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3 Non-state actors

- civil society acting as an alternative to coercive state

 characteristics:
 Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, United Way
 Debates on local, regional, international, and global actions
 More useful in the long-run
 IGOs
 United Nations, African Union, World Bank, International Monetary Fund
 Union of International Organizations (UIO) – list of 68000 international
 Adding 1200/year
 Half are active
 Multi-national/transnational organizations
 General Electric, Westinghouse, Facebook, Twitter
 Influence on every level of politics
 Clearest effect on local level – abandonded houses, empty streets
 Dip in population, rise of poverty
 Kirsch, 1988
 Showing effect of Geenral Electrics closing down in
a town
 Young people move for work
 Pollution left by the company
 Supports state´s legitimacy
 Large media corporations
 Global level
 96% are owned byfour multi-national companies
 Social movements and resistence more visible
 Supports state´s legitimacy

- The United Nations

 Created after WW2
 League of Nations – after WW1, designated a failure after WW2
 26 nations at first, the „Axis Powers“ – Germany, Italy, Japan
 Meeting in San Francisco – draft of UN Charter – signned by 51 countires
 Today, most countries are part of UN
 The term was coined by Franklin Roosevelt, set in New York
 Strcture:
 General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Couoncil,
Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justic, and the Secretariat
 Member countries obey ruling of Securitty COuncil – provides
universal ideas for nations to follow
 Challenges:
 Questioning the sovereignitx of states, and if the treaties are enforcable
 Memebers of the security council are almost never challenged
 Developer nations never appear in front of the Internationa lCriminal COurt
 UDHR: Eleanor Roosevelt – inability to enforce
 Local and global politics také place bellow the chambers of UN

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