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FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT I: Introduction of Group Dynamics

1. Read Chapter 1 of your textbook.

2. Watch the Film, Bug’s Life and answer the guide questions below. Kindly cite
scenes/situations from the film and your personal experiences to support your answer/s.


1. Describe the Ants’ group dynamics. Do they possess the true definition and the
characteristics of a group? Discuss your answer (5 pts).

- Yes, they do possess the true definition and a characteristic of a group, because
they follow the leader, they help each other out, they plan things by brainstorming
or sharing of ideas before making it into existence.

2. How are the Ants’ stages of Development? Choose and cite scene/s from the film to
describe each stage (5 pts).

Stages of Group Development

Forming – The forming happens when Flick asked the group of insects in the circus to help
him save the Ants Colony from the hoppers, he exchange information or details to the other
insects while they were on their way to the island of the Ants, and the forming also happens
when they called for a party on how the hoppers are taking advantage to the Ants and the baby
Ants made a presentation to the circus bugs on how they are going to fight the Hoppers but
the baby Ants made the group of circus bugs uncomfortable because they thought they came
there to have a job which is the “circus job” but it turns out they need to save the Ants from
the Hoppers.

Storming- The first storming or conflict is when there is a miscommunication or

misunderstanding between Flick and to the circus bugs, because the circus bugs thought they
are in the colony of Ants to perform a circus job, and Flick also thought that they are great
warriors because of what the circus bugs did to the Flies, then the conflict also happens when
the PT flea (manager or owner of the circus) came to the Island of the Ants and revealed that
the circus bugs are not actually warriors but a clowns and because of that the Island of the
Ants got mad to Flick because Flick lied to them and the Princess made Flick leave to the

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Island and told him to not go back there anymore.

Norming- The first norming of them is when Flick and the circus bugs made an agreement
that they will continue being a warriors and made a bird for the grass hoppers since the grass
hoppers are afraid of birds, so they came up with a plan that the circus bugs will continue
being a warriors while they are building the bird.

Performing- It happened when Flick and circus bugs needed to save Dot because he fell to the
rocks while chasing Flick and there is a big bird that is chasing them too, and they needed to
perform a strategy to get away from the bird. And it also happened when they are building the
bird, they came up with a plan and they helped each other to build the bird.

Adjourning- The regret happened when Princess Atta made Lick leave in the island and Flick
got discourage and believed that everything that he will do will always fail and that he cannot
redeem himself to Princess Atta and to the rest of the Ants Colony. And the withdrawal
happened when Flick does not want to fight the hoppers because the bird would not work.

3. In the movie, Flik accidentally stumbled upon their food storage resulting it to fall down
the cliff and over a body of water. In the process, the colony’s hard effort was put into
waste. Is it true that in a group setting, a mistake of one member is a mistake of
everyone? Explain your stand (5 pts)

- Yes, because you are supposedly doing the right thing but in a setting we will
never know when we will make a mistake and the best thing to do about it is to
admit the mistake and do better the next time and just because flick made a
mistake it does not mean he cannot redeem himself anymore, that is why he
suggested that he will look for a group who can fight the Grass hoppers because
he wanted to help the Ants Colony and wanted to make things right/better. And to
add up Hopper said to Princess Atta that “First rule of leadership everything is
your fault” because Princess Atta making herself clean and putting the blame to
the other Ant which making Princess Atta a not a leader.

4. In Flik’s quest to seek help for his colony, he found himself with a newfound group that
he first believed as warriors. Eventually both realized that their goal was not on the same

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page, being that the warriors were circus entertainers, they decided to leave the colony
believing they will not be able to eradicate the grasshoppers. Then something came about
and, in that moment, Flik and the circus troop unconsciously achieved a same goal. What
was that event that made them cooperate with each other for the first time? Explain the
value of having a common goal in a group (5 pts)

- The first event that made them work as a group was when Dot fell and there is a
bird chasing them and they all cooperated for them to be safe. And the value of
having the same goal is that everyone in the group has a purpose and it helps them
to work as a team to reach their goals or to achieve their desire as a team.

5. Discuss the importance and significance of the colony’s Project - The Bird. What are your
takeaways (lessons) from that concept and elaborate how can you relate this in reality (5

- The importance and significance of the colony’s project which is the bird is for
the grass hoppers since they found out that the grass hoppers are afraid of birds so
they built a bird to scare the grass hoppers and to make them leave and the Ants
will not be threaten by the grass hoppers anymore.
- My takeaway from this part is when Flick stands up and has the courage to speak
out to fight Hopper because he knows that he is right and that hopper are just
using them to get more food and the grass hoppers were really not protecting them
where in fact the Ants are the one who is protecting them from being hungry, and
they are also taking advantage to the Ants.
- It is also happening in reality where some of the people who is privileged has the
audacity to look down in people and use them to gain more power. I can relate
this in our current situation in the Government, the officials are taking advantage
of the situation and does not really serving the people. The Government should
protect its people because the people gave them the power to do their job, they
should be afraid of their people not the people being afraid to them. I am hoping
for the people to realize that the government is abusing their power, and they are

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being used, and someday the people will be reunite and will fight for what is

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