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Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby wish to express my interest in applying for the position of AI software engineer at Bending

I believe that my education and previous experience fit well with the profile required for this position
(all information about my skills and experience are provided in the CV/Resume). Working in this position
would represent a step forward in my career development. The role AI software engineering would
enable me to acquire new knowledge and skills in addition to determining the existing ones.

As a very communicative person, I easily fit into new environments and give my best in teamwork.
I enjoy new challenges and working in a dynamic environment as the one your company offers in which I
would like to further develop myself. The values that the company promotes are the same ones that I
personally strive for as a professional. I am particularly interested in AI software engineering,Backend
software engineering, Security and privacy engineering.

Hope you will consider my application and I would like to discuss the position further.

My CV is attached, and I am available for any additional questions.

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,
Petar Kostić

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