge, wisdom, guidance, protection and giving the researchers stability to
complete their project.


Title: Practices of Comfort Room Cleanliness in Tirad View Academy:

Basis for Crafting Improvement
Name of School: Tirad View Academy
Authors: Kurt G. Dumepnas, Mc Lloyd D. Gondio, Camille D. Guliman,
Justin T. Managdag, Alison Faye H. Tomas, James Bryan P. Ulila
Type of Publication: Unpublished
Keywords: Cleanliness, Hygienic Practices, Comfort rooms.

The importance of cleanliness in school is to provide a healthy and safe environment for
students, more importantly in their comfort rooms where students can be contacted with
pathogenic disease. This research study aims to identify the hygienic practices of Tirad View
Academy students regarding the school’s comfort room cleanliness. Its main highlight is to help
students be comfortable when using the comfort rooms.
The researchers used the descriptive research to accurately and systematically describe a
population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but
not why questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to
investigate one or more variables (Shona, 2023).
From the population of the school of 394 the researchers only chose 260 students however due to
some unfortunate things 2 of the respondents have dropped out and the other one transferred, so
the total of the respondents were 258 from the original 260. All the data that was collected from
the survey was examined through the use of Microsoft excel.
Based on the gathered data both Senior High school and Junior High school always practice the
following statements which include statement #1 which states I flush the toilet properly after
using it, statement # 7 I maintain personal hygiene (using alcohol/disinfectant) after using the
toilet. Lastly, statement # 10 I wash my hands using soap after using the toilet.
Furthermore the researchers found out that there is no significant difference between the practices
of both Junior and Senior High school students regarding the cleanliness of comfort rooms in

Table of Contents
List of Tables.......................................................................................................................7
List of Figure.......................................................................................................................8
List of Appendices...............................................................................................................9
Chapter 1: The Problem and It's Background
Review of Related Literature......................................................................................10
Significance of the Study............................................................................................17
Theoretical Framework...............................................................................................18
Conceptual Framework...............................................................................................19
Statement of the Problem............................................................................................20
Hypothesis of the Study..............................................................................................21
Definition of Terms.....................................................................................................21
Scope and Delimitation of the Study..........................................................................21
Chapter 2: Methodlogy of the Study
Methods and Techniques of the Study........................................................................23
Respondents of the Study............................................................................................23
Instruments of the Study.............................................................................................25
Data Processing & Statistical Treatment.....................................................................26
Analysis of Data..........................................................................................................27
Ethical Consideration..................................................................................................27
Chapter 3: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

RQ1: The common practices of Junior High School students regarding comfort room
RQ2: The common practices of Senior High School students regarding comfort room

RQ3: Difference between the practices of Junior High School and Senior High School of
Tirad View Academy regarding comfort room cleanliness

Chapter 4: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings..................................................................................................32
Profile of the Authors..................................................................................................41

List of Tables

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents 21

2. Statistical Treatment Used to Answer Research Questions 24

3. Common practices of Junior High School students regarding 26

comfort room cleanliness?

4. Common practices of Senior High School students regarding 27

comfort room cleanliness?

5. Difference between the practices of Senior High School and Junior 28

High School students of Tirad View Academy regarding comfort

room cleanliness?

List of Figure


1 Input Process Output (IPO Model) 18


List of Appendices


A Request letter to the principal 35

B Survey Questionnaires 36

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


A school is a place for education, and it’s also a place where kids can socialize

and develop skills that will help them later in life. When it comes to making sure school is a safe

environment, the importance of cleanliness in school cannot be overlooked, especially when it

comes to the cleanliness of Comfort rooms which can also affect the performance of the students.

That’s the reason why the researchers want to know the common practices of the students

regarding comfort room cleanliness in order to help the school to keep their comfort rooms clean.

Review of Related Literature

The quality of school building is very important especially in the comfort rooms because

it could have a major impact on students. In the UK when students need to use the toilets most

specially the girls but sometimes the boys, they need to sit in the toilets. To ensure that they are

safe in doing so they place toilet paper along the edge of the bowl to protect their butts from

germs. As they use the toilets they always leave it clean by disposing of the toilet papers they

used. They also use water and soap to wash their hands after using the toilet to ensure they are

safe from any harmful bacteria. According to the study that Burton (2013) conducted, the poor

state of toilets makes students avoid using them, because these toilets didn’t have enough

cleaning supplies to maintain it. A study shows that toilets help students improve their knowledge

about health and also how to maintain cleanliness. In the survey that Burton (2013) conducted it

showed that the lack of water resources is one of the problems students faced when talking about

how to maintain their comfort rooms. The study also shows that the lack of sanitary bins are the

ones that affect the toilets cleanliness. Also some of the toilets won’t flush and they smell, the

lack of soaps is also one of the key factors.


According to the study of Lopez, Sierra, Cardona & Sara, (2020), water, sanitation and

hygiene is very important to improve healthcare. They conducted a study that showed that the 7

facilities they studied had a significant improvement in their toilets, 2 facilities had an increase of

35% to 45% in their HCF scores. The criteria for their waste management standard has 11 points,

before they started the study the baseline scores of the 7 facilities is at 35%. At the end line, 6 of

the facilities have reported a significant improvement and had scores of 80% that passed the

standards. They reportedly used different bags to segregate different types of waste, therefore

maintaining a clean environment in their toilets. Another thing that they conducted is

environmental cleaning that had standards that contained 9 criteria. At the baseline all of the 7

facilities have a score of 65% to 75%, however two have a score of 41% to 46%. At the end line

of the study they have significantly increased to 87% to 96%. All of the 7 facilities have

developed and published cleaning schedules and improved their cleaning supplies that includes

chlorine to use for cleaning.

The study of Norling, (2016) shows the factors that affect the student’s usage of

toilets in schools. It showed that out of 21 they surveyed 3 of them said that they avoid using the

toilets in order not to be seen and the 17 never used it to defecate to avoid being embarrassed.

They also interviewed 18 students and 2 of them said that they are more comfortable to use the

toilets in class hours. Also they stated that during class hours they have a lower chance

encountering someone when they go to the toilet. Their study also shows that students sometimes

hold their urines especially girls because of the lack of locks on the toilets making them insecure.

Another factor that makes students don’t want to use the toilets to defecate is the sound of feces

falling, but the girls have made a strategy to avoid that they open the water to camouflage the

sound. They sometimes go to the toilet with a friend to act as a guard to watch over the door until

they are finished doing their business. They also said that they are scared of getting infections so

they wipe the toilets with toilet paper before using them. Lastly, students avoid defecating at the

school toilets because they are scared to be exposed to constant bullying by other students.

Human feces contains many bacteria that are harmful to humans, sometimes they contain

pathogenic microbes. The study of Ohishi, et al. (2023) shows the importance of using PPE when

cleaning the toilets in order to avoid being infected by pathogenic microbes. In the table of their

study it shows the increase of microbe concentration on the PPE that was used. It shows that

when they used a brush or sponge it increased the chances of making the microbes sticking on the

materials that are used in cleaning. The PPE they used included gloves, gown and face shield,

they also checked if there is an increased concentration in the surrounding area like the shelf and

the toilet paper cover. The table also shows the before and after the testing, for example the

gloves had a score of 1.0 before using the urinal brush, but after that it increased to 2.5. Same

goes with the other things that are used during the study. The findings of the researchers suggest

that it is very important to use the proper things like PPE when cleaning the toilets in order to

avoid any exposure to microbes.

The study conducted by Okoro, Nkambule & Kruger (2021) focuses on the quality of the

services given by the people that cleans the toilets. They assess the cleanliness by checking the

windows, floors, horizontal surfaces and the waste disposal. They also assessed if the following

are present, toilet papers, soaps and dust bins. They also checked the state of the urinals and the

smell of the toilets after the cleaning was done. They suggested that the facilities should properly

accommodate hygiene supplies, odor control and have disposable bags or bins. After those have

been implemented they conducted a survey on the facilities, and they have gathered feedback that

states how the trash is properly disposed and are tidy. One response stated that the toilets are

clean and dry, the urinals are not blocked, the mirrors are clean and the smell is good. They also

found out that the decreasing of the water supply has a significant effect on the cleanliness of the

toilets. At the end of the study the researcher suggested that schools should have disposable bags

or bins, soaps, cleaning supplies and hygiene supplies.

According to the study of Pereira, (2016) states that intestinal parasites are major

health problems in developing countries; it is more common in places where sanitation is poor.

They gathered a total of 66 participants then they got the 66 slides that were tested and showed

18(27.3%) were positive with at least one intestinal parasite. It is shown that people do not

properly wash their hands before eating or after using the toilet. They also found out that the lack

of sanitary products such as toilet papers and soaps in school comfort rooms. They also found out

that little knowledge about hygiene is taught in their schools. The researchers have highlighted

the need for improvement in the school facilities to improve the wellbeing of students who use

them. They also stated the importance of teaching the students proper hygiene practices. Having

the proper knowledge can prevent things from happening so it’s important to have the knowledge.

The study suggests that there is a need for improvement in cleaning the toilets and having proper

programs about the importance of hygiene.

The study conducted by Sangalang, (2022) discusses how diarrhea affects the

students and how they end up getting one. They also have checked for the possible things that

may cause this to the students. They have conducted a survey with a population of 1558 out of

which 239 (16%) says they avoid going to the toilets and 91% of the students say that they only

wash their hands, and about 53% says they wash their hands with a soap. When they conducted

their study they found out that 33%(26) schools have insufficient water supply in their washing

basins, which could be one of the factors that led to students developing diarrhea at school. It is

also found out that they lack soaps along with the water. They also found that they are lacking

toilet paper, soaps, water supply, door has no lock and no hand washing basin. They also stated

how the toilets are clogged, that they are not clean, not well lit and other things. They found out

that the increase of school restrooms decreased the risk of students developing diarrhea. It was

also mentioned that it was also decreased when restrooms are properly cleaned using cleaning

products. As they conducted their study they found out that most students tend not to use the

restrooms because they are not well maintained, smelly and lack water and soap for handwashing.

During the last decade, South Africa has achieved mixed success in the provision of safe

water supply and sanitation to rural communities (Sibiya & Gumbo, 2013). When they conducted

their study they surveyed a total of 2236 students from grade 8 to 12. When they asked about the

importance of hygiene 91.40% of them said that they are concerned with hygiene. In terms of

practices most of the respondents practiced handwashing, especially after using the toilets. As

with regards to washing fruits before eating 81.80% of the respondents answered that they do it.

They found out that most schools have low supply of water that prevents students from washing

their hands and also prevents them from maintaining the restrooms clean. Also there is no soap

given to the students by the school to be used for handwashing. The most common reason why

students don’t want to use the toilets is because they are dirty and not well maintained because of

the lack of water. The researcher suggested that painting the walls with things that promote

cleanliness can help it improve. They also stated the importance of having the proper knowledge

about hygiene. They have included in their recommendations that having the adequate water

supply, cleaning supply and soaps can drastically improve the toilets.

In the first six months after the software deployment in Group 1 intervention schools, the

proportion of students reporting taking part in group bathroom cleaning the previous week rose

and then remained stable. In Group 2, the proportion that grew in the first six months following

software deployment decreased 7–12 months later and remained stable going forward (Chard, &

Freeman, (2018). There was a positive correlation between GTC and toilet cleanliness; in

intervention schools, toilets were more likely to be observed to be clean among schools where a

higher percentage of students reported participating in GTC in the previous week. Additionally,

the odds of students in intervention schools reporting participating in GTC in the previous week

were higher in schools where a GTC schedule was posted.

Duijster,, (2022). A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Roxas City and Pasig

City, Philippines, examined the impact of packaged operations and maintenance (O&M)

interventions on toilet usability and cleanliness. The intervention schools had a 32.0% higher

percentage of usable toilets and a 27.1% higher percentage of fully clean toilets than the control

group. However, the improvement in cleanliness did not remain significant after adjustment. The

study suggests that additional O&M interventions can further stimulate progress towards reaching

water, sanitation, and hygiene service levels aligned with Sustainable Development Goals.

Regardless of menstruation, girls believed that water was essential for cleansing their

bodies after using the restroom and flushing toilets. Ellis,, (2016), believed that menstruation

was particularly dependent on access to water. Every restroom included a water faucet so users

could fill up handwashing containers before flushing the toilet. We have a bucket inside and we

fill it with water most of the time, a girl from Mindanao said (Girl 6, Mindanao). In Manila, there

are enormous barrels with dippers outside of the restrooms for flushing the toilets. Students

observed the odor and other signs of dehydration. The level of dirt rose, which made using the

restroom by students difficult. Girls were discouraged from using most restrooms' trash cans for

private and hygienic dumping of sanitary towels in the classroom.

This study set out to measure the relationship between students' usage of restrooms and

school cleanliness conditions. Garn, (2014) discovered a piecewise linear connection (p

0.01) between declining the pupil to toilet ratio and rising student toilet use. Additionally, their

data showed a strong correlation between toilet usage and newer facility age (p 0.01), facility type

(p 0.01), and facility size (p 0.01). Girls may be less likely to use a facility if it is dirty (p = 0.06),

but boys are not (p = 0.98), according to some evidence. The finding that many students do not

choose which facilities they use based on toilet cleanliness is significant because facility

cleanliness may be just as important as, if not more so than, student behavior for students' health

and attendance.

According to the survey conducted by Hartigan,, (2020), women handle situations

that influence their propensity to use bathrooms in public, at work, or at school using a variety of

tactics. These tactics include putting off and postponing using the restroom, organizing ahead of

time to find a respectable public restroom, controlling noise while using the restroom, limiting

fluid intake to avoid using the restroom, looking in different places for a more respectable

restroom, and bringing safety supplies like wipes and hand sanitizer. The level of urgency that a

woman is feeling affects the strategies, and as urgency rises, strategies must change. Due to

worries about privacy, filthy circumstances, and long lines, women also regulate the sounds of

peeing and passing gas by making noise, limiting their fluid intake, and looking for alternative


Muttaqin, Raharjo, & Masturi, (2018). Used a qualitative approach-based descriptive

methodology to examine how character education reinforcement was implemented in Semarang’s

primary schools. The findings demonstrated that while the values of nationalism and religion

have been successfully incorporated into school culture, the virtues of independence, reciprocal

cooperation, and integrity have not been adequately upheld. There are a number of challenges,

such as inadequate school facilities, rules violations, parental abandonment, and community

influence. Establishing cooperation with parents, giving more prayer tools, playing national

anthems, penalizing pupils who break rules, providing role models and monitoring are all ways to

get over these challenges.

From the study of Uleanya (2020) its data shows that different schools may have different

systems in place for maintaining and enhancing cleanliness. Monitoring is crucial, though. In

UER1, for example, it was stated that cleanliness can be assured by continual availability of the

required cleaning supplies and should be upgraded first so that we can be sure that any supplies

supplied by parents, the school, or the government to keep the school clean will be secure.

Significance of the Study

Cleanliness of comfort rooms in schools is very important for a variety of reasons,

including health, academic performance, safety, long term maintenance, environmental

awareness, community perception and behavioral impact.

To the teachers/administrators, knowing the practices of students regarding the

cleanliness of comfort rooms in the school can make them have an idea about the ways they can

help the students to maintain the cleanliness. It could also help them by having them to know the

things that are lacking in the comfort rooms to maintain it, and that they could provide those


To the students, to help them be aware of the many practices to make their

comfort rooms clean and not contaminated with bacteria. It can also help them improve on how

well they can maintain their comfort rooms clean.

To the parents to help their children to be disciplined when using the comfort rooms.

Theoretical Framework

Access to adequate sanitation facilities, including comfortable and clean comfort rooms is

essential for maintaining good hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases. Inadequate access

to comfort rooms can have various negative impacts on the health, well-being, and academic

performance of students (Octora, 2023). In the case of dirty comfort rooms in schools, students

may perceive the risk of contracting diseases or infections due to poor sanitation as low, resulting

in a lack of motivation to take preventative measures such as washing their hands and using

toilets frequently. This can lead to increased rates of illness and absenteeism among students,

negatively impacting their academic performance.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

Input-Process- Output (IPO Model)


Demographic Profile OUTPUT

 Sex
Students will have the
 Grade Level
knowledge on how to properly

maintain cleanliness in the

Practices of comfort rooms school comfort rooms.


Students will be more

Through survey responsible and can well

Questionnaires maintain the orderliness inside

the comfort rooms.


Analyzing the gathered


Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the Practices of Comfort Room

Cleanliness in Tirad View Academy, a Basis for Crafting Improvement with the input, process,

and output of this study clearly illustrated.


For the input, it consists of the respondent’s demographic profile, it includes the

respondent’s sex and grade level the researchers also included the practices of comfort rooms of

both Junior and Senior High School.

For the process, this is process where the researchers have decided to gather data by

giving out survey questionnaires as well as through observations

Finally, the output depicts the study’s expected outcome or the problem’s solution which

incorporates the technique of “Practices of Comfort Room Cleanliness in Tirad View Academy, a

Basis for Crafting Improvement”.

Statement of the Problem

To know the practices of Tirad View Academy students regarding comfort room

cleanliness, furthermore this aims to improve the sanitary section of the school. Thus the

following questions are formulated.

1. What are the common practices of Junior High School students regarding comfort room


2. What are the common practices of Senior High School students regarding comfort room


3. Is there a difference between the practices of Senior High School and Junior High School

students of Tirad View Academy regarding comfort room cleanliness?

Hypothesis of the Study

H0: There is no difference in the practices between Junior High School and Senior High

School students of Tirad View Academy regarding comfort room cleanliness.

Definition of Terms

Baseline- an imaginary line or standard which things are measured or compared, a starting line.

Defecate- To discharge feces or to excrete

Diarrhea- is a loose, watery stool three or more times in a day. It could be acute or chronic

Endline- marks the end, or the process of which the study is conducted.

Hand Sanitizer- a substance of product that is used to eliminate or reduce pathogenic agents

such as bacteria on surfaces.

Hygiene- practices to maintain health and preventing disease especially through cleanliness

PPE- Personal Protective Equipment, is mostly used to prevent things from sticking to the body.

WaSH- Acronym for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Wipes- They are used for handwashing, feminine and other personal cleansing.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study limits its coverage on Tirad View Academy students only. Out of the 394

students of Tirad View Academy, only 258 students were used as a sample in conducting the

survey because there are 2 respondents that have dropped out and transferred thus it changed

from the original 260. The study will be conducted on November 16-19 2023 in Tirad View

Academy campus.

Chapter 2

Methodology of the Study

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The researchers used the descriptive research to accurately and systematically describe a

population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but

not why questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to

investigate one or more variables (Shona, 2023).

Respondents of the Study

The population of the respondents consist of 242 Junior High School students and 152

Senior High School students with a total of 396 students. Out of the 242 junior high school

students the respondents are 150 to get the 0.05 margin of error, and 1 of the respondents have

transferred therefore the total of the respondents in the Junior High school is now 149. As for the

Junior High School there are 110 students to get the 0.05 margin of error, but unfortunately one

of the respondents have dropped out making the total of respondents equal to 109. Having 2

respondents removed from the original total of respondents the overall total is now 258 students

from the original 260 students as the respondents. All students are included in this study because

everyone uses the comfort rooms, but only few have been selected to get the 0.05 margin of error.

The respondents are from grade 7 to 12, both male and female are included.

Table 1

Demographic Profile of the Respondents


Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 122 47%
Female 136 53%
Total 258 100%

Grade level 7 43 17%

8 37 14%
9 40 16%
10 39 15%
11 49 19%
12 50 19%
Total 258 100%
Frequency Percentage

The researchers used the Slovin’s formula to get the margin of error 0.05. The process of

computing and getting the sample population is shown below.

n = sample size N= Population e = margin of error

1+ Ne ²

Junior High School




n = 150

Senior High School

n= 2
1+152 ( 0.05 )



n = 110

The researchers used systematic sampling which gets a sample from a larger

group and are selected according to a random starting point but with a fixed, periodic interval

(Adam, 2023). The researchers used this kind of sampling for the reason that they would

minimize the sampling errors although in a randomized manner. In addition systematic sampling

is a lot more convenient to use in a large population as it is easier to execute and understand in

taking population samples. Also it has a sense of process and control despite the fact that the

starting point is random.

Instruments of the Study

The researchers used survey questionnaires as a basis for their study. They got

the survey questionnaires online then they adopted and revised the questions to fit the standards.

The survey questionnaires will be from the internet uploaded by Kring de Vera on scribd. The

researchers used the scoring system of 1- never, 2- rarely, 3- sometimes, 4- often, 5- always.

The number of items of the survey questionnaires will be limited to 15 questions only.

Data Gathering Procedure

Step 1:

The researchers created a request letter to perform the survey in the school in the month

of November that was signed by the principal of Tirad View Academy, which means they have

been granted permission to conduct the survey with the given date.

Step 2:

Upon the approval from the school principal the researchers adapted and modified a 15-

item survey questionnaire uploaded by Kring de Vera on Scribd.


Step 3:

Before finalizing the questions that were adapted and revised, the researchers let their

research teacher validate the research instrument.

Step 4:

When the evaluation was done the researchers determined the respondents through

systematic way from the checklist of each grade level by picking 2 respondents then skipping the

1 respondent that is in between. After which they conducted their survey right away at Tirad

View Academy in the 4th week of November. Before they give the respondents the questionnaires

they are briefed by the researchers the instructions when answering the survey and also the

objective of the research.

Step 5:

After collecting the gathered data through the survey questionnaires they are encoded and

analyzed using Microsoft Excel in order to obtain the mean of each question. After which they

can interpret and present to their panelist.

Data Processing & Statistical Treatment

Table 2

Statistical Treatments Used to Answer Research Questions

No. Research Questions Statistical

1. What are the common practices of Junior High School students regarding Mean
comfort room cleanliness?
2. What are the common practices of Senior High School students regarding Mean
comfort room cleanliness?
3. Is there a difference between the practices of Senior High School and T-Test
Junior High School students of Tirad View Academy regarding comfort

room cleanliness?

Analysis of Data

After the survey has been conducted the researchers retrieve the questionnaires, the

researchers convert the raw data into tally. After computing the data the researchers will now get

the mean of each question and to interpret them. After interpreting the results that they have

gathered they will now proceed to discuss the gathered data. Mean was the statistical treatment

used for question one and two because it summarizes an entire data set with a single number

representing the data’s center point or typical value.

The third question asked about the correlation of variables was answered using the t-test.

The t-test is a statistical test used to compare two groups' means. It is frequently employed in

hypothesis testing to ascertain whether two groups are distinct from one another or whether a

procedure or treatment genuinely affects the population of interest (Bevans, 2023)

Ethical Consideration

The researchers asked the respondents their full participation before conducting

the research. The researcher’s will not force the respondents to answer the survey questionnaire

given to them; they have a choice whether they will answer it or not. If there is a withdrawal

within the respondents the researchers will respect that decision and will make the survey

questionnaires given to him/her be void and will not be included in the gathered data. The

respondents may choose not to put their name on the survey questionnaires. The results of the

survey will only be used for academic purposes only.


Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Research Question 1. What are the common practices of Junior High School students regarding

comfort room cleanliness?

Table 3

The Common Practices Of Junior High School Students Regarding Comfort Room Cleanliness.

Questionnaires Mean Interpretatio

1. I flush the toilet properly after using it. 4.73 Always
2. I clean the mirrors when it’s dirty. 3.39 Sometimes
3. I properly dispose of used tissues/wipes in the trash bin. 4.20 Often
4. I unclog the toilet bowl when it’s clogged. 3.45 Often
5. I segregate waste properly. 4.24 always
6. I unclog the drainage when it’s clogged. 3.48 Often
7. I maintain personal hygiene (using alcohol/disinfectant) after using the 4.23 always
8. I mop the CR's floor when it’s dirty. 3.46 often
9. I clean the CR's sink when it’s dirty. 3.60 Often
10. I wash my hands using soap after using the toilet. 4.5 always
11. I use cleaning detergent when cleaning the cr. 3.86 Often
12. I use disinfectant (like chlorine or muriatic acid) when cleaning the 3.50 Often
urinal/toilet bowl.
13. I dispose of the garbage can to the garbage pit when it’s full. 3.79 Often
14. I do not squat on the toilet bowl. 3.49 always
15. I pick up trashes on the toilet floor and put it in the garbage can. 4.05 always
Over all mean 3.87 Often

Legend 1-1.80= never, 1.81-2.60= Rarely, 2.61-3.40= Sometimes

3.41-4.20= Often 4.21-5= Always

Based on the results showed in table 1, the common practices of Junior High School in

comfort room is the statement #1 which states “ I flush the toilet properly after using it” ,

statement # 7 ” I maintain personal hygiene ( using alcohol/disinfectant) after using the toilet.

Also statement # 10 ”, statement # 14 “ I do not squat on the toilet bowl” and lastly statement #

15” I pick up trash on the toilet floor and put it in the garbage can”. The overall statements

gathered a mean of 3.87 which interprets as often, which indicates that the Junior High School

students often practice all the statements mentioned in the table.

Research Question 2. What are the common practices of Senior High School students regarding

comfort room cleanliness?

Table 4

The Common Practices Of Senior High School Students Regarding Comfort Room Cleanliness.

Questionnaires Mean Interpretation

1. I flush the toilet properly after using it. 4.84 Always

I clean the mirrors when it’s dirty. 3.31 Sometimes
3. I properly dispose of used tissues/wipes in the trash bin. 4.40 Always
4. I unclog the toilet bowl when it’s clogged. 3.58 Often
5. I segregate waste properly. 4.15 Often
6. I unclog the drainage when it’s clogged. 3.53 Often
7. I maintain personal hygiene (using alcohol/disinfectant) 4.35 Always
after using the toilet.
8. I mop the CR's floor when it’s dirty. 3.17 Sometimes
9. I clean the CR's sink when it’s dirty. 3.37 Sometimes
10. I wash my hands using soap after using the toilet. 4.5 Always
11. I use cleaning detergent when cleaning the cr. 4.04 Often
12. I use disinfectant (like chlorine or muriatic acid) when 3.72 Often
cleaning the urinal/toilet bowl.
13. I dispose of the garbage can in the garbage pit when it’s 3.72 Often
14. I do not squat on the toilet bowl. 3.38 Sometimes
15. I pick up trash on the toilet floor and put it in the garbage 3.78 Often
Over all mean 3.86 Often
Legend 1-1.80= never, 1.81-2.60= Rarely, 2.61-3.40= Sometimes

3.41-4.20= Often, 4.21-5= Always

Table 2 shows that the common practices of Senior High School students are statement #

1 which states”, statement # 3” I properly dispose of used tissues/wipes in the trash bin”, and

lastly statement # 10. “I wash my hands using soap after using the toilet”. The statements

mentioned all have an interpretation of always. All the statements have an overall mean of 3.86

which tells us that Senior High School students do all the practices often when using the comfort


Research Question 3. . Is there a difference between the practices of Senior High School and

Junior High School students of Tirad View Academy regarding comfort room cleanliness?

Table 5

Difference Between The Practices Of Senior High School And Junior High School Students Of

Tirad View Academy Regarding Comfort Room Cleanliness.

Respondents Mean t-test (p-value)

JHS 3.87 0.4295
SHS 3.86
 = 0.05 Level of Significance

Based on what we have computed in the T-Test the number that has been calculated is

0.4295. According to the result we will accept the null hypothesis because 0.4295 is greater than

0.05, the null hypothesis states that there is no difference between the practices of Junior High

School students and Senior High School students. Therefore there is no significant difference

between the practices of Junior High School students and Senior High School students.

Chapter 4

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

Question 1: Based on the results showed in table 1, the most common practice of Junior

High School in comfort room is the statement #1 which states “ I flush the toilet properly after

using it” and it gathered a mean of 4.73 which is interpreted as often. The overall statements

gathered a mean of 3.87 which interprets as often, which indicates that the Junior High School

students practice all the statements mentioned in the table.

Question 2: Table 2 shows that among the comfort practices mentioned the statement #1

stood out the most which states “ I flush the toilet properly after using it” with a mean of 4.84

which indicates that Senior High School students do this always. All the statements have an

overall mean of 3.86 which tells us that Senior High School students do all the practices often

when using the comfort rooms.

Question 3: Based on what we have computed in the T-Test the number that has been

calculated is 0.4295. According to the result we will accept the null hypothesis because 0.4295 is

greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis states that there is no difference between the practices of

Junior High School students and Senior High School students. Therefore there is no difference

between the practices of Junior High School students and Senior High School students.


Based on the results and discussion, the junior high school students of Tirad View

Academy often practice all the statements that have been included in the questionnaires. The

researchers found out that the common practices of Junior High School students of Tirad View

Academy are flushing the toilet properly after using it., segregating the waste properly,

maintaining personal hygiene (using alcohol/disinfectant) after using the toilet, and not squatting

on the toilet bowl, lastly they pick up trashes on the toilet floor and put it in the garbage can.

Based on table two on the results and discussion it shows that the Senior High School

students of Tirad View Academy are also often practicing the statements that have been included

in the questionnaires, the common practices are flushing the toilet properly after using it, properly

disposing used tissues/wipes in the trash bin, and maintaining personal hygiene (using

alcohol/disinfectant) after using the toilet. And lastly, washing my hands using soap after using

the toilet.

Based on the result that came out there is no difference between the practices of Junior

High School and Senior High School students. Thus the null hypothesis is accepted by the



To the Junior High School:

The researchers will recommend to the Junior High School students that they have to

frequently practice the statement # 2 which states “I clean the mirrors when it’s dirty. Because

among all the statements it’s the only one that has an interpretation of sometimes, meaning it’s

the least common practice among junior high school students. They can do this by setting

students by group to clean in the CR or it could be used as a form of a punishment to students

who skip their cleaning schedule in their classroom.

To the Senior High School:

For the senior high school the researchers recommends that they also start practicing

frequently the statement # 3 because they have the same meaning as in junior high school. The

researchers will also recommend to the senior high school students that they should frequently

practice mopping the floor of the CR and also cleaning the sink. If there is no cleaning materials

available at the site they should ask the faculty to provide the cleaning materials. They also

recommend that the senior high school students put a sign on the toilet section that says or have a

picture that says no squatting. In this way squatting on the toilet bowl can be avoided keeping the

bowl clean for the next user.

To the teachers and students:

Overall the researchers would like to recommend to the faculty that they should provide

the cleaning materials needed to clean the CR’s in the school. Because the main reason that

students do not clean the CR other than they don’t want to is that they don’t have the materials to

clean it. Even if the students wanted to clean the CR but they don’t have the material they cannot

do anything. Also the researchers will recommend to the students that they should also request for

the cleaning materials that is needed by them to let the teachers provide it for them.


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Profile of the Authors

Known for being shy and reserved. This lady hails from Abatan, Buguias, Benguet. She

loves reading, exploring new things as well as watching the moon. She's currently taking Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand. She is planning to take Bachelor of

Science in Veterinary Medicine as her course in college. She believes that “Yesterday is history,

tomorrow is future and today is present,that is why it is called a gift.” Tomas, Allison Faye

Known for being bully but super loving and kind enough. This gentleman hails from Tabuk
City,Kalinga, he didn't like loud nois, and is curious of others point of view and behavior
He's currently taking Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand
He's planning to get Structural Engineering major in college and become a Civil Engineer
Known for being tall that's all. He was born in a small quiet village called Bucnit Quirino
He believes that " if youre tired chasing your dreams,take a break but don't stop and stop if its
done" Ilocos Sur. He likes to travel and ay same time he likes sports. He currently taking Science,

Lloyd D. Gondio
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand. He wants to get Bachelor of Science in

Tourism Management. He believes that "Thinking to much can only cause problems.

Known forJames
small Ulila
and hot headed but kind enough. This gentleman hails from San Agustin

Sablayan Occidental Mindoro, he didn't like loud noises, and is curious of others point of view and behavior

He's currently taking Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand He's planning to

get Structural Engineering

Known formajor
college and
but become
cheerful.a She
Engineer Hea believes
born in thatcalled
small town " if you’re tired
Tubtuba Tubo

take a break butShe

Abra. don't stop
loves andand
food stop
is ifa it’s done"
nature lover. She's currently taking Science, Technology, Engineering

Justin T. Managdag(STEM) strand. She wants to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Medical

and Mathematics

Technology as her future career. She believes in the saying, "Keep going because your life doesn't
Known for being short tempered but has a good heart, accepts any request without any hesitation.
end in one failure."
This man hails from Patiacan Quirino I Locos Sur. He is an adventurous person and likes nature very much.
Camille Ajona Guliman
He is currently taking Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand.

With his experience in their grade 10 class of ICT, he loved coding even though it is hard but he

enjoys it. He also have the urge to serve for our country and loves to gives assistance to people.

With those, he’s planning on taking the course of BSIT or Bachelor in Science Information and

Technology, after which he plans on applying his application to the PNP in order to become an IT officer

which also fulfills his urge to serve the nation.

He believes that with God, impossible things can be possible if you put all your trust to Him.

Kurt G. Dumepnas

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