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Choosing future forms

Use each expression once to fill the gaps in the pairs of sentences.

a get / ‘ll get

‘I’ve got a headache.’ ‘Stay there. I _________ you an aspirin.’

I’m a newspaper junkie. I _________ five newspapers a day.

b ‘ll see / I’m going to see

I can’t do the housework tonight. I __________ a movie.

‘What are you going to get your mother for her birthday?’ - ‘I don’t know yet. I _______ .

c are you going to do / will you do

So you’re going to America for a year ! What __________ when you get there?

I’m sure you’ll pass your exams, but what _________________ if you fail them.

d ‘ll come / ‘m coming

I __________ with you if you like.

I _____________ with you whether you like it or not.

e are you doing / are you going to do

What ______________ about that leaking tap? You said you’d fix it ages ago.

What ________________ this weekend?

f ‘s raining / ‘s going to rain

It ______________ rain tomorrow, so now’s the time to cut the grass.

Oh, no ! It _______ ! That means we can’t play tennis.

g ‘m getting / ‘m going to get

I ______________ a new car on Monday.

I __________ a new car some time. This one’s so unreliable.

h ‘ll crash / ‘s going to crash

Look out ! He ______________ !

Don’t lend Peter your car. He’s a lousy driver. He __________ it.

i is starting / starts

My TV programme ___________ in thirty minutes.

My husband ________________ a new job next week.

Future forms
Will or going to ?

1 A I ………………………… make myself a sandwich. Do you want one?

B No thanks. I ………………………. have something later.

2 A Marco and Lia ………………………. Florida this year for their holidays.

B How wonderful ! The boys ……………………… love it, especially Disneyland.

3 A Bye, Mum . I ……………………. meet Tom and Mel. I …………….. be back at about 10.

B OK, but don’t be late again or I ………………………. be really annoyed.

4 A Jo …………………. be furious when she finds out I’ve crashed the car.

B She …………………………… understand if you explain that it wasn’t your fault

5 A I ………………. not ………………… work today, I feel awful.

B don’t worry, I ………………….. ring your boss and tell her you’re sick.

6 A I’m tired. I think ………………………. go to bed.

B I ……………………. watch the news, then I ………………. join you.

7 A My boss has told me I ……………………… be promoted.

B Congratulations ! We …………………… have to celebrate.

8 A Mr Smith, now you’ve won the lottery you …………………. be the fifth-richest man in the UK.
How do you feel about that?

B I ……………….tell you next week. I’m too shocked at the moment.

What would they say?

1 He sees some very black clouds in the sky. It’s ………………………………………

2 His sister has just reminded him that it’s his mother’s birthday . I ……………………………………

3 He has decided to study hard for his exams. I ………………………………………………..

4 He’s made an appointment to see his dentist next Friday. I ……………………….

5 He predicts a win for his team Manchester United on Saturday. I think …………………….

6 He’s stuck in a traffic jam. He’s late for a meeting. He rings his office. I’m sorry ………………

7 His sister is pregnant. The baby is due next March. My sister …………………………….

8 His plane ticket for next Sunday says : 7.30 Heathrow. My plane ………………………..

9 He can see himself lying on a beach in Spain next Monday. This time next week………..

10 He predicts hot weather there. I think it…………………….

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