Animal Rights

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To what extent should we treat non-human animals the same as

Animals should be given their rights to certain extent. Animals
shouldn’t be used in avoidable or unnecessary situations just for our
fun or entertainment. Animals are complex biological creatures. They
are conscious and aware of the fact that they exist. They have a brain
and sensory organs which means that they can feel pain just like
humans. Their miseries should be decreased as much as possible.
Animals shouldn’t be kept in extremely crowded places and they must
be given proper diet. However, Opponents of the concept of animal
rights argue that since animals have neither a sense of morality nor an
understanding of their duties towards others, they can't have rights.
Animals may not have morality but humans do and our moral
judgement does not allow us to see another creature in pain just for
our entertainment. Another argument given by people against animal
rights is that animals are put on earth to serve human beings. This view
mainly stems from different religious believes.

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