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Q1)Homeostasis is the tendency of biological systems to maintain relatively constant conditions in the
internal environment while continuously interacting with and adjusting to changes originating within or
outside the system. feedback loop is biological process through which homeostasis is maintained. there
are two types of feedback loop positive and negative feedback loop. In a positive feedback mechanism,
the output of the system stimulates the system in such a way as to further increase the output. Negative
feedback occurs when a system’s output acts to reduce or dampen the processes that lead to the output
of that system, resulting in less output. In general, negative feedback loops allow systems to self-
stabilize. Negative feedback is a vital control mechanism for the body’s homeostasis. The stimulus is first
detected by receptor (sensory organ) which send signal brain and its associated parts. which later
transmits the information to the responding organ that bring about a reverse effect of stimulus the
information that homeostasis have been achieved is sent to the receptor. hence the corrective
mechanism ends

Q2) the main homeostatic organs are lung, liver, kidney and skin. Lungs carry out two important
homeostatic functions; exchange of gases and maintenance of pH. One of the main homeostatic
functions of the respiratory system is the gas exchange that occurs in the alveoli in the lungs. As blood
passes through the tiny capillaries in the alveolar sacs, changing pressure gradients allow oxygen and
carbon dioxide to diffuse in and out of the blood. To maintain the carbon concentration in the blood,
excess carbon is removed from the blood. Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as bicarbonate
ions. These ions are converted into carbonic acid which is the converted into carbon dioxide and water
by the action of carbonic anhydrase. The carbon dioxide is removed by the alveolar spaces in the lungs.
Secondly, the pH of the blood is maintained by the lungs because the presence of carbonic acid causes
the blood pH to decrease affecting the cell activities and vice versa. Therefore, the breathing rate is
adjusted accordingly.

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