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In school, bullying is one of the concerns of our teacher to remind us not to bully
our classmates, friends, schoolmates and even our teacher. I know that this is not
a good practice to hurt someone by shouting them, saying bad words or
neglecting others to participate in the group and using social media to hurt
someone or using it in a wrong way. In the news there are cases I’ve heard and
read that there are some students who are victims of bullying suffer from so much
sadness that led to death. By this, I am afraid of doing things that can cause
problem to others and to my family. According to the article in the internet I
browsed, there are three types of bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and
physical bullying. Verbal includes teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual
comments, taunting. Social bullying such as leaving someone out on purpose,
telling other children not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors about
someone, embarrassing someone in public. Physical bullying includes
hitting/kicking/pinching, spitting, tripping/pushing, taking or breaking someone’s
things and making mean or rude hand gestures. Bullying behaviour impacts the
whole-school community. Bullying has detrimental effects on students’ health,
wellbeing and learning. It can make students feel lonely, unhappy and frightened.
It’s not just the students being bullied who are affected. Most students say they
don’t like seeing bullying in their school – it makes them feel worried and
uncomfortable. Students who bully others are also more likely to have problems
and be unhappy.

Being bullied can affect everything about a child: how they see themselves, their
friends, school, and their future. Students who are bullied often experience
depression, low self-esteem that may last a lifetime, shyness, loneliness, physical
illnesses, and threatened or attempted self-harm. Some students miss school, see
their marks drop or even leave school altogether because they have been bullied.
Verbal and social/relational bullying can be just as harmful as physical bullying.
Most students say they don’t like seeing bullying in their school – it
makes them feel worried and uncomfortable. It is critically important
that children see and experience secure, happy and healthy
relationships in the family. We must show through our actions and
teach through our words that those with more power have a
responsibility to protect and safeguard the well-being of those with less
power. By modeling respectful relationships and taking responsibility for
the well- being of those who are dependent and vulnerable, both within
and beyond the family, adults can help to promote healthy and
harmonious relationships and prevent bullying and abuse.

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