E-Commerce Web Application For Farmers

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The project ‘E-Commerce Web Application for Farmers’ aims at helping

farmers to sell their products directly to consumers without the need for
intermediaries. The application will allow farmers to create an account
and list their products, along with relevant information such as quantity,
price, and location. Customers will be able to browse the available
products, place orders, and make payments through the platform. browse
the available products, place orders, and make payments through the platform.

February 2022 – June 2022


Mrs. C. Valarmathi

1.1 Literature Survey
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Aim of the Project
1.4 Existing Systems
1.5 Proposed System


2.1 Software Requirements
2.2 Hardware Requirements

3.1 High level design
3.2 Low level design
3.3 System Architecture
3.4 Use case design
3.5 Sequence Diagram
3.6 Data Flow Diagram

4.1 Modules Description



An e-commerce application for farmers is a platform that enables farmers to sell their products
directly to consumers or other businesses through an online marketplace. The platform provides a
convenient and efficient way for farmers to market their products and reach a wider customer base
beyond their local area.

Farmer: The term "farmer" refers to the individuals or groups who produce agricultural products
and sell them through the web application. Farmers will be able to register on the platform, list their
products for sale, manage their orders, and receive payments from customers. They will be the
primary sellers on the platform.
Customer: Customers refer to the individuals or groups who visit the web application to purchase
agricultural products from farmers. They can browse the available products, search for specific items,
view product details, and make payments through the web application. Customers are the primary
buyers on the platform.
Middleman: The term "middleman" refers to the individuals or groups who act as intermediaries
between farmers and customers.

The e-commerce application for farmers typically includes features such as product listings,
payment processing, order management, and shipping logistics. Customers can browse through the
products available, place orders, and pay online through the platform. The
platform also enables farmers to manage their inventory, track orders, and handle customer service
The e-commerce application for farmers can also provide additional features to help farmers market
their products and increase sales. This may include tools for advertising, promotions, and discounts,
as well as analytics to help farmers understand their customers and track their sales performance.
The e-commerce application for farmers aims to provide farmers with a convenient and efficient
way to sell their products without the need for intermediaries or middlemen. This allows them to
earn higher profits and reach a wider customer base beyond their local communities. At the same
time, the application also benefits consumers and businesses by providing them with access to fresh
and locally sourced produce at competitive prices.


The problem that the e-commerce application for farmers aims to address is the lack of direct market access
for small-scale farmers. Many farmers struggle to find buyers for their products due to the limited reach of their
local markets and the high fees and commissions charged by middlemen. This results in low profits for
farmers and limited access to fresh and locally sourced produce for consumers andbusinesses.
Additionally, the traditional agricultural supply chain can be opaque and inefficient, making it difficult for
consumers to know where their food comes from, how it was produced, and whether it is safe and of high-
quality. This lack of transparency and traceability can erode trust between buyers and sellers, and
contribute to unsustainable and unethical farming practices.
Furthermore, small-scale farmers often lack the resources and tools to manage their businesses
efficiently, such as inventory management, marketing, and online sales. This can limit their ability to expand
their businesses and reach new customers, further reducing their profitability and market access.

Provide farmers with a user-friendly and reliable e-commerce platform that allows them to create
their own online store, list their products, manage their inventory, process payments, and fulfill
orders. Increase market access for small-scale farmers by connecting them directly with consumers
and businesses, and enabling them to expand their businesses beyond their local communities.
Foster a sense of community between farmers and consumers by providing opportunities for
farmers to share their stories, connect with their customers, and receive feedback. Empower farmers
by providing them with the tools and resources to manage their businesses more efficiently, and
increase their profitability and competitiveness in the market.


The existing system for the sale of agricultural products often involves multiple intermediaries,
such as wholesalers and retailers, who act as intermediaries between farmers and consumers. In this
system, farmers typically sell their products to wholesalers or processors, who then sell the products
to retailers or other intermediaries. The products are then resold to consumers at a higher price, with
the intermediaries taking a share of the revenue.


Lack of control and transparency , Farmers often have little control over the prices they receive for
their products, as they are at the mercy of intermediaries who determine the final price. This can lead
to farmers receiving unfairly low prices for their products.
Reduced profits the presence of multiple intermediaries can significantly reduce the profits earned
by farmers, as they take a share of the revenue.


The proposed system aims to provide a platform for farmers to sell their produce directly to
consumers, and to develop a user-friendly and scalable web application to support this process. It
represents a significant step forward in the development of more sustainable and provide an
equitable food system. The proposed system would have a user-friendly interface that is easy to use
and navigate. This would make it easier for farmers, particularly those with limited technical expertise,
to set up and manage their online stores.


A software requirements specification (SRS) is a detailed description of a software system to be

developed with its functional and non-functional requirements. The SRS is developed based the
agreement between customer and farmer. It includes the use cases of how user is going to interact
with software system

Software Requirement

The following is the software requirements of the system for the proposed system:
OS : Windows
Platform : Windows XP/7/Vista java script
Language : v s code
IDE/tool :

Hardware Requirement

The following is the hardware requirements of the system for the proposed system:
Processor RAM : Minimum intel i5 Processor
Hard Disk : Minimum 512 MB SSD
Display 500 GB
: Keyboard, monitor and mouse


The system design for the e-commerce application for farmers will consist of several key
components, including:
A user interface (UI) that allows farmers to list and sell their products, and allows consumers to
browse and purchase products. The UI will be developed using the React JavaScript library, which
will provide a modern, responsive design that is optimized for mobile devices.
A database that stores information about the products listed on the platform, including descriptions,
images, prices, and availability. The database will be developed using MongoDB, which is a No SQL
database that is well-suited for storing and managing large volumes of data.
A server-side component that handles the communication between the UI and the database, as well as
any other server-side tasks such as authentication, payment processing, and email notifications. The
server-side component will be developed using Node.js and the Express framework.
An analytics component that allows the platform to track and analyze data about the products listed
on the platform, as well as data about the users of the platform (e.g. demographics, purchasing


The high-level design for an user interface would be designed to be user-friendly and easy to
navigate, with a clear and intuitive layout. The interface would allow farmers to set up their online
store, add products, manage inventory, process orders, and interact with customers. The database
would store all the necessary data for the system, including user accounts, product listings, orders,
and customer information.


The low-level design for an frontend of the system would be built using modern web development
technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A popular frontend frameworksuch as React or
Angular could be used to provide a dynamic and responsive user interface.

Fundamental Design Concepts

User-centered design: The design of the platform will prioritize the needs and preferences of the
users, including both farmers and consumers. This will involve conducting user research to
understand the goals and behaviors of the users, and designing the platform to meet their needs in an
intuitive and user- friendly manner.
Responsive design: The platform will be designed to be responsive and adapt to the user's device,
ensuring that it looks and functions properly on any device (e.g. desktop, tablet, mobile). This will
involve the use of responsive design techniques such as fluid grids and media queries.
Accessibility: The platform will be designed to be accessible to users with disabilities, followingweb
accessibility guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This will
involve designing the platform to be navigable using keyboard controls, providing alternative text
for images, and using high-contrast color schemes

Scalability: The platform will be designed to handle large volumes of traffic and data, and to be able
to scale up or down as needed. This will involve designing the platform with a robust and flexible
architecture that can handle increased traffic and data without experiencing performance issues.
The design concepts for the e-commerce application for farmers will aim to create a platform that is
user-friendly, responsive, accessible, and scalable, ensuring to meets the needs of both farmers and
Customers and is able to adapt to the changing needs of the market.


The input design for the e-commerce application for farmers will involve designing the forms and
interfaces that allow users to input data into the system. This will include designing forms for
farmers to list and manage their products, and for consumers to search for and purchase products.
For farmers, the input design will include forms for adding new products to the platform, including
fields for entering information such as the product name, description, images, price, and availability.
It will also include forms for managing existing products, such as editing product details or marking
a product as sold out.
For Customers, the input design will include search forms that allow users to search for products by
keyword or category, as well as forms for adding products to the shopping cart and completing the
checkout process.


Output The output design for the e-commerce application for farmers will consist of the visual and
interactive elements of the platform that the users will see and interact with. This will include the
layout, design, and functionality of the platform's user interface (UI).

Layout: The layout of the platform will determine how the content is organized and presented to the
user. It will be important to design a layout that is intuitive and easy to navigate, and that allows the
user to quickly find and access the content they are looking for.

Design: The design of the platform will include the visual elements such as the color scheme,
typography, and imagery. It will be important to design a platform that is visually appealing and
consistent, and that conveys the desired branding and tone.

Functionality: The functionality of the platform will include the interactive elements such as buttons,
forms, and drop-down menus. It will be important to design functionality that is intuitive and easy
to use, and that allows the user to easily perform the desired actions on the platform

Development of System

The development of the e-commerce application for farmers will involve a series of iterative steps
that allow for the creation of a user-friendly, scalable, and robust platform that meets the needs of
both farmers and consumers

Different phases of model

Planning: In this phase, the development team defines the goals and objectives of the project,
identifies the user needs and requirements, and develops a roadmap for the development of the

Design: In this phase, the development team creates the design and architecture of the product,
including the layout, design, and functionality of the user interface (UI).

Implementation: In this phase, the development team builds the product according to the design
and architecture created in the previous phase. This may involve the development of the back- end
components (e.g. server-side logic, database), as well as the front-end components (e.g. user
interface, client-side logic).

Testing: In this phase, the development team conducts testing to ensure that the product functions
correctly and meets the user needs and requirements. This may involve unit testing, integration
testing, and user acceptance testing.

Deployment: In this phase, the product is released to the users and becomes available for use. This
may involve the deployment of the product to a production environment, as well as the promotion of
the product to the users.

Maintenance: In this phase, the development team continues to maintain and update the product to
address any issues or bugs that may arise, and to add new features or functionality as needed.

3.3 System Architecture

The system architecture for an e-commerce application for farmers would typically involve a client-
server architecture, where the client is the web browser used by farmers and customers to access the
application, and the server is the backend infrastructure that handles requests and provides data and

Client-side: The client-side of the application would be built using modern web development
technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A popular frontend framework such as React or
Angular could be used to provide a dynamic and responsive user interface.
Server-side: The server-side of the application would be built using a server-side programming
language such as Python, PHP, or Ruby. A popular backend framework such as Django, Laravel, or
Ruby on Rails could be used to provide a robust and scalable backend infrastructure.


This use case diagram outlines the keyuser interactions that are supported by the application, including:
Register: Farmers and customers can register for a new account on the application, providing their
contact information and other relevant details.
Login: Once registered, users can login to the application using their username and password, which
enables them to access the application's features and services.
Browse products: Customers can browse the products listed by farmers on the application, including
detailed product descriptions, images, and prices.
Search products: Customers can search for specific products or categories of products using the
application's search function.
Add to cart: Customers can add products to their shopping cart, which enables them to purchase
multiple products in a single transaction.
Checkout: Customers can checkout their shopping cart, providing payment and shipping
information, and completing the transaction.
Manage products: Farmers can manage their product listings on the application, including adding
new products, updating existing products, and deleting products that are no longer available.
Manage orders: Farmers can manage their orders on the application, including processing and
fulfilling orders, and managing shipping and delivery.
Provide feedback: Customers can provide feedback and ratings on products and services, which can
help other customers make informed purchasing decisions

The use case diagram for the e-commerce application for farmers would represent the actions that
the actors can perform on the platform, and the relationships between the actors and the use cases. It
would provide a high-level overview of the functionality of the platform and how it will be used by
the actors.

Use Case Diagram


 The customer selects the products they want to purchase and adds them to their shoppingcart.

 The customer initiates the checkout process by clicking the "checkout" button on theshopping cart page.

 The application retrieves the customer's shipping and payment information and displays a summary of
the order.

 The customer reviews the order summary and confirms that they want to proceed with thepurchase.

 The application sends a request to the payment gateway to process the payment and initiate the

 The payment gateway processes the payment using the customer's selected payment method,such as a
credit card or digital wallet.

 If the payment is successful, the application sends a confirmation message to the customer and the

 The farmer receives the order information and begins processing the order, which includespackaging and
preparing the products for shipment.

 The application sends a request to the logistics provider to schedule a pickup for theshipment.

 The logistics provider picks up the shipment from the farmer and delivers it to the customer.

 The customer receives the shipment and confirms that they have received the products.


Sequence Diagram


This data flow diagram outlines the high-level data flows that occur within the application, including the
external entities that interact with the application and the processes and data storesthat make up the application
itself. The components of the diagram are as follows:

Data flow diagram

This data flow diagram outlines the high-level data flows that occur within the application,
including the external entities that interact with the application and the processes and data stores that
make up the application itself. The components of the diagram are as follows:

External Entities: These represent the entities that interact with the application, including farmers,
customers, payment gateways, logistics providers, and other external systems or services.
Processes: These represent the major processes that make up the application, including user
registration, product management, order processing, payment processing, and shipping and delivery
Data Stores: These represent the various data stores that are used by the application, including the
customer and farmer account information, product listings, orders and transactions,
payment information, and shipping and delivery information.
Data Flows: These represent the flow of data between the various components of the application,
including the inputs and outputs of the various processes, and the data that is stored and retrieved
from the data stores.


Planning and Design: The first step in building an E-commerce web application is planning and
designing the user interface, functionality, and database structure. The design should be simple and
easy to use, with clear navigation and search functionalities. The database should be designed to
store farmer information, product information, and order information.

Backend Development: The next step is to set up the backend using Node.js and Express.js. This
involves creating REST APIs to handle user authentication, product listing, ordering, and payment
processing. MongoDB will be used to store the application data, and Mongoose will be used as an
object modeling tool for MongoDB.

Frontend Development: The frontend will be built using React.js, which provides an efficient way
to create reusable UI components. The UI will be designed to provide a user-friendly experience
with easy navigation and clear product listings. The application will also include search
functionalities, filters, and sorting options to help users find the products they are looking for.

Payment Processing: The application will support secure payment processing using third-party
payment gateways, such as Stripe or PayPal. This will ensure that farmers receive their payments
securely and efficiently.

Testing and Deployment: Once the application is built, it will be tested to ensure it is working as
expected. This involves testing the backend APIs, frontend UI, and payment processing. After
testing, the application will be deployed to a production environment, such as a cloud hosting
service like AWS or Heroku.

Maintenance and Support: After deployment, the application will require ongoing maintenance
and support. This involves monitoring the application for bugs, performance issues, and security
vulnerabilities. Regular updates and bug fixes will be implemented to ensure the application is
always up-to-date and functioning properly.

4.1 Modules

 User Management
 Product Management
 Customer Management
 Farmer Profile
 Order Management
 Payment Gateway
 Search and Filter
 Rating and Review
 Messaging and Notification
 Integration with Third-party Services

User Management
This module will handle user registration, login, and profile management.

Product Management
This module will allow farmers to add, edit, and delete their products, including product
descriptions, images, prices, and stock levels.

Customer Management
This module would allow farmers to manage customer accounts. Farmers can view customer
details, order history, and address information. They can also send targeted promotions and offers to
customers based on their purchase history.

Farmer Profile
This module allows farmers to create and maintain their profiles, including information about their
farm, certifications, farming practices, and contact details. It helps customers learn more about the
farmers and their products, fostering a connection between buyers and sellers.

Order Management Module

This module would allow farmers to manage orders placed by customers. Farmers can view orders,
update order status, and track delivery. They can also send notifications to customers about the order
status, estimated delivery date, and any other relevant information.

Payment Gateway
This module would allow customers to make payments securely using various payment methods
such as credit/debit cards, net banking, or digital wallets. The payment gateway should be secure and
easy to use to encourage customers to make purchases.

Search and Filter

This module will enable buyers to search and filter products based on various criteria such as location,
price range, product type, and seller ratings.

Rating and Review
This module will allow buyers to rate and review products, sellers, and the overall platform, which
can help to build trust and improve the quality of the marketplace.

Messaging and Notification

This module will allow buyers and sellers to communicate with each other, and receive notifications
about order updates, new products, and other important information.

Integration with Third-party Services

This module will allow the application to integrate with third-party services such as payment
gateways, shipping providers, and marketing tools.


Home Page
Home page is the start page of this project. From here, user can navigate to any other page.

Payment Process

Payment through net banking can be done through this page and data is stored in the table.

About Farmers

About farmers page highlights the details of farmers and the importance of agriculture in India.

Add Crops

Admin can add crop in this page which will be available to buyer for purchase.
Uploaded Crops

In this page, producer can check what all crops he has uploaded and modification can bedoneaccordingly.

Order Page

Final purchase of buyer can be done in this page after the buyer has entered shipping address

In conclusion, an e-commerce application for farmers can greatly benefit both farmers and
consumers by providing a platform for efficient and direct exchange of goods and services. Such an
application can help farmers reach a wider market, reduce costs, and improve profitability, while
also offering consumers the convenience of accessing fresh produce and other farm products from the
comfort of their homes.

To enhance the functionality of an e-commerce application for farmers in the future, some possible
improvements could include:

Incorporating data analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide personalized product
recommendations based on consumer preferences and past purchases.
Providing real-time weather updates and other relevant information to help farmers make informed
decisions about planting, harvesting, and selling their products.
Integrating a payment gateway and inventory management system to streamline transactions and
ensure accurate record-keeping.
Developing a mobile application version of the platform to enable farmers and consumers to access
the platform on-the-go.
Including social media sharing and referral programs to encourage more people to use the platform and
increase brand awareness.

Overall, an e-commerce application for farmers has the potential to revolutionize the agriculture
industry by creating a more efficient and transparent market for agricultural products. With ongoing
improvements and advancements, the future of this technology looks promising.


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