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The LINE ID is yukikaze8492 ??

my japan man

Audrone Pa�kauskiene mike22100

Nice to meet you here,I'm Victor Hope from New Jersey USA,what is your name and
where are you from ?

I must admit that you have a nice, cute, sexy, beautiful and romantic name, I am
glad to see you here, what do you do?

You have a nice,

lovely, sexy, beautiful and romantic name,It's so nice and attractive. It's sweet
on my lips
What is your job ?

I'm Raymond Murray by name from New Jersey USA and you?

Tell me exactly where you are located and how is life like living out there ?

what is your name ?

There is some Islamic fighters here that are killing the people of Afghanistan and
fighting against the Afghanistan government and they are called the Taliban's .
they are so heartless,so my country sent me here to keep that people of Afghanistan
and sound,right now the Taliban's wants me dead because i'm the one who's stopping
them from killing and bombing innocent people and even raping the young girls,the
want me dead because i put a stop to that,they can't get me because,the God i serve
is not sleeping and i believe one day we will be victorious

there is some islamic faighters here that are killing the people of afghnistan and
faighting against the afghnistan gorverment and they are called the talibans . they
are so heartless Hello dear , how are you doing , i hope you are fine today , you
have to know am a General and i have to facebook page , one if for a public it use
for the Afghanistan people to give me report why this for my personal use okay ,
you have to know this there is some islamic fighters here that are killing the
people of afghanistan and fighting against the afghanistan government and they are
called the taliban's . they are so heartless And a video call can be use to trace
and track down our military server here at the base and it will be a great risk to
the US army's here in afghanistan , and secondly you have to believe in the love
and feeling you want to grow for me , and in the case of believing in , you must
have trus for one another and take doubt away because it destroys relationship and
can never make you settle down , Good Morning

I must confess you have a nice, lovely, sexy, beautiful and romantic name

It's so nice and attractive. It's sweet on my lips

Nice to meet you here

What is your job?

I'm a 4 Star Army General currently in Afghanistan for peace keeping mission
I'm in Afghanistan, I have been here for 3 years but will be out soon as I'm
working towards my retirement which comes up in 2 months time
Have you chatted with any military man before?

[11:57:00 PM] Harry: I won't take your money.. I would never marry you because of
your money.. We can have separate accounts, I would never use you or take advantage
of you.. I am not that kind of men. There are a lot out there that are looking for
someone to take care of them and give them everything they have, clean them out..
All about themselves.. I am not one of those men.. I made my bed and I am lying in

What happened you stopped chatting

wrong doing like what?

I'm shocked by this

Oh that's so unfortunate

It's okay by me dear, you need be careful

I'm a simple and honest man

Yes you are nice and friendly woman

How old are you?

are you married or single ?

I'm a simple and honest man, I love bringing peace it's my topmost priority.
so ever since your lost or saparated have you ever dated any one else before ?

oh that's nice of you, I'm here for you always

bomb explosion always happy here and here is not a save place to leave

I'm proud of you dear

You are brave woman,distance those not really matter when it comes to true
relationship,love is a feeling from the heart , and it can break and obstacle, am
willing to travel anywhere in the world to be with some one i truly love , true
love never dies but lives in the heart for ever . what matters in any relationship
is true love .

Do you have a man in your heart?

Can i have a chance to come into your life?

I want to spend the rest of my life with you and take good care of you and your
That's no barrier to us, all i need is your love, care, trust and understanding

No honey, you are the only one in my life now

Honey can you send some of your pictures to my mail?

I'm doing great sister, i missed you so much

I'm glad so sister, I'm happy you slept well

Yes sometimes i have a nap only

Yes sister, here is a war zone and not a good place to be, it's very dangerous here

this islam people is crazy,without heart and soulther,s religion is so terrible

All we need do is keep on praying dear

You need pray for my safety here always

Thank you so much dear, You are so nice and caring. I love you so much dear, you
make me happy and bring a great joy to my heart

Okay sister, take good care of yourself and be safe

2 second fmt
I made a search on Skype, came across your profile so I followed my heart and
decided to add you

I hope i do not invade your privacy

I'm up going through reports from my men, i will soon go have a nap

chicken your mail i have sent my piture to your mail

so sorry for not replying you busy with office work

When I'm true with my peace keeping mission, i will come to you

you make my heart feel with joy and happiness

That's no barrier to us, all i need is your love, care, trust and understanding

Yes I did but I sold my house and gave the money to the less priviledge and
orphanage home before coming for my mission here

yes, i'm in my room chatting with you and waiting on reports from my men

I see everyone as one, they are very happy

we are here to protect them, a war zone is usually not a safe place to be

so i know that their cultural background in completely different

Only God can give us total victory here

I believe someday we will be victorious

I�m here to find a soul mate to my heart and I would love to spend the rest of my
life with forever

Hope you do understand that were there is know understanding, know trust, know
honest,in relationship it does not work out

So i want you to free your heart and been open up to me in anything you are doing

I want to go into business, own a company, an hospital, hotel, and an orphanage

home,how about that?


I like to spend time at the beach, the cinemas and go for fishing, it gives me
great joy and you

or my dear friend, I send you lovable dreams for their new friendship and that they
take place" Good morning to you

Honey I sold my house and gave the money to less privilege, when I come to you, we
have a new house. I will teach you how to speak good English and will learn Polish
before coming to you

Yes love is something very vital to love to reach it's peak, without trust and
honesty there can never be the completeness and correctness of loving my dear
angel. I love you and trust you with all my heart and now you're the only one I
want to share my love, care, body soul and with all that I have, do you mean that
much more to me honey and I want you to never forget this, I love you so much

Thank you very much, you are appreciated

Are you married with kids


I love to spend time at the beach, the cinemas and go for fishing, it gives me
great joy

chat words.

You brought a great joy into my heart

yOu make me smile always

Whenever i think about you my sorrows melt away

3 questions ask

what is your favorite food ? because here in afghnistan we do not have to

eat good food , 2what is your favorite color , 3is it the color of
your car

(4)Where were you born?

okay over here in the US Army , we obey a strict order not to use cam or a
microphone , thisis from the US headquarters for security reasons

Due to this, all the networking systems over here have been configured against the
use of Webcams by the US Army over here in Afghanistan my God bless me

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