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Ainara Rodríguez Gómez

4th ESO A numb.24

Teacher: Luis Ruiz

Some time ago, approximately 5 or 6 years ago, they broke into the
apartment below me. At the community meeting, it was decided to put
some locks higher than normal, security locks, but it did not help much
since a year later they broke into the apartment that is in front of mine.
There the neighbors were already afraid and at the next meeting they
decided to put a camera at the entrance, and taking advantage of the fact
that we already had one there, they decided to put one at the entrance of the
parking lot since they had painted graffiti on the door of the parking lot and
it cost a lot of cleaning. After some time I found out that the cameras they
had set up were false and they were set up only to prevent them from
breaking in to steal.
The truth is that after that I got a little scared since they had entered the
apartment on the opposite floor and I was terrified by the idea that they
could enter ours and especially that they enter while we were inside or that
they robbed me on the street. It's something that gives me a lot of respect
and especially when I'm alone on the street I'm very careful and I try to
make sure my friends don't use their phones too much on the street for the
same reason, and not just because of the fact that your phone is stolen ynthe
wallet or whatever you carry, if not the bad time you spend and the trauma
or bad memory that remains.

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