Castillo PrincessShaina EthicalPrinciples

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Health Care Ethics


DATE: JANUARY 29, 2024

While you are working on a problem on an exam you accidentally notice that the
student next to you has a different answer. You decide to go back and check your
work. After realizing that you made a mistake, you change your answer.

In this situation, being ethical means being honest, doing what's right, and taking
responsibility for your actions. When you notice you made a mistake on an exam and see
that your neighbor has a different answer, it's a test of your integrity. Choosing to correct
your mistake is like saying, "I want to do the right thing." Being honest about your errors
is important in any situation, especially in exams. It shows that you are committed to
telling the truth and not trying to cheat or deceive. Integrity is also about having a strong
sense of morals and sticking to what's right, even when no one is watching. Changing
your answer to fix the mistake is an example of maintaining your integrity. It's like saying,
"I want to do well, but I also want to do well in an honest way."

In simple terms, it's about being truthful, doing what's right, and taking responsibility
for your own actions, even when it's just a small exam.

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