Oral Exam

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Questions for the oral exam:

1). Explain the two different characteristics of a human being:

Two different characteristics of a human being:

A. Physical Characteristics: This refers to the physical aspect of humanity, including our bodies, Our
physical characteristics allow us to interact with the world around us and experience life throulgh our

B. Spiritual Characteristics: It teaches that we have an immaterial soul or 0spirit that is eternal and will
continue to exist even after our physical bodies die. Our spiritual characteristics include our capacity for
reason, conscience, morality, and the ability to have a relationship with God. The Bible encourages us to
cultivate our spiritual lives through prayer, worship, studying scripture, and living according to God's

2). Explain man’s openness to the transcendence

Man's openness to transcendence: This refers to the human capacity to seek and experience things
beyond the material world. It's our ability to pursue spiritual, philosophical, or artistic experiences that
elevate our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

3.) Explain “human dignity”

Human Dignity: means that every individual has inherent worth, deserving of respect, love, and
protection. This understanding of human dignity calls us to treat others with kindness, compassion, and
justice, regardless of their background, status, or abilities.

4. Value and Limits of Human Freedom:

The value and limits of human freedom: Human freedom is valuable because it allows us to make
choices, express ourselves, and live authentically. However, it has limits in that our freedom should not
infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. Our actions should not cause harm or injustice to

5. Natural Law: Natural law refers to a set of ethical principles or moral guidelines that are believed to
be inherent in the nature of human beings and the natural order of the world. It is a theory that suggests
that there are certain fundamental and universal principles of morality that can be discerned through
reason and observation of the natural world.

6. Equal Dignity of Male and Female: Equal dignity of male and female: This refers to the belief that men
and women are equally valuable and deserving of respect. Despite biological differences, both genders
have the same inherent worth and should be treated with equal dignity and respect.

7.. Social Nature of Human Beings:

the social nature of human beings is emphasized as a fundamental aspect of our identity and purpose,
additionally the social nature of human beings emphasizes the importance of relationships, love,
community, and social responsibility. It calls us to live in harmony with one another, to care for the well-
being of others, and to contribute to the flourishing of society.

8. Human Rights and Their Value: Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that every
individual is entitled to, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other status.
The value of human rights lies in their ability to protect and promote the dignity, equality, and well-
being of all individuals. They provide a framework for ensuring fairness, justice, and respect for every
person, regardless of their background or circumstances.

9). What are the three essential characteristics of human rights? Explain.

The three essential characteristics of human rights are:

- Universality: Human rights are applicable to every human being, regardless of their nationality,
location, sex, ethnicity, religion, or any other status.

- Inalienability: Human rights cannot be taken away or given up, although they can sometimes be
restricted – for example, if a person breaks the law, or in the interests of national security.

- inherent : taglay Ng bawat individual and it emphasizing respect for their right and uniqueness

10.) Explain the connection between rights and duties.

Rights and duties are interconnected and mutually dependent. While human rights entitle individuals
to certain freedoms and protection, they also come with corresponding responsibilities and obligations.
The exercise of rights should be balanced with the recognition of the rights of others. Individuals have a
duty to respect the rights of others and to act in a manner that upholds the dignity and well-being of
all.The connection between rights and duties is that every right implies a responsibility or duty. For
example, the right to freedom of speech carries with it the duty to respect the same right of others.
Similarly, the right to a clean environment implies the duty to take care of our environment.

11). Explain the twofold pastoral commitment of the Magisterium with regards to human rights

The Magisterium's twofold pastoral commitment to human rights involves both the protection
and promotion of human rights. It involves teaching and advocating for the respect and protection of
human rights and actively working towards the advancement of these rights in society.

12). Give one of the principles of the Church’s social doctrine and explain

One principle of the Church’s social doctrine is the Principle of Human Dignity. This principle
asserts that every person, regardless of their social status, race, or gender, has inherent worth and
should be treated with respect. It forms the basis for all other principles and rights, as it asserts that
every human being deserves fair treatment and an equal opportunity to live a fulfilling life.
13). Explain the principle of the common good

The principle of the common good it is important in promoting the well being and flourishing the
society as a whole rather than just individual interest.

14). What is the responsibility of everyone for the common good

The responsibility of everyone are respecting the rights of others, fulfilling our social, civic, and
personal responsibilities, and contributing to the welfare of our community.

15.) What is the origin and meaning of the universal destination of goods?

The origin and meaning of the universal destination of goods: This concept originates from Catholic
social teaching. It's the idea that the earth and its goods are meant for everyone, not just a select few.
While individuals have a right to private property, this right is not absolute and must be subordinated to
the right of all people to access what they need for their dignity and development.

16). What is the relationship between the universal destination of goods and private property?

Relationship between the universal destination of goods and private property: , is the use of property
and resources should always consider the needs of others, Private property are the balanced with the
responsibility to ensure everyone has access to the basic necessities of life.

17). What do you mean by the preferential option for the poor and its relationship with the universal
destination of goods?

The preferential option for the poor is a principle in Catholic social teaching that calls for special
attention to be given to the needs of the poor in all decisions. It's closely related to the universal
destination of goods because it emphasizes that society's resources should be distributed in a way that
prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable.

18). What is the meaning and value of Participation?

Participation refers to the involvement of individuals or groups in the processes that determine
their lives, including political, economic, and social decisions. The value of participation lies in its ability
to empower individuals, promote democracy, and ensure that decisions reflect the needs and interests
of all stakeholders.

19). Explain Solidarity as a social principle and a moral virtue

Solidarity as a social principle and a moral virtue:

Solidarity is both a social principle and a moral virtue. As a social principle, it emphasizes the
interconnectedness and interdependence of all people. IAs a moral virtue, solidarity involves actively
seeking justice, promoting equality, and standing in solidarity with those who are marginalized or
. 20). What are the fundamental values of social life?

The fundamental values of social life include justice, equality, respect for human dignity,
solidarity, freedom, and the pursuit of the common good. These values form the foundation for a just
and harmonious society, where individuals can thrive and live in harmony with one another.

21). What are the bibilical aspects of Human Work?

The biblical aspects of Human Work: . It emphasizes that work is not just a means of survival but a
way to contribute to the development of oneself and society. human work include the idea that work is
a participation in God's creative activity, a means of providing for oneself and one's family, an
opportunity to serve others, and a way to find fulfillment and purpose.

22). What is the importance of Rerum Novarum?

Rerum Novarum is an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1891. Rerum Novarum it is the
foundation documents for Catholic social teaching, highlighting the principles of human dignity, the
dignity of work. It marked a significant milestone in the Church's engagement with social issues and
continues to influence social justice movements and policies.

23). What are the objective and subjective dimensions of work?

The objective and subjective dimensions of work: The objective dimension of work refers to the
tangible outputs or results of one's labor, such as a product or service. It involves the physical and visible
aspects of work. The subjective dimension of work, on the other hand, relates to the personal
experience and meaning derived from work. It includes factors like personal fulfillment, job satisfaction,
and the sense of purpose and identity that work provides. Both dimensions are important in
understanding the value and significance of work in the lives of individuals and society.

24). Why is work considered a duty and an obligation on the part of man?

Work is considered a duty and an obligation on the part of man because it is through work that
individuals contribute to the well-being of themselves, their families, and society as a whole. It is a
means of fulfilling one's responsibilities, providing for basic needs, and participating in the development
of the community. Work is seen as a way to exercise one's talents, contribute to the common good, and
find fulfillment in life.

25). What is the relationship between labour and capital?

The relationship between labor and capital: Labor and capital are two essential factors of
production. Labor refers to the physical and mental effort exerted by individuals in the production
process, while capital refers to the financial and physical resources used in production. The relationship
between labor and capital is interdependent, as labor requires capital for tools, equipment, and
infrastructure, while capital requires labor for its utilization and productivity. It is important to ensure a
fair and just relationship between labor and capital, where both are valued and rewarded appropriately.
26). What is the relationship between labour and private property?

The relationship between labor and private property: Labor and private property are
interconnected. Labor is the source of value creation, and individuals have the right to own and enjoy
the fruits of their labor. Private property allows individuals to have control over the resources and
means of production necessary for their work. However, the right to private property should be
balanced with the responsibility to ensure that the needs of all individuals, especially the poor and
marginalized, are met.

27). What is “rest from work”?

Rest from work" refers to the importance of taking breaks, leisure time, and periods of rest from
work. It recognizes the need for individuals to recharge, rejuvenate, and maintain a healthy work-life
balance. Rest from work allows individuals to spend time with family, pursue personal interests, engage
in recreation, and prioritize their physical and mental well-being

28). Why is work necessary?

Work is necessary for several reasons:

- Economic reasons: Work provides income, sustenance, and economic stability for individuals and their

- Personal development: Work allows individuals to develop skills, gain experience, and fulfill their

- Social contribution: Work is a means of contributing to the betterment of society, meeting societal
needs, and participating in the social fabric.

29). What are the roles of the State and civil society in promoting the right to work?

The roles of the State and civil society in promoting the right to work: The State has a responsibility
to create an enabling environment for employment, ensuring fair labor laws, promoting job creation,
and providing social protection. Civil society plays a role in advocating for workers' rights, supporting
vocational training programs, and creating opportunities for marginalized groups to access employment.

30). What is the right to work in relation to the family?

The right to work in relation to the family: The right to work is essential for the well-being of families.
It allows individuals to provide for their families, meet their basic needs, and create a stable and
nurturing environment. Access to decent work opportunities supports family cohesion, economic
stability, and the overall development of family members.

31). Why is child labor considered a violence?

Child labor is considered a form of violence because it deprives children of their rights,
compromises their safety, health, and education, and exposes them to exploitative and hazardous
conditions. It violates their right to a childhood, proper development, and protection from harm.

32). What is the value of immigration and human work?

The value of immigration and human work: Immigration brings diverse skills, perspectives, and
contributions to the workforce. Immigrants often fill labor gaps, contribute to economic growth, and
enrich the cultural fabric of societies. They bring their talents, entrepreneurial spirit, and willingness to
work, benefiting both their host countries and their countries of origin.

33). What is the value of the presence of women in the workplace?

The value of the presence of women in the workplace: The presence of women in the workplace
brings diversity, creativity, and a wider range of skills and perspectives. It promotes gender equality,
economic empowerment, and social progress. It allows women to contribute their talents, fulfill their
potential, and participate in decision-making processes.

34). Why should the world of agriculture be given a special attention?

The world of agriculture should be given special attention because it plays a vital role in food
production, rural development, and environmental sustainability. Agriculture is essential for ensuring
food security, reducing poverty, and preserving natural resources. Supporting and investing in the
agricultural sector is crucial for sustainable development and the well-being of rural communities.

35). Is globalization good? or bad? why?

The impact of globalization can be both positive and negative. It has facilitated the exchange of
goods, services, and ideas across borders, leading to economic growth, technological advancements,
and cultural exchange. However, globalization has also contributed to income inequality, exploitation of
labor, and environmental degradation. Its effects vary depending on factors such as governance,
regulation, and social policies.

36). What are the factors that are driving the phenomenon of globalization?

Factors driving the phenomenon of globalization include advancements in technology,

transportation, and communication, liberalization of trade and investment, and the increasing
interconnectedness of economies. These factors have facilitated the flow of capital, goods, and
information across borders, leading to increased economic integration and interdependence among

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