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1. What are the qualities of a good interviewer?

Interviews and interrogation are both form of questioning, they aim to gather information however they
are still different in their own way. Interview are designed to collect data and evaluate a subject’s
credibility in a non-accusatory manner. It is done through simple question and answer. On the other
hand, Interrogation is in more intense questioning session to gather a confession from a suspect who is
presumed to be guilty, it is usually conducted by a law enforcer or an investigator to gather information
regarding criminal act.

2. What are the qualities of a good interviewer?

A competent and skilled interviewer must know his/her primary job and objective. He must possess a
good communication skills, must know how to respect and show empathy to the person under interview.
In addition to the good characteristics of good interviewer, he must know how to conduct open ended
questions as well as follow up queries to get efficient and accurate data at the same time to maintaining
a comfortable conversation.

3. What are the qualities of a good interrogator?

Being an interrogator is different from being interviewer. Efficient Interrogator should be an excellent
observer, listener and a critical thinker, he should have a confident and strong personality to persuade a
person. In connection with this, he must non-aggressive and calm to demonstrate his objectives in a
professional manner.

4. What are the physical signs of deception?

During Interrogation, there are certain Physical signs of deception that interrogator often detect. They
give importance to the body language, gesture, changes in vocal pitch and choices of words of the
suspect. Shrugging, lack of expression, a bored posture, and grooming behaviors such as playing with
hair or pressing fingers to lips implies that an individual is lying. Someone who is lying might stare or look
away at a crucial moment, like Glass a possible sign they’re moving their eyes around as they try to think
about what to say next. In addition to this, the sweating or dryness of an individual is also an indication
because it has an impact to our nervous system.
5. What are the different techniques of interrogation?

There are different techniques of interrogation used by investigators to gather accurate and efficient
data. Some common techniques include:

The Reid interrogation technique - the most common and includes tactics like direct confrontation or
presenting evidence and allowing a suspect to confess.

Leading And Loaded Questions – interrogators ask lots of questions during interrogations. Providing
loaded question will make the suspect confusion because he needs to choose his words carefully

PEACE Technique - PEACE stands for Preparation and Planning, Engage and Explain, Account, Closure,
and Evaluate. The idea is to make the interrogation look more like an interview than a regular
interrogation. It aims to make the suspect talk as long as possible.

Cognitive Interview – This Technique is mostly use because not everyone has a photographic memory to
remember everything what happened. In this technique the interrogator will provide information so
that the suspect will recall and retrieve details accurately

Rapport building - It established a positive and comfortable relationship with the suspect to encourage .

Kinesic Interview - The interrogator asks the suspect several questions while closely observing their
behavior and body language as they respond.

6. What are the reasons why the witness refuse to talk and testify?

There are various possible reason why a witness refuses to talk and testify. First, they are afraid for their
protection. Providing information in court may compromise the security of their family, specially if the
accused is a high profile individual.

Witness do also refuses to testify because of emotional trauma. They do not want the idea of retelling
the worse scenario that they have seen. They do not want to get involved in that particular situation.

It is also possible that they refuses to appear in court because they do not trust the legal process or the
justice system in the country. Believing that law is only for those who afford it.

It is also possible that witness choose to be silent because they do not understand the legal proceedings.
There are witnesses who do not know their rights to be protected resulting them to refuse testifying.

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