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Important questions- Yoga


Short questions on Employability skills (1 mark) :

1. What is communication?
2. Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is called
as _________.
3. Which method is used to receive information from the sender.
4. _____Refers the knowing one’s potential by examining and analyzing intellectual and spiritual
5. Write down the types of sentence.
6. ________ refers to a group of people who have complementary skills and work towards a common
7. Why do we send emails?
8. 3. What is writing?
9. What is compound sentence? Give one example.
10. Explain the communication cycle.
11. What are the benefits of teamwork?
12. Write down the strategies which help us to manage the time of our
13. What is verbal communication?
14. What are the disadvantages of non verbal communication?
15. Which of these is not an appropriate non-verbal communication at work?
16. ________ meaning having the ability to impress the mind, arousing appearance, respect for the way
someone looks or carries oneself
17. The word communication comes from the ____ word.
18. How many types of communication are there ?
19. What are the advantages of Visual Communication?
20. Explain parts of speech.
21. Define time management?
22. What is team? Mention some factors which influence team building.


Very short questions on subject specific skill. ( 1mark)

1. What is the time duration of Patanjali period?
2. What is the meaning of Mudra?
3. What is the meaning of ‘Yuj'?
4. In which period The Patanjali Yoga Sutra was written?
5. Who was the founder of Jainism?
6. How many streams are there in yoga?
7. ___________is the expression of the rule of perfect justice within us.
8. What is the age limit for practicing yoga?
9. How many chapters are there in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali?
10. How many vedas are there in yoga sadhana?
11. _________ vyayamaare exercises in which small joints and muscles of the body are exercised.
12. How many postures are there in Surya Namaskar?
13. What is the Sanskrit word for power or manifestation?
14. What is are the limbs of Ashtanga yoga?
15. The main aim of Bhakti yoga is —
16. The Bhagwad Gita discusses the______________Yoga as an easier path of Yoga.
17. What is the meaning of 'Sakhya' in Bhakti yoga?
18. How many forms of Bhakti yoga?
19. What are the categories of Asana?
20. What is meaning of Asteya and Aparigraha?
21. ____________ is also known as pranav.
22. What is the main aim of Janana yoga?
23. ____________is an attachment in yoga sadhana.
24. The ‘Yoga Sutras' written by whom?
25. Abhinivesh is____________.
26. Which yoga is called ‘Modern yoga'?
27. What is the 3rd chapter of 'Hatha yoga pradpika' called?
28. Which is practiced with faith and without expecting any result?
29. Which kriya is good for mental health &concentration?
30. How many Sutras are there in Yoga Sutras book?
31. How much asanas and pranayamas maharshi Gherand describe in Gherand Samhita?
32. Who is one of the follower of Janana yoga?
33. ___________is the writer of goraksh shatak.
34. What is the 1st chapter of Bhagwad Gita?
35. In the word 'Hatha', what is the meaning of ‘Ha'?
36. Which part of the body are purified by Dhauti and Neti?
37. What do you mean by 'Samadhi' in Ashtanga Yoga?
38. Who is the writer of 'Hatha Yoga Pradpika'?
39. What is the meaning of Ghata in the Gherand Samhita?
40. What is the main concept of chapter 5 in Bhagwad Gita?
41. What is the meaning of Svadhyaya?
42. How many shlokes are there in 'Hatha Yoga Pradpika'?
43. In which place Mahabharat War was started?
44. For how many days The Mahabharat War last?
45. Breathe control refers to ______
46. Which two persons were debated on Bhagwad Gita?
47. What is One of the part of Niyama and Yama?
48. The third chapter of “Hatha Yoga Pradpika” deals with__________.
49. In which chapter of the Yoga Sutras the author gives a description of Ashtanga yoga?


Short questions on subject specific skill. ( 2 marks)

1. What is yoga?
2. What is Dosh?
3. Write two benefits of Trataka kriya.
4. What are the benefits of Suryanamaskaar?
5. Write down the misconception of yoga in our daily life.
6. What are the aims and objectives of yoga?
7. Write down four rules and regulations of yoga.
8. Is the mattress important for practicing yoga?
9. What is Hatha Yoga?
10. Write down four principles of yoga with short explanation.
11. Describe two do's of yoga.
12. What is Gheranda Samhita?
13. Elaborate the four Padas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
14. Explain the level of Samadhi?
15. Where did the word karma originated?

Loong questions on subject specific skill. (4 marks)

1. Describe the origin, history and development of yoga.

2. What are the benefits of yoga?
3. What is the meaning of Sukshyam vyayama? Describe the steps of sasangasana breathing ( Rabbit
4. Explain the five Niyamas and Yamas in details.
5. Describe Yoga Sutra
6. Explain Karma yoga.
7. Explain Gheranda Samhita.
8. Write the name of eight pranayama of Hatha Yoga Pradpika.
9. Describe the four streams of yoga.
10. Describe 'Hatha Yoga Pradpika'.
11. Write down a short note about Ashtanga Yoga.
12. Describe Bhagwad Gita.
13. How asanas are different from mudras?

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