Module 1 Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships Activity-1

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Module 1

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Relationships Activity


Direction: Read the case study of Jen and Mark. Analyze each situations given
and work with your members to answer the questions given

1. What are some of the unhealthy or even abusive behaviors that Jen might be
seeing in Mark?
Jen might feel offended with the way Mark talks to her. This may happen if Mark
talks to her like a stranger. For an example if he is always neglecting and
disrespecting her and their relationship. It could also be due to a controlling behavior
of Mark towards Jen. These actions are controlling of her movements, decisions,
and beliefs throughout their relationship. Gaslighting can also be one of the factors
that can make her feel uncomfortable and upset. (Lemque)

Mark's unhealthy and abusive behaviors towards Jen include controlling her actions,
pressuring her into unwanted activities, emotionally manipulating her with statements
knowing she couldn't imagine a life without him, exhibiting a change in attitude and
treatment, disrespecting Jen's personal boundaries despite her expressing concerns,
and demonstrating an unwillingness to change despite being given a chance. (Trono)

2. Jen has decided to end the relationship because it is becoming abusive. What
other reasons might a person have for ending a relationship/friendship?


Ending a relationship/friendship can occur for multiple reasons, including a breakdown

in trust, disrespect, differences in life goals, personal growth leading to
conflicting paths, lack of effective communication, or unsettling changes in their
behavior. Instances where mistakes are made, apologies are given, but repetitive
behavior can wear down one's patience. Jen's relationship with Mark turned negative
as their relationship shifted from being cheerful to a situation where the initial positivity
and joy faded, leading Jen to no longer feel the positive energy towards their
relationship. (Sical)

Based on stories I hear, one of the most common things that breaks up a
relationship/friendship is the lack of time with each other. Due to being busy with life,
somewhere along the way, people lose time even for the important people in their
lives. Both can be busy, or the other party alone. When people fail to make the time,
it can make the person feel unimportant. This can lead to feelings changing and just
lead to detachment. A second reason can be distance. Sometimes, people maintain
the relationship/friendship when they constantly see each other. When they aren’t able
to physically be with the person, they have trouble communicating and
understanding; which is essential for a relationship to thrive. (Fernando)

3. Describe how Jen should end the relationship.

Jen should break up with Mark in person. She must first indicate the
actions/behaviors of Mark that led to her decision of ending their relationship and
then explain how and why these actions/behaviors are a problem for her. She
should be honest with what she’s feeling and thinking, but not harsh. Also, she
must give Mark an opportunity to acknowledge her concerns and speak about his
side as well. It’d be best if Jen initiates an open communication where strong
emotions (e.g., anger) won’t hinder them from understanding each other and
treating one another politely. Jen and Mark began their relationship with respect,
thus should also end with respect. (Navarro)
Jen should talk to Mark personally about their relationship. Tell everything that she's
uncomfortable with and the reason for their separation. She must compose
herself throughout the conversation, they must have an open and honest
communication to address the issue of their relationship. If Mark didn't listen or
explain his side, She must understand it and respect it. It's okay to set boundaries
and end the conversation if he's dismissive or disrespectful. You deserve to be
heard and treated with consideration. (Canlas)

4. Why might she find it difficult to easily end this relationship?

It could mean many things: it could be Jen might have attachment issues and low
self-esteem which makes them feel that they don’t deserve better and may be
hesitant to leave the relationship, or fear of being alone so she believes that being in
a toxic relationship is better than facing loneliness, or it could also be because
she’s holding onto the hope that Mark will actually change and that their
relationship will improve over time. (Carlos)
Breaking up with someone is difficult and unpleasant, especially if you have created
a lot of memories together and you love that person just as much as you love
yourself. However, you, yourself, ending a relationship is even more difficult and
traumatic. Given that man is the love of Jen's life, I believe it would be challenging for
her. She believed he would turn around and become the person Jen had always
adored. Imagine sharing your life and creating memories with someone, and then
realizing after overcoming many challenges with them that it is no longer worth it.
Imagine doing all those things to just end up being strangers again. It could be
challenging for Jen to simply terminate the relationship if you can't see him trying to
make an attempt for you to stay despite planning your future with that person. It is not
easy to end that relationship. (Cabitac)

5. Despite how difficult the breaking up process might be, why is it important that
she proceeds with it?
Jen decided to end the relationship because Mark's changing behavior and increasing
control were making it unhealthy and harmful. Despite the difficulty, breaking up was
important for Jen's well-being and to maintain positive and respectful
connections in her life. Ending the relationship allowed her to prioritize her mental
and emotional health, setting boundaries for her own growth and happiness.
Despite the difficult process of breaking up, it is essential that Jen ends her relationship
with Mark to safeguard her mental and emotional well-being, given Mark's abusive and
controlling behavior. By terminating their relationship, Jen asserts her right to maintain
personal boundaries, ensuring that she is respected and not subjected to control.
Learning to love oneself first provides a foundation for personal growth and
independence, preventing one from being taken advantage of in an unhealthy
relationship. (Trono)

6. If you were one of Jen’s friends, what advice would you give to her about
handling the break-up?
If I'm Jens friend I will let her express her feelings towards their break up. I will
comfort her and assure that she has a friend / family that can lean on during her
break outs. I will keep in touch to Jane and allow her to reflect about her past
relationship and promote independence to throughout the time in order to identify
her existence is valued and has worth .

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