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Past Simple/Cont., Past Perfect Simple/Cont./PASSIVE

Past Simple:
1) pravilni glagoli: nastavak -ED ili -D (u svim licima)
Upitni oblik: DID + infinitive
Negativni oblik: DIDN'T + infinitive
2) nepravilni glagoli: imaju posebne oblike (tablica!)

Past Continuous:
Tvorba:WAS / WERE + -ing
Negativni oblik: WASN'T / WEREN'T + -ing
Upitni oblik: Was I going home? Were they going home?

Past Perfect Simple:

Tvorba:HAD + Past Participle
Negativni oblik: HADN'T + Past Participle
Upitni oblik: Had I seen you somewhere before?

Past Simple i Past Cont.

1) I was reading a book during the flight. (= nisam dovršio knjigu)
I watched a film during the flight. (= cijeli film)

2) U pitanjima, Past Cont. pita što se događalo prije neke druge radnje:
A What were you doing when the accident happened?
B I was shopping.

Past Simple pita što se dogodilo nakon neke druge radnje:

A What did you do when you saw the accident?
B I phoned the police.


- Past Perfect naglašava da se neka radnja u prošlosti dogodila prije neke druge radnje u prošlosti:
I didn't go to the cinema because I'd seen the film before.
- Past Simple priča priču kronološkim redom:
Sue met Pete at university. They were together for six years. They divorced last month.
Past Perfect može priču ispričati drugačijim redom:
Sue and Pete divorced last month. They'd met at university, and had been together for six years.

When I got to the party, Peter went home. (= Prvo sam ja došao, nakon toga je P. otišao)
When I got to the party, Peter had gone home. (= Prvo je P. otišao, nakon toga sam ja došao)



- koristi se za duže radnje ili radnje koje su se ponavljale:

We were exhausted because we'd been driving all day.
- vidljiva posljedica i uzrok u prošlosti: They were tired because they'd been working for hours.
PASSIVE (subjekta nema jer je nebitan, nepoznat ili se podrazumijeva)::

Past Simple Passive:

WAS/WERE + Past Participle

The museum was opened in 1987.

We were burgled last night.

Past Continuous Passive:

WAS/WERE + BEING + Past Participle

The painting was being restored.

Past Perfect Passive:

HAD BEEN + Past Participle

The house had been redecorated before I bought it.

- ista je kao i u aktivu:

The bridge was built in 1875. (dovršena radnja u prošlosti) - Past Simple

The bomb was being defused when it exploded. (prekinuta radnja u prošlosti) - Past Cont.

The letter didn't arrive because it had been sent to my old address. (radnja prije neke druge radnje
u prošlosti) - Past Perfect Simple

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