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Maloy Pramanik Woda Diagnostics LLP, Rupbani Apartment, Bidhan Sarani Road,
Hati Bagan, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700006
+91-80471 04009
Reg.No. 67510

Pat ient Date: Saturday, 03 Fe b 2024

T ime: 7:49 PM
Nikhil chavan Chavan, Male, 25 Yrs Cons ult Type: Online
Mobile: +91-8291718169 Appointment ID: 10510375
UHID: APJ1.0026687481

Chief Complaint s
Rednes s , s welling with itching s ome areas of the body which are vanis hing . Since : 3 hours

Vit als (as declared by patient):

Weight: 75 Kgs , Height: "5'8" ft., Drug Allergies : No alle rgie s , Diet Allergies /Res trictions : No alle rgie s

Diagnosis/ Provisional Diagnosis

Acute urticaria without angioe de ma

Medicat ion Prescribed Click To Order Medicine

Me dic ine Name Do s ag e Me dic ine De t ails Durat io n

1. XYZ A L 10 MG T A BLET 10'S 0-0-0-1 TABLET | O nce a day 2 we e ks

Contains: LEVOCETIRIZINE (10 MG) M- N - E - N Orally. Afte r food

2. BYLO Z A T A BLET 10'S 1-0-0-0 TABLET | O nce a day 10 days

Contains: BILASTINE ( 20 MG) M- N - E - N Orally. Be fore food

M-N-E-N: Morning - Noon - Evening - Night Instruction NO T E: Medicine Substitution Allowed Wherever Applicable.

Follow Up aft er 14 days

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to book follow-up consultation with doctor

This prescription is issued on the basis of your inputs during teleconsultation It is valid from the date of issue until the specific period/dosage of each medicine as advised.

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