2017 State 5th Grade Use of English

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Time limit: 60 minutes Total points: ______ /70

Student’s code:_______________

Part one
Circle the correct answer to finish the sentences.

1. We pick things up with our ______. 9. We stand at a bus ______ to wait for a
A) arms B) hands C) hair D) heads
A) seat B) road C) stop D) corner
2. I lick an ice-cream with my ______.
10. The cars wait until the traffic ______
A) knee B) chest C) lips D) tongue
turn green.
3. To eat something I put it in my ______.
A) railings B) signs C) crossing D) lights
A) mouth B) elbow C) nose D) neck
11. You can cross the road at a ______.
4. We comb and brush our ______.
A) pedestrian crossing B) corner C) crosser
A) fingers B) shoulder C) hair D) sole
D) road
5. I brush my ______ regularly, especially
12. We should put waste paper in a ______.
after eating.
A) box B) park C) litter-bin D) pavement
A) waist B) lips C) teeth D) thumb
13. We get wet when it ______.
6. My father’s brother is my ______.
A) freezes B) blows C) shines D) rains
A) brother B) grandfather C) uncle D) aunt
14. When it is very cold, everything ______.
7. The ______ is sunny today.
A) rains B) freezes C) blows D) snows
A) weather B) leather C) whether D) air
15. Children enjoy making a snowman when
8. I sometimes listen to the ______.
it ______.
A) book B) radio C) type D) film
A) snows B) blows C) freezes D) is cold

________________ / 15 points
Part two
Write – how much – how many – to complete the questions
___________How many __ sandwiches have you got?
1. _______________________________ milk is there in the fridge?
2. _______________________________ time do you need?
3. _______________________________ fruit can you see on the table?
4. _______________________________ friends have you got?
5. _______________________________ states are there in Mexico?
6. _______________________________ love do you give to your mom?
7. _______________________________ princesses are there in England?
8. _______________________________ bananas do you eat a day?

9. _______________________________ eggs do you buy?

10. _______________________________ flour do you need for a pie?

________________ /10 points

Part three
Complete the gaps with the phrases from the box.
greengrocer’s park theatre ZOO post office prison

shopping centre library dentist butcher’s restaurant

0. A shop where you buy fruit and vegetables greengrocer’s

1. A room or building that contains a collection of books and other written
material that you can read or borrow. _____________________________
2. A large area of grass, often in a town, where people can walk and enjoy
themselves. _________________
3. A place where you can buy stamps and send letters and parcels.
4. A place where you can buy and eat a meal.
5. A place where a lot of shops have been built close together.
6. A building with a stage where people go to watch plays.
7. A place where wild animals are kept and people come to look at them.
8. A place where criminals are kept as a punishment.
9. The place where a doctor examines and repairs teeth.
10. A shop that prepares and sells meat.
________________ / 10 points
Part four
Complete each of the sentences below using the following words:

freezer, paper towels, knife, spoon, toaster, curtains, napkin, salad,

refrigerator, oven

1. After you take the bread out of the _____________________, put butter on it
while it's still hot.

2. You have to pre-heat the __________________________ to 300 degrees.

3. Put the ice in the __________________________________________ .

4. Make sure that you close the _______________________________ door.

Otherwise, the food inside will go bad.

5. That ________________________________ isn't very sharp.

6. You eat soup with a _________________________________________ .

7. After eating, my mother wiped her mouth with a __________________________.

8. Close the ________________________________ or the neighbors will see you.

9. Get the ___________________________ . I spilled the spaghetti on the floor.

10. Add some tomatoes to the _________________________________________ .

________________ / 10 points

Part five
Complete the sentences. Write the time. Use (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour).
10:40 - It’s twenty to eleven

1. 2:35 - __________________________________________________
2. 11:20 - __________________________________________________
3. 7:15 - ____________________________________________________
4. 11:55 - __________________________________________________
5. 3:30 - ______________________________________________________

________________ / 5 points
Part six

Complete the text with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of
the verbs in brackets.

It is (be) Saturday afternoon and I 1.___________________ (watch) TV now.

There 2.______________(be) an interesting program about wild animals. My
mother 3.___________________ (help) my brother with his Maths homework,
because he can’t do it himself. In fact he 4.____________________ (hate)
doing homework. My father 5._______________________ (cut) the grass in
the garden. My sister 6.______________________(read) a book in her room.
She 7.______________________ (love) reading so she
8._________________(go) to the library every Saturday, and
9.________________ (borrow) four or five books. I
10._____________________ (not / know) how many books she has got in her
________________ / 10points

Part seven
Write the dates with words as in the example:
14/03/2016 the Fourteenth of March, 2016

1. 07/11/2009 __________________________________________________________

2. 10/05/1955 __________________________________________________________

3. 09/10/1861 __________________________________________________________

4. 1/09/1979 __________________________________________________________

5. 5/03/1983 ___________________________________________________________

________________ / 10 points

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