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Teacher Candidate Observation Form

Teacher Candidate: Lucas Agasse Supervisor: Kathy Krucker Date: February 5, 2024

Learning Environment – Classroom management; class-set up and Planning and Preparation – Timely and complete lesson plans; plans
appearance; follows established procedures; respectful interactions driven by data, student needs, standards; connects concepts to previous
amongst all prior lessons/experiences; evidence of appropriate sequencing and
modifications; chooses multiple materials and instructional

Summary: Summary:

Vibrant and welcoming classroom. Individual greeting of students and Outstanding and well-timed lesson. As always, thanks for sending it to Box
talking to them in French as they entered the room was great. Fantastic a few days ahead of time. It was obvious that you spent a lot of time on
rapport with your students…..very respectful interactions both ways. this lesson: PowerPoint on Promethean board was pleasing, easy to see,
Students got right to work at beggging of class when you asked them about and was well sequenced with all of today’s activities and instruction. Your
their weekend. Your students know your procedures and expectations for connection to terminal behavioral objective and curriculum content
class. standard was very evident. Varied materials and instructional strategies
and activities were outstanding.

Action Plan/Next Steps: Action Plan/Next Steps

Keep up the great work Keep up the great work!

I still want to know how you doing with planning for two preps.

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Teacher Candidate Observation Form

Instruction and Assessment – Clear information and instructions; Professionalism – On time and prepared; professional communications
accurate content knowledge; varied materials and activities; changes and appearance; collaborates successfully; receptive to feedback; self-
instructional role; good timing to maximize student on-task time; flexible reflects
for modifications; promotes self-assessment; continually monitors for
student learning (through questioning and formative assessments)

Summary: Summary:

As stated above, this was a terrific lesson. Students were engaged Outstanding in all areas. You and Jayne have great collaboration and you
throughout. Your monitoring and checking on students was outstanding. meet regularly to go over your lessons. You are very receptive to feedback.
Great room movement and teaching from all areas of the room. You are
very clear and direct in what you want to happen. Your content knowledge
is exceptional. I like how you explained the different French accents
between Cllément and Maggie. I understand that you will be introducing
other French accents and cultures from many of the African countries such
as Guinea, Senegal, Mali, etc. As always your PowerPoint was excellent and
so well timed. I like how the students used their individual white boards to
answer your connaitre and savoir questions….I think there is safety in
getting all students to respond. I really like that “wheel” to select student
names for responding to questions. Having the students watch the videos
twice before they filled out the chart was a great idea. Really like the
students recording their own video.

Great voice projection, eye contact with all students, very dynamic
presentation. You project excitement about teaching French.

Great wrap up – especially with reminder for homework on the

Promethean board.

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Teacher Candidate Observation Form
Action Plan/Next Steps: Action Plan/Next Steps:

Once again, keep up the great work!

Do your students know that UA Basketball star player Oumar Ballo is from
Mali? It might be fun to see if you could contact him when the season is
over to come to your class. Besides French and English, I think he speaks
Bambara and a little Spanish.

Noticed some students did not turn around to look at individual white
board drawings of their fellow students.

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