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Some people feel that the private lives of celebrities should not be openly shared by the

media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In today’s world, people try to follow celebrities and want to know each aspect of their lives. A
few persons think that why personal lives of famous individuals is screened by the media, this
trend should be stopped. I totally agree with this view for certain reasons.
First of all, celebrities such as: actors, politicians and rich people have posh live. If their
movements are shared by media houses openly, then normal people will try to follow/ imitate
them. It would lead to reckless spending bunch of money by middle class on unnecessary
things, which can be spared. For example, special episodes are being aired by channels on
television to show the personnel personal lives of actors to show: how they live; what they eat;
where they go and so on. Normal individuals assume that it is the way their lives should be. As a
result, this habit takes them towards financial instability.
Secondly, famous people have personal lives too. They want to spend some quality time with
their families as normal persons have. They want to go for: shopping, gym and other chores to
get relieved from the stress they had from work. If reporters try to catch them every time, they
get stressed. For instance, famous Indian actress, Maliaka Arora Khan; got divorce from his
husband, Arbaaz Khan also famous actor and a producer because they were not giving enough
time to each other and their personal lives were being shared in media.
To Conclude, I firmly support the idea of stop sharing famous people lives openly by the media
because it contributes to financial instability in middle class people and celebrities also have
right to enjoy their personal lives.

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