Soul Care Level 3

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Soul Care ©

Level 3 of 5

Soul Care Level 3 provides you with Soul Cleanse© and Soul Lights©

Your attunement to Soul Care Level 3 does the initial cleansing of any
karma, codes, imprints, harnesses, implants, nano-technology or limiting
programs that are not in alignment with the Heart of Eternal Sacred Source.

Your Soul Lights are lit with the full super saturated chromo color
Eternal Lights. These contain all of the original Divine Blueprints of your
evolutionary potential for sovereignty, enlightenment and regeneration.

Activating the Soul Cleanse© and Soul Lights© function daily will ensure
your optimal healing, growth and freedom. All Soul Care© functions are
under the authority of Eternal Sacred Source, so all that is allowed to occur
today will happen today. Cleansing and regeneration is a gradual process.

Channeled and manual by: Rev. Mariah Windsong Napieralski, RGMT

June 16th, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved
When you are ready to receive your Soul Care level 3 attunement,
please recline and allow 20 minutes or more to receive the energies.

Your Soul Care level 3 attunement does the first Soul Cleanse for you and
also lights your Soul Lights. It is your responsibility to activate the Soul
Cleanse and Soul Lights functions with intention frequently.

To activate these functions simply say, out loud or in your mind:

“Soul Cleanse Activate!” then, after a few minutes, “Soul Lights On!”

It is optimal to activate these functions daily. Some people ask why, after
they’ve done this once, do they ever need to activate functions again?

Simply answer, we live on Earth. Earth is a free will zone where some
people are not embracing their affiliation with Eternal Sacred Source,
choosing instead to set forth controlling energies. We may walk through
these even if they are not intended for us, and some unwanted energies stick
to us.

The results of things that happen here on Earth in this reality, to our body,
our energy bodies and Spirit does travel upward to our Soul. Changes occur
there that need to be cleansed, healed and renewed in order for us, here to
have optimal enlightenment, regeneration and ultimately ascension.
Things that affect us here, often make changes there, be they positive or
negative. Energies do traverse between here and our soul.

People do often focus on healing their bodies, and energy bodies here.
Yes, much of that healing will reach your soul.
Yet some kinds of limitations put into place by devious people require a
higher level of help designed to delete and cleanse all such controls and any
residue from them. This would happen through living lifetimes and between
lifetimes, however, many of us are in a hurry for health and enlightenment.

Soul Care level 3 is spiritual hygiene and upkeep for your Soul right now.

As we go about our life here, it is wonderful to have the confidence of

knowing that there is an easy way to receive the help we want and truly need
to stay healthy everywhere we are. Keep the rooms of your Soul brightly lit!
Soul Care© levels 1-5 energy system is unique and unlike any that has
existed before or that shall arrive in the future.

Attention Resellers: Soul Care attunements may be sold for $17.99 each or
$69.00 if a student expresses the intention to and follows through buying all
5 levels in one payment. This manual must be included free of charge for
any attunement to Soul Care Level 3 fully intact with no changes to your

Soul Care may not be passed on Yahoo, Ning or other groups until
August 17th, 2010; and then it is ok to send as an exchange or gift only IF
attunements are done for each person, not simply by ‘Higher Self’ method.
Attunements may only be sent by someone who has completed all five levels
of Soul Care and has waited 5 days after receiving their fifth attunement. It
is vital to work with these energies often prior to passing an attunement.

All levels of Soul Care energy system channeled by and manuals written by:
Rev. Mariah Windsong Napieralski, DD, RGMT
June 16th, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: Legal Reasons, Mariah Napieralski states that this Soul Care©
attunement/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of
natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or
initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to
replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Napieralski is not engaged in rendering
medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Napieralski has made every effort to provide accurate
information and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued
toward the validity of information. By receiving the empowerment/attunement in this manual you are
agreeing to indemnify Mariah Napieralski from and against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and
violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage
allegedly caused. Mariah Napieralski is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this
empowerment. You further agree to indemnify Mariah Napieralski from all liabilities and expenses
including lawyer’s fees arising from such claims based on this manual.

Photos are from Google images and fall under the “fair use” permission to copy

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