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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,061,951 B2

Abhari et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jun. 23, 2015

(54) BIORENEWABLE NAPHTHA COMPOSITION 2300/1014; C10G 2300/1018; C10G 2400/02:

C10G 2300/308; C10G 2300/301; Y02E
(71) Applicant: REG SYNTHETICFUELS, LLC, 50/13; C10L 1/06
Ames, IA (US) USPC .............................. 585/14, 250, 804, 828, 12
(72) Inventors: Ramin Abhari, Bixby, OK (US); H. See appl1cauon
lication file
Ille fIor complete
let searcnh historv.
St. only (US); (56) References Cited
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2,163,563 A
&E SN,
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(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
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This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- CA 1313200 1, 1993
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(21) Appl. No.: 14/050.559 (Continued)

(22) Filed: Oct. 10, 2013
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(65) Prior Publication Data (Continued)
US 2014/0046103 A1 Feb. 13, 2014
Primary Examiner — Pamela H Weiss
Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Foley & Lardner LLP
(63) Continuation of application No. 13/196.768, filed on
Aug. 2, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,581,013, which is a (7) ABSTRACT
continuation-in-part of application No. 12/132,915, The present invention generally relates to a method for pro
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(52) U.S. Cl. naphtha fraction and optionally recycling the hydrocracking
CPC. Co7C 9/02 (2013.01);CI0G
3/50 (2013.01);
unit heavy fraction through the hydrocracking unit. The
present invention also relates to a biorenewable naphtha prod
(Continued) uct Suitable for use as feed stock for Steam crackers and
catalytic reforming units, and for use as fuel, or fuel blend
(58) Field of Classification Search stock.
CPC .............. C07C 9/02; C07C 9/22; C07C 9/14;
C10G 3/46; C10G 3/50; C10G 47/00; C10G 19 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Jun. 23, 2015 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9,061,951 B2

U.S. Patent Jun. 23, 2015 Sheet 3 of 3 US 9,061,951 B2


US 9,061,951 B2
1. 2
BORENEWABLE NAPHTHA COMPOSITION 7.214,720 to Bayle and co-inventors describes a process
involving the steps of (a) gasification, (b) syngas purification,
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED PATENT (c) F-T conversion, (d) separation, and (e) recycle of at least
APPLICATIONS a portion of the naphtha to gasifier. Although the process
produces the desired hydrocarbon naphtha from a bio-renew
This application is a Continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 13/196, able source, gasifiers suffer from a low reliability record.
768, filed Aug. 2, 2011, which is a Continuation-In-Part of Additionally, the capital costs associated with gasification
U.S. application Ser. No. 12/132,915, filed Jun. 4, 2008, both and F-T conversion are known to be very high. This is in part
due to Solids handling requirements for the gasifier and heat
of which are incorporated herein by reference, in their entire removal provisions for the highly exothermic F-T reaction.
ties, for any and all purposes. 10
Furthermore, the need to recycle part of the naphtha to the
gasifier further reduces the efficiency of this process as a
source of bio-renewable naphtha.
The present invention generally relates to a method for U.S. Pat. No. 5,186,722 to Cantrell and Chong describes a
producing hydrocarbons from biomass. Specifically, the 15
catalytic process to convert biomass feeds such as limonene
to a composition of cyclic and aromatic compounds in the
present invention relates to converting naturally occurring naphtha boiling range. Although these products are reported
triglycerides and fatty acids to a composition including naph to have high octane rating and hence good gasoline blend
tha boiling range hydrocarbons. The present invention also stocks, they lack the desired properties as a chemical feed
relates to the resultant biorenewable naphtha product, stock. As feeds for steam crackers, aromatic compounds give
whereby the naphtha is used as chemical feed stock, fuel, fuel low ethylene and propylene yields. More importantly, the
blend stock, or solvent. terpene feeds used in the process are among the only biomass
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sources that to begin with are hydrocarbons. Virtually all
other sources of biomass have high oxygen content, typically
The term “green chemistry” has been used to describe 25
greater than 10 wt %.
Deoxygenation of biomass feeds such as triglycerides and
synthesis of chemicals from biorenewable feed stocks. It is fatty acids are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,232,935 to Jakkula
considered a Sustainable alternative to petroleum-based and co-inventors. A two step process is disclosed which
chemistry, and may mitigate the effect of high oil prices. One includes hydrodeoxygenation of triglycerides/fatty acids fol
of the challenges facing transition to a green chemical indus lowed by hydroisomerization. The process produces diesel
try is that the existing production facilities and infrastructure 30
boiling-range isoparaffins.
are designed around hydrocarbon feed Stocks. For example, To this end, there is a need for biorenewable naphtha that
the building blocks of the chemical industry, olefins and BTX can be used as feed stock for existing petrochemical and
aromatics (benzene, toluene, and Xylene), are produced in refining facilities. In particular, the present invention is a
steam crackers (also referred to as ethylene crackers) and method process for converting high oxygen content biomass,
catalytic reformers that run on light hydrocarbons. Synthesis 35
Such as sources of triglycerides and/or fatty acids, into naph
gas, or syngas for short, is another chemical building block. tha boiling-range hydrocarbons using standard refining pro
Syngas is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and CCSSCS.
can be produced by Steam reforming of light hydrocarbons.
Naphtha is a Cs-Cohydrocarbon cut that is commonly used as SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the feedstock for both catalytic reformers and steam crackers. 40
It may also be used as feed for steam reforming units for The present invention relates to a method for producing
production of syngas. from a biorenewable feed stock a hydrocarbon naphtha com
In particular, paraffinic naphtha is considered a highly position useful for producing olefins, BTXaromatics, hydro
desired feed for steam crackers due to its high ethylene and gen, and also for direct use as gasoline blend stock and Sol
propylene yields. Production of naphtha from biorenewable 45
vent. The biorenewable feed stock includes sources of
Sources would enable transition to a green chemical industry glycerides (i.e. monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides,
without the need to develop new chemistries and build new etc.) and/or fatty acids and combinations thereof. Such as
production facilities. animal fats, animal oils, poultry fat, poultry oils, vegetable
Naphtha is also a common industrial solvent. Extraction of oils, vegetable fats, plant fats and oils, rendered fats, rendered
lipids from seeds (e.g. soybean oil) uses n-hexane from petro 50
oils, restaurant grease, brown grease, waste industrial frying
leum naphtha. However virgin naphtha distilled from crude oils, fish oils, tall oil, and the like and any combinations
oil typically contains 2.5% to 5.0% by weight benzene, a thereof.
well-known carcinogen. As such, multiple and costly purifi The method for producing hydrocarbon naphtha includes
cation steps (e.g. solvent extraction and Super-fractionation) hydrotreating a renewable feedstock to produce a heavy
are required before food-contact quality hexane is obtained. 55
hydrocarbon fraction. This is followed by hydrocracking of
The term “sustainable energy' has been used to refer to the hydrotreated heavy fraction to produce a distribution of
renewable sources of energy. Biorenewable fuels are a key hydrocarbon components, typically C-Cls, which is frac
component of sustainable energy initiatives. Naphtha may be tionated to recover the naphtha product. The heavy fraction is
used directly as fuel in industrial furnaces or turbines. It may optionally recycled to the hydrocracker.
also be used in Small industrial engines such as lawnmowers 60
The hydrotreating of triglycerides and fatty acids involves
and chainsaws. olefin hydrogenation and deoxygenation. Hydrotreating thus
Furthermore, since naphtha hydrocarbons are in the motor converts fatty acids into long chain paraffins as illustrated in
gasoline boiling range, they may be used as a gasoline blend Equations 1 and 2 for conversion of oleic acid to n-octadecane
stock. Gasoline blends need to meet vapor pressure and and n-heptadecane.
octane rating requirements. 65
One method of producing naphtha hydrocarbons from bio
mass is by the Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) process. U.S. Pat. No.
US 9,061,951 B2
3 4
When the fatty acids are supported on a glycerol backbone, FIG. 3 is a gas chromatogram showing product from an
for example as triglycerides or diglycerides, the hydrotreating example.
reactions of Equations 1 and 2 produce propane as well as the
long chain, heavy hydrocarbon fraction. Depending on the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
source of the fatty acid/triglyceride, the heavy hydrocarbon 5 EMBODIMENTS
fraction is predominantly in the C to C range.
The heavy hydrocarbons may behydrocracked into shorter The present invention relates to a method for producing
chain hydrocarbons to produce biorenewable naphtha. In the from a biorenewable feedstock a hydrocarbon product of
illustrative hydrocracking reactions of Equations 3-5, n-oc naphtha boiling point range that can be used as feedstock for
tadecane is hydrocracked into naphtha-range hydrocarbons, 10 olefins, BTX aromatics, and hydrogen plants. The biorenew
nonanes, hexanes, pentanes, and propane?butanes byprod able naphtha of the present invention may also be used
uctS. directly as a fuel, a fuel blend stock, or a solvent.
Referring to the process embodiment of FIG. 1, a biore
newable feed 101 is transferred to a hydrotreater 102 where it
15 reacts with hydrogen under pressure of from about 300 psig to
about 3,000 psig, preferably from about 1,000 psig to about
2,000 psig. Feed 101 may optionally be pretreated to remove
contaminants. The hydrotreater 102 is preferably a packed
n-CH20+H2-i-CHCHs (5) bed of sulfided bimetallic catalyst, preferably nickel-molyb
The naphtha thus obtained is a biorenewable isoparaffinic denum (NiMo), nickel-tungsten (NM), or cobalt-molybde
composition, free of oxygenates and benzene. num (CoMo) on alumina support. It should be understood by
The present invention is directed to a naphtha boiling range one of ordinary skill in the art that any catalyst may be used in
hydrocarbon composition derived from a biorenewable feed the present invention so long as the catalyst functions in
stock. The biorenewable feedstock having monoglycerides, accordance with the present invention as described herein.
diglycerides, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and combinations 25 To maintain the active metal sulfide functionality of the
thereof. The biorenewable feedstock is selected from the catalyst despite absence of organic Sulfur in most bio-renew
group including animal fats, animal oils, poultry fat, poultry able feeds, feed 101 may be supplemented with a sulfur
oil, vegetable fats, vegetable oils, rendered fats, rendered oils, compound that decomposes to hydrogen Sulfide when heated
restaurant grease, brown grease, waste industrial frying oils, and/or contacted with a catalyst. Two preferred sulfur com
fish oils, fish fats, and combinations thereof. Broadly, the 30 pounds are dimethyl disulfide and carbon disulfide. Preferred
composition of the present invention includes greater than concentration of these in the feed 101 is from about 100 to
about 90.0% by weight of total n- and iso-paraffins; and less about 2,000 ppm by weight sulfur. Alternatively, feed 101
than about 1.0% by weight of total aromatics. The paraffins may include a biorenewable componentanda petroleum frac
include C, Cs, Co., C7, Cs, Co. and Co paraffins. The com tion wherein the petroleum-fraction provides the sulfur.
position has a boiling range of about 70° F. to about 400°F. 35 Feed 101 may be preheated before entering the
The composition has a specific gravity at 20°C. of from about hydrotreater 102. The hydrotreater 102 operates from about
0.680 to about 0.740. The composition may further include, 300° F. to about 900° F., preferably from about 550° F. to
less than about 0.5% by weight of olefins, less than about about 650°F., and from about 250 psig to about 3,000 psig. In
6.5% by weight of naphthenes, and/or less than about 1.0% by order to reduce the adiabatic temperature rise from the exo
weight of total aromatics. 40 thermic hydrotreating reactions and to maintain the
Further, the present invention is directed to a naphtha boil hydrotreater 102 in the preferred operating range, a number of
ing range hydrocarbon produced from a biorenewable feed methods known in the art may be used. These methods
stock, wherein the hydrocarbon has a boiling range between include, but are not limited to, feed dilution with a solvent or
about 70°F. and about 400°F.; and a specific gravity at 20°C. other diluent, liquid product or solvent recycle, and use of
of from about 0.680 to about 0.740. The hydrocarbon has 45 quench Zones within the fixed-bed reactor wherein hydrogen
greater than about 90% by weight of total n- and iso-paraffins. is introduced.
The hydrocarbon may further include, less than about 0.5% The biorenewable feed 101 liquid hourly space velocity
by weight of olefins, less than about 6.5% by weight of through the hydrotreater 102 is from about 0.2h' to about 10
naphthenes, and/or less than about 1.0% by weight of total h', preferably from about 0.5 h to about 5.0h'. The ratio
aromatics. The composition and/or hydrocarbon are free of 50 of hydrogen-rich treat gas 110 to biorenewable feed 101 is
benzene and oxygenates. preferably in the about 2,000 to about 15,000 SCF/bbl range.
The present invention provides a product produced from a The hydrogen-rich treat gas 110 may contain from about 70
biorenewable feedstock. The product includes a naphtha boil mol % to about 100 mol % hydrogen.
ing range hydrocarbon having a boiling range between about A hydrotreater effluent 103 includes a deoxygenated heavy
70° F. and about 400° F.; and a specific gravity at 20° C. of 55 hydrotreater fraction and unreacted hydrogen. The
from about 0.680 to about 0.740, wherein the product is a hydrotreater effluent 103 may also include water, carbon
benzene-free solvent. The hydrocarbon of the product of the oxides, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. The long chain,
present invention may befractionated into a bio-based hexane heavy hydrocarbon fraction in the liquid phase is separated
product inherently free of benzene. from the gas phase components in a separation unit 104.
60 The separation unit 104 includes a high pressure drum (not
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS shown) operated at hydrotreater discharge pressure (about
1,000 psig to about 2,000 psig in the preferred embodiment),
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an operation for produc wherein long chain, heavy hydrocarbon liquids are separated
ing biorenewable naphtha according to the present invention. from hydrogen and gas phase hydrotreater byproducts. It
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of another embodiment of a 65 should be understood that the hydrotreater discharge pressure
method for producing biorenewable naphtha in accordance may be operated from about 200 psig to about 3,000 psig.
with the present invention. Depending on the temperature of the separation unit 104,
US 9,061,951 B2
5 6
water may be in vapor or liquid phase. In a preferred embodi Stream 123 is the liquid hydrocarbon phase from the sepa
ment, the separation unit 104 has a temperature in the about ration unit 116. Stream 123 is processed through fractionator
350° F. to about 500°F. range whereby water, carbon oxides, unit 124 to fraction the hydrocracker products into a hydro
ammonia, hydrogen Sulfide, and propane are removed with carbon vapors product 127, the desired naphtha product 126,
hydrogen in a separator drum vapor phase. To enhance and a heavies fraction 125 which is optionally recycled to
removal of the components from the heavy hydrocarbon frac extinction through the hydrocracker 114.
tion, the separation unit 104 optionally includes a stripping The fractionator unit 124 is operated to recover biorenew
able naphtha, typically with a C-C hydrocarbon distribu
section (not shown). Water 111 may be condensed, separated, tion. Despite the relatively high oxygen content of the bio
and the hydrogen-rich gas phase 105 recycled to the 10
logical feedstock, the naphtha product is free of oxygenates.
hydrotreater 102. The biorenewable naphtha includes 80% to 100% by weight
A long chain hydrocarbon product stream 112 from the n- and iso-paraffins. In preferred embodiments of this inven
separation unit 104 is then cracked in a hydrocracker 114. tion, biorenewable naphtha n- and iso-paraffin content is
Product stream 112 is optionally combined with unconverted greater than 90% by weight. The total aromatics content is in
heavies from the hydrocracker 114, and recycled stream 125, the range of 0 to 2% by weight, preferably less than 1% by
to form a hydrocracker feed 113.
15 weight. Cycloparaffins (or naphthenes as they are more com
The heavy hydrocarbon feed 113 cracks in the hydroc monly known) may also be present in the biorenewable naph
racker 114 to form naphtha-range hydrocarbons. Preferably, tha at up to 7.0% by weight. The olefin content of biorenew
able naphtha is less than 0.5% by weight, preferably in the
the hydrocracker 114 operates from about 250 psig to about range of 0 to 0.3% by weight.
3,000 psig, more preferably from about 1,000 psig to about No benzene is present in the biorenewable naphtha. The
2,000 psig. Hydrocracker 114 temperatures are from about biorenewable naphtha product may thus be used as a solvent
400° F. to about 900° F., preferably from about 580° F. to for food-contact applications. For example, stream 126 may
about 750°F. Suitable catalysts for hydrocracking according be subjected to conventional distillation for separating the
to the present invention as described herein are bi-functional Co-cut from the C-C paraffinic hydrocarbon distribution,
catalysts with hydrogenation and acidic functionalities. Such 25 wherein the C-cut is used as bio-based hexane solvent for
catalysts include Group VIII metals on amorphous (e.g. Vegetable oil extraction.
silica-alumina) or crystalline (e.g. Zeolite) Supports. Pre Referring now to FIG. 2, another embodiment of the
ferred hydrocracking catalysts are platinum, palladium or present invention is illustrated. A biorenewable feed enters a
combinations of same on an amorphous silica-alumina Sup hydrotreater reactor (not shown). Stream 212 is the heavy
port. However, it should be understood that any catalyst may 30
hydrocarbon product of the hydrotreating reaction in the
be used in accordance with the present invention as long as it hydrotreater. Stream 212 is optionally combined with an
unconverted heavy fraction 225 to form a hydrocracker feed
functions as described herein. Preferred ratios of the hydro 213. Hydrocracker feed 213, a Cs-C hydrocarbon distribu
gen-rich gas to liquid feed for hydrocracking are in the about tion for most common triglycerides and fatty acids, is con
1,000 to about 10,000 SCF/bbl range, and liquid hourly space Verted to a C-Cls distribution in a hydrocracker 214. An
velocity in the about 0.1 h to about 8 h" range, preferably 35 effluent 215 from the hydrocracker 214, is separated into a
from about 0.2 h" to about 4 h". Stream 115 is an effluent of hydrogen-rich gas stream 217 and a cracked liquids stream
the hydrocracker 114 wherein un-reacted hydrogen includes 223 in a separation unit 216. Operating conditions are the
a gas phase. Hydrogen-rich gas is separated from the hydro same as for FIG. 1.
carbon product in a separation unit 116. A fraction of the hydrogen-rich gas 217 is purged as stream
The separation unit 116 includes a high pressure separation 40 207 and the remaining fraction of the hydrogen-rich gas 217
drum (not shown), operating at hydrocracker discharge pres is cleaned up in scrubber 208. The cleaned hydrogen-rich gas
sure, about 1,000 psig to about 2,000 psig in the preferred 208a is then combined with makeup hydrogen 209 to form a
embodiment, where hydrocarbon liquids are separated from recycle hydrogen-rich gas as hydrocracker stream 210.
hydrogen, hydrocarbon vapors, and any other gas phase Stream 223, cracked liquids from the separation unit 216, is
cracked products. It should be understood that the hydroc 45 transferred to a product fractionators unit 224. The illustrative
racker discharge pressure may be operated from about 200 C-Cs hydrocracked product is fractioned into a C/C gas
psig to about 3,000 psig. stream 227, a naphtha product stream 226, a middle distillate
A hydrogen-rich gas 117 from the separation unit 116 is stream 228 suitable for use as jet kerosene or diesel, and a
combined with a hydrogen-rich gas 105 from the separation heavies recycle stream 225.
unit 104 and optionally processed through an absorption col 50
The resultant biorenewable naphtha has a boiling point
range from about 70°F. to about 400°F. and a specific gravity
umn or scrubber 108 to remove ammonia, carbon oxides, at 20° C. of from about 0.680 to about 0.740. The naphtha
and/or hydrogen Sulfide, before recompression for recycle to product includes C-Co paraffins that are considered Supe
the hydrotreater 102 and/or hydrocracker 114. Depending on rior feed components for steam crackers, and is also an appro
the contaminant to be removed, the scrubber 108 may use priate feed for conversion to BTX aromatics, and hydrogen
various solvents such as amine and caustic solutions. It is 55 production. The naphtha composition is also useful as a sol
clear to those skilled in the art that other gas cleanup tech vent in applications where low flash point is not a limitation.
nologies may be used instead of or in addition to the scrubber As a fuel or fuel additive, the renewable naphtha provides
108 to remove contaminants that affect the hydrotreater 102 some benefit as a bio-renewable addition to ethanol in that
and hydrocracker 114 catalyst activity and selectivity. ethanol typically suffers from low vapor pressures and low
Examples of alternative gas cleanup technologies include 60 energy density. The biorenewable naphtha typically has a
membrane systems and adsorbent beds. Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP)>10 psi and may be blended with
A purge stream 107 may be removed from a recycle gas ethanol in concentrations of 1-30% to make an entirely
106 to prevent buildup of contaminants that are not effectively renewable gasoline replacement for automobiles that has an
removed in the scrubber 108. The cleaned hydrogen-rich gas improved energy density. The bio-renewable naphtha has low
108a from the scrubber 108 may be combined with makeup 65 octane ratings (typically less than 40 RON) which is offset by
hydrogen 109 to form a hydrogen-rich gas stream 110 for the the higher octane of the ethanol fuel which is reported to be in
hydrotreater 102 and hydrocracker 114. the 129 RON range. Thus, the resulting blend easily meets
US 9,061,951 B2
7 8
U.S. performance requirements for vapor pressure and octane The gas chromatogram of the liquid hydrocarbon product
rating by utilizing the benefits of both fuels. confirmed that under the hydrotreater conditions of Table 1
An alternate approach for using the biorenewable naphtha the tallow feed was converted C-C n-paraffins with no
of the present invention as described herein as a renewable detectable oxygenates remaining. No cracked products
blend stock for motor gasoline is by isomerization of the (C ) were detected. FIG. 3 is the chromatogram of the
Cs/C fraction, which is a standard refinery unit process. The product, showing areas where cracked products and uncon
Cs/C fraction of the biorenewable naphtha composition may verted feed would appear.
be isomerized to raise RON and make it suitable for blending
with gasoline Stocks. Typical isomerized products include 10 Example 2
2-methylbutane and 2,3-dimethylbutane, with RON values of
93.5 and 105, respectively.
The biorenewable naphtha is used as fuel for industrial Hydrocracking of Bio-Derived Heavy Hydrocarbons
burners, boilers, and turbines and as an industrial solvent.
Due to its paraffinic nature and its high hydrogen-to-carbon 15 The mainly Cs-Cs in-paraffin composition obtained from
ratio, the bio-renewable naphtha may also be used as a hydro hydrotreating bio-renewable feed stocks was used as feed for
gen source or as a fuel cell fuel. a hydrocracking pilot plant. These long chain hydrocarbons
In order to further illustrate the present invention, the fol were derived via hydrotreating a biorenewable feed in a pro
lowing examples are given. However, it is to be understood cedure similar to Example 1. The bio-renewable feed was a
that the examples are for illustrative purposes, only and are blend of chicken fat (45%), brown grease (19%), yellow
not to be construed as limiting the scope of the Subject inven grease (18%), floatation grease (9%), and miscellaneous
tion. waste animal fats from industrial food processing operations
(9%). The hydrocracking pilot plant was a prototype of the
embodiment of the present invention represented by FIG. 2.
Example 1 The hydrocracker reactor system was loaded with 4.8 liters
of a commercial hydrocracking catalyst. The catalyst was
Hydrotreating of a Biorenewable Feed Stock platinum-palladium on amorphous alumina/silica Support.
The reactor was pressurized to 1,000 psig. After catalyst
The present example demonstrates how naphtha was made 30 preconditioning, the temperature was increased again to
from a renewable feedstock. A 100 cc isothermal tubular achieve the desired level of hydrocracking to produce the
reactor was filled with 80 cc of a commercial NiMo catalyst biorenewable naphtha product. The ratio of hydrogen-rich
and +70-100 mesh glass beads. The catalyst was suilfided with gas (recycle and makeup) to feed was 3,600-3,800 SCF/bbl.
dimethyl disulfide. The sulfiding procedure included step The pilot plant fractionation system included three distil
wise temperature increase to 650°F. After sulfiding, the reac 35
tor was cooled to 400°F.
lation columns in series. The first stripped off the light hydro
carbons ("debutanizer”) from the hydrocracker effluent, the
Next a triglyceride/fatty acid feed was introduced to the second (“naphtha tower”) separated the naphtha overhead,
isothermal reactor. The reactor was slowly heated to 650°F. to and the third (“recycle tower”) separated a middle distillate
achieve full conversion of the triglyceride/fatty acid feed to cut overhead from the heavy bottoms that were combined
n-paraffins. The reactor temperature was further increased to 40
700°F. to maintain good catalyst activity at 80 cc/hr feed rate with the fresh feed and recycled to the hydrocracker.
(1 LHSV). Table 2 provides the composition and properties of the
The hydrotreater performance with beef tallow as the trig hydrotreated hydrocarbon fraction and Table 3 summarizes
lyceride/fatty acid feed is summarized in Table 1. The yield of the operating conditions of the hydrocracker, conversion per
total products on feed basis exceeds 100% in part due to 45
formance thereof, and product properties therefrom.
addition of hydrogen and also due to measurement errors
associated with gas phase analysis. TABLE 2

TABLE 1. Composition and properties of hydrocracker feed of Example 2

Normal Example ASTM
Hydrotreater Conditions and Conversion Performance. Boiling 2 D2887SimDist
Catalyst Component Pt. (F) Feed (°F)
Active Metals Sulfided NiMo C10 345 ND IBP 345
Support Alumina C11 385 ND 59% S16
55 C12 421 ND 10% 543
Reactor Conditions
C13 455 ND 20% S49
Feed Inedible tallow C14 489 1.55 30% 550
C15 520 1.93 40% 576
Temperature (F) 700 C16 S49 26.03 SO% 599
Pressure (psig) 1,200 C17 576 4.86 60% 599
Gas/Oil Ratio (scfbbl) 14,000 60 C18 6O1 64.36 70% 6O1
C19 626 O.OO 80% 6O1
Products (wt % feed basis) C2O 651 1.27 90% 603
C1 - C2 1.5 C22 696 ND 95% 604
Propane 6.1
Water 5.3 total paraffins 1OO.O FBP 671
Total Liquid Hydrocarbons 88.2 65
ND = not detectable
US 9,061,951 B2
9 10
TABLE 3 TABLE 3-continued
Hydrocracker Run Conditions, Conversion
Performance, and Product Properties Hydrocracker Run Conditions, Conversion
Reactor Conditions 5
Performance, and Product Properties

Reactor 1 Temp (F.) 726 60 510

Reactor 2 Temp (F.) 721
70 526
Pressure (psig) 10O2
Feed Rates 8O 544
10 90 565
Fresh Feed Wt (g/hr) 22410
Fresh Feed Vol (cc/hr) 2817.5 95 575
Recycle Feed Wt (g/hr) 807.6 FBP 593
Recycle Feed Vol (cc/hr) 1026
Total Feed Vol (cc/hr) 3843
LHSV O.794 15 NM = not measured
Gas Rates

H. Makeup (scf/hr) 24.5

(nlet Gas (scf/hr) 102.2 Example 3
Bleed Gas (scf/hr) 15.5
Product Rates

C3/C4 (g/hr) 2O Bio-Renewable Naphtha as Blendstock for 100%

Non-condensed C5-C6+ (g/hr) Renewable E-85 Gasoline
Naphtha (g/hr) 561.3
Middle Distillate Ovhd (g/hr) 1536.5
Naphtha Yields Fuel grade bio-ethanol was purchased from Abengoa
25 Bioenergy (Chesterfield, Mo.). The biorenewable naphtha
Non-condensed C5-C6 (wt %) 3.3%
was produced using the Conditions of Examples 1 and 2 with
Condensed naphtha (wt %) 25.0%
Total naphtha (wt %) 28.3% the feedstock of Example 2. Using these blendstocks, an 85
Material Balance Closure 100.1% vol % ethanol blend with the bio-renewable naphtha was
Naphtha Tower Temps prepared. Test aliquots of this 100% renewable E-85 gasoline
336 were taken according to ASTM D 2699 and ASTM D 2700
409 test methods, and Research and Motor Octane Numbers
293 (RON and MON) were measured. The results are summarized
in Table 4.

S64 35 TABLE 4
492 Octane Rating of 100% Renewable E-85 Gasoline
Preheater 499
Recycle heavies spec. grav. 0.787 Test Method Test Description Results
Naphtha Properties
40 ASTMD 2699 RON 101.6
Specific Gravity 0.705 ASTMD 2700 MON 89.6
D2887 SimDist (F.) Anti-knock Index (R+M)/2 95.6
BP 70
5 91
O 135 45 The results of Table 4 indicate that the bio-renewable naph
2O 159 tha composition of this invention is well-suited for producing
30 194 a high octane, 100% renewable gasoline, containing virtually
40 211
50 244
no aromatic hydrocarbons.
60 260
70 290
8O 3.18 50 Example 4
90 358
95 387
FBP 432 Steam Cracking of Bio-Renewable Naphtha
Middle Distillate Properties
API 51.5 55 A pilot plant steam cracker designed to model performance
Specific Gravity 0.773
of commercial units (Van Geem, K. M.; Reyniers, M.-F.;
Freeze Point (OC) -39.5
Cloud Point (C.) -43.0 Marin G. B. AIChE J., 50, 173-183, 2004) was used for this
Flash Point (F.) 126 experiment. The experiments were conducted using the
60 biorenewable naphtha composition of this invention pro
D2887 SimDist (F.)
IBP 226 duced according to the method of Examples 1 and 2. The
5 291 steam cracker coil outlet pressure was controlled at 1.7 bar,
with steam-to-hydrocarbon ratio of 0.45 w/w. The yields of
30 412 the bio-derived olefins for selected coil outlet temperature
40 446 65 (COT) experiments are presented in Table 5. Also included in
50 479 Table 5 is comparable data for petroleum distillates of similar
boiling range.
US 9,061,951 B2
11 12

Product yields from steam cracking of biorenewable naphtha Composition (wt %) of Bio-Renewable Naphtha Produced in Example 2.
and petroleum feedstocks of similar boiling range Carbon Iso- Naphthene Aro
Number Paraffin Paraffin Olefin (Cycloparaffin) matic Sum
Medium Biorenewable Biorenewable
Range Atm. naphtha- naphtha 3 O.172 O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO O.172
Petroleum Gas oil COT = COT = 4 1.506 0.963 O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO 2.468
5 4.584 4.956 O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO 9.S4O
Feedstock Naphtha' (petroleum) 1,562°F. 1535 F. 6 7.784 9.946 O.OOO 1.055 O.OOO 18.784
7 7.964 12.87O O.OOO 1.389 O.108 22.331
Cracking Yield 8 S.S98 11.14O O.O22 1708 O.305 18.773
9 3.249 10.745 0.255 1708 O.331 16.289
Hydrogen 17.7 12.1 17.32 16.03 10 1.237 6.519 O.O61 O.622 O.O89 8.528
and methane 11 O.251 2.172 O.OOO O.046 O.OOO 2.469
15 12 O.062 O.S81 O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO O.644
Ethylene 34.O 25.9 30.92 30.13
Propylene 15.7 16.2 17.59 18.94 SUM 32.407 59.893 O.338 6.528 O.833 100
Butadiene 4.7 4.6 S.16S S.282
Total C 76.4 63.6 84.04 85.0
products The GCxGC analysis, summarized in Table 6, confirms
Pyrolysis 18.8 18.4 14.79 14.65 that the renewable naphtha product of the instant invention is
gasoline paraffinic, with total of only 0.338 wt % olefins and 0.833 wit
Pyrolysis 4.8 18.0 O.438 O.359
fuel oil
% aromatics. Furthermore, no benzene (0.00% Caromatics)
was observed. Absence of carcinogenic benzene and very low
Total 1OO.O 1OOO 99.3 1OO.O 25 aromatics content makes this biorenewable composition
inherently less toxic than petroleum-based naphtha.
Petroleum steam cracking data from Grub J. and Loser, E., Ullmann's Encyclopedia of
Indusrial Chemistry, John Wiley; 2005.
Example 6
As observed in Table 5, the biorenewable naphtha cracks 30
more completely to light olefins than do petroleum feedstocks Anaphtha distillate was produced via hydrotreating of beef
(higher C-products and lower pyrolysis liquids). Yields of tallow according to the process of the instant invention. The
the main olefins (ethylene, propylene, and butadiene) are also naphtha distillate was submitted for analysis at a certified
generally similar or better than petroleum feeds of similar ASTM testing laboratory. The measured properties are sum
boiling range. marized in Tables 7a and 7b below.
PIONA and oxygenates analysis of biorenewable naphtha (wt %
Carbon Iso
No. Paraffins Paraffins Olefins Naphthenes Aromatics Oxygenates Total
4 1.2O7 O.962 O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO 2.169
5 4.242 S.98S O.OOO O.OSO O.OOO O.OOO 10.277
6 6.867 11.773 O.OOO O.784 O.OOO O.OOO 19423
7 6.629 14.S37 O.OOO 1629 O.OOO O.OOO 22.795
8 5.457 14.673 O.OOO 2.364 O.344 O.OOO 22.838
9 3.518 12.691 O.OOO O.693 O.714 O.OOO 17.616
10 O412 3.588 O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO O.OOO 4.OOO

Total 29.214 64.209 OOOO 5.519 1.058 O.OOO 1OO.O

Example 5 TABLE 7b
Composition of Renewable Naphtha Physical properties of renewable naphtha
A sample of the naphtha boiling range product produced in Property Test Result
Example 2 was submitted for detailed characterization& G via Relati
elative Density O.683
GCxGC. This analytical technique, also referred to as “two Reid Vapor Pressure (psi) 7.606
dimensional G.C. is used for quantitative analysis of complex at 100°F.
mixtures. The technique uses two chromatography col- 60 Calculated Octane Number 58.06
umns—with a modulator in between—to separate the com- Boiling Range (F)
ponents based on volatility (X-axis) and polarity (y-axis), thus
generating a two-dimensional map of the product composi- - 0
E. 9. 0.
tion. As such, compounds with similar volatility but slightly SO woo 200.25
different polarity can be quantified independently (e.g. pen- 65 90 vol% 291.61
tane and methyl-cyclobutane, both having a 36° C. boiling FBP 345.47
US 9,061,951 B2
13 14
TABLE 7b-continued 6. The composition of claim 1, comprising greater than
90% by weight n- and iso-paraffins.
Physical properties of renewable naphtha. 7. The composition of claim 1, comprising less than 0.5%
Property Test Result by weight olefins.
Percent Carbon 84.04
5 8. The composition of claim 1, comprising less than 0.3%
Percent Hydrogen 15.96 by weight olefins.
Nitrogen (wppm) Below detection (<0.3) 9. The composition-of claim 1, comprising less than 7.0%
Chloride (wppm) Below detection (<1) by weight naphthenes.
H2S content (wppm) Below detection (<1) 10. The composition of claim 1, comprising less than 6.5%
by weight naphthenes.
Thus, there has been shown and described a method for 11. The composition of claim 1, comprising less than 2%
producing a biorenewable naphtha product that fulfills all by weight total aromatics.
objectives and advantages sought therefore. While presently 12. The composition of claim 1, comprising less than 1.0%
preferred embodiments of the invention have been described 15 by weight total aromatics.
for purposes of this disclosure, it will be understood that 13. The composition of claim 1, wherein the composition is
numerous changes may be made which will readily suggest free of oxygenates.
themselves to those skilled in the art and which are accom 14. The composition of claim 1, comprising:
plished within the spirit of the invention disclosed and greater than 90.0% by weight n- and iso-paraffins;
claimed herein. From the above description, it is clear that the less than 0.5% by weight olefins;
present invention is well adapted to carry out the objects and less than 7.0% by weight naphthenes; and
to obtain the advantages mentioned herein as well as those less than 2% by weight total aromatics.
inherent in the invention. While presently preferred embodi 15. The composition of claim 1, comprising:
ments of the invention have been described for purposes of greater than 90.0% by weight n- and iso-paraffins;
this disclosure, it will be understood that numerous changes 25 less than 0.5% by weight olefins;
may be made which will readily suggest themselves to those less than 7.0% by weight naphthenes;
skilled in the art and which are accomplished within the spirit
of the invention disclosed and claimed. less than 2% by weight total aromatics; and
What is claimed is: wherein the composition is free of oxygentates.
1. A naphtha boiling range hydrocarbon composition com 16. The composition of claim 1, comprising:
prising: 30 greater than 90.0% by weight n- and iso-paraffins;
n-paraffins, iso-paraffins, aromatics, and naphthenes; less than 0.3% by weight olefins;
wherein the composition less than 6.5% by weight naphthenes; and
is produced by hydrocracking a hydrotreated biorenew less than 2% by weight total aromatics.
able feedstock; 17. The composition of claim 1, comprising:
comprises 35 greater than 90.0% by weight n- and iso-paraffins;
C, Cs, Co, C7, Cs, and Co hydrocarbons; less than 0.3% by weight olefins;
greater than 80.0% by weight n- and iso-paraffins; and less than 6.5% by weight naphthenes; and
is free of benzene. less than 1.0% by weight total aromatics.
2. The composition of claim 1, wherein the composition 40 18. A naphtha boiling range hydrocarbon composition,
has a specific gravity at 20° C. of 0.680 to 0.740. comprising:
3. The composition of claim 1, wherein then-paraffins and n-paraffins, iso-paraffins, aromatics, and naphthenes;
iso-paraffins both comprise C, Cs, C, C7, Cs, Co. and Co wherein the composition comprises
paraffins. C, Cs, Co, C7, Cs, and Cohydrocarbons;
4. The composition of claim 1, wherein the biorenewable greater than 90.0% by weight n- and iso-paraffins;
feedstock comprises monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycer 45 less than 0.3% by weight olefins;
ides, free fatty acids, or combinations thereof. less than 7.0% by weight naphthenes;
5. The composition of claim 4, wherein the biorenewable less than 2% by weight total aromatics; and
feedstock is selected from the group comprising animal fats, is free of benzene and oxygenates.
animal oils, poultry fat, poultry oil, vegetable fats, vegetable 19. The composition of claim 18, wherein the n-paraffins
oils, rendered fats, rendered oils, restaurant grease, brown 50 and iso-paraffins both comprise C, Cs, C, C7, Cs, Co., and
Co paraffins.
grease, waste industrial frying oils, fish oils, fish fats, and
combinations thereof.

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