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Introduces the aspect of focusing on the interests. That is to say the writer asserts that
interests are what motivate parties to take part in a negotiation. They are the silent movers
behind the positions. The position is what a person has decided upon and the interests are
what caused you to so decide. He continues to assert that the basic problem in negotiation lies
not in conflicting positions but in the conflict between each sides, needs, desires, concerns and
To this, negotiators are called upon to be more articulate with their interests while being as
detailed and clear as possible as it helps in increasing the legitimacy of one’s concerns in the
eyes of the other party. This also calls for communications of interests
According to the role paly in class there was a trade uoin representative who was tired of the
un healthy conditions and the high living expenses that made it difficult for the
workers/employees so the role players emulated these positions and had a fruitful decision that
led to the conditions and their salaries raised to match the crashing economy.
Lessons learnt.
I learnt that all people that negotiate ought to focus on the purpose of the negotiations that is
to say they ought to stick to the interest that they have communicated. This is seen in the play
when Amen stuck to his interests despite the fact that he had a variety of options that is to say
houses to go to, he decided to stick around and communicated his interests that Muwanguzi
put into consideration and they agreed amicably at the end.
I learnt that a negotiator should be hard on the problem rather than being soft on the people.
This pinpoints the element of creativity of the negotiators in thinking imminent and yet
mutually advantageous solutions to the problems at hand in regards to their interests. The play
portrayed Amen as someone as someone who was hard on the problem in such a way that he
insisted on the toilet of the room to the fixed as much as he the option of going to other hostels
that had different rooms. This pushed Muwanguzi to fix the toilet in the room through this
approach of negotiations.

Chapter four brings out the aspect of invention of options for mutual gain and asserts that this
idea is meant to have each party in a negotiation to freely express themselves and their minds
on what options they feel will be mutually beneficial for both.

Role played in class was a negotiation of player the agent and the club manager. The was player
was regarded as a high-profile player and Arsene Wenger a tough person to negotiate with, the
agent was looking for a good amount for his player and an assured spot in the team and the
manager wanted acceptable fee for the prolific player and they both agreed to a 4.5million fee
for the player and assured spot in the team for the player.

Lessons Learnt:

I learnt that in order to arrive at a decision, negotiators have to make their counterparts
decision easy. With this in mind, the problems of a counterpart are not only theirs to solve.
This kind of thinking only downplays an otherwise simple negotiation which makes it unwise. A
negotiator should actively assist his counterpart to come to decision.

I learnt that for a smoother and a more amicable negotiation to prevail, the author asserts that
stressing shared interests by negotiators is the best way to achieve it. From the play, we see
that Shanitah and Monica emphasized their shared interest which was to increase the
productivity of the company since the workers needed their jobs and Marvin needed to save his
company. In that way, they all put their interests on the table and made a conclusion that was
favoring both of them thus a successful negotiation.

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