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No Working/Answer Partial marks
1 The following back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram shows tha annual
salaries of a group of 39 females and 39 males.
Females Males
5 2 0 0 20 3
9 8 8 7 6 4 0 0 0 21 0 0 7
8 7 5 3 3 1 0 0 22 0 0 4 5 6 6
6 4 2 1 0 0 23 0 0 2 3 3 5 6 7 7
7 5 4 0 0 0 24 0 1 1 2 5 5 6 8 8 9
9 5 0 0 25 3 4 5 7 7 8 9
5 0 26 0 4 6
Key: 4|20 means RM20 400Key: 20|3 means RM20 300

a) Find the median and the quartiles of the females’ salaries.[2 marks]

You are given that the median salary of the males is RM24 000, the lower
quartile is RM22 600 and the upper quartile is RM25 300.

b) Draw a pair of box-and-whisker plots in a single diagram on the graph

paper to represent the data. [3
a) Median = 22 700 B1 2
First quartile = 21 700 B1 (Both)
Third quartile = 24 000
b) Female: Upper boundary = 24 000 + 1.5(2 300) = 27 450 3
Lower boundary = 21 700 - 1.5(2 300) = 18 250

Male: Upper boundary = 25 300 + 1.5(2 700) = 29 350

Lower boundary = 22 600 - 1.5(2 700) = 18 550
B1 (Uniform scale
and must label in
RM 000)

B1 (Correct graph
for male or female)

B1 (All correct)

Salary in RM 000

Total 5

2 Bag A contains 4 balls numbered 2, 4, 5, 8. Bag B contains 5 balls numbered
1, 3, 6, 8, 8. Bag C contains 7 balls numbered 2, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9. One ball is
selected at random from each bag.
- Event X is “exactly two of the selected balls have the same number”.
- Event Y is “the ball selected from bag A has number 4.”
a) Find P(X). [5 marks]
b) Find P(XÇY) and hence determine whether or not events X and Y are
independent. [3 marks]
c) Find the probability that two balls are numbered 2, given that exactly two
of the selected balls have the same number. [2 marks]
a) P(X) = P(22’2 or 88’8 or 888’ or 8’88) M1 (For options of 5
2s and 8s)
1 1 1 3 4 1 2 3 3 2 4 M1 (For three
= ×1× + × × + × × + × × options of the 8s)
4 7 4 5 7 4 5 7 4 5 7 M1 (Summing their
options if more than
3 in total)
B1 (One option
47 A1 (3, 4, 5 sig. fig.)
= /0 .33571
1 2 4 2 B1 3
× × =
b) P(XÇY) = P(488) = 4 5 7 35
1 M1 (Attempt to
compare P(XÇY)
P(Y) = 4 with P(X) × P(Y) or
1 47 47 using conditional
× = probabilities)
P(X) × P(Y) = 4 140 560
Since P(XÇY) ≠ P(X) × P(Y)
hence X and Y are not independent. A1 (Correct answer,
correct working
c) P(‘2’/exactly two balls have same number) 2
1 1 M1 (For numerator)
4 7 5
= /0 . 10638
47 47 A1 (3, 4, 5 sig. fig.)
= 140
Total 10

3 A book club sends 6 paperback and 2 hardback books to Mrs. Tan. She
chooses 4 of these books at random to take with her on holiday. The
random variable X represents the number of paperback books she
a) Show that probability that she chooses exactly 2 paperback books is
14 . [2 marks]
b) Tabulate the probability distribution for X. [3 marks]
c) You are given that E(X) = 3. Find Var(X). [2 marks]
C 2×2 C 2 3 M1 2
= A1 (Correct working
8 14
a) P(X = 2) = C 4 only)
6 5 2 1 4 3 M1 (4C2 multiplied by
× × × × C 2= 4 fractions)
8 7 6 5 14 A1
b) 3
x 2 3 4 B1 (2, 3, 4 only)
P(X = x) 3 6
C 3×2 C 1 6
C4 B1 (One correct
4 3
= = probability other than
14 8
C4 7 8
C4 14 P(2))
B1 (All correct)

( ) () ( )
3 4 3 3 M1 (Correct formula) 2
22 +32 +4 2 −9= A1
c) Var(X) = 14 7 14 7
Total 7

4 The mean and standard deviation of the time spent by people in a certain
library are 29 minutes and 6 minutes respectively.
a) Find the probability that the mean time spent in the library by a
random sample of 120 people ismore than 30 minutes. [3 marks]
b) Explain whether it was necessary to assume that the time spent by
people in the library is normally distributed in the solution to part (a).
[2 marks]

a) Let X be the time spent by people in library 3

Since n is large,
X ~ N 29 ,
120 )
⇒ X ~ N ( 29 , 0. 3 ) B1 (For 0.3)

( )
X−29 30−29 M1 (Standardise)
P ( X >30 )=P >
√ 0 .3 √ 0 .3
=P ( Z >
3 )
A1 (3, 4, 5 sig. fig.)
√ 30
= 0.33945
b) No B1 2

because n is large, by Central Limit Theorem X can approximate to B1 (correct reason)

normal distribution.
Total 5

5. The mean weight of bags of carrots is m kilograms. An inspector wishes
to test whether m = 2.0. He weighs a random sample of 200 bags and his
results are summarised as follows:
∑ x=430 , ∑ x 2 =1290
Carry our the test at the 10% significance level. [9 marks]

H0: m = 2
H1: m ≠ 2 B1 9

[ ( )]
¿ 2 B1
430 43 σ 2=200 1290 − 43 =
/1. 836684
X= = 199 200 20 398
200 20

( )
731 M1 A1

X ~ N 2,
H0 is true, since n is large,
 731 
 X ~ N  2, 
 79600 
For two-tailed test at 10% significance level,
z0.05 = 1.645
Critical region: Reject H0 if z <- 1.645 or z> 1.645 B1
Test statistic,
−2 M1 A1 (3, 4, 5 sig fig)
z= =1. 5653

√ 731
Since z = 1.5653 < 1.645, so do not reject H0. M1
There is insufficient evidence to reject m = 2 at 10% level of A1
Total 9

6 Alan owns a restaurant where a free dessert is offered with each main
course. He wants to know whether there is any association between the
main course eaten by the diner and the dessert that they choose.
Table below shows the data Alan obtained when he observed a sample of
Main Course
Beef Lamb Chicken Vegetarian
Fruit salad 36 16 16 12
Ice Cream 33 24 28 20
Gâteau 16 10 16 23

250 diners who accepted the offer of a free dessert.

Alan plans to use a Chi-squared test, using the 5% significance level, to
investigate whether these data indicate any association. [9 marks]

H0: There is no association between the main couse and the dessert 9
chosen. B1 (both)
H1: There is an association between the main couse and the dessert
If H0 is true,
Beef Lamb Chicken Vegetarian Total M1 (at least 2 correct
Fruit 27.2 16 19.2 17.6 80 total)
Ice 35.7 21 25.2 23.1 105 M1 (at least 3 correct
cream Ei)
Gâteau 22.1 13 15.6 14.3 65
Total 85 50 60 55 250 A1 (All correct)
Degree of freedom, v = (4 – 1)(3 - 1) = 6
2 B1 (Critical value)
For 5% level of significance, Critical value, 0 . 05 , 6 = 12.59

Oi Ei ( Oi−E i )2
36 27.2 2.8471 M1 (correct formula
16 16 0 and sum using his Ei)
16 19.2 0.53333
12 17.6 1.7818
33 35.7 0.20420
24 21 0.42857
28 25.2 0.31111
20 23.1 0.41602
16 22.1 1.6837
10 13 0.69231
16 15.6 0.010256
23 14.3 5.2930
Total 14.201 A1 (3, 4, 5 s.f.)
2 M1 (Compare his and
Since χ = 14.201 > 12.59, so reject H0. correct his decision)
There is sufficient evidence to reject there is no association between the A1 (either sufficient or
main couse and the dessert chosen at 5% level of significance. significance level)

Total 9

7 An agency rents out flats to holiday makers. The weekly rent, X tens
ofRinggit Malaysia, ofthe flat is a continuous random variable with
probability density function given by

f ( x )= kx ( 18−x ) , 6 ≤ x ≤15 ,
0 , otherwise.

a) Find exact value of k. [4marks]

b) Calculate the mean weekly rent. [3marks]
c) To book a flat with the agency, a holiday maker must pay a deposit of
10% of the weekly rent of the flat. Find the mean deposit paid.

In order to cover the agency’s costs, the mean deposit needs to be RM14.
It is decided that on any flat with a weekly rent of more than RM120 an
extra fixed deposit of RMD must be paid. Calculate the value of D.
15 B1 (must equate 1, 4

a) 6
kx ( 18− x ) dx=1 ignore limits)

[ ]
15 M1 (Correct
x32 integration)
k 9x − =1
3 6

[( ( ) ) ( )]
M1 (Substitution with
15 3 2 2 6
k 9 15 − − 9 ( 6) − =1 correct limits)
3 3
648 k =1
k= A1
15 1 M1 (If no indication 3
E( X )=10×∫6 x 2 ( 18−x ) dx multiplied by 10
b) 648 throughout the working
shown then M0)

[ ]
15 M1 (Integrate and
5 x4
= 6 x 3− substitute limits)
324 4 6

[( )( )]
4 4
5 3 15 3 6
¿ 6 ( 15 ) − − 6 ( 6) −
324 4 4

5 30375
324 4 [ −972 ]
5 26487
= ×
324 4
= 102.1875 A1 (If 1st M0 then A0)
c) Let Y = deposit paid 2
Y = 100 ÞY = 0.1X

E(Y) = 0.1E(X)
= 0.1 × 102.19 M1

= 10.219
Hence, mean deposit paid = RM10.22
12 1 M1 6
∫6 648
x (18−x ) dx
P(6 ≤X≤ 12) =

[ ]
1 x3
= 9 x 2−
648 3 6

[( )( )]
3 3
1 2 12 2 6
= 6 (12 ) − − 6 ( 6) −
648 3 3
= [ 720−252 ]
13 A1
= 18
Y 10.22 10.22 + D B1
P(Y = y) 13 5
18 18
E(Y) = 14
13 5 M1 (His)
10 .22× + ( 10 . 22+ D )× =14 A1 (All correct and
18 18 equates 14)
6643 511 5
+ + D=14
900 180 18
511 5
+ D=14
50 18
5 189
18 50
D = 13.61 A1
Total 15

8 a)In a recent survey regarding obesity among students, a sample of 50
students were taken at random. Their personal information like body
weights and heights were recorded and were classified into three categories
as underweight, normal weight and overweight or obese. One of the
teacher in charge of the survey, Mr. Adam, has found ( 1− α )100%
confidence interval for the population proportion of students who are
overweight or obese as (0.040 , 0.320).
We are now interested to find out in Mr. Adam’s report, what is
i) the proportion of the group of students who are overweight or obese
ii) the standard error [2marks]
iii) the level of significance α [3marks]

b) The random variable X has unknown population mean µ and unknown

standard deviation σ .
From a sample of 50 observations of X taken, the results below were

( x−40 )=1872 and ∑
( x−40)2 =96433
i) Find the unbiased estimates of the population mean and population
variance [5marks]
ii) Find the 95% confidence interval for the population mean µ.

¿ ¿ 2
p−Z α =0 . 040
a) i) 2 50 …(1)

¿ ¿
p +Z α =0. 320
2 50 …(2)
¿ M1
(1) + (2) Þ2 p =0.040+0.32
0 . 040+0 . 320 A1
p= =0 .18

0. 18×0. 82 M1 2

ii) standard error = 50

= 0.054332 A1

√ 0. 18×0 .82 M1 3
0 . 18−Z α =0. 04
iii) 2 50

Z α =0 .14
= 2.577
√ 50
0 .18×0 . 82

( )
Φ Z α =0 . 9950/ 0 . 9949
M1 (For either one

2 = 1 - 0.9950 = 0.005 / 0.0051
a = 0.01 / 0.0102 A1
b) i) Let y = x - 40 5
1872 M1
y= =37 . 44
x= y+40=37.44+40=77.44 M1
¿ A1
μ=77 . 44

[ ]
2 1 ( 1872 )2
σ y= 96433−
50−1 50 = 537.66
¿ ¿ A1
σ 2x =σ 2y=537 . 66
Z α =1. 96 B1 3
ii) For 95% confidence interval, 2

95% confidence interval for m =

(77 .44−1.96 √53750 .66 ,77 .44+1.96 √ 53750 .66 ) = (71.013, 83.87)
M1 A1

Total 15


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