Newcastlediseasevirus 2004

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disease virus (a paramyxovirus)

G Wobeser CCWHC

in Alberta
Common Significance Recently, NDV was associated with
significant mortality of double-crested
name Newcastle disease virus (NDV) cormorants as well as a few white
Newcastle disease,
exists in a variety of strains and pelicans and various gulls in prairie
Newcastle’s, NDV occasionally causes mortality in Canada and the Great Lakes region of
colonial-nesting birds. Some strains Canada and the U.S. Newcastle disease
have significant global economic virus also lives as a common and generally
importance as diseases of poultry. harmless inhabitant of rock doves

Scientific What? Where? How?

A wide range of wild birds throughout
name the world can provide suitable habitat
for NDV. However, the relationship
J Vance

a paramyxovirus,
generally is quite benign and the birds
Newcastle disease
are no worse for sheltering (hosting) the
virus. Nervous tissue, particularly the Transmission Cycle
brain and spinal cord, offers the optimum The method of transmission among wild
environment for NDV survival. Under birds is not known. Viral particles can
certain conditions, the virus population survive and leave the bird in the faeces
can build in the nerve tissues and or in nasal/respiratory secretions.
individual birds die. Outbreaks of Once outside the body, the virus
noticeable mortality occur is resistant to a wide range of
occasionally in colonies environmental conditions and is
of cormorants, well-adapted to withstand
pelicans, and gulls. freezing. As a result it can
In these situations, persist on nesting colonies or

damage to the nervous in wintering areas until birds


What’s tissue is seen as return in spring or fall.

e Alb

partial paralysis of the Thus, it is not necessary


wings and legs. Often


and is unlikely that the

Bugging there is loss of control virus is carried back and

of the wing and foot on forth in migrating individuals. In


one side of the body most birds viral particles can be shed for
M Py

while the other side appears a long time and thus continuation of the
normal. The affected wing may be held population of NDV is assured.

away from the bird’s body or may hang
Transmission of any infectious agent that
limp and useless. Such birds obviously
relies on direct contact or environmental
cannot fly. The affected foot may have
contamination as a means of transfer to
Fact sheet #25: the toes tightly clenched and, when
new hosts is improved in high-density
walking, the bird limps or falls over. On
Newcastle populations. More birds equals more
the water, such birds are unable to lift
habitat for NDV, and the more crowded
disease virus off or to dive and often swim in circles.
they are, the more opportunities for
Sick birds often are weak and unable to
transmission to other birds.
avoid humans.
Newcastle disease virus in Alberta
(a paramyxovirus)

Distribution in Alberta Public Significance

The NDV occurs on nesting colonies of Humans rarely provide suitable habitat for
cormorants, pelicans, and gulls at a few lakes NDV. There are a few documented cases of
in the vicinity of St. Paul and Lac la Biche. We conjunctivitis (mild eye irritation along with
know this because of the occasional outbreaks possible flu-like symptoms for up to 7 days) in
of mortality at these sites. The NDV likely workers at poultry slaughterhouses or
occurs in other colonies but has not caused laboratory technicians working with the live
significant mortality or has gone undetected. virus. Viral particles in the air are considered
the source of these exposures. Persons picking
up dead birds during NDV outbreaks should
Importance for Wildlife avoid wiping their eyes.
Management There are various strains of NDV, no doubt
Cormorant populations in Alberta and adapted to slightly different environmental
throughout Canada and the U.S. increased conditions within birds or among different
markedly since the 1950s and currently species of birds. Some strains are not well
provide abundant habitat for NDV. The virus adapted to domestic poultry, particularly
was largely undocumented in cormorants until chickens and turkeys, and cause fatal
the early 1990s, when dead birds were found infections in these species. Poultry producers
in Alberta, Saskatchewan and, perhaps, have spent large amounts of time and money in
Manitoba. In 1995, dead cormorants were an attempt to eradicate NDV from domestic
found throughout the Great Lakes region and flocks. Fortunately, the strain of NDV in wild
again in the prairie provinces; however, the birds generally is relatively well adapted to
total estimated mortality was minimal relative and is not lethal in poultry. However, free-
to the large population of cormorants in these range poultry may be at some risk if infected
areas. The virus was detected in cormorants wild birds use the same watering sites. There
repeatedly through the late 1990s and early is one documented case of transfer of NDV
2000s and current evidence suggests NDV from cormorants to free-range turkeys in
occurs naturally in wild cormorants throughout North Dakota and subsequent mortality of the
their range in North America. Similarly, turkeys.
pigeons also provide suitable and abundant
habitat for NDV.
B Huffman

2004 For more information on wildlife diseases in Alberta:

Newcastle disease virus in Alberta
I/184 (a paramyxovirus)
ISBN Print:
0-7785-3610-6 Prevention/Control Current management practice is to collect
ISBN Online: carcasses as a means of limiting contamination
There is no known means of eliminating NDV in
0-7785-3611-4 of nesting and wintering areas. Given that the
wild birds nor is there a valid reason to do so.
strain of NDV in wild birds is not lethal to
It is likely that the virus occurs naturally in
poultry and that current losses are minimal,
wild birds and is maintained as silent
further control of the virus is not necessary.
infections that do not cause death.
However, it seems appropriate to use caution
Occasionally, outbreaks occur but they appear
and avoid transferring NDV from colonial-
to be short-lived and kill limited numbers of
nesting sites of wild birds to poultry farms.
colonial-nesting species.
M Pybus Fish & Wildlife Alberta SRD

Newcastle disease occurs occasionally in cormorant colonies in east-central Alberta.
Losses of wild birds and risk to domestic poultry are minimal.

Additional Information
Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives:
Merck Veterinary Manual - Online:

2004 For more information on wildlife diseases in Alberta:

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