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“ General Concepts and istorical i Chapter I » Developments ° oe . 222235955555 5555; D>D2>>>>>>>>5>99>9>2>202> 292227 Histori LESSON 1 Histo Fi Antecedents which : cece 0d the Course of Science and Technology SEEK KKiKKcxccccececcececeececcececceceecece OO It is @ well-established fact that science and technology impacts all aspects ur lives. Science and technology is associated in all means with modernity and is considered as an essential for rapid development. The state of science and technology determines the socio-economic progress of a country. A country who is not able to implement science and technology would not progress and reap the benefits of development. of our fi A. History of Science and Technology in the Word: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages Science and technology has been around from the beginning of time. It evolves from the everyday efforts of the people trying to improve their way of living. Throughout history, humankind and utilized tools, machines, and techniques without understanding how or why they worked or comprehending their physical or chemical composition. Science and technology can be tracéd from the origin of human life 2 million years ago and each era has significant advancement. The earliest form of science and technology were human artifacts found during prehistoric time about 2.3 million years ago. They were roughly shaped stones used for chopping and scraping, found primarily in Easter Africa. Some of the earliest record of science came from Mesopotamian cultures around 400 B,C.., disease symptoms, chemical substances and astronomical observations were some of the evidence of emerging science. Chapter: General Concopts nd Historical Davolopmonts 4 Lesson 1: Historical Antecaderts Which Changed te Course of Slence and Technology ile Valley of Egypt, infor ame period in the Ni yPt, informatior During it sor and diseases and even some of the mathe” troatment Of hae angles, rectangles, and tangles and the vou calcul portion of a pyrami thematicn, Ime of id have been around e ‘housande Of years. From 39°” rise in the number of philosophers who wr 400 B.C. a: ond a host of other topics. There was Buch, the eo Boyce geomety, ‘Archimedes, the founder of engineering mechanice Caloulated ‘a value for pi which is still used to this very day. and i Bronze Age in the search for findi 3000 B.C. gave rise to the e ling pigme; used to color the human skin, copper was discovered, then it was realized inst Shaving copper with tin resulted into bronze which in those days were used 1g iske swords and other weapons. Today, we use it to bulld machinery, medais, statues, belts and shoe buckles. By 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia, two-wheeled carts had been created ang it became the most frequently used mode of transporting heavy goods from one place to another. Urbanization is the development of large city, and the first city poppeg ‘round 3000 B.C. In Egypt during this same time , the first pyramid was buit, Pyramids are undoubtedly the most outstanding development in science and technology and are still a marvel up to the present. During the Middle Ages (450 — 1450 A.D.) gave birth to many scientific land technological development. Also during the Middle Ages (often called Dark ‘Ages), warfare had improved tremendously. ‘The Renaissance Era in Europe that began in 1450 and lasted until 1600 ‘AD. was the period known as rebirth of knowledge. In Germany, Gutenberg developed the printing press which resulted in books being printed huge volume of texts being handwritten. In Italy, Leonardo da Vi pioneer in Arts, architecture, engineering and of experiment. He produced a vast series of notebooks with observations on anatomy, cloud formations, plans for sites,. military inventions, tanks, flying machines and submarines. Copernicus rediscovered what some of the ancient Greeks had known that the sun was at the center of the solar system and that the earth revolves around it. The era also gave way to geographic discovery beginning wit2h the invention of the triangle sail and the magnetic compass. This aided Prince Henry, the navigator, to travel around South Africa, Portugal, to reach Indie. It was around the same time Columbus discovered the Americas. Modern Science and Technology around 1600 A.D. + Galileo was the first to use modem scientific methods based on experiment and testable” observations. In 1608, some spectacle maker came to the Republic of Venice where Galileo was staying with their new invention, spyglass for identifying ships well before they enter a harbor. Galileo heard about it and promptly set about figuring how it worked. He not only succeeded in constructing his own spyglass, but went on to build a second one with the 2 _Scimnce, Tchroogy and Society magnification stepped up by eight, and finally thirty times which is now known as the telescope. He was able to discover craters and mountains on the moon. He later invented the microscope and the thermometer. Isaac Newton was born in 1642. He helped define the laws of gravity and Planetary motion, co-founded calculus, and explained the laws of light and color. Albert Einstein became the most famous scientist of the 20" century. His ‘work had profound impact on everything from quantum theory to nuclear power and the atom bomb, and came up also with the famous equation e = mo? used in Calculus. In terms of modem technology, the Industrial Revolution brought about the beginning of factories being built to produce goods at massive quantity. Im the late 1800, the light bulb began to replace candles and oil lamps. The 20" century gave birth to the radio, the first car to run with engine Power. The first man went to space in a rocket. It was also the beginning of communication, electronic and computer era. . Science and Technology in the Philippines: A Historical Perspective Philippine science and technology has a long history. It started before Spain colonized the country where some indigenous technology already existed with regards to wet rice and dry rice agriculture. The use of technology was also evident in the handicrafts, pottery, weaving, metal ware and boats used by ancient Filipinos. The natives were already aware of the medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants and the methods of extracting medicine from herbs. They had an alphabet, a system of writing, a method of counting, weights and measure. They had no calendar but counted the years by the Period of the moon and from one harvest to another. Filipinos were already engaged jin farming, shipbuilding, mining and weaving. The Banaue Rice Terraces is a sophisticated product of engineering by pre-Spanish Filipinos. Spanish Colonial Period The colonization of the Philippines contributed to the growth of science and technology in the archipelago. The Spaniards introduced formal education and founded scientific institutions. During the early years of Spanish rule in the Philippines, Parish schools were established where religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music was taught. Sanitation and more advanced methods of agriculture were taught to the natives. Later the Spaniards established colleges and universities in the archipelago including University of Santo Tomas. The study of medicine in the Philippines was given priority. In 1874, the school of medicine and pharmacy was opened at the University of Santo Tomas. It also contributed to. the field of engineering in the islands by constructing government buildings, churches, roads, bridges and forts. The Jesuits promoted meteorological studies and founded the Manila Observatory at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila in 1865. CChapier I: General Concops and Historical Developments 3 ‘Leeson 1: Historical Antecedents Which Changed the Course of Sciance and Technology Period and Post Commonwealth Era science and technology continued under Ame ns OF “Wy resol tho Philippine Commission established the Bureay er ne, On 2 soratoros which was placed under the Department of inti Government placed the Laboratorio, Municipal which was established during The Butea ren On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Goverment Laboratories the Spanish $thy tre Bureau of Science The Bureau dealt with the study of was repicseses. With the progress of science and technology, on December onic, ovpanazansnnnnznnnznnnn0999 99222292022 27229 ‘Science and Technol id LESSON 2 echnology an Its Role in Nation Building KK KKK EEC KKK KKK KEKE EEE E EEE KEKE EES E ©) Learning Outcomes: ‘At the end of this lesson, the leamer should be able to: + distinguish science from technology; + explain how science and technology affect society and the environment; + discuss how science and technology contribute to national development; + desoribe the role of science and technology in nation building; and + creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society. The advent of science and technology brought progress not only in our country but in the entire world. Its development determines to a large extent the socio-economic progress of a country. It is a well-known fact that it is directly associated with modemity and is an essential tool for rapid development and progress of a country. Science and Technology Defined Science and technology is a field of endeavor upon which a two-way interaction operates between the two. While science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment (Oxford Advanced Leamers’ Dictionary, 11" Edition), technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes (Oxford). It is the use of resources made available by nature to procreate and make changes. Chapter: Goneral Goncaps and Historical Developments. 44 Lesson 2: Sconce and Technology and its Role in Nation Bulking Importance of Science and Technology to National Development Development at any page is always tinked wilh technology and techno} happens when there is advancement in science. Modarné7ation in every S8pect Of ia iy the greatest example of the implementation of cence and technology in very nation Witvingeducton of modem gadgets in every walk of He. lfe has become simple ang tie i possible only because of implementing science and technology together. Withaut faving’ modem equipment (7 all sectors, be i in medicine, inkasiructire, aviation cectaty information technology oF any other field, he advancement and benefits that we face today would not have been possible. ‘A nation’s development and prosperity is judged to a large extent by the status of science and technology of that nation, Science and technology are key drivers to evelopment, because technological and scientific revolutions underpin economic advances, improvement in health systems, education and infrastructure. Today, countries are classified as developed and developing countries. The major categorization is based on the economy and the application of science and {echnology. Countries which have a strong base in science and technology are the ones that developed faster. A few examples are countries like Japan, Russia, Brazil, China, and many more. It is estimated by the World Bank that seven of the ten largest ‘economies of the world by 2020 would be in Asia: China, Japan, India, Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan. A few decades ago, these countries were known to have poor polices, low discipline and no advancement. But with the introduction and proper implementation of science and technology in an effective manner, they made great advancements across the globe. The role that science and technology has played in improving the life of people across the globe is vivid and has made life a lot easier and a lot better with the advancement in medicine, remarkable development in education, communication, agriculture, business and industry. ‘Science and technology holds the key to the progress and development of any nation. Technology plays a fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement in the {quality of life and real economic growth and transformation in any society. ‘A nation who is not able to prosper in these aspects would never be able to sustain its life and may have to depend on other nations. Without proper implementation of science and technology, no nation could grow and all thos@ nations that were labeled as low in growth have proven where they’stand today and all that happened because of science and technology. Importance of Science and Technology Today, we cannot expect our life without science and technology revolving around it every single second. Science and technology are extremely essential in our everyday life as they have made things more simple, fast, and secured, Aimost everything that we see around us is the gift of science and technology- Be it the smartphones, fan, wheel, vehicles, cloth, paper, toothbrush, electricity, microwave, vehicles, radio, television, laptops, etc., everything is the result of science and technology. 412 Science, Technology and Society Here are What Science and Technology do for us: 1, It helps us technology nase time, and money. Various contributions of science and the Knowiegra’® Relped us save time and money. While science has given us Techs baked oF steam-cooked food is better than the tied oF oly es an eens sited us with microwave and steam-cookers that help transport, washing cok ou f00d. Various objects tke computers, modes of . washi ines help us save time and e' 2. Education. Sone education fe 8, ans technology have made significant contibution in the provided Us eptinns val Technology has made education itself easier. it has a © smart classes, multimedia devices, e-libraries, e-books, & hneroet Information technology, including internet, is an excellent gift of Sa yuh the help of internet, we do not get only immense knowledge on Seema Oe" Subjects, but we also get to stay connected with our friends 4 creas) wevaevices for comfortable sleeping, quick cooking and fast i renee he help of objects tke AC microwave and vehices, scence y have made our sleeping, cookin muti easier and faster. det ern ed ae trie a 5. It helps us live a better life. While science has made significant contributions in health by providing treatment for various chronic diseases, technology has benefited us in receiving those treatments through various ways and devices like X-ray, scan machines, operation devices, pacemaker, and many more. We are also blessed with numerous exercising equipment, various health apps, online doctor and other things that help us maintain good health and life. Impact of Technology on Society Technology by itself is not harmful to society, but the way society uses technology to achieve specific goals is what results into negative impacts of technology on the society. Humans need to use energy to process products in factories, to run cars, to light homes and also run technological machines like computers, but the only way we can do this without affecting the environment and society is by shifting from exhaustible ‘energy sources to renewable and inexhaustible energy sources like solar/wind energy. Technology has contributed much to various aspects of life. (https:www.use-of- technology/com/society-impact-tech-society/ «Technology has improved transportation. Transportation is one of the basic areas of technological activity. Both society and businesses have benefited from the new transportation methods. Transportation provides mobility for people and goods. Transportation, like other technologies, can be viewed as a system. It is a series of parts that are interrelated. These parts all work together to meet a certain goal. Technology has made possible all types of transportation and these include: (1) road transport used by automobile (2) air transport which is used by airplanes; (3)water transportation which is Used by ships and speedboats; and (4) space transportation used to go to the moon, Technologies like automobiles, buses and trucks have improved the way humans move and how they transport their goods from one place to another. chapter General Concepts and Historical Developments 43, Lesson 2: Science and Technology and Is Rein Nation Building «Technology has Improved communication. Communication is for a number of purposes. Both society and organizations depeng cemnmunication to transfer information. People use technology to communiese” coin each other, Electronic media like radios, televisions, internet, son'® media have improved the way we exchange ideas which can develop ®t weNeties in many countries, radios and televisions are used to voice qi, secomne of society. They organize live forums where the community one contribute through mobile phones of text service systems like twomicy orlpvneation technologies like televisions, radio and internet are usey persuade, entertain and inform the people about the various programs ay the government. Small businesses have also used the internet and moby, communication technology to grow and Improve their business, _ «The World Wide Web has proved to be an enormous information base fry Tren information can be relrieved by means of search engines. Information wien around the world is housed on the web. With the development of ror fachnology, the information can be organized in an organized manner wey relevant information can be retrieved on supplying search strings to wot agrch engines. Digitization of information has been @ major breakthrough in the world of information technology. «Technology has improved education and the learning process. Education rine backbone of every economy. People need well and organized Ssucational infrastructures so that they can learn how to interpret information Many schools have integrated educational technologies in their schools with the aim of improving the way students learn. Technologies like smart Whiteboards, computers, mobile phones, iPads, projectors and internet are being used in classrooms to boost students morale to learn. In the past, when there was no technological advancement, education was usually dificult to access and comprehend. Today, people can get educated even at their doorsteps without going to a building called university or college to collect their certificates. Distant learning and on-line study have made this possible. ‘The Role of Science and Technology in Nation-Building It is a well-established fact that science and technology impacts all aspects of our lives as well as the planet we live on. The changes induced by science and technology have for the most part benefited mankind although there is many a case where science ‘and technology-based innovations have been used for the detriment of mankind, pursued for either wealth and power or both. It is the responsibility of all concerned to ensure that science and technology is used widely to benefit mankind (Ratnasiri, 2006), ‘Science and technology has been one of the main driving forces of the economic growth of nations. Most developed countries have generated new technologies with potential to result in dynamic economic performance. This, however, has not been the case with most of the developing countries and their developmental plans have not ‘given emphasis and importance to science and technology and in particular to research in the science and technology aspects. Countries like India, South Korea, and Taiwan in the region have achieved much through science and technology and stand out as 14 Science, Technology and Society having demonstrated the abs. growth. These countries are technology on society without di s0lute importance of science and technology for economic ‘example for the developing countries. The impact of loubt is going to be even more marked in the future. It is then of paramount importance to generate and develop new knowledge in "@ and technology for application nationally through our own research capability. It is also necessary to concentrate on the rapid transfer and exchange of proven technologies from other nations to reap the benefits of the global trends to stimulate our economic growth. science ‘That science and technology plays a decisive role in the economic growth of nations is a foregone conclusion. It is then pertinent to also consider and rethink about the role of scientists and technologists in stimulating the economic well-being of the country. It is well accepted that scientists and technologists must necessarily generate new knowledge by engaging in meaningful and appropriate research and developmental activities. A question needs to be posed to the researchers as to whether their role should be limited to only the narrow confines of creation of new knowledge. If scientists and technologists are to contribute significantly to social and economic changes resulting in the development of the country, their role should expand beyond generation of new knowledge and assume the role of advising the decision makers and finally making the decisions on the science and technology prospects, choices and priorities for the country. How can scientists and technologists contribute to achieving the multiple role which is a dire necessity for the economic development of the country? Researchers, as creators of new knowledge, must focus their work on nationally and globally important and competitive areas of research which are multidisciplinary in nature. This means that the results of research must be goal and result-oriented, tangible and significant. On the other hand, scientists and technologists ‘should be totally committed to add and develop significantly to the knowledge base in science and technology aspects which are of economic importance to the nation, ‘The Role of Science and Technology in the Developing World in the 21* Century Developments in science and technology are fundamentally altering the way people live, connect, communicate and transact, with profound effects on economic development. According to Lee Roy Chetty (2012), science and technology are key drivers to development, because scientific and technological revolutions underpin economic advances, improvements in health systems, education and infrastructure. The technological revolutions of the 21* century are emerging from entirely new sectors, based on micro-processors, telecommunications, bio-technology and nano-technology. Products are transforming business practices across the economy, as well as the lives of all who have access to their effects. The most remarkable breakthroughs will come from the interaction of insights and applications arising when these technologies converge Through breakthroughs in health services and education, these technologies have the power to improve the lives of poor people in developing countries. Eradicating malaria and cures for other diseases which are endemic in developing countries are ible, allowing people with debilitating conditions to live healthy and productive ‘Chapter |: General Concepts and Hstorcal Developments 4.5 Lesson 2: Science and Technology and its Rele in Nation Bulcing

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