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Question/Answers: Page 111

Q1: What is the importance of the stage in the Animate window?

Ans: The Stage is the area where we place the graphics, text or video clips that are shown as
part of a movie. This is where all the action takes place. We place and adjust our visual
elements here.
Q2: Which tool can be used to draw a square?
Ans: The Rectangle Tool is used to draw rectangles and squares.
Q3: Name any two View Modification tools.
Ans: i) The Hand Tool
ii) The Rotation Tool
Q4: List any three Eraser Mode modifiers.
Ans: i) Erase Normal
ii) Erase Fills
iii) Erase Lines
Q5: What is the difference between the Paint Bucket and Ink Bottle tools?
Ans: The Paint Bucket tool allows us to fill enclosed areas with solid colours or gradient fills
whereas the Ink Bottle Tool allows us to change the colours, thickness and the style of the
strokes or even the outlines of shapes.
Additional Questions:
Q6: What is Adobe Flash Animate CC?
Ans: Adobe Flash Animate CC is one of the software programs that can be used to create
animated movies and games.
Q7: What can we do with the help of Adobe Flash Animate?
Ans: We can combine images, audio, video and other effects to create animations. These
animations are small in size and can easily be incorporated into web pages. The animations
created using this software are commonly used to display advertisements and games on web
Q8: What are the elements of the Animate interface?
Ans: Elements of Animate Interface:
i) Stage
ii) Timeline
iii) Properties panel
iv) Tools panel
v) Library
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Q9: List the Drawing and Painting Tools.
Ans: i) Text Tool
ii) Line Tool
iii) Rectangle Tool
iv) Polystar Tool
v) Pencil Tool
vi) Brush Tool
vii) Paint Bucket Tool
viii) Ink Bottle Tool
ix) Eye Dropper Tool
Q10: List the Selection Tools.
Ans: i) Selection Tool
ii) Free transform Tool
iii) 3D Rotation Tool
iv) Lasso Tool
v) Polgon Tool
Q11: What do you know about layers in Animate?
Ans: Layers can be imagined as transparent sheets mounted on top of each other on the
Stage. Layers enable you to organize the artwork in your document. You can draw and edit
objects on one layer without affecting objects on another layer.

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