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Prepared by Brodie Thompson

BT Audio


Tagline (Sum up your idea in one sentence)

The Audio Drama is about an orphan looking for his mother joining up with someone who
knows where she might be

Short Summary

A Hacker who lives in the Megacity New Andreas who is looking for his mother joins a
team lead by someone who knows his mother to find out she is dead. He then goes on a
hunt for the person who killed his mother and bring him to Justice

Purpose and USP

The purpose of this Audio Drama is to look into a future world of the 26 th Century and our
Unique Selling Point is to show the Dystopian side of the future and how people can be
rebellious about it


Our intentions is to show people the sad reality of what the future might hold.

Target audience (detailed outline – Demographics and Psychographics)

We want to target those between the ages of 16-34 and can be any race and mainly a
male audience. Usually those who like sci fi movies and they like to look into the lore of a

Our Genre is Sci-Fi Cyberpunk taking place in the year 2524

Codes and Conventions

We’ll be using an array of codes and conventions like Audio panning, Music, Sound effects
and Dialogue

Examples of similar Audio Dramas and inspiration

Blade Runner

Doctor Who Audiobooks

List of Actors who will play your Characters

Charlie Thompson – Lucius

Michelle Thompson – Doc M and Mooly

Brodie Thompson – Michael, Ron and Don

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