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Set 4: Multiple-Choice on Applications

Questions Calculus 125

of Differential

Set 4=Multiple-Choice
Ouestionson Applications
of DifferentialGalculus
Part A. Directions:Answerthesequestionswithoulusingyour calculator.

1. The slopeof the curve-y'- - 4 at the point where) = 2 is

llr -;
(A) -2 (B) (c) (D) (E) 2
;+ L L ;

2. The slopeof thecurvey'-.ty -3x = I atthepoint(0,-l) is

(A) -l (B) -2 (C) +1 (D) 2 (E) -3

3. The equationof the tangentto the curve! = xsinx at the point (l.i) tt

(A) -v-=x-rl (B) ),= : (C) !=n-x


(D) y-*** (E) Ju=x


1. The tangentto the curveof v = -re-'is horizontalwhenx is equalto

(A) 0 (B) 1 (c) -l (D) 1 (E) noneof these


5. The minimum value of the slope of the curve .y= x5 + Jt -- 2x ts

(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) -2 (E) none of these

6. The equation of the tangent to the hyperbola x' - y' = 12 at the point (:4,2) on the
curve is

(A) x-2y+6=0 (B) J=2x (C) !=2x-6

(D) .v- : (E) x+2v-6

7. The tangent to the curve y' - ,y + 9 - 0 is vertical when

(A) )=o (B) )=tr6 (c) )'-+


(D) ,1,= t3 (E) noneof these

126 Chapter4: Applications
of Differential

8. The bestapproximation,in cubic inches,to the increasein volume of a spherewhen

the radiusis increased
from 3 to 3.1 in. is
(A) I I .3 (B) n .7 (C) r2.1 (D) 33.e (E) 3e.7

- y' = 10 hasthe solutiony = 2. When,r= 3.04,,

9. Whenx - 3,the equatton2r2 y:

(A) 1.6 (B) r.e6 (C) 2.04 (D) 2.r4 (E) 2.4

10. If the sidee of a squareis increasedby 7Vo,thenthe areais increasedapproximately

(A) 0.02e (B) 0.02e' (C) 0.01e' (D) r7o (E) 0.01e

11. The edgeof a cubehaslength 10 in., with a possibleeffor of LVo.The possibleerror,

in cubic inches,in the volumeof the cubeis
(A) 3 (B) I (C) 10 (D) 30 (E) noneof these

12. The function/(x) - f - 4x2has

(A) one relativeminimum and two relativemaxima
(B) onerelativeminimumandonerelativemaximum
(C) two relativemaximaand no relativeminimum
(D) two relativeminima and no relativemaximum
(E) two relativeminima and onerelativemaximum

13. The numberof inflectionpointsof the curvein Questionl2 is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (c) 2 (D) 3 (E) 4

14. The maximumvalueof the function.\ = -411- , it

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) -2 (E) noneof these

15. The total number of local maximum and minimum points of the function whose
derivative,for all x, is given by f ' (x) = x(x - 3)' (x + 1)' is
(A) 0 (B) I (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) noneof these

16. lf x + 0, thenthe slopeof x sin + equalszerowhenever


(A) tan I =.r (B) tan 1 = (C) cos 1 - 0

(D) sinl-o (E) tanl=l


L7. If m, is the slopeof the curvexy - 2 andm2rs the slopeof the curvex' - y'= 3, then
at a point of intersectionof the two curves
(A) fttt -- -trlz (B) ffitffiz - - I (C) tft1 = ftLt
(D) m,nt. - | (E) nxtm2 = -/
Set 4: Multiple-Choice on Applications
Questions of Differential
Calculus 127

In Questions18-21. the positionof a particlemoving along a straightline is given by

s = /3- 6t' + 12t- 8.

18. The distances is increasingfor

(A) t<2 (B) a l lr e x c e p t t - 2 (C) L<r<3
(D) t<7ort>3 (E)r>2

19. The minimumvalueof the speedis

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0 (E) noneof these

20. The acceleration

is positive
(A) whent>2 (B) forallt,t+2 (C) whent<2
(D) forl<t<3 (E) forl<r<2

21. The speedof the particleis decreasingfor

(A) t>2 (B) t<3 (C) allr
(D) t<l ort>2 (E) noneofthese

In Questions22-24, a particlemovesalong a horizontalline and its position at time r is

s = f - 6t' + 12t2+ 3.

22. The particleis at restwhenr is equalto

(A) 1or2 (B) 0 (C) (D) 0,2,or3 (E) noneof rhese


23. The velocity,v, is increasingwhen

(A) t>l (B) l<t<2 (C) t<2
(D) t<l ort>2 (E) r>0

24. The speedof the particleis increasingfor

(A) 0<r<l ort>2 (B) l<t<2 (C) t<2
(D) r<0orr>2 (tr) t<0

from the origin of a particlemovingon a line is givenby s =

25. The displacement
tu 4t3.The maximumdisplacement duringthe time interval-2 = r < 4 is
(A) 21 (B) 3 (C) 12 r,'3 + 3
(D) 48 (E) noneof these

26. If a particlemovesalonga line accordingto the law s - ts+ 5/, then the numberof
timesit reversesdirectionis
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 4
128 chapter4: Applications calculus
of Differential

In euestrons27-30,R = 3 cos lri + 2 sin {rj is the (position)vectorxi + 1j from the

origin to a movingpoint P(,r,.1)at time r.

*27. A singleequationin x andy tor the pathof the pointis

(A) x' + y'= 13 (B) 9x' + 4y' - 36 (c) 2x' + 3)' = 13

(D) 4x' + 9!' - I (E) 4x' + 9Y' - 36

*28. When t = 3, the speedof the particleis

''l ?
(A) )n
G) 2 (c) 3
n (tr) +?r

4'29. The magnitude of the accelerationwhen / = 3 is

'?J- (E) Tc
(A) 2 (B) (c) 3 (D)
T 9

*30. At the point where/ = , tn" slopeof the curvealongwhich the partiplemovesis

2^17 v'J 2
(A) -; (B) - (c)
2 ;t

(D) -?
)^n (E) noneof these

31. A balloonis beingfilled with helium at the rateof 4 ftr/min.The rate,in squarefeet
minute,at which the surfaceareais increasingwhenthe volumeis f fr' i,

(A) 4n (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 1 (E) 2n

32. A circularconicalreservoir,vertexdown, hasdepth20 ft and radiusof the top l0 ft.

Wateris leakingout so thatthe surfaceis falling at the rateof 1 ft/n-.Therate,in cubic
feetper hour at which the wateris leavingthe reservoirwhenthe wateris 8 ft deepis

(A) 4n (B) 8n (c) t6n (D) (E)

+ *

33. A local minimumvalueof the functionr' = tt

(A) I 1n) 1 (c) -l (D) e (E) o

3.4. The area of the largest rectangle that can be drawn with one side along the x-axis
and two verticeson the curve of y = e-\ is

(c) /'
\ / l? G) 'izi (D) -! (E) +
1" e 12e e-

,Feuestionsprececledby an asterisk are likely to appearonlv otl the Calculr"rsBC Examination'

Set 4: Multiple-Choice
on Applications
of Differential
Calculus 12g

35. A line is drawn through the point (1, 2) formins a right triangle with the positive
x- and-\,-axes.
The slopeof the line fonning the triangle of least area is

(A) -l (B) -z (c) -4 (D) -l (E) -3


36. The point(s) on the curve x, - J, = 4 closestto the point (6, 0) is (are)

(A) (2,01 G) ( \,,'5

. tl) (c) (3, tr/51
(D) (^/lt, t r/: ) (E) none of these

37- l'he sumof the squaresof two positivenumbersis 200: theirminirnurnproductis

(A) 100 (B) 2s1l (c) 28

(D) 24rl4 (E) none of these

pointon the curve)'-r - l8 thatis closestro the point(2, 0) is

38. The first-quadrant
(A) (2,3) (B) (6, .,/j ) (c) (3, v'Oi
(D) (l,3 rE) (E) none of these

39. If iz is a snrall negativenuntber,then the best approximationfor ibtli is

(A) h h h
3+ (B) 3- (c)
27 2l 27
(D) -h (E) 3- h
2l I

40. lf fG') = xe-',thenat -r = 0

(A) ./is increasing (B) ./is decreasing (C)
f hasa relarivemaximum
(D) ./hasa relativeminirnum (E) f 'doesnorexist

41. A function/hasa derivativefor eachr suchthat lrl < 2 alc1hasa localmilimum at

(2, -5). Which statement
belowmustbe true'?
(A) J'',Q) - 0.
(B) /' existsat x - 2.
(C) The graphis concaveup at x - Z.
( D ) f ' ( x ) < 0 i f . r < 2 , f ' ( x )> 0 i f x > 2 .
(E) Noneof the precedingis necessarily true.

42. The height of a rectangularbox is l0 in. Its length increasesat the rate of 2 in./sec;
its width decreasesat the rate of 4 in./sec.When the length is 8 in. and the width is
6 in., the rate, in cubic inches per second,at which the volume of the box is chang-
ing is
(A) 200 (B) 80 (c) -80 (D) -200 (E) -20
130 Chapter4: Applications
of Differential

43. The tangentto the curver' + x'y + 4y = I at the point (3, -2) hasslope

(A)-3 (B)-+ (c) I tn) + tn) +;

44. lf f(x) = axo + bx' and ab > 0, then

(A) the curve has no horizontal tangents

(B) the curve is concave up for all -r
(C) the curve is concavedown for all r
(D) the curve has no inflection point
(E) none of the precedingis necessarilytrue

2" .!-7
45. Which statementbelow is true about the c u r v e! =
(A) Theline-r= -+ is a verticalasymptote.
(B) Theliner = 1 is a verticalasymptote.
(C) The line y' = -: is a horizontalasymptote.
(D) The graphhasno verticalor horizontalasymptote.
(E) The line x - 2 is a horizontalasymptote.

*46. The equationof the tangentto the curvewith parametricequations

x = 2t + l, j =3 - f
at the point where/ I is
(A) 2x+3t-=12 (B) 3x+2y=13 (C) 6x+!=20
(D) 3x - 2y - 5 (E) noneof these

47. Approximatelyhow much lessthan4 is .,[O:t

(A) +
te): t 6 (c) i (D) ?J (E)l

for/(x) = tanx near, =

48. The bestlinearapproximation it

( A ) r + ) r ,- l 1n) r+ (r -] t (c ) 1+ nE@ -|^ ,

(D) t+2(x-|l (E) 2+2(x-ll

49. When ft is near zero, eA",using local linear\zation, is approximately

(A) k (B) kh (C) I (D) l+k (E) I+kh

xQuestions precededby an asterisk are likely to appear only on the Calculus BC Examination.
Set 4: Multiple-Choice
on Applications
of Differential
Calculus 131

50. rf .f(x,)= cx' + dx + e for the functionshownin the graph,then

(A) c, d, ande areall positive

(B) c>0, d<0,e<0
(C) c>0, d<0,e>0
(D) c<0, d>0,e>0
(E) c<0, d<0,e>0

Part B. Directions:Someof the followingquestions

requirethe useof a graphing

51. Thepointon thecurve) = ^l2x+ t at whichthenormalis parallelto theliney =

(A) (4,3) (B) (0, I ) (c) ( l, 1,5I
(D) (4.-3) (E) (2, 1,6I

52- The equation of the tangent to the curve x' - 4y at the point on the curve where x = -2 rs

(A) r+)-3=0 (B) y-l-2x(x+2) (C) -r-v+3=0

(D) -r+J'-l=0 (E) -f,*1,+l=0

53. The table shows the velocity at time r of an object moving along a line. Estimate the
acceleration(in f t l s e c 2a) t t - 6 sec.

/ (sec 0
vel. 18 l6 l0 0

(A) -6 (B) -1.8 (c) -1.5 (D) 1.5 (E)

132 of Differential
Chapter4: Applications Calculus

Usethe graphshown,sketchedon [0, 7], for Questions54-56.

54. From the graphit follows that

(A) l'is discontinuous at x = 4
(B) /is decreasing for 4 < x <7
(C) /is c o n s t a n t f o0r < x < 4
(D) /has a local maximumat x = 0
(E) /has a local minimum at x - J

55. Which statementbestdescribesf at x - 5?

(A) /has a root. (B) ./hasa maximum. (C) /has a minimum.
(D) / has a point of inflection. (E) none of these

56. The function is concave downward for which interval?

(A) (0,4) (B) (4,s) (C) (s,7)

(D) (4,7) (E) noneol these

Use the graph shown for Questions57-63. lt shows the velocitv of an object moving
alonga straightline during the time interval0 < / < 5 .
u (ft/sec)

/ (sec)

5/. The object attains its maximumspeedwhen / =

(A) 0 (B) I (C)2 (D) 3 (E)

Set 4: Multiple-Choice on Applications
Questions of Differential
Calculus 133

58. The speedof the objectis increasingduring the tirne interval

(A) (0,1) (B) (r,2) (c) (0,2) (D) (2,3) (E) (3,5)

59. The accelerationof the object is positive during the time interval

(A) (0,1) (B) (1,2) (c) (:0,2) (D) (2,3) (E) (3,s)

60. How many times on 0 < t < 5 is the object's accelerationundefined?

(A) none (B) I (c) 2 (D) 3 (E) morethan 3

6 1 . During 2 < t < 3 the object'sacceleration

(in ftisec,)is
(A) -10 (B) -s (c) 0 (D) s (E) 10

62. The object is furthest to the right when / =

(A) 0 (B) I (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 5
63. The object's averageacceleration(in ftlsec2)for the interval 0 < r < 3 is
(A) - I5 (B) -5 (C) -3 (D) --l (E) none of these

6 4 . T h e l i n e! = 3 x + f t i s t a n g e n t t o t h e c u r v! =ex 3 w h e n f t i se q u a l t o
(A) lcr-l (B) 0 (C) 3or-3 (D) 4or4 (E) 2or-2

65. The two tangentsthat can be drawn from the point (3,5) to the parabola! = x2have
(A) I and5 (B) 0 and4 (C) 2 and 10
(D) 2and-+ (E) Zand4

66. The table shows the velocity at various times of an object moving along a line. An
estimateof its acceleration(in ftlsec') at / = I is

/ (sec) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

u (ftlsec) 12.2 13.0 13.4 13.7

(A) 0.8 (B) 1.0 (c) t.2 (D) r.4 (E) 1.6

For Questions67 and68,f '(x)- x s i n x - c o s x f o r 0 < x < 4 .

67. /has a localmaximum when x is approximately

(A) 0.e (B) r.2 (c) 2.3 (D) 3.4 (E) 3.7

68. /has a point of inf-lection

whenx is approximately
(A) 0.e (B) r.2 (c) 2.3 (D) 3 . 4 (E) 3.7
134 Chapter4: Applications
of Differential

In Questions69-72, the motionof a particlein a planeis given by the pair of equations


*69. The particlemovesalong

(A) an ellipse (B) a circle (C) a hyperbola

(D) a line (E) a parabola

*70. The speedof the particleat any time / is

(A) ,70-)r (B) 2r7' - 4, 4 (C) ZrE-- Zt+ S

- 2D
(D) vErlr - 4)
tp) 2(13
*71. The minimum speedof the particle is

(A) 2 (B) 2 'tT (C) 0 (D) I (E) 4

*72. The accelerationof the particle

(A) dependson r
(B) is always directedupward
(C) is constantboth in magnitudeand in direction
(D) never exceedsI in magnitude
(E) is none of these

*73. If a particle moves along a curve with constantspeed,then

(A) the magnitudeof its accelerationmust equal zero

(B) the direction of accelerationmust be constant
(C) the curve along which the particle moves must be a straight line
(D) its velocity and accelerationvectorsmust be perpendicular
(E) the curve along which the particle moves must be a circle

*74. A particleis moving on the curve of J,- 2x-lnr so that !! - -2at all times r. At the
p o i n t( 1 . 2 ) . is

(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) -4 (D) I (Ei) -2

* Q u e s t i o n sp r e c e d e db y a n a s t e r i s ka r e ! i k e l y t o a p p e a ro n l y o n t h e C a l c u l u s B C E x a r n i n a t i o n
Set 4: Multiple-Choice on Applications
Questions of Differential
Calculus 135

Usethe graphof .f ' on [0,5].shownbelow,for Questionsl5 and76.

75. ./has a local minimum at x =

(A) 0 (B) 1 (c) 2 (D) 3 (E) 5

76. /has a point of inflection at x =

(A) I only (B) 2 only (C) 3 only

(D) 2 and 3 only (E) none of these

77. It follows irom the graph of f ', shown at the

right, that
(A) /is not continuousat x = o
(B) /is continuousbut not diff'erentiable
(C) /has a relative maximum at x = o
(D) /has a point of inflection at x = a
(tr) none o1'these

79. A vertical circular cylinder has radius r ft and height h ft. lt the height and radius
both increaseat the constantrate of 2ftlsec, then the rate, in squarefeet per second,
at which the lateral surfacearea increasesis

(A) 4nr (B) 2n(r + h) (C) 1n(r + h) (D) 4nrh (E) 4nh

7 9 . A tangent drawn to the parabola! = 4 - ;rr at the point (1, 3) forms a right triangle
with the coordinateaxes.The area of the triansle is

(r\) 5
(B)i (c) 25
(D) I (E)
80. Two carsare travelingalong peryendicularroads,carA at 40 mph, carB at 60 mph.
At noon,when carA reachesthe intersection,carB is 90 mi away,andmovingtoward
it. At I p.Ha.
the rate,in miles per hour,at which the distancebetweenthe cars is
(A) -40 (B) 68 (c) 4 (D) -4 (E) 40
136 Chapter4: Applications Calculus
of Differential

81. For Question 80, if / is the number of hours of travel after noon, then the cars are
closesttogetherwhen r is

(c) 2
27 J 14
(A) 0 (B) (D) (E)
26 5 t 13

The graph for Questions82 and 83 showsthe velocity of an object moving along a
straightline during the time interval0 < r < 12.


82. Fer what / doesthis objectattainits maximum acceleration?

(A) 0<t<4 (B) 4<t<8 (C) t-5 (D) /=8 (E) t=12

83. The object reversesdirection at / =

(A) 4 only (B) 5 only (C) 8 only

(D) 5 and 8 (E) noneof these

84. The graphoff is shownbelow.If we know thatf(2) 10,thenthe local linearization
o ff a t x - 2 i s l ( x ) :
(A) +2 (B) ! +9 (C) 3x-3
2 2
(D) 3x+4 (E) 10x- 1l
Set 4: Multiple-Choice
on Applications
of Differentiai
Calculus 1gT

85. Given/' asgraphed,which couldbe the graphof f?

138 Chapter4: Applications
of Differential

Usethe following graphfor Questions86-88.

86. At which pointdoboth and

labeled zero?
# fr "Wul
(A) P (B)a (qR (D)s (E)r

8 7 . At which labeledpoint positive una t1 equalto zero?

" *
(A) P (B) O (c) R (D) s (E) r

88. At which labeledpoint i, I equalto zero una Q negative?

ax ux'

(A) P (B) O (c) R (D) s (E) r

89. Ifl(6) = 30 andJ''(x)= f(6.02),usingthe locallinearization,

thenan estimateof
(A) 2e.e2 (B) 30.02 (C) 30.08
(D) 34.00 (E) noneof these

90. The tangentline approximationforflr) = J7* I 6 nearx = -3 is

(A) s-'("-r) (B) 5+'(r-r) (c) s-?@+3)

(D) 3_ (E) 3+ 31x+:;

Jr'-rt 5
Answersfor Set 4: Applications
of Differential
Calculus 139

Answersfor Set 4=
l. D 21. E 41. E 61. A 81. B
) A 22. B 42. D 62. C 82. B
3. E 23. D 43. E 63. B 83. B
4. B 24. A 41. D 64. E 84. D
5. D 25. D 45. A 65. C 85. C
6. C 26. C 46. B 66. E 86. C
7. D 27. E 47. A 67. D 87. D
8. A 28. A 48. D 68. C 88. E,
9. C 29. B 49. E 69. E 89. C
10. B 30. D 50. E 70. B 90. C
11. D 31. c 51. A 71. A
12. E 32. B 52. E 72. C
13. C 33. D 53. C 73. D
14. A 34. A 54. E 74. E
15. B 35. B 55. B 75. B
16. E 36. C 56. D 76. D
17. B 37. E 57. D 77. D
18. B 38. C 58. D 78. C
19. D 39. A 59. E 79. E,
20. A 40. A 60. D 80. D

1. D. = 2 yieldsn= 1.We findy'implicitly.


3yty' - (2xv1"+ )') = 0; (3y' - 2xy)y'- -yt- 0.

, by 1 and.yby 2; solvefor y'.

) A. x y 0 a n d yb y - l ; s o l v e f o r y '
2 ) , ) , ' - ( x ) ,+' " t ' ) - 3 = 0 . R e p l a c e b
3. E. Find the slopeof the curveat x = -l L: t V =xcosx+sinx.Atx=
2 t
/ -\
_ ) ,=, L . 0 + 1 .T h e e q u a t i o n i s y+_- t [ - - : -J/

4. B. S i n c e, - ' = e - ' ( l - x ) a n d e ' > 0 f o r a l l x , _ . t , ' = 0w h e nx = 1 .

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