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Chapter 6 Assignments

Week 10 11/1/11 Completed Homework Assignments in Bold are Honors Level only Last Best Hope pp. 177-195 Place a copy of your Literature assignments in your notebooks either this week or next! Vocabulary Current Events Continue to work on your recitation piece PSH pp 36-41: Murray Autobiography Penny Candy Opportunity Question Separation of Church & State First War on Terror (Barbary Pirates) Louisiana Purchase Lewis & Clark A Murderer and Traitor for Vice President (Aaron Burr) Trafalgar and the end of Napoleon Economics Production Handout There is an excellent video available on Netflix Instant Play Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery. This is a PBS mini series by director Ken Burns. I highly recommend it! This Weeks Opportunity Questions What key issues/events led to the demise of the Federalist party? How did Madison and Jefferson define separation between church and state? What point of view does Bennett take when talking about Jeffersons beliefs about the separation of church and state? What do you think do you agree with Bennett? Do you feel like you have enough information? What other questions might you want answered?



Week 11 11/8/11 Completed Homework Assignments in Bold are Honors Level only Last Best Hope pp. 195-208 Last week to place a copy of your Literature assignments in your notebooks! Vocabulary Current Events Continue to work on your recitation piece (you should have it memorized by now and be working on polishing) PSH pp 42-43: The British Burn Washington Autobiography Penny Candy Opportunity Jeffersons Embargo Legislation against the Slave Trade (reminder of Wilberforce) Mr. Madisons War (War of 1812) Tecumseh, Indian unrest, and the rise of Andrew Jackson The Hero Thursday literature evening (autobiographies) Dilworth Coffee House at 7:30 If there is an interest maybe we could arrange for a group viewing of Amazing Grace which centers around the life of William Wiberforce. He is British and not American, but topic wise it is very relevant to this weeks discussion. This Weeks Opportunity Questions Jefferson had a lot of foreign policy experience he was involved in the Treaty of Paris which ended the Revolutionary war and he served as Secretary of State under Washington. How well do you think Thomas Jefferson handled foreign policy during his presidency? What is meant by the phrase, Jefferson was a strict constructionist? How did this point of view play out in his actions as president? What key events led to the War of 1812? Why was this known as Mr. Madisons War?



Week 12 11/15/11 Completed Homework Assignments in Bold are Honors Level only Last Best Hope pp. 208-219 Vocabulary Current Event Due in your Notebook Continue to work on your recitation piece (You should be prepared to give your recitation when you return from Thanksgiving break) PSH pp 44-46: Monroe Doctrine Autobiography Penny Candy Opportunity Battle of New Orleans Good Feelings about Monroe as President Henry Clay Missouri Compromise Monroe Doctrine King Caucus Synchronized Deaths (Jefferson & Adams) **We need to schedule a special review session Economics Supply & Demand Handout & How to Prepare for and Take a Multiple Choice Exam This Weeks Opportunity Questions Be able to write a short essay about Henry Clay. (Reference the entire chapter, not just this weeks reading.) Be able to describe the election of 1824 and how John Quincy Adams became president. Describe the turmoil he caused with his first steps as president.



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