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a2 United States Patent Aharoni (10) Patent No.t (4s) Date of Patent: US 8,935,109 B2 Jan. 13, 2015 (58) SYSTEM FOR PREVENTING AND. DETECTING FUEL THEFT (75) Iaventor: Peleg Aharoni,Kiryat Ono (IL) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35, U.S.C. 1540) by 497 day's. (21) Appl.Nos — 13391,409 (22) PCT Filed: Aug. 28,2010 (86) PCT No, $3710), (2). (4) Date: PCTIAL2010/000606 eb. 21, 2012 (87) PCTPub. No: WO2011/024169 PCT Pub, Date: Mar. 3, 2011 (65) Prior Publication Data US 2012001504561 Jun. 14, 2012 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Ang. 30,2009 (IL) 200631 (51) mech usr 1900 011.01) BOOK 15704 (2006.01) BGK 1503 (2006 01) (2) US.cL. CPC. BOOK 15/0403 (2013.01); BOOK 201503197 (2013.01), BOK 2015103217 (2013.01); BOOK 2015/0319 2013.01) 702185 usec (58) Field of Clasitication Search CPC... BOOR 25104; AGIK 31/485; AGIK 910043, AGIK 91006 spc 0258 ‘See application ile for complete search history. (656) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS. LQUYST A $1933 Casey 425,60 A * 44981 Hollander rerase ABGUSIS A 111982 Nagy SB8692 A 9.1999 Googe ea 6200.54 BL_ 72001 Spry eta Sa0n6st B2* 122013 elkaimet a rovias 20010018639 AL_ $2001 Bunn SOO OLTI8SI AL* $2000 Pog tal. 235 SOOR/0L56800 AL 72008 Mougenst 2nm9'0216400 AL $2009 Larsen etal * cit by examiner Primary Esaminer —Fudward Raymond (74) Anorne, Agent, or Frm — Mark M. Friedman 7) ABSTRACT TInone aspect, the present invention is directed toa system for preventing and detecting fue theft from fuel tank, the sys= tom comprising: a perforated casing (18), t be installed into the fel inlet (28) of the fuel tank, the easing adzpted to preveuta pipe from passing therethrough ito the tank: a door (14, disposed atthe opening (30) ofthe perforated casing, for blocking in the closed state threo the inlet (30) to the fuel tank a safety-catch mechanism, for retaining the door closed ‘when the tank comprises more than a predefiaed quantity of fine! or to allow opening of the door just when the nt is uplifted tothe height ofthe top ofthe tank. 27 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets US 8,935,109 B2 Sheet 1 of 7 Jan. 13,2015 US. Patent FIG 1 US. Patent Jan. 13, 2015 Sheet 2 of 7 US 8,935,109 B2 hooeeoaaaoun NeGOGHOO ODA FIG 2 US. Patent Jan. 13, 2015 Sheet 3 of 7 US 8,935,109 B2 US. Patent Jan. 13, 2015 Sheet 4 of 7 US 8,935,109 B2 FIG 42 US. Patent Jan. 13, 2015 Sheet 5 of 7 US 8,935,109 B2 FIG 4p US 8,935,109 B2 Sheet 6 of 7 Jan. 13,2015 US. Patent AuaLLVa dnyova auvo 4aLNdWoo ances . s Old ae Tontea aviniago | | -asau au saasn BOV4UaLNI os Loe qwiuas / asn EJ wav uossa00Nd (sao) (Q4a.Lnawoo (aosnas) NolLv907 MSIL uo / yOsNas) avis "49039 ALLLNVND TaN4 uooa US. Patent Jan. 13, 2015 Sheet 7 of 7 US 8,935,109 B2 INCREASING DECREASING NOT/CHANGING NO INDICATION }; FIG 6 US 8,935,109 B2 1 ‘SYSTEM FOR PREVENTING AND DETECTING FUEL THEFT FIELD OF THE INVENTION ‘The present invention relates tothe field of preventing and ltectng fe theft. More particularly, the present invention is reted to a system for preventing and detecting fuel tef BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘The phenomenon of stating guid fue (such as diese) from fel tanks swell known, Suc thes occur fom vebile tanks as wel s from fuel containers ‘One of the reasons that fel thet happens despite the fat thatthe phenomenon is well knowns that some a he thieves ‘operate from the iside, such as tuck drivers. Having lepal ‘cess tothe fuel tank of his truck, the dever retains the key for the fuel iank of his truck, andas such, has he opportunity 'o siphon some fuel without being noticed AApeior at solution to such thels is placing a net (block) inside the fe tank near its inlet, On the one hand, the net prevents @ pumping pipe (nozzle) from reaching the tank bottoms; but on the other hand, since some space must be accorded forthe fuelingnozze, the netannotbe placedat the ‘entrance ofthe tank inkt, but deeper. This gap allows drawing some 40-50 liters ofthe fuel from the tank when full, such, Tis anobject ofthe present invention wo provide a solution 'o the above-mentioned and other problems ofthe prior ar Other objects and advantages ofthe invention will become ‘apparent os the description proceeds, ‘SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION none aspect, the present invention i directed toa system for preventing and detecting fel theft from a fue tank, the system compesing 2 perforated casing (18), to be installed int the fet inlet (28) ofthe fue! tank, the easing adapted to prevent pipe passage therethrough into the tank; door (14), disposed atthe opening (30) ofthe perforated casing (18), fr blocking in the closed state thereof the inlet (90) tothe foe tank; 1 safety-catch mechanism, for retaining the door closed ‘when the tank comprises more than a predefined quan tity of fel Acconling to one embodiment of the invention, the suet ‘catch mechanism is substantially a mechanical mechanism, thereby obisning low amortization rat According to another embodiment of the ivention, the safety-catch mechanism is substantially an electo-mechani- ‘al mechanism, thereby obtaining a simple structure na preferred embodiment of the invention, the safety- ‘catch mechanism comprises: snexcenter (42), connected tothe door (14) such hat when the door being closed, the excenter evacuates a space (48), and when the doer being opened, the excener ills the spaces afloat (20), disposed in the fut tans ‘ar0d (36) connected tothe float (20), the vertical cation ‘ofthe rod being dependent on the fel level in the tank; ‘swhorin the rod being located under the space (48) thereby ‘when the door is closed andthe fuel level i the tank is ‘beyond a certain level, the rod (36) occupying te space ‘hereby preventing from the excenter to retum back, 2 ‘The system may further comprise 2 module for detecting Jue theft (illustrated in FIG. 8). Such a module may com prise frst sensor (44, for detecting whether door (14) is pen ‘or close ‘one or more adgitional seasors, for detecting of metering axditonal information upon which foel theft can be detocted, ‘a processor, fr detecting a situation offi! theft fom the information obtained by the sensors; and an ovtpet mechanism. ‘The addtional sensors may comprise el quantity sensor (26), foe determining fuel thet ifthe quantity’ of fuel inthe tank decreases while door (14) is open or in any ease as defined in code embedded in the processor. ‘The output mechanism may comprise an alan; an inter. face with 2 computer, an interfce with 2 memory cand: 2 cellularcard,forallowinginforminga uerin eal time of fuel theft and so forth. “According to one embodiment ofthe vention, the sensor js substantially based on a capacitor Acconding to another embodiment of the invention, the sensors substantially based on a float, The foregoing embodiments ofthe invention are described and illsiated in conjunetion with systems and methods thereof, which are meant to be merely istrative, and not limiting, [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Embodiments and features of the present invention are described herein ia conjunction with the following deawings: FIG 1 isa perspective view schematically illustrating an spparatus for preventing ful theft, according to one emboci- meet of the invention, FIG. 2 isa sectional view schematically illustrating the apparatus for preventing fuel thet of FIG. 1 FIG. 3 isan exploded view ofthe apparatus for preventing fue theft of FIG. 1 FIG, da sa diagram schematically illustaing the opera- tion principle of an apparatus for preventing fuel the sccording to one embodiment ofthe invention, FIG, 4b sa diagram schematically illustaing the opera- tion principle ofa switch that indicates if door 14s closed or ‘pen, acconing to one embadiment of the invention. FIG. § isa block diagram ofa system for alerting of fuel theft, according to one embodiment of the invention. FIG. 6 sehematicaly illustrates a method for indicating fuel theft from a fuel tank, according to one embodiment of the invention. should be understood that the drawings are not necesar- ily drawn wo seal. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED. EMBODIMENTS ‘The present invention willbe understood from the follow ing detailed description of prefered embodiments, which ae meant t© be descriptive and not limiting. For the sake of brovty, some well-known features, methods, systems, proce- dures, components, circuits, and so on, are not deseribed in deal. FIG. 1 isa perspective view schematically illustrating an spparatus for preventing ful theft, according to one emboci- meet of the invention, FIG. 2 isa sectional view schematically illustrating the apparatus for preventing fel thet of FIG. 1 US 8,935,109 B2 3 FIG. 3 isan exploded view of the apparatus for preventing fel thet of FIG. 1 FIG. da isa diagram schematically Mustrating the oper tion principle of an apparatus for preventing fuel thet, ‘scoring 10 one embodiment ofthe iaventioa, The diagram is associated with cross section A-A of FIG. 3. tis nota tue ‘ross section, bt rather a diagram. Apparatus 10 comprises casing 18 inthe form of ant, ice. comprises bores 26, The apparatus is installed ina fuel inlet 30 ofa fuel tank, and fixed to its positon by bots 32, ‘each passing through bore 16, Bolts 32 are preferably shear” ing bolls, ie, the head thereof shears upon rotating the bolt heyond a certain point, thereby preventing reverse ation, ‘hereby preventing extracting the bolt. ‘A door 14 is disposed on inlet 300 the fel tank, Door M4 is routabl along axle 46. Numeral 42 denotes an exeenter, ice an elemeat rotating along an axis that isnot atthe center thereof In this ease, the mechanial embodiment ofthe axis isaxle46, The arched arow demonsteates the rotation direc- tion of the dooriecener around the axis of axle 46. Reference numeral 20 denote a lot, which is pushed up by the fuel in the tank. A vertical rod 36 is connected to float 20, Assuming door 30 is closed, when the fel inside the tank isbeyond a certain limit, it pusies end 40 of rod 36 into space 48, thereby preventing opening door 14. Ths, this mecha- nism operstes asa saexy-atch that prevents door 14 trom ‘opening, and as suc, fuel thefts prevented Practically, in a gas station the tank is refill with fel usually until te tanks fll. When he tankeisnot fall,door 4 isopenable, and as such, a fueling nozzle (nt illustrated) ean be instated into space 34 of apparatus 10. Upon iting up the fiveling nozzle, door 14 closes, and end 40 of rod 36 prevents ‘opening door 14, The door willbe openuble again when the fel quantity decreases fom a certain level. However, inthis sination, the perforated casing 18 prevents inserting a pipe insidethe tank, and no fuels presen in thelevel of thebottom, ‘of prforted easing 18 (aes, ‘Thus, avording to this embodiment ofthe invention, the apparatus for preventing fel theft comprises ‘perforated casing, to be installed into the fuel inlet of a fuel tank. The perforations are used for allwing fuel passage therethrough. The bottom of the casing is used fr preventing a pipe entrance into the tank, beyond the bottom, as cautionary means against fuel thieves: 8 door, connected to the casing at the entry thereof, for blockingunblocking the inlet tothe fuel tank; ‘ sufety-catch mechanism, for retaining the door closed ‘when the tak is fll of fel, and atualy whe the tank ‘comprises more than a certain quantity of fie “Thedoorin FIG. dais initsclosed state. Inorderto keep the door ia this sate, a spring (aot illustrated) can be used, OF ‘course this is merely an example, and other mechanisms ean be used for retaining the door in its closed state Accoaing to another embodiment of the iaveaton (aot itustrated), the salety-catch is implemented by electr-me ‘hancal mechanism. For example, whenever the fel level in the tank passes a certain threshold (eg. 70% ofits capacity), ‘an elecio-mechanical mechanism pushes the door closed, and when asensor indicate thatthe doorisclosed, an eloctro mechanical safety-catch locks the door Acconting to one embodiment of the invention, thesafety- ‘calc located constantly atthe top of te fuel tank while the ‘entire mechanism can move up and davin on the vertical axe ths allowing door 14 0 be opened oaly when the bottom of net 18 atthe heigh of the top ofthe tank meaning fuel can not be stole, 4 FIG, 4 sa diggram schematically illustating the opera- tion principle ofa switch that indicates if door 14s closed or ‘open, sooording t0 one embodiment of the invention, The diagram is associated with cross section B-B of FIG. 3. [tis 5 nota tre cross section, but rather a diagram. According to this embodiment, switch 44 may be use for dateting te state ofthe door: closedopen. In the closed state, excenter $2 applies force on arm 4 switch 44. Inthe ‘pene stat, there isno contact between arm 4S andexcenter 82. The use of such information is deed hereinafter “The embodiments illustrated in FIGS. 1 to 4a are directed 1 fuel thet prevention. However, the ability to detect fuel theft especially in real time, can threaten potential thiews. FIG. § isa lock diagram ofa system for alerting of fuel theft acconling to one embodiment of the invention. Thesystem employs processor, which eoncentratsinfor- ‘mation from sensors, analyzes the possibility ofthe rom the ‘input ofthese sensors, and when attempted ful thei sus- pected, lets the user thereo. ‘The information provided to the processor can be, for example: ‘The fuel quantity in the tank. This information ean be ‘objained from the veicle’s computer; by connecting to the vehicle's systems, such asthe module that measures the fuel quantity; an additional seasor thereof, such as based on Mat or capacitor and so on ‘Geographical location. The geographical lation can be ‘objained from a GPS (Geographical Positioning Sys- tem), which is already installed in some vehicles, or an be added ‘The tate ofthe door of apparatus 10, The state ofthe door, ice open or closed, canbe indicated, for example, by a senso, such as sich 44 in FIG. 4 Acti, (Of course, these are merely examples, and tbr input sources can be used ‘The output of the processor can be data provided, for 40 example, ‘A laplop compute oft a mobile memory (suchas Disk (On-Key) A cellular card, ie, a device that comprises the ability to ‘communicate trough a cellular network. For example, upon detecting fuel theft in realtime, the procestor initiates transmission of an SMS (Short Messaging Sys- tem) message tothe owner ofthe tank, An RF (Radio Frequency) transmitter. ‘An alarm system. The alarm system can generate or aeti= ‘ate an aul signal via the horn ofthe vehicle in which the fel tank is installed A memory car, such as Disk-On-Key. ‘An Webserver overtheIntemet, email address, IP adres, and son. FIG. 6 schematically iustates a method for indicating fue thet from a fuel tank, according to one embodiment of the invention. THisassumed thatthe code executed bythe processor (ilus- trated in FIG. $) distinguishes between regular consumption of fool and fucl theft According to this method, upon indicating (by switch 44) that door 14is open, the fuel quantity ia the ank sraced (eg., by monitoring the fuel quantity via the fuel quantity sensor ofthe vehicle or by the aed sensor 22). Ifthe quan- tity increses, it means that the tank has been refueled; how- ever, ifthe quantity decreases, it means that fuel as been removed from the tank Inthe case ofa car's tank, there is no Fa » s US 8,935,109 B2 5 sensible reason fe such an vet, an in this ase, a alam provedie a reasonable step. ‘Quantity sensor 2 operates as follows: The sensor som prises a tube anda pole 2 disposed inside the tbe along te tbe, The tbe is open init upper ide, thereby allowing lg til he space been the tbe and pole 21 wp othe lg lve in th tank. Assuming both hee a he pole remade of eta thelgu at ilsthe spaceprovides some lectial characteris, such os changes the capacity oF rsistnce heen the ole nthe toe. This llows mete ings level of the fi nthe tank, The alam can som asin, sending n SMS message to the user (he owner the vehi), and oon Acconing 1 another example, the invention is imple inened ina while, and whenever door 14 opens and closes ‘witht refeling the even is eistered andthe sien wil sound, In ation if the door opens wheat tank sl it an indicate fs the Profrbly,the fel quay is metered by a capacitive sensor, which capable of metering the fel evel na tank vith elie high cers, n comparison to ic fel inetering technologies, Altrneiey in vel, the fuel level quant in th tn can be oben fom the vehicle's some One meaningful advantage of the present invention is that the apart 10 can be inal in tank without changing the sete ofthe tnk or vehicle. Anaher meaningfl dante The stato he door cane he manips ‘sift be lef open ater fling without beng nied by Switch 4 Postoningte say ctch mechanism ined at the topf the tank preven ina mechanical maner the option immipuletethe ate door and grees sigan ti resistance of the sytem to oe thes Employing bering bolts forataching apparatus 10. fel ink 30 of tank prevents removal ofthe apart. TH, ‘noe the apprats has ben installed into oe! ak, fttempt to rove i wil eve a Ina vec we of bic baer (aati) maybe bel Inthe figures andor description bern, the following ef rence numerals ive ben meations mea 10 denotes an apart for preening fel het froma fel tank, according to one embodiment of the invention ume 12 denotes threw sos; numeral 1 denotes door eck when the fel anity inthe tank sete than cern vc tuner 16 denote bore though which threaded bol for canning operas 10 0 the tank, numeral 18 denotes a perforated easing. also refered Teen net for preventing entance of pipe ato the tink thereby preventing fl the numeral 0 denotes lot, numeral 21 denotes ae, ipod iste tbo sensor 2 ume 22 denotes a sensor hat mesures the quant of ful in the tank numeral 24 dnotesa salient (ved fr placing pparats 10 ina desi positon} numeral 6 denotes net bos tamer 28 oo the nfo te tik tumera 30 denotes the opening othe into the tanks tunes 32 denotes shearing bol heed thereof shears "pon roating the bolt beyond a eet pin, hereby preventing extracting the Bol) unr 34 ences the interior ofthe tn numeral 6 denotes ard ed oe aly s 6 ‘numeral 38 denotes a washer used as the top part of appa ratus 105 numeral 40 denotes the end of rod 36; numeral 42 denotes an excenter ‘numeral 44 denotes a switch numeral 4S denotes an arm oF switch 4 numeral 46 denotes an axle; numeral 48 denotes a depression; ‘numeral $0 denotes le; numeral $2 denotes an excenter: and ‘numeral 4 denotes a depression. ‘The foregoing description and illustrations of the embod ‘ments ofthe invention has been presented forthe purposes of iustration. It isnot intended tobe exhaustive or to limit the invention tothe above description in any form, ‘Any term that ns been defied above and used in the aims, should to be integpreted acconting to this definition, ‘What is claimed is: 1. system for preventing and detecting fe! thet from a fue tank, the system comprising: «perforated casing tobe installed nto the fel inet of id fuel tank, said easing adapted to prevent a pipe from passing therethrough into said tank: a door, disposed at the opening of said perforated casing for blocking in the elosed state thereof the inlet to the fuel tank ‘a safety-catch mechanism, for retaining said door closed hen sad tank comprises more than a predefined quan- tty of fuel, ‘the system adapiabe tobe installed inthe fel tank without ‘changing the strecture ofthe fe! tank 2.Asystemacconting to claim L wherein sid saety-cateh sectanism substantially mechanical meckanism, thereby oblaining alow amortization rate. 3.Asystemacconling to claim 1, wherein ai safety-catch rmechanism is substantially an electo-mechanical mecha nism, thereby obtaining a simple irctue. 4A system according to claim 1, wherein said salety-catch seechanism comprises ‘an excenter, connected to said door such that when sid ‘door being closed, sid excenter evacuates a space, and When ssid door being opened, sid excente fils sid space, afloat, disposed in said fuel tank ‘rod connected to said float, the vertical location of sid rod being dependent on the fel level in said tank ‘wherein sad rod being located under said space thereby hen sad doors closed andthe fel level in sid tank is beyond a certain level, said md occupying suid space thereby preventing from said excenter to return hack. 5. Agystem according to claim 1, wherein said salty catch js fixed atthe top ofthe tank, while sad perforated casing is movable vertically up and down, 6. 8 system acconting to claim 1, futher comprising a ‘module for deveting fue thet comprising fist sensor, for detecting whether said door is open oF closed ‘one or more additional seasors, for detecting of metering ‘addtional information upon whieh fuel theft can be detocted, a processor, fr detecting a situation of fel theft from the information obtained by suid sensors and ‘an output mechani 7.A systom according to claim 6, wherwin sid one ormore _uitonal sensors compris a fuel quantity sensor, fr deter- ‘ining fuel thet ifthe quantity of fel ia sid tank decreases hile sid door is open US 8,935,109 B2 1 8.A system according to claim 6, wherein said one ormore ational sensors comprise a fuel quantity sensor, for deter~ mining fuel theft if sid door opens while ssid tanks fall or ‘comprises a predetermined quantity of fel 9. system according to claim 6, wherein said one ormore sxditonal sensors comprise atimer, or determining fel theft ifsaid door opens during a predetermined perio after ful ing, 10, A system acconling to claim 6, wherein sad ouput mechanism comprises atleast one ofan alarm and an SMS. L.A system acconting to claim 6, wherein sad ouput mechanism comprises acellular card, forallowing informing user in realtime of fel theft 12. Asystem according to claim 6, wherein said sensor is substantially based on a captor. 1B. Asystem according to claim 6, wherein said sensor is substantially based ona flat, 14.Agystemaccording to claim 6, wherein sadsensorsare locate in the fuel inlet 18. A system forpreventing and detecting fel theft from a fe tank ofa vehicle, the system comprising: ‘perforated casing, tobe installed into the fuel inlet of said fuel tank, said easing adapted to prevent a pipe from passing deretrough into said tank; a door, disposed at the opening of said perforated casing for blocking in the closed state thereof the inlet the fuel tank; ‘module for deteting fuel theft comprising: ‘first senso, for detecting whether said door is open oF closed; ‘fuel quantity sensor, fordetenmining a quantity of fue in the fue tanks ‘a processor for receiving information from the frst sensor ‘and from the fuel quantity sensor, the processor, for ‘detecting a situation of fue thet from the information ‘blaine by sid sensors, ‘an output mechanism, thesystem adaptable to be installed in the fuel tank without changing the structure ofthe fut tank 16, The system of claim 15, further comprising the proces- sor for detecting a situation of fuel helt if at leest one of the following is tru: () si information from the sensors indi- ‘cates thatthe quantity of uel inthe fe! tank decreases while ‘sid door is open: and (i) suid infomation fom the sensors indicates said the quantity of fuel ia the fuel tank does not increase during atime in which sad door opens and closes. 17, The system of lai 15, further comprising aGPS sensor, the processorneceving information from the GPS allowing the processor o calculate a distance trav- «led by the vehicle since a refueling and to caleulate a ‘epulat consumption of fuel based oa the distance rav- led the processor for detecting a situation of fuol theft if said information from the sensors indicates at eas one ofthe follwing i re: (@) said information from the sensors indeates thatthe quantity of ful inthe fue tank decreases while sid door open: (Gi) said information from the sensors indicates sid the quantity of fuel in the fuel tank does not increase during a time in which said door opens and closes; ‘Gi thatthe quant of el inte fuel tank decreases by ‘an amount incoasisteat with regular coasumption of the fool through the vehicle travelling the distance. 18, The system of claim 15, further comprising aGPS sensor, the processoreceving information from the ‘GPSallowing the processor o calculate a distance trav- » s 8 ‘led by the vehicle since a refueling and to caleuate a regular consumption of fel based on the distance trav led ‘the processor for detecting situation of fel thet if said information from the sensors indicates tha the quantity ‘of fel inthe fel tank decreases by an amount incon sistent with regular consumption ofthe fue through the ‘chick traveling the distance and that at eat one ofthe following is roe: 6) ssid infomation from the sensors indicates thatthe ‘quant of fuel inthe fuel tank decreases while sid door i ope: i) said information fom the sensors indicates said the quantity of fuel in the fuel tank does not increase during time ia which said door opens and closes 19. The system of claim 15, further comprising ‘the processor detecting a situation of fel thet from the information obtained by aid sensors if both ofthe fol. lowing are ue: (said infomation from the sensors indicates thatthe quantity off! inthe fuel tank decreases while sid door i open: i) said information fom the sensors indicates said the quantity of fuel in the fuel tank does not increase

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