Clve Reviwer Sceond QRT

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Lesson 1: God Calls Us to Respect Life  God wants us to respect one

(Cain and Abel) another’s differences, since we
 Human life is God’s greatest gift belong to one big family.
to us.  He wants our love for Him to be
 Holy Spirit, teach us to listen reflected in our behavior towards
attentively and understand the others.
WORD OF GOD. Lesson 2: God offers a New Beginning
(Noah’s Ark)
 Envy
- There is no temper or passion of  Rainbow – a colorful bow of
the human mind and heart more clouds from one end of the
self-destructive than that of horizon to another used by God to
looking with displeasure upon the signify His promise of never
prosperity of another. This may be flooding the whole earth again
a mortal sin is one’s neighbor’s and His covenant of peace with
good fortune is of significant Noah.
importance to him.
 God, who is all good, decided to
 God creates life, not death. recreate the earth, to wipe out all
 He creates us that we may share in that stained His very good creation
His life. and cleanse it.
 To worship God and thank Him.  God decided to flood the earth,
 God wanted Cain to realize the saving only the family of Noah,
gravity of what he had done. whom He found righteous and who
 God formed us in His image and had found favor in his sight.
likeness, and shared His breath with  Noah carried out, including the
… animals pairs on earth, provisions
 God wants us to take responsibility of food, for his family.
for the life of others and be  God poured down heavy rains on
accountable for it. the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.
 In God’s presence, in walking with  Noah released out a dove to
Him, and His truth, we are enabled confirm if there is already land.
to love.  He built an altar and offered a
sacrifice to the Lord.
 God made a covenant with Noah. explained in the so-called, Advent
Covenant of Peace
God, gave a sign: a rainbow What is an Advent Wreath?
1. Evergreen Leaves – signify
 As the family of Noah was saved
hope and life with God.
through the water, so Christians
2. Candle – Jesus is the light of
are saved through the water of
the world.
Baptism. Early Christians saw in
3. Four candles – represents the
Noah’s Ark a symbol of the
four weeks of preparation
church, and the dove, a symbol of
before Christmas.
the Holy Spirit.
 Pink candle – means
rejoicing, preparation is
 Sacrament of Baptism – is the
now half over, and they
sacrament that gives our souls the
are close to Christmas.
new life of sanctifying grace by
 Purple candles –
which we become children of God
symbolize the prayer,
and heirs of heaven.
penance, and preparatory
- makes us children of God.
sacrifices and good works.
- We belong to God’s family, the
4. Circular in shape – signifies
Catholic Church.
the eternity of God and His
- As baptized Catholics, we are
unending love for us.
called Christians.

How do we prepare?
ADVENT 1. Prepare our hearts to repent.
- From the Latin word “adventus” 2. Be sorry.
which means “arrival” 3. Do good to others.
- Waiting and preparing for Jesus’
coming. It is the beginning of the
new liturgical year and observed
with prayers and meditation, and
in spirit of joyful anticipation.
- It is a four-week preparation
before the celebration of
Christmas and traditionally
symbolized and

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