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Good morning.

My name is Neil Munro and I'd like to talk to you this morning about the possible use of mobile
phones on aircraft and what I think about that as a possible way forward. So I'll start now. Ladies and
gentlemen, I guess that most of us accept our mobile phones and our use of email as a way of life that we
couldn't manage without.

But I think it's fair to say that people are probably divided into two groups. Those who value these modern
technologies because they're indispensable and those who enthuse about them because they find them very
exciting. And let me tell you immediately that I firmly belong in the first group. So you can probably imagine
my reaction when I read an article recently,

according to which airline companies are thinking of allowing people to use their mobile phones on planes.
Immediately, I had this image of some idiot sitting in the row behind me bellowing into his phone, darling, I'm
on the plane. Now, for a long time, it's not been possible to use mobile phones on planes for safety reasons.

And apparently it will still not be possible for landing and takeoff. But there are no safety objections to using
phones on flights. And many airline companies who are looking for ever new ways of making money have
thought that this could be an excellent business for them. And consequently, a number of pilot projects have
been run already. And an interesting survey was conducted a few weeks ago with one group of passengers who
had been on a flight where mobile phones were prohibited,

as usual, and another group of passengers on a similar flight where mobile phones had been allowed. And the
results of the survey were interesting, and in my opinion, rather surprising. For those passengers where planes
or where mobile phones were not allowed,

there was an overwhelming majority of passengers against for the reasons I've indicated. But on those planes
where people were able to use mobile phones, most people actually said it hadn't caused much inconvenience at
all, because people used their phones very moderately, mostly for sending text messages, and certainly not for
engaging in loud, long conversations. So I suspect it's just a matter of time before people will be able to use
their mobile phones on all planes.

But I have to say, I remain to be convinced that this is a good thing to do. Thank you very much.

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