Literary Circles Zach

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Literary Circles

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 8:36 AM

Document your thinking on this chart, and use the information to lead the discussion.

Passage (Pg number) Page 31: "Montag hesitated….rather than stoke them up and get
them going"
Why did you think this passage is critical to understand the text? I think this passage is critical in understanding the text because it
really shows how Montag changes and how books have also had an
effect on him.
What does this passage tell you about the character, or the setting? This passage tells me how much of a massive impact that Clarisse
has had on Montag, and how she has made him question his own
beliefs as well as making him end up reading a book when he was
supposed to burn it instead. Shows the internal struggle that Montag
endures because Montag's conscience is rebelling against the
established order of the firemen.
Which words did you highlight to help you understand the meaning? "Once upon a time …", was one that had a lot of meaning as it
shows that he must have gotten that from the fairy tale book that he
read. "In the old days," shows how Clarisse has had an impact on
him and made him think about the past and also made him sounds
much wiser. "He opened his mouth and it was Clarisse McClellan"
This also shows how Clarisse is really in his head and how she has
made him question what he really thought his reality actually was.
How does the passage connect with the overarching ideas/themes in the book? This passage connects with the overall theme of "Rebellion",
because Montag is fighting himself and has changed into someone
who is questioning his own beliefs and is rebelling against the order
of the firemen by reading books.
What connections can you make between the passage and media literacy? A connection I can make between this and media literacy is that if
you surround yourself around people who have good media literacy,
such as Clarisse, your media literacy will be affected and will improve
significantly due to these people around you. At first, Montag's
media literacy was clouded but Clarisse has made it much more clear
for Montag and has made him question authority and media in
Come up with a catchy headline that captures the essence of this passage "Once upon a time"

discussion notes Page 1

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